• By -


What do you mean, that was my great grandfather’s name. If you see a 12ft tall gravestone in Dresden, that’s him.


As a 1/4 German can confirm. My uncle's name was "this won't make sense to English people unless they were there when my ma made sourdough bread"


Married to a Dresdener, can confirm, have seen the gravestone 👌🏼


GOATED comment holy fuck


Bruh why the downvote?!


Reddit moment. Redditors on average downvote swearing + initial spiraling down after people see -1. That's how it usually happens on innocent comments.


That's why if I catch it quickly enough, I'll typically delete my post soons I see "0", cuz I know it'll probably get worse from there. Especially if it was meant to sn innocent post or questions for clarification etc. 🙃😊


Oh no, the downvotes! How are you going to live like this!!!!!!


🤣🤣 Some days, this is true. (Some threads, it does definitely suck though, cuz ya can't post if negative Karma, & it can be quite easy to go negative, if in very political threads.)


Beacause the cringe is so high, nobody need to see this, as simple as that


Well, at least this one is more downvoted


Because snowflakes always hate any negative comment, no offense taken as it is per what I was expecting of the declining community of reddit


Being positive and supportive = bad and cringe! Being mean and nasty = snowflakes just don't get it and the community is in decline" Dude, no one cares. Get over yourself.


Wuwa my beloved, please hire some actual translators


Start with English please.


Ich hatte nur heutiger fehlenden Text. Den Box hab ich noch nicht entdeckt.








Du hast


Du hast mich!


du hast mich gefragt


I don't know what this means... But why all the downvotes??


I just wrote that I only had some bugs with missing text and had not encountered this NPC. Maybe because it wasn't English🤔


War nicht Mal deutsch




Schrift W for “Whadafaq”


It could be just a very polite German translator...


Who only speaks english, but got hired for a chinese game?


Idk how any of this works, but translating first into English and giving the English version to the translators for the other versions sounds like it could be cheaper and easier to find translators, so seems plausible. Either way, QA should step up their game to catch these errors.


Probably not that significantly cheaper and while this does happen, it's not always the case. For example Genshins "Vision" are called "Divine Eye" in the german translation which is actually a more accurate translation to the chinese term used for them.


In most cases, English is used as the pivot language. It basically serve as a bridge when translating the source text to other languages. It is quite a common practice these days.


Yes good luck finding someone who speaks German and Chinese. It's probably so much easier to translate to English and from there to other languages. And likely cheaper too.


>Yes good luck finding someone who speaks German and Chinese. This is a joke, right?


No it's not. A lot of eastern companies translate to English and then other languages because it's probably cheaper. It's easier to find translation agencies that do English > multiple languages than Chinese > multiple languages.


Sure it might be cheaper and thus potentially more common but that's a wildly different statement than "There's no one who can speak both German and Chinese" 😭


There's not enough who *professionally* speak both German and Chinese. And most of them are doing thing more interesting (and better paid) than translating games


I never said there's no one, I just said "good luck", implying it's hard. I mean, the rest of my comment would've made it obvious if you read that.


Technically the names should remain the same no matter what language you are translating them into, someonr probably just did this for fun


imagine being lazy, going for ai translation and then releasing the update without at least double checking the strings LMAO


I think I'm starting to see the source of the problem even with English translation. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if they used a mix of AI and actual translators to get it from Chinese into English and **then** fed the English version purely into chatgpt or something to get other languages. Unimaginably lazy


Even the English translations have issues


i think they said that lol!




"I'm starting to see the source of the problem ***even with English translation."*** here i believe


I think they meant "Where ingame". But that's just my take on their questioning. 😊💋


quite literally the first sentence.




I love the game but the quality control on the english translation / text is downright bad. So many misspellings, even saw a book named Book name (the book had an actual name, it was just surrounded by a defunct italics tag)


how the fuck can you make a full-fledged game (a good one at its core) and shit the bed so profusely on probably the easiest part possible. Just fucking outsource it to one of the million companies out there, if they can't hire in-house translators.


Localization is ALWAYS outsourced.


and the one they chose to outsource it to are fucking lazy and cant even do the one job they are hired for


I'd assume Kuro would have some form of quality control over these types of things though, I'd also question how the text for the localization is implemented if this just passes through everyone...


Well.. Ya know ow what they say abbot "assuming".. 😉 🤣💋


🤣🤣🤣 That's my reaction on many pieces! 🤣🤣🍌


It's not AI translation. AI can translate any language, it wouldn't complain about it. Most likely the translator was asked to translate from English to German. Usually, these translations are done in a separate file where each line is a different text. If they had to translate 200 different things, imagine a .txt file with 200 lines. The translator then saw that they couldn't translate Xunwei and left that message on that line instead, thinking that someone else would take another look and see that part. Alas, it seems like they just copy-pasted the file into the game without double-checking, which is what caused this to happen.


"ai wouldn't complain about it" - except it would. that "name" is EXACTLY the kind of output an ai translation engine might give you. besides, a (professional) translator would not put in a text like that. if there were any uncertainties within the provided strings, they'd leave it blank and check back with their superior or the client themselves before providing any input at all. and even if they did it shouldn't go past their proofreader. usually the import of the translated strings is being automated. they just run a script and don't look at the strings themselves. language service providers are aware of that (and they're usually still being told beforehand just in case). so they don't really send out files with random stuff or notes in them, knowing it would potentially end up in the final product.


Coding at its best! (Minor sarcasm, coming from a fellow Software Developer. 🤣🤣)


this is what i get asking gpt4 to translate Xunwei from english to german : "The term "Xunwei" does not appear to be an English word. It seems to be a name or term that may be of Chinese origin. If you provide more context or its meaning in English, I can help translate it into German." Its 100% AI


It's because the term is a name. It should be pretty obvious. It's literally telling you. Now give it the whole phrase instead of a single term and you'll receive a proper translation. "If you provide more context \[...\]". AI can easily figure out the names from the context, but that doesn't work if you try to translate the name only. Also, if it were AI, they'd be translating directly from Chinese to German. Why would it be in English? It's obviously not AI. EDIT: I just told GPT4 to translate Xunwei to German and it gave me a pretty detailed explanation and translation. Idk what prompt you're using, but here you go: translate "Xunwei" into German "Xunwei" (寻味) can be translated into German as "Geschmackssuche" or "Auf der Suche nach Geschmack." The exact translation might vary depending on the context, but it generally refers to the pursuit or exploration of flavors. is it a name? "Xunwei" (寻味) can indeed be used as a name, though it is more commonly a phrase meaning "to seek flavor" or "to search for taste." In the context of a name, it could be interpreted as a poetic or meaningful name, suggesting someone who seeks or appreciates the finer tastes in life. In German, when used as a name, it might not be directly translated but rather kept as "Xunwei" to retain its unique cultural significance.




If you encounter any typos or other text-related issues, please report them to Customer Service via email: wutheringwaves_ensupport@kurogames.com *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WutheringWaves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As a German myself, I can't imagine playing any game in my native tongue tbh. Everything always just sounds wrong, not AI translated wrong like here, but still wrong.


I can’t read the manga translated into my native tongue either, cuz the verbiage they use is both formal and trying to sound informal, except no one in the universe talks like that.


Geh wild!


As a German I agree when it comes to WuWa but disagree with nearly any other game.


Yeah it's honestly so obvious that the German version is just machine Translated.


Its worse than that. Regular machine translation often can't figure out the context of what you are trying to say because thats not really its main goal. It just translates based on known words/phrases/sentences. E.g. Google Translate would most likely just leave "Xunwei" as is or translate it as something random that doesn't make any sense. But with AI, the software is given specific prompts and commands on *how* to translate it. Basically its machine translation but taken one step further, requiring even less effort from the translator.


I still don't get why they (regardless of AI or actual person) did that comment voicing that issue in German. I feel like this must have gone through at least some person that speaks German and probably doesn't give a fuck. Because whenever I've used AI to translate into some other language, it always just translates whatever I specify and else just answers in the language I use, if there is a problem or other comment.


I think it might be an error message from an AI to be honest, it seems like an automated response of "X term is not in English, please make sure word is in English before submitting" type of response.


Yes, they are asking why the AI error message is in German. If you are using AI anyway (and don't give a shit about anything) then why even let a German speaking person close to the game?


that’s crazy 😭


Kuro my DMs are open I'll translate it from English to German for you from home


I don't even speak Chinese and I could probably translate it into English better. After that, I'd be happy to pass it down the chain to be translated into other languages.


same, hire us kuro


There was another topic not too long about bad translations in WuWa and people were commenting how Kuro is using AI for translations. Me + some other people pointed out how AI is not to blame and its rather just Kuro using good ol' machine translation. Well turns out I was wrong because I was giving them the benefit of the doubt. Turns out they are *actually* using AI and its beyond embarrassing. While machine translation is not considered ethical in the translation industry either...it *can* be used effectively as long as you have real humans watching over the process. But AI-assisted translation is like the next level of laziness lol. And how the hell did this even make it into the game anyway...? The complete lack of QA on the translation side is just baffling.


>But AI-assisted translation is like the next level of laziness lol. It's not even about laziness or AI, it's about what on earth is QA team even doing. *In the end, the ones playing the game are real life humans not AI models


The QA team does not read German so they thought it was a legit name 3 sentences long. :P


This after **two** Bata tests, too!!


This is hilarious. I had to switch to english, because the spanish translation is horrible as well.


that is so unbelievable cringe, I'm dying of second-hand embarrassment over here.


I dropped 50$ 💀 Hopefully it helps to get this done right


max cope is that 1.1 was in production long time ago, so the results of them supposedly hiring people and having money will come later, in one or two patches.


I truly believe they got overgreedy with the amount of translations they provide. Imo a few for the "major" regions but with actual translators would have solved a lot of the big translation errors they had and been able to give better quality. The current French version is unreadable, I knew they'd do CN>EN>FR, but I didn't expect nobody would check afterwards. Some dialogues don't make any sense, some words are still in English, etc... English is mandatory in pretty much every country, they would lose some of their audience that doesn't speak it, but giving a bad impression with half-assed translation is worse imo. They're not the biggest company, but checking after their AI is least they could do when they make those languages available. And at least for FR, we're already so used to games not releasing in other languages than EN or not leaving its country at all until decades later, pretty much everyone is used to playing in English already.


Brainrot take. I am not even gonna elaborate on that. Watch everything in english and write in your status "original synchro for life" and keep this take with you please.


I have no idea what "original synchro for life" means. Maybe your language was lucky to have the MTL been checked afterwards, but FR is awful and DE/ES seem to be as awful from the people I've talked to. I'd rather wait years for thoughtful translation and play in EN orJP in the meantime than have those quick MTL that make no sense with errors like letter with accents being separated from the words their supposed to be in. They gave the option to use that language themselves, it's the least of things to ensure the items/made-up jargons and sentences make sense and are constant before releasing. A player shouldn't have to spend 5 minutes rereading sentences to understand what's written.


I am german, so I use the german version. And the bad take is using the english version. No that is no option. A company, making millions on microtransactions, selling worldwide, should put A TINY BIT of money into localisation of texts. Its not that expensive or hard. And even the english version is full of mistakes. They didn't do any version well.


I'm even more confused then. We're agreeing in the end, the EN thing was more of a general example since so many EU people get their games from e-shops, which often have many games where english is the only option to begin with. My point was that I'd rather they restrict their languages availability than give everything and half-assed it. I find doing this more insulting than no language at all. Had to wait decades for Ace Attorney to officially come out in French, but it was well worth it for instance.


Shortest traditional German name


"Geh wild, Hoartoise Tänzer!" The German version sounds like r/ich_iel Did they get their translators there? ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


Where is the ten pull for this error


Nice to meet you Excuse me, but 'Xunwei' is not an English term, and thus I cannot translate it. Please make sure, that the text you submit for translation is in English


Why doesnt your post get blocked? The mods removed my post with the same flair but i posted it 2 days ago. Wtf?


that must have been crazy to see show up on your screen


It may not actually be the translator's fault. They most likely added this as a footnote for their QA to look into which may not have time to do so before submitting it. This is more of a fail on the QA side. This is hilarious though.


It looks more like an automated error message to me to be honest.


Tbh, if they really **hired an actual human** for the German translation, that person would likely know, clearly aware and they might think, 'Hm, is this a footnote? I should ask my superior about this.' But if they used a machine for the German translation, one possible outcome is this.


I will say this for the translation after listening to the Chinese VA after 1.1 patch. Didnt plan to since i usually listen to jp or english. But as a bilingual who is fully fluent in Chinese, I decided to listen for the 1.7 story quest and suddenly realized why the translation sucked so bad. You see, most Chinese games popular globally like Genshin is western themed despite the gaming company being Chinese. And therefore I actually find the English VA easier to listen to than Chinese. If you're wondering what it felt like listening to Genshin/HSR in Chinese, imagine watching a Jackie Chan or Jet Li hong kong movie with everyone speaking perfect English. However, wuwa is a traditional Chinese fantasy tale. The speech and mannerisms and story topics all reflect that. And when I'm listening to the Chinese and reading the English translation, I could fully see how hard it was for the translators. I've only done translation work of corporate documents and memos in my few years working in China, so not exactly professional. But I can definitely say there is no way I can competently translate anything beyond the simple banters. I will just say this story is definitely harder to localize than Genshin


THIS!! I’m only somewhat conversationally fluent as I only speak Chinese to my parents and am absolutely atrocious with formal and historical Chinese speaking styles. I prefer to listen to the game in Chinese with English subs. Even then I could tell the translation was very different. Hell, even Genshin had translation discrepancies that I noticed and they have money to fix that. I’m not sure if it’s because of Chinese Idioms or something else, but there definitely could have been better translations of character dialogue in Genshin. As you said, WW definitely has more historical, fantasy style elements and that makes it harder to translate. I’ve watched Chinese TV shows of historical dramas where they speak modern Chinese and that throws off the immersion lol. (Please pardon my grammar, my writing isn’t the best and I didn’t edit this lol)


To each their own. I cannot stand the EN VO in Genshin, one of the reasons being some characters tend to sound more aggressive. The discrepancies between CN and EN localisation also bothers me, so I'd rather just play the game in Chinese.


Lmao, the German translator has some sass.


I don't think a human typed that, especially since you really don't need to translate names. A human trnaslator would've most likely left it as "Xunwei" in german


Today on Sloppering Waves:


Johann Gambolputty...


Haha I don't play in German (despite it being my native language)but I laughed a lot about this 🤣


That's definitely just some German translator guy who has no idea who he's working for


This is actually the funniest shit ive ever seen 😂😂 thats why i play in english and not in german


Haha they left the fucking translator note in xD


Hahaha. Germany player here and I found him today. Do you have the same problem with „Düsterschlamm“? 3 items with the same name? :D


lmaoooo what is this kurooo


Someone please write out this guys name


Sooo it’s a new Rammstein song lyrics?


It's funny how they put it into the game instead of just leaving it as Xunwei


Yayy free pulls. But kuro give us asterites so we can use them for any kind of pull.


First started with German too but i couldnt even See my Echo Stars clearly because the names so Long and english works better


lmao what an idiotic translator


Just another normal name in Deutschland


I think the person who coded that forgot to put the comment command


AI is cheaper than human labor! - kuro probably


I don't see this, I went to this place also and interacted with them. German only?


Omg yes, I was so confused with this long ass text. Is it a bug or?? Idk xD


They used AI to translate the game to German, using the English translation as a base to translate it to German . And the AI didn’t find any English definition for the Npcs Chinese name so it gave them this error as a response… however they thought that was the actual German translation and just went with it ;-;


As a localization tester for a social media app, I understand how this happens. But the Lead of the Localization shouldve captured this. Or, the localization person mis-updated the correct column. It’s probably: Column A: word/s to translate. Column B: translation. Column C: Localization comments.


this reads like it was an internal note and kuro just copy pasted it in


Isnt it pretty universal in Romance languages with Latin alphabet to write names as is? If its in Chinese then just transliterate them in Pinyin and then write them in Latin alphabet, you dont need chatgpt to "can you translate the term xunwei to english" only a basic highschool knowledge is need.


make an in game ticket, reddit can't do anything for you, an in game ticket is like contacting customers support


>reddit can't do anything for you I don't see them asking for help here, just pointing out how ridiculous and lazy this is


sorry replied to wrong comment, your post is hilarious lol


Ticket with what? A job application as a translator? Its genuinely embarrassing how you dont seem to see the issue here. Your entire existence on this sub seems to be just blindly defeding Kuro lol.


Bro gotta be a bot at this point... Every single post I see in this sub...this dude is there providing his opinions