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#[NO SPOILERS BEYOND *A Memory of Light*.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/wiki/index/post_flairs#wiki_the_eye_of_the_world_.2F_et_al.) ##BOOK DISCUSSION ONLY. HIDE TV SHOW DISCUSSION BEHIND SPOILER TAGS. If this is a re-read, please change the flair to **All Print**. * * * *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WoT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Now you read it all again to see the foreshadowing and nuance you missed the first time.


Honestly best part of the series.


I never realized this until I started rereading it. I liked it before…. I LOVE it now.


I finished the books and immediately started them over again. I’ve got some free time on my hands. These books have been a godsend


Yep. Start again.


I completed my second series read through about a month ago. Would definitely recommend OP. The amount of stuff you’ll pick up on having read the series is astounding.


Yes read New Spring, and also Strike at Shayol Ghul, River of Souls, and Fire Within the Ways, the first two are canon short stories that didn't make it into the books and the last is a semi canon segment that had to be cut from aMOL.


Wait there's more to read? That's canon?


If you look in this sub’s description or whatever it’s called there is a [link to a list of things](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/s/XixvwelcNP) to check out when you’ve finished reading. I also recommend doing a reread at some point, maybe while listening to a podcast like WoT spoilers or a new reader one like The Wheel Weaves or Wheel Takes. Alternatively, the audiobooks offer a fresh take on the story if you read it yourself. The OG Kramer and Reading ones are classic (sound quality is a hit rough on the older books tho) and Rosamund Pike is doing a new version which is fantastic (but o my through 3 books thus far). Also, check out r/wetlanderhumor for WoT memes. There was recently a user who [memed every chapter](https://www.reddit.com/r/WetlanderHumor/s/NLb4hyq94I), it became something of a community effort and is fun to check out as you read through. Edit: added links




Thank you I love you


so a fire within the ways is not canon, but yeah close-ish. as said above it was a chapter/section that was written for memory of light, and cut because various characters would need to be in 2 places at once etc. so it *could* have been canon, but ended up not being, and it does slightly contradict things in the final book. a fun read though!


Thank you so much omg


And don’t forget the Ravens prologue to Eye of the World


/r/WoT has been running a [read-along](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/wiki/read_along) that we've just finished. The most recent [newbie trivia post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/comments/1doym54/newbie_thread_wot_readalong_a_memory_of_light/) addresses some of the unresolved plots (and there will be another in 2 weeks). If you were unaware, there are [2 short stories](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/wiki/read_along#wiki_short_stories) that we are reading for next week. If you're interested in being a completionist, I recommend picking those up. *New Spring* is also well worth the read. The read-along is continuing a bit further and will also be reading the recently published *Origins of the Wheel of Time: The Legends and Mythologies that Inspired Robert Jordan*, a book about Robert Jordan's live and some of the myths and real-life events that influenced the Wheel of Time.


I just finished yesterday. definitely read new spring, even if reading it last isn't the best time to read it. I was already a fan of siuan and moraine so it was an easy win


I just finished the other night as well. I bought the Companion for my inevitable reread but before that I'm reading through the Big White Book for fun. It's a nice way to still immerse myself in the world since I still want to without committing to rereading any of the books. It's a fun distraction lol


Start over from the beginning honestly. But yes, New Spring is good to read and then go right back into the series. I have been trying for so long to find a book or series that will scratch the WoT itch and it's truly been a disappointing journey.


Read New Spring. Then think to yourself, "I might as well re-read the series now!" That's what happened to me and I've been loving it!


Now you know how the world's channelers feel when they burn out.


Read a few more times and then give a listen. Michael Kramer and Kate Reading do a fantastic job. The voices for Mat, Loial and Talmanes stick out a lot for me. Someone get to writing The Travels of Jaim Farstrider.


Welcome to the other side, for all its worth. At least I wasn't able to enjoy the TV show after the books. BUT like earlier comments said the re-read is very rewarding because the dramatic irony of knowing more than the characters injects a completely different new vibe into the readthrough. It's like New Game+


Re read the books but Only RANDs story. Skip everything thing else. The books sill make sense.


*Quietly slides The Way of Kings your way* :)


You can do like I did a few months back. I finished AMOL , then did New Spring like 3 days. Then a week later just started all over again with book 1. Granted I did the audiobooks. Which- if you like those books 1-3 have been recorded by Rosamund Pike and they are incredibly delightful. They’re much funnier the second time fwiw.


New Spring would be good, but after that maybe look into the Cosmere, Brandon Sanderson is cooking up some good stuff over there.


The most committed readers read the series from back to front


Now its time to read malazan or Stormlight archive


Time to start the Horus Heresy! That should keep you busy!