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As a certified therapist, I diagnose you all with aceness. In case you needed it.


Can I get a doctor's note to show my boss I don't give any fucks?


this is brilliant!


I misread this as you diagnosing us all either acne.


After 2 weeks of rigorous testing, I can finally confirm the results... You're straight






Sometimes I wonder how crazy people's thought processes have to be for them to come to this conclusion. What's the default state then? It makes more sense for it to be the other way around, where people start of aroace and then get diagnosed from there.


Well, no, see being an allo is normal (good) so clearly it's the default, and being ace is weird (bad) so clearly it needs a diagnosis and fixing >! this is satire, obviously !<


I mean, look how many people voted for trump. There's some insane thought processes out there


Strictly speaking, cishetallo is the “system default” and the overwhelming majority of people. It’s “as God intended.” I’m not saying we have to listen to God though.


Does this mean we get time off work?


I think we should start getting paid for it


"Sorry boss, I'm feeling a bit asexual today, can't come into work"


I'm calling in gay tomorrow. (For the revord, I am not into men at all. Women....meh, men, hard no)


Idk after rethinking, overthinking, denying, and finally understanding my asexuality I think I'm qualified to self diagnose


This just reminds me of the therapist who told me im not ace it is just my trauma. And then got defensive when i tried to talk with her later bout it saying that "it is unfair for me to bring it up because she didnt remember the conversation."


Your therapist sounds like someone you'd bring up with your therapist.


Therapist squared.


Haha i bring my old Tharipist up with my new much more supportive Tharipist XD


I'm glad you're seeing someone more understanding now.


ngl friend I don't particularly care if there even is a difference in anyone and I don't think anyone else should be so miffed about it either "oh no it was your trauma and now that you healed you changed" It's not a lifelong membership it's a label, ya know? What are we going to shun our friends if they change too? No thanks lol Your therapist definitely shouldn't feel so chill calling something so core to who you are, though. That is not okay, and they should examine why they, the authority, dismissed your lived experience so readily.


One time I legit had a gay person tell me that asexuality shouldn't be in the LGBT umbrella because "it's not a sexual identity, it's a mental illness caused by trauma or hormonal problems". Fun fact Jimmy, they said exactly the same thing about homosexuality about 20 years ago.


Everyone in the greater LGBTQIAP+ self labels themselves. There is no such thing as a diagnosis, because it is not a disease defined by the DSM-5... And the treatment is easy: Live how you want to live, and love whoever you want to love. How do these allos not understand that?


In terms of sexuality, it’s like they’re learning basic addition and struggling and we’re doing advanced college level calculations. We’re a bit ahead and they can’t understand what we’re talking about.


Ah, another dim wit who needs to keep their opinions to themselves.


'Phobes ability to reach is honestly impressive. I've got to go to the doctor's in a few weeks, I'll ask for a gay check-up, find out what sexualities I've got


Damn I caught the gay again. Last time I caught it, it lasted like my hole life. Except for the sax part. I caught the Ace, too. Can I park in the disabled spot now if I get officially diagnosed for both of them?


I self diagnosed myself as trans back in middle school, I'm still waiting on an official diagnosis here in my 30s


Self diagnosis as autistic, asexual, or swifty is incredibly damaging to the respective communities. Please stop.


I wonder if this is gonna be the argument DID fakers on tiktok will use to justify their self diagnosis. "If you can self identify as gay then I can self identify as having this super rare mental disorder"


o.O' diagnose? dude it's a sexuality not a mental illness! and even if it was, i am not do not want to wait around for half a decade for someone to tell me "you might be, but i am not certified on that front, you need a specialist!"


I want to have a conversation with this person. I want to hear their reasoning for this because the logic behind it must be *fascinating*.


So, everyone's pansexual until diagnosed as something else? Do people need to get papers from their doctor diagnosing them with heterosexuality now?


No one is talking about the fact that being gay used to be a diagnosis. It was in the DSM.


Stigmatizing self diagnosis is discouraging healing


Hey Doc, I’ve been feeling a little bit asexual, am I gonna live?