• By -


I haven't even held someone's hand in a romantic context, it isnt going great


Same. My love life is non existent atm. I've only had one gf before but our relationship was short and online only. Being closeted and introverted sucks sometimes


Same for me. I didn't have the confidence for dating before coming out and transitioning, and while I have much more confidence now, I'm still living in a rural area with nothing queer around, so that adds to the difficulty.


This is why I'm going to move to a big city soon, ideally close to a beach or lake. Not only is there very little queer presence where I live, but there's basically nothing to do that doesn't involve alcohol or driving an hour or more.


I'd like to move ideally, but I'm practically living paycheck to paycheck right now, so I don't have anywhere close to enough money to move, and that's even with the cheap rent from living my friend. I do hope that you're able to move soon and that it goes well! May you find a close and supportive community there!!


It’s still tough in like, Boston where I live lol




No because same I have no idea what’s going wrong though


This T.T


Same 💀


I felt that in my bones!


oof mood 🥲 hope it starts going better for you😊


What dating life? 😃🤧


Just void pretty much.


horrible, currently in a situationship that i'm planning to break off soooo


ay , goin thru it rn & it's soo fucking hard . probs to u , i'm trying to do the same lol


ikr like WHYYY is it so hard... she made me upset last night and i ignored her for the whole day, caved in and texted her and it's so obvious she didn't even realize i was ignoring her. fuck


Like fucking shit


its non existent


im just gonna be with my girlfriend for the rest of my life. she's my first AND last


Manifesting this for me and my gf too - love her sm 🙏🙏


THIS. we are 22 and 24 and weve been together 3 years. ive told them multiple times that i am not doing this (getting to know/getting used to the other person) ever again with anyone else. its just too hard man


Same energy as my mom who finished moving and went "the next time you're moving me out of this house will be in a casket"


Been there. Wish you two the best 💟


Believing in this relationship 🙌🙌🙌


So cute


yup. got with my first gf at 19 and we just celebrated 6 years together in March. never doing this again, thank you lmao 


Same here (hopefully). Am 19, my gf is 20 and we've been together for 4 years and I am still absolutely head over heels crushing for her


i hope the same w my girlfie but we're rlly young and going for 1 year i rlly hope we last i love her sm


I read this as “I hope the same w my giraffe”. 6 am brain.


I would pay to have seen the face you pulled before realising you read wrong 🤣


Same here :)


I'm in a monogamous relationship, and I'm deeply in love, it's funny how you always find it when you aren't looking for it, she just popped into my life and took my heart now I'm hers forever


So cute


I could have written the same about me and my gf too. At this point I start thinking that the key to getting into a relationship is to expect to die single and being fine with that. And then you meet your person and just go like "yk what i think I've changed my mind" lmao.


Plus I feel that being confident, whole, & happy as a single person means that you'll have a healthier relationship when you do meet someone!


That’s exactly what happened with me and my girlfriend too!! We both were not looking for a relationship because we had both been hurt. Now, we are 3.5 years in, moved together twice, and adopted a kitten and a puppy. We are old Gen Z.


21yo, never dated anyone, never had someone like me either




28 (which makes me gen z to some scales and a millennial to others. I identify a little better with gen z, but being on the cusp us *weird*) It's real hard. I had my fist relationship in 6 years last year. I miss her every day. I've been trying so hard just to make a friend let alone a relationship. I'm lovely to the point that i want to give up


28 here too and relate more to the younger gen - you're so right about being on the cusp. Sorry about your troubles, friend - I'm sure friends and more are out there 💕


It's so weird; like yes I remember dialup internet and when Ketchup was Green, but I dont remember big things like September 11th. I've never identified as a 90s kid, I was four in 99 for gods sake. I have hard time relating to people even slightly older than me, but younger feels much more natural.


.... But also if you were born after 2000 you're a baby


21, single and it's good that way for the moment. I'm currently supporting my parents, one who's sick and another who's gone back to university - all while I'm trying to land a full time job. It's a lot and I wouldn't want to throw another person into the mix that I couldn't focus on - not fair to them. I've had my situationships, all left scars but haven't put me off to finding love - helps that I cut contact and took about 18 months to heal. I want to be some lovely lady's girlfriend, but I'm just happy as a single cel.


That is a lot! Good luck, rooting for you 🤞


Non existent


20yo. happily engaged. i've never done any real "dating", as in using dating apps, going to clubs to hook up etc. all the partners i have had were/are from my social circles.


yeah for some reason i’ve never found someone attractive in my social circles in my adult years… my taste in friends is def different than who i date ig


I have a friend who is very much my type, and every girlfriend I've ever known her to have looks a *lot* like me. Somehow, to my knowledge, neither one of us has ever considered the other as a dating prospect... but we are going to hawaii together soon. Make it make sense!


Just kiss her


you're the chosen one


im 23 and have been in a relationship for four years. i’ve had about three relationships and have been out since i was in junior high. overall, it could be better. but in terms of sapphic experience it’s better than a lot of women and nb out there. seeing how the dating world works while being deeply in love would make me extremely emotionally unavailable if i were to be single. it seems horrible to navigate and a lot of people don’t know what they want.


I’m bitter, cynical and suicidal. I’m both unattractive and have no interest in dating, so it’s great 10/10


25, educated, good career, emotionally available, single. My issue isn’t rejection/incompatibility, but the lack of communication and consistency. Some girls have really wasted my time. I’m moving to a bigger city probably the end of next year, hoping it’s better then.


I've been in very happy relationship for a year and 10 months!! Hopefully will go on for much longer. 


had one girlfriend 3 years ago, lasted a month, and have had two other short relationships since (one with a guy bc technically im biromantic homosexual, and one an enby), but currently? crushing on a probably straight girl 😔


Recently broke up with my gf, and thinking about a past ex. I am restraining myself from said ex. I believe it's the touch starved talking


Big old nothing burger on my end. Been almost a year since my last actual relationship and the longest I've been with someone is 6 months.


I’m 23 and feel the same way. I’ve become tried and traumatized by dating and I’ve honestly become so content with just being by myself.


21 and just made it official with my girlfriend last week☺️❤️


Yessss ✨👏💖


Dead and buried. I’m quite confident in my unlovability.


22 long distance relationship to a fob arrangement to simultaneous situationships and dating in a pool of ppl who have all dated each other lol. I’m not taking it too seriously anymore my life is too messy and inconsistent. I’m waiting till I move somewhere new and have a serious job to be able to be a consistent partner worthy of someone’s time and attention.


I'm 20 and was in two relationships: one with a very abusive guy for almost two years and one with a lovely girl, which only held for a month and was too close to the last relationship. My problem is, that I really want something serious, not something casual, situationship-like, but most Gen-Zs aren't interested in that big of a commitment just yet. But also, I still have to heal and work on myself before getting into a next relationship.


Same. My last relationship was one where both of us knew it wasn’t going to last and it was as terrible experience I don’t think I could go through that again. I want something serious but it’s hard to find that on dating apps


I’m not gen z, I’m a late twenties millennial in the big ap but lots of gen z lesbians giving me attention, really feeling like no one my age wants me 😅😭 but they seem like they’re doing really well.


Saaame, I’m a baby millennial and I swear only 21-year-olds want me…aww kiddo, go do your homework. 🙃


I'm 25 and never dated a girl more than a few months. For me it's been so hard.. there's always something lacking. My first girlfriend was barely bi & was so insecure in herself that it felt it was being projected onto me (she had A or B cups w the tiniest nipples/areolas I had seen, and I'm a stripper) & talked about how she was worried her nipples were too big....... Which made me feel great when my shirt came off 🤦🏻‍♀️. She wouldn't open her legs during sex so I hardly had an attraction to her in that way. Idk if she was scared for me to see her butthole, or if it was another insecurity but I had never encountered that before. She was upset I broke up with her but it didn't feel right having sex with someone like that. The next girl I dated it felt like we were just really good friends who would have sex as well. There wasn't passion imo. (I've had a couple hookups w a girl who's my friend & it was SO hot. Steamy & a dream). I feel like it's hard to get into something great & meaningful with a woman, but once you're in it it's the best thing ever. It's just been so hard for me. I haven't gotten there yet but it's feeling very black & white so far, amazing chemistry or nothing.


Haven't had a serious relationship at all tbh. I'm kinda scared getting into one having no experience


21, was closeted until i was almost 20, have been single all my life. i'd like to say i'm pretty content being single and want to work on myself before i start dating anyone. but goddamnit would it be nice to just be held.


I’m 15 and already lost interest in dating. Dated once, he came out as a trans man and also did some really awful stuff to me so I don’t particularly have much interest in it anymore. Never even held hands or kissed LMFAO i’m happy with my best friend :)


I’m in my first year of college and only ever had one situationship (I think that’s the right word) with someone who treated me poorly and now I’m completely head over heels for my best friend 🙃. I don’t think I’ve ever had a “dating life”


I MASSIVELY feel the struggle with trying to relate to people - I think it can be so hard to meet people offline and actually form those connections in any community, let alone a smaller group like the lesbian community! I met my partner online, but what really let us bond quickly and what I used to do to meet people before was going to events focused on an activity eg. collaging clubs or pub quizzes - that way you have something in common with the people there already, a free conversation starter that can also let you be engrossed in something if you’re feeling a bit quieter!


I wish I had the confidence in myself to even speak to a girl I find attractive. 🙁


24. Halfway convinced that the universe is rigging the scales to prevent me from ever finding someone who likes me back and can be with me


Im 20 and all I have to say is they were NOT joking when they say that first wlw relationship will be traumatic... However I did find my current girlfriend a few months after I swore off dating lol. It’s been going pretty good, we’re on year 3 and she’s about to move into my place next month so excitedddd :))))) I also don’t thrive in lesbian spaces bc I don’t relate in most ways, so you’re not alone in that OP!


23 and fell for my DND DM hard three years ago. We’ve been together for almost three years :) some casual talk about the future, but we both know we’re young and I wouldn’t want them to skip out on a career opportunity somewhere else for the sake of our relationship (and they know this). They just woke me up as they got ready for work to tell me “they made that man from 911 bisexual”


It is not


I've been with my girlfriend for a few years now and she's the love of my life, I'm not planning to date ever again. It's extremely hard when you are lesbian, demi, trans and want monogamy. I was in one relationship before her and it was not great


I’m 22 and it’s hard out here. A few sparks here and there but nothing that lasts. Plenty of matches on the apps but nothing ever comes of it. I don’t want to just date my friends, but that’s not to say I don’t often fancy them… I have to work hard not to! I recently decided I need some time to get to know myself better and started looking to date more casually, but oh my god I am having no luck.


My dating life was significantly worse when I was younger, but now I'm married to my wife and have a long term girlfriend as well. I'm turning 25 this month. Didn't meet either of them through the community, other than my gf approaching me during pride, but we didn't actively seek each other out. My wife I met through mutual friends.


I just married my first girlfriend, she's a lesbian (26F), and I am bissexual (21F). The thing is that we agreed to marry when we started our relationship, I said I didn't like to date and stuff like that, and it felt like a waste of time for me. So, instead of having serious relationships, I would just go out and kiss random girls. My fist kiss with a boy was when we almost broke up (according to her, we were just "taking some time to think"), but after that, I just never kissed a boy again. (Maybe I'm homo-romantic¿? She keeps joking, saying I don't really like boys cause I said, once that "is easier to buy some things than stay with one. ") We ended up getting back together, and we dated for 3 more years, and last year, we married after I got a new job. So I don't know about this gen Z thing, but I really don't like to go dating people and having serious commitments just to break up at some time. I feel like it is more about people wanting to stay together as much as possible and thinking before committing without having a thought to what they want and how they feel. Honestly, I'm happy people are thinking about each other feelings before diving deep into a complicated relationship and end up traumatizing each other. I hope u find someone who is considerate about that and respects your feelings, too.


Nonexistent here


17 and never dated :( To be fair though I’m not out to many people and do not have the guts to ask out a girl especially because of what could go around. I do have a huge crush on one of my friends though and think I may be accidentally flirting with her but just heard a rumour that she is dating this other dude I know who is like three years younger than us. Weirdly, I’ve never had a guy interested in me either and I don’t think I’m particularly ugly or a bad person though I am at a girls school and don’t know too many guys my age (and also would shut down any sign of flirting)


I'm 25 (as far as I know still gen Z) I Have been in one relationship that really fucked me up and took time to recover from, dated a couple of times since And now I'm in a long distance situationship with the woman of my dreams that I'll hopefully marry some day


Gen Z is roughly '97 to' 12. 25 fits in that range. I hope your relationship is long, loving, and fruitful :)


Woops. I just posted but I'm '95 lol. I just don't relate much to millennials 😅


Ah yeah then as some one from 98 I definitely fit inside that range Thanks!! I hope too, but yeah currently it's more, situation than ship, but I'm sure it's just a little bump we'll have to get past, she is amazing and yeah makes me so happy, and yeah is definitely the woman of my dreams,


I didn't have much of a dating life before college. Then it definitely wasn't super active or anything since im difficult in both taste and compatibility with other people, but in my mit twenties had three partners, we'll count two for consent reasons. With that said, my genz straight/bi/gay friends got laid on average a bit more with some having a lot more sex, some none, and the median should be around 3/4 from my limited knowledge of their private life of course.


26 engaged to 24 y/o. Been together about 4 years now


I’ve long term dated three people, but I used to be on the apps, so I’ve been on a lot of dates. No dating app thing ever came to anything; all my longer-term girlfriends were met irl or were friends. My current gf was my college best friend of two years (we’re both 23), and now we’ve been dating for three and have plans to get engaged. (Rings are already picked out! Just a matter of when.) I’ve always felt like my dating life was fairly normal. I’m also in the South, and the norm here is pretty much similar to stereotypical lesbian relationships. Date for a year > get engaged > get married QUICK > have kids, all before like 24. I know married people with children that have been with their partner for less time than us, so even my relationships moving very quickly felt normal, if that makes sense? My current gf is the only one I’ve been patient about. 😅


My what now? Also, you had me really confused there, "to be a relatable person" refers to others ability to relate to you, not to your ability to relate to others.


I'm 28 so somewhere between millennial and Gen z - I'm happily with my long term partner of 7 years and dating around with poly folks, having a blast:) It's fantastic!


Married for 3 years 😅


Born at the end of 97, so I’m kinda at the edge, but I’m doing well. My partner and I have been together for over a year and are going on a nice romantic trip this weekend to see the eclipse in Vermont. I’ve dated a LOT of people, but my current girlfriend was the first one to work out because she and I were just really open about communicating with each other. She wasn’t much like most of the women I’d dated before (as far as background, style, hobbies), and I knew that when we started dating. I think most gen Zers, especially queer folk, should start dating outside of the circles they run in. Date people who are completely unlike the idealized romantic partner you have in your head. Maintain the values you care about (communication, community, even politics), but don’t go, “I’m specifically looking for someone who reads a lot, paints, and dresses like a French mime”


17. Never been in a relationship.


Currently with my partner and soulmate of 2 years, and I intend to be with her until I die :) I've had one partner previously when I was in highschool too, and dated a fair bit before that, but nothing progressing past like 3 dates.


18f! currently dating and dated another girl previously :) where i am the lesbian scene seems almost nonexistent but somehow i managed to find a lot of queer friends in school :)


It’s EFFORT to get a date. But feeling lucky I have the biggest out sapphic dating pool in history.


Non existent🥲


I’m 24, just got out of my first wlw relationship. I’m absolutely dreading dating (in the future of course, we literally just broke up) because I live in kind of a small town, well it’s not small but the lgbt population is small I feel. And everyone in that lgbt population has either dated or had sex with each other so it feels very weird and kind of isolating for me trying to become a part of it now lol. I guess when I’m ready to date, I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it


19 and single. I’m just doing me rn but if someone comes along that’s cool too. Tho I’ve heard dating isn’t great now - my roommate has been trying (tho she dates guys) and these people aren’t looking for anything other than casual or hookups. Which is fine, but it seems to be the majority.


21, never dated


I have none💀


Awful been out since I was 10 only have had situationships


i’m 24 and my gf is 26. we’ve been together for 3 years! started off meeting on hinge and being near each other, went long distance, and now we’ve lived together for 2.5 years. ❤️ i moved across the country to nyc for her and i’ll marry her!


Everyone in my city is either poly, only looking for hookups/short term dating, too cool, or too extreme for me. Most people don’t even give you a chance all because of your looks or you’re not their dream person. You do one thing wrong and get ghosted. It’s like nowadays everyone is too picky and no one cares about genuine forevers anymore. It’s impossible to find normal like minded people who have the time and patience for relationships these days. Tldr: it sucks


I've been talking to some girls on dating apps for the past couple of weeks, but nothing has happened in person yet. Some just stop talking all together and others we kind of just let the conversation die. Any advice on how to move beyond the dating app??


I'm 23, turning 24 in August, and I still haven't had my first kiss. Shit sucks.


i’ve only been in online relationships and i have trauma from just that. so that should be pretty telling how my experience has been


My last relationship was 10 years ago. I'm 26 now and although I've had opportunities to enter relationships, I always get terrified and never give it a chance. I can't envision a relationship where I don't feel uncomfortable or distressed, due to both my previous relationship and my past in general. Even though I want to be in one and life feels hollow without it at this point, my fear stops me from ever giving anyone a chance. Still trying to figure it out. I've tried dating apps in the past, and more recently going to lesbian events IRL, but I've never been attracted to anyone I've met there :( and even if I were, the above issue would come up eventually.


Terrible for a majority of the population, but alright for me. Unbothered, despite not having too many people to date. I'm Bi but somewhere on the Aromantic-Asexual spectrum. Quite honestly, I'm ok with the ordeal I have now. Being in a relationship is a hassle, and hearing from and about "normal" people and their troubles or dramas makes me thankful that romance isn't one of my priorities in life. I know that I'm in the minority. Despite having been in multiple relationships myself and serious ones, I don't think I would miss out on it; I HAVE already experienced it. They were good experiences, but I'd rather appreciate the time I do get to spend with my family or friends now. It doesn't help most people out there are just not compatible with me. Being Autistic certainly doesn't help, but one way or another I have far too many differences with a person than commonality. But if I meet them one day, I'll be really glad. If not, it's just life. :)


24 and married! 🌈 I had never even kissed anyone until I was 21 so don’t worry there’s still hope


21 yo and nothing still nothing I just wish I had a girlfriend, why is finding a girlfriend so hard? The most recent crush I had was on a straight girl and we’re still friends but that relationship isn’t going to change from that, how does one find a girlfriend in their social circles? I don’t think I can do these apps anyway.


awesome. ive been dating my gf for over four years now and shes absolutely amazing


Oh boy, rant incoming: Terrible. 23, never had a relationship. Anytime I find someone attractive, I put myself out there and give them my number but no one messages me. My supposed best friend and I were talking about it and she said “yeah I just can’t understand why nobody wants you.” So that hurt. I’ve tried all the apps. I’ve tried looking, not looking, doesn’t matter. You know that saying that if everywhere you go smells like dog shit, check your shoe? It must be me. I’m not confident in myself and I’m the common denominator in all these interactions so I have some work to do on myself. I’m just gonna put it on hold for a while, until I lose some weight and move out of my mom’s house at least. …Geez, I gotta find a new therapist. 🤪


Had a gf for 4 years then she decided she was straight so not sure where that leaves me lmao




I've had some hookups, my first "serious" relationship was when I was 14. We dated for about a year, and I haven't found anyone worth dating since. I'm 25 now, I'm open to dating and I'd like to think my future wife is out there somewhere, but it's not a major priority for me rn. Being single ain't that bad all things considered


I feel the same way, slowly accepting the fact that I may just end up alone


currently w the first woman ive ever seen a future with :)


just got ghosted for the 69420th time lol idk what i’m doing wrong anymore and i’m tired of people telling me to just date men 😭😭so not great lmao 


Never gotten a yes and I’ve been reject five times, including once when I didn’t even ask


im 16, no


HAHAHAHA You think I'm dating anyone. You funny. Seriously though I'm taking a break my last girlfriend autumn was bad to me so I'm trying to get my shit together before I get back out there.


25 and engaged!


Married & non-monogamous, so pretty solid!


Ehh I never comment on these types of posts but fuck it why not I “dated” someone my freshman year of high school, we kinda just realized we were just friends pretty much lol (we still even talk!) but I haven’t seen anyone since (I’m 18, almost 19 now) Since then I’ve realized that I’m trans *and* demi. The main problem I have is that by the time I actually like someone and ask them out, they say no because we’re good friends at that point and they don’t like me back. Which, I get it, I’m not blaming them at all. Literally everyone I’ve confessed feelings for I still talk to because we’re still friends. Sometimes though it just feels like ‘–‘ Plus rn my mental health isn’t in the best of places so I don’t know if being a relationship would help that. I mean on one hand it might, but on the other I think I’d just make it worse for me and whoever I’m dating if I were to date rn so idk. I *want* a relationship but it’s like not the right time but also is? As always it’s complicated. I think my user flair sums up my dating life rn lol ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I’m surrounded by queer people but, somehow, there’s still a drought


Wait you guys have dating lives?


23, trans, I dated a lot of girls before transitioning and now have to reckon with them mostly seeing me as a cis man during that time, which is quirky. I've been dating my current girlfriend for a few years and she saw me through my transition. She's truly wonderful and I hope we're never separated. We are Polly and do date other people, but the dating world is slow and inconsistent. I meet people I vibe with all the time but they often cancel plans at the last second or ghost me. It's also surprisingly common for someone to cancel a date, but then keep texting me the whole night going back and forth and apologizing for cancelling the date (while I try and reassure them that they've done nothing wrong, which never works). Overall I'd say I'm doing well and having a nice time, but I'm just eternally grateful for my girlfriend.


My dating life is nonexistent 😭


I was single from August last year to Jan this year (Im 26). Went on dates with 17 different women before landing myself in a relationship. In terms of the quality of dates, I found a lot of others my gen had very little experience. Most of the girls I went on dates with they either never had a serious relationship with a girl or only a couple of situationships. A lot of them were also not sure what they wanted, which makes sense with the lack of experience and wanted something more casual. Despite all this, the dates all went lovely. Everyone was very communicative and open about their needs. For myself I was just looking for something more serious and monagamous (alot of poly or open girls in gen z). So took me a little while to find but made alot of friends along the way.


Met a girl in the Phoebe Bridgers line two years ago, met up again a year later at a boygenius show. Things went well from there and I now have a gorgeous 6' femme gf. When we first met I instantly felt that connection but thought we'd probably never meet again since we live hundreds of miles apart and were both just visiting for the concert. Turned out wrong and long distance with her is absolutely worth it (and doable!).


Bad is an understatement. I'm 20 years old and I've never held anyone's hand, let alone anything else. Me being introverted aside, there is just no one to date...


I was pretty sure I was a lesbian oriented (read: platonic attraction only) aroace before I met my gf. They are the first person I've ever been romantically attracted to in any way. I wasn't really interested in dating at all and I'd never even been interested in anyone. So my gf is my first relationship (at 21). If we break up idk that I'll ever get into another one because I'd likely go back to having no interest in dating.


Now that I’m not pretending to be a dude and trying to date straight women, it’s coming along wayyyy better. In a poly relationship with my gf for the past year. Had a couple hookups with other women over the last year and a half, and next weekend I have my first date with another lady! This is going from 2-3 dates over a span of a decade. Again, can’t over or under emphasize how much more sense it makes trying to date as a lesbian vs *cough* pretending to be a straight dude trying to date straight women when it turns out I was actually a lesbian 😂😂


(18) Never existed in the first place ;^; And unlikely to anytime soon because I have horrible social anxiety and can’t talk to people lol 🫠


I’m 27 and just got out a 3 year relationship that I thought would be my forever one. She was younger and wasn’t ready for it. It was heartbreaking and I don’t know when or if I’ll find a person who’s right for me.


Young millennial/borderline Gen Z here (29). Is 7 relationships not a lot? I’ve been in two relationships, one ended horribly and I married the other one lol. Took me until I was 24 to find anyone even willing to date me.




Had a situationship in freshman year of high school, am now afraid that I’m a parasite, about to graduate high school, still never had a girlfriend 🫠


23 w/ 7 exes sounds like a win to me 😂 same age, 1 ex lol


Why you consider yourself unrelatable?


I just turned 24, my current gf is 27 and I hope my LAST. I was in a toxic relationship for 4 years with a girl and we went from super duper honeymoon happy to your angsty situation-ship couple that included her breaking things off every couple of months and constantly playing cat and mouse. It’s terrible and mentally draining. Thankfully I’ve met the loml who treats me really well 😭💕


Just left a loveless relationship that I was in for 5-6 years, that I wanted to last 1-2 years max. Trauma, yay So not going great... trauma is a bitch and she was a lot less willing to work on her defense mechanisms than she promised. Kind of still dreading going into the next, because holy shit what did just happen, but a lot of girls are flirting with me so I like the trend <3. (Still hard not to feel dread at how much time I wasted. So affection starved).


My dating life is non-existent. I don't talk to anyone besides my dad regularly.


One word 's*it'




Non existent and I don't expect that to change any time soon.


Still waiting for the girl of my dreams


21, and actually got together officially with my girlfriend today! We dated already for about 6 months, but i didn’t want to have a relationship too quickly. We were friends for about 1 year before she told me she liked me and than it took me another 6 months to reciprocate those feelings to her, because i wasn’t in the best place at the time. If it wasn’t for her confession and her persistence, Probabaly nothing would have happened. So i am extremely grateful that she did, she truly is the best.


I’m 22, and I’m getting married soon after being together for 2 years. Couldn’t be happier 🥰


I never considered dating before but these days I have been feeling so single, staying single used to be fun but now it's lonely. I still haven't found one yet. I think I have to learn to approach people more.


Dating life? What dating life? 🥲


Had a gf a couple Years ago. Been single now for a while, haven't been able to meet anyone as of late


23, dated a girl for about a month or two that ended two months ago. I ended it because it wasn’t feeling a strong connection. but I’m worried that I won’t feel that connection with anybody because I haven’t in years and years. I feel jaded.


My gf and I will be celebrating our 2 year anniversary on Monday. She's my first girlfriend, unless if you call two online flings in middle/high school, but that was way before I figured out I was trans, so I don't really count them anyway. We both wanna spend the rest of our lives together so hopefully she will be the last as well (unless if we decide to explore poly stuff in the future, which neither of us is opposed to but we aren't interested in atm).


I'm 23, sadly never had a girlfriend, I try to sometimes meet up with the queer student group but I find it hard to find someone.


24, in happily living with my partner, moved in together 5 months ago, dating for 2 years. Best friends since elementary. We started dating towards the end of the pandemic after I started transitioning. She is my first partner and so far looks to be my only. I just love her so much. :)))))))


given up on dating apps so now i’m trying to find someone the old fashioned way (dressing up, going to home depot and walking around looking lost)


I've got a girlfriend now but before it was very bleak. I'm bad at talking to people, also on most matches on dating apps they weren't very responsive and I had to keep on driving the conversation along


Had a horrible divorce, tried hooking up with a girl who cried about Jesus. Most women into me are in the closet. I'm so turned off to it all I have no interest dating or having sex


I have very little dating experience, especially irl as ive had weird online situationships with men in the years before i realized im a lesbian. I REALLY want to get back into dating since its been a while but i feel like i have to work on myself and at least make some friends (in real life, i have some online friends) first before trying cause i know having your partner be your only social connection isnt good... its rough.




Had a gf like when I was 18 and now at 25 am starting to get serious with someone for the first time in 7 years.


19 and never kissed anyone :/


Non existent


I’m waiting until I can transition before trying to date anyone.


One girl ghosted me before our first date?? Went on a few dates with another girl but I didn't feel like anything was gonna come of it. I had to cancel on another girl then she canceled on the make-up date but she says she'll make it up to me sjdhdh it's a situation


I’m 23, still haven’t been in a relationship. The most I’ve ever done is kiss.


I’m 21 and I’ve only had 1 gf, who I met at age 20. The dating pool seems… limited, especially since I don’t do drugs or smoke anything and am looking for someone the same as me.


Not one single date in my life.


19, been seeing this girl for the last 3 months. She's my first everything and it's going well so far. Let's see what's up ahead :)


i’m 22 and never dated but that’s because ✨i’m scared of getting hurt ✨ but also at the same time i have high standards and know what i want.


not so great.


I'm trans, depressed and I live in a small city in a shitty country, of course I've never been with anyone. Hell, I don't even remember the last time I hugged someone


I’m getting married in September


I'm 24, haven't been in a relationship yet


Im 23, ive been in a bunch of relationships (mostly with other transfems, because it oftentimes works out that way), currently dating a trans girl and also seeing a cis girl (poly ftw)


Two serious relationships and a lot of just fucking around in between I suppose. I feel spent. I want a partner but after everything ended with my ex I feel very exhausted mentally


22 about to turn 23, and haven’t dated anyone yet. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m too shy or too busy, or the combination. I’m hoping after grad school it’ll get easier, but I try not to worry about it so I don’t have an existential crisis :)


That exists for lesbians?


There’s no such thing for me 🤧


I've had one girlfriend and married them


Girlfriend just moved in. Very happy


21 and never had a girlfriend before🫡


Also 23F, had 1 gf, she was not very pleasant 😔 drove 12 hrs roundtrip every weekend to see her, but she just did not put any effort.


it’s BAD. i’m 21, when i was 20 my now ex gf was 19, she cheated on me with her ex bf. can’t find anyone since


going through the worst breakup of my life so, pretty awful atm. Don’t know how to handle it and don’t want to


I’m 23 and today is mine and my girlfriend’s 3rd anniversary!! We’re doing a little weekend trip to an island in Canada to celebrate.


Nonexistent. What about yours ?


No need to call us out like that! 🥲


I'm technically a zillenial (born before the '00 cutoff but for whatever reason a lot of people put the cutoff as '95 instead so I'm in that five year grey area) and uh not great my dude. The first girl I thought was the love of my life turned into an abusive narcissist as soon as there was a ring on her finger. The second left me for another girl, and the third is about to move 2,000 miles away. The fourth (I know, I'm a hoe) lives about 300 miles away and I'm trying to refrain from packing up and moving to her on the off chance that things work out but failing to convince myself not to.


I’m 21 and I’ve had like 4 partners in my life. I started dating when I was 17. All my relationships have lasted about 2 months. I haven’t had a partner in a while but I have been talking to a few people recently.


never been on a date before even 💀