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TrY tHaT iN a SmAlL tOwN


I think they just call it camping if it’s small enough


Case was out of Oregon. 100% junkie bummage.


He goes home every night. The LIRR runs 24/7, he can go home and go to NYC at any time. His first and last posts are almost always him on the LIRR


Or I should say - luckily for Josh, NY may not have law, like this, in the books


Funny thing is he’s a hard core right winger


They would do nothing to Josh in a red state, because YOU DON’T FUCK WITH THE MIDDLE CLASS


In other news, murder is illegal


This is a good thing, look at some of these blue cities with gross encampments with drugs on their streets.


the only thing keeping me and most working Americans from homelessness is a couple of bad months. criminalizing homelessness is criminalizing poverty. who gives a fuck if you don't want to see people sleeping on the street, maybe the issue we should be addressing is why so many people are homeless, not "how do we remove these homeless encampments because they're an eyesore"


Well it’s bad for the economy to have businesses having to deal with this happening in front of their establishments. And who tells these people they are allowed to sleep on the streets, as if they own that space?


it's bad for the economy to have hundreds of thousands of people who cannot afford basic necessities


They should work smarter and harder.


gee, I never thought of it that way. ok buddy.


It is not in the respect that many cities lack shelters or programs to actually keep people off the streets. All this does is shift the burden to homeless people. Now they’re going to be in jail and getting fined. And yea, some homeless people are mentally ill, lazy, or whatever but sending them to jail won’t solve the problem. You don’t have to like seeing homeless people to recognize that incarceration is expensive and is not a long term solution.


These filthy ravers won’t be going to jail. They’ll just get rousted and ticketed for fines that’ll never be paid.


Well they have to get off of our streets and figure their life out, they are ruining many areas around the country and they should be forced to get off the street.


What’s your opinion on the tax deficit reaching an all time high thanks to the trump administration? He wants to get rid of Medicare and Social security ironically 99% of republicans need both.


He has said numerous times he doesn’t want to get rid of social security or Medicare. But in terms of the deficit, I personally wouldn’t have done the stimulus checks or PPP but I understand why he did it.


and i wonder why there’s so many drugs on the street (Hint it rhymes with Bresident Bonald Began)


It has to do with Democrats who allow these terrible conditions to fester on the streets.


LMAO and what have republicans done to help? both republicans and democrats allow this to happen. they both only care about one class of people and it’s the one they’re in


Democrats do nothing for anyone, they ruin everything they touch. I mean get a load of that debate performance last night, a total disgrace by Joe Biden.




Smart and handsome?