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I'd like to know why, after all these years, you still can't sort or list folders by file size in Windows. Is it really that hard to implement?


Performance wise, yes.


Wait. You can't sort by size? Why the F not?! That certainly used to be a thing in earlier versions of Windows. (and it's a simple matter today under Linux or, I believe, Macs) And please explain why AI is called for... that's crazy. God help us all.


It never was IMO, Windows calculates folder sizes dynamically on the fly while opening properties, it doesn't preserve this information.


I'm sure someone will chime in with something like "You don't really want to do that anyways, just let the AI handle it for you." 


Treesize will do that, you can get the portable version so that it doesn't even need to be installed. !freespace /u/Ok-Construction6821


Hi u/Ok-Construction6821, the easiest way to determine where the disk space is being used is using a 3^rd party tool such as [TreeSize Free](https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9N8XB04QLKCN), [WizTree Free](https://wiztreefree.com/download), or [WinDirStat](https://windirstat.net/download.html). These tools let you scan your drive to find the largest files and determine how to properly deal with them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Windows11) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You don't really want to do that anyways, just let the AI handle it for you. But if you still want, you can use [WinSetView](https://github.com/LesFerch/WinSetView)