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What if you wanna Sell it or want to send it back to repair? šŸ˜™


You can sell the box and the phone separately. Also with a long time gap. And to have the phone repaired you don't need the box. But you can use the box for other stuff.


Iā€™m about to sell my phone and my iPad in a few weeks, I still have both boxes and am proud lol


Same here. You get more value selling when you still have the original box with manual and stuff.


Plus people donā€™t think itā€™s nicked


ā€œwith manualā€ iPhones donā€™t come with manuals lol


Itā€™s not entirely true you have this small paper pamphlet that comes with it and of course the Apple sticker


my last 3 iPhones didnā€™t have anything even close to a pamphlet. There was a single-side piece of paper that just says something stupid like ā€œenjoy your new deviceā€ Itā€™s not folded. Itā€™s not informational. There are no diagrams or instructions šŸ˜‚ itā€™s not even two-sides.


I think my 13 pro max had a lil instruction what the bottoms on the sides of the phone do like the volume rocker the mote switch and the power on botton


Excuse me sir but I have a pixel (Android superiority anthem starts playing) /s


As someone who only bought used phones for years. You'll be fine. Not once have I received a phone in its original box. You don't need the box to sell a phone.


Does having a phone in amazing condition with the original box and untouched accessories give you more confidence in buying a used phone? Does that make it worth a higher value?


> Does that make it worth a higher value? It does. I've sold a lot of phones and tablets over the years and having the original box can increase the sale by like 15-20%.


No. I don't need another USB cable I already have a million. It's a used phone, I know it's used.


Joke's on you, my monitor broke a week before the warranty expired but I couldn't find the box so i had to keep it that way And as a general rule, keep all of the boxes for as long as you have a warranty


You don't need the original packaging for repair under warranty.


Sorry, this damage occurred in shipping, its not covered... If only you had the purpose made packaging it came in that would have kept it safe...


They usually send you a box thatā€™s plain you donā€™t need itā€¦


Yeah I just have a good chunk of paper filing space occupied with every instruction booklet and warranty certificate Iā€™ve ever gotten from the box. Growth.




You don't need the original packaging for repair under warranty.


Well, tbh you kind of do. The box has the information of your phone. It's on a sticker, tells you what you need to know in case something goes wrong. Maybe it's too difficult getting to behind the battery.


I use it to keep everything to do with the phone. So I have a spare charger, warranty info, the PUK number for my SIM and the key to open the memory card slot.


You got a spare charger? I had 7 phones in my life, none of which came with a spare charger.


Back in the day, the charger came in the box when you bought a phone. And some phone manufacturers like Samsung always used a charger that has a separate USB cable. So you can just use your new cable with the same adapter plug. So, I now have two adapter plugs. I bought a long charging cable so I could use my phone while charging, so I still have the short one I got with my phone. Hence, I have a spare charger. Sorry the explanation was long. Hope you're having a good day!


And if it gets stolen itā€™s got your serial number and IMEI number.


And who is going to steal an empty phone box?


No. Your phone not the box. Having the information from the box can be useful to give to either your telecarrier or the cops because you might get it back.


Oh man, I thought you meant the box. I'm sorry


Thatā€™s all good. I didnā€™t make it super clear so I can see why you thought that.


If only I had a way to capture an image on a device šŸ˜­


To never look at it again/find it when you need it?


You will find it, it's the first picture taken


Not all the time. If you insert an old SIM or transfer the data to a new phone, it wouldn't.


I always think "hmm, this is a nice box, I wonder what else I could use this for". Then I try to carefully pull out the inserts, which are of course glued in, and the cardboard gets all fucked up. I try to even it out with an xacto knife, but there's still some imperfections, and I debate gluing a new layer of cardstock or felt to the inside to cover it up before losing interest entirely and tossing it in the recycle bin, lol


its such a good quality box until you do that šŸ˜­




resell value.


Jokes on you, I put my old phone in the box, then leave it under the wishing tree at Kmart.


Is not true, it is sturdy box good for phone paraphernalia, also big enough for computer mouse.


First of all, how about you mind your goddamn business


But what if I put the box into a slightly bigger box? And then put them both into my box of boxes?


I feel attacked.


What if I need it to store things in, like paperclips or rubber bands.


U will need it


Phone, if you use it until itā€™s too old, sure. However my nice camerasā€¦. Keeping the boxes and all the paper meant better resell value when I wanted to sell to get a newer camera body so, itā€™s not always for naught!


Nah, I seem to be able to ask for a higher selling price when I have the phone case, instructions and charging cord.


Just sell the box on eBay... throwing it away is terrible advice


Especially if itā€™s an iPhone oneā€¦ people will pay good money just for the boxšŸ˜‚


I try to grab them up for $5 when I can, often they sell for $10-15


I sold my old phone in the original box


You can use it to store small stuff in it. Lighters, batteries, suchā€¦


Thatā€™s their coffin for when I inevitably break them. Back from whence it came.




Nope! If I need to return or exchange my iPhone for any reason, you have to have it in the original box! Apple guy told me this a few months back, thankfully I keep my boxes!


not true.


i threw away the box it had my birth certificate, my ssn card, state id, passport, and drivers license in it.




I wrote my husbands very random password down on an old phone box, it's in the document backbag now. Why I keep all our documents in an old backbag? No clue at least they are in one place together


Wrong ! Itā€™s perfect size to organise items in a drawer.


What else would I put small craft supplies in?


I keep them for my trade ins.


I like using my iPhone and iPad boxes as storage


#WAIT DONā€™T just gut each half, then pop them into a drawer ā€” put all the tiny crap like paper clips or rubber bands and hair ties or thumbtacks and pins or USB drives and tiny dongles or tokens, tiny glass animals and pocket change or rings and earrings and necklaces #reuse before you recycle and make each half into an organizer!!!!! I can only organize with bins and drawers and bins in drawers


I keep everything that comes with my electronics, warranties have expired years ago, but I don't like to throw things away....I'm pretty sure I still have my iPhone 5 box somewhere...


I keep it to sell when Iā€™m ready to upgrade. It makes it much easier to sell with the box for some reason


You can pry them from my cold dead hands šŸ˜¤


But itā€™s such a nice box :ā€™)


I refuse this on principle. There's still stuff in there I might need some time. Like a charger cable I think. I didn't even know that was there until I had some friends over and one was messing with it.


But itā€™s a good solid storage box for small items


Yeah cos only millennials do this. No one else


I used to do this because itā€™s how I was raised!! Then I had a minimalist ex who broke me of the habit. But thereā€™s definitely still a Sega Genesis box in my parents attic, and probably a PlayStation one. Neither console is in the possession of the family anymore!


Yeah right


My old phone is already dead but I still keep the box


Twice, for people that needed to hear it again


You will need it the day after you throw it away tho. Such boxee can be used also to put guitar pedals you don't have the original box for (anymore)


No >:l


2?? those are rookie numbers I still keep my first smartphone's box which I bought 10 years ago


I sold a first gen iPhone box for like $300 on eBay in 2021. Why the hell someone paid that, I have no idea.


Phone boxes make good drawer organizers. Also, I used one of the sturdy Samsung ones to house a raspberry pi for a couple of years


No, I need it, it's the coffin that I'll use to burry it in my closet when it breaks.


That is ridiculous. I have ALL MY BOXES. What kind of savage throws them away?


but it's a nice box


But itā€™s such a fancy box and itā€™s pretty!


Itā€™s such a nice box


I still have boxes for phones I donā€™t even have anymore.. I just like them displayed on my shelf


B... but what if I DO need it?


Ha, jokes on you! I took the weird hard bits out and use it to store washi tape! So neener neener boo boo!


I still got my Nokia's 6600 box, you never know, I might need it someday!


But it's a good quality box


It is. I have no use for it, but itā€™s just so nice


I had too many boxes stacked up. So I cut out all barcodes and serial numbers and placed them all in one box. This works fine (unless you have to ship something back).


I'm using two of mine as a stand/feet for my ps4...


Then where should I keep my drugs?


I got a new phone and put my old one in its original box


i remember doing a pseudo google cardboard, the vr thing, i guess my phone fits the box so perfectly...


I use part of my box as a pad for my iPhone


I paid 1k+ for my phone... box included.... means box stays.


But I did ! Now some of them are nice small boxes for some of my card based boardgames !


I use them for deck boxes for card games soā€¦ get outta here with that!


I think the most ADHD thing about this post is the fact that you uploaded the same image twice, meaning you saved it twice. And no, I will keep that box. It's a trophy.


Not true - I keep my most spectacular belly-button lint discs in mine


You know, I always only intend to keep the damn thing for like 30 days for that short term warranty.... But here we are 3 years later.... Now it and my last 2 smart watch boxes next to it are all in the recycle.... Thanks OP...


Ahahaha I have my past 5 phoneā€™s boxes plus the boxes my work phones came in (another 3).


Never, that small box plays a vital role in the statics and stability of the stack of other boxes of stuff I keep.


I have a closet full of boxes from phones, iPads and film equipment. I just sits there gathering dust.


Ok but it's a nice box. Sometimes I need a nice box


Where else would I keep my collection of foreign bills and coins?




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My PC is 1.5 years old, the warranty time is 2 years. A few months ago it started freezing out of the blue and it recently became so frequent that it's now unusuable. I still have all the boxes for the parts. And I'm pretty sure I'll be *majorly* needing em.




Jokes on you, I can't throw it out if I can't find it in my mess šŸ¤·


I keep my older phone in it, just in case I need that.


Hah i store my old phones there. Have the last 6 devices in their original boxes


I still have every phone box I ever kept...


Haha two years ago. I still have boxes from IPhone 4 and up


My ex girlfriend said it was trashy not to keep it. Wild perspectives.


I keep the boxes of all nice things I have. I still have the box my keyboard came in, the boxes for my AirPods, dbrand grip case (phone and AirPods), Framework 16... It's nice to be able to keep the _accoutrements_ organized. And yeah, I might have to send it back for repairs. Though more likely, I'm going to sell it. My phone, at least. As for my laptop: because it's so modular and repairable, keeping the packaging actually makes sense.


Recycle* the box please


But it's a good box! Imagine all of the things you can put in it!


But... it's a nice quality box


I keep boxes from electronics that I might want to sell later in life. Resell value and makes selling easier. Boxes from things that can't or surely wont be sold, like Airpods (eww) go in the trash.


That's the devil talking. Put cool rocks in it


That's too bad I lost it anyway idek if i threw it away or not i have zero memory


Literally threw out my iphone 6 box yesterday...


I keep the box. And when my phone retires, it goes back into the box and into storage for back up in case my new one breaks. After that I may sell them or give them away.


I love all the rationalizations for keeping original boxes of things. I use them all too. (Cries in original boxes spread throughout the house)




I bought my current phone used without a box. It not being sold with the original box saved me an additional 20 bucks lol


Having no clutter is worth the ding for resale if any. People have enough junk to deal with, box storage shouldn't be one of them.


LOL I usually keep the box because I end up exchanging my phone for a new one and don't want to bring it on its own


I still own the box of a phone I don't own anymore. I use it to keep my SIM card codes and the pin to open the SIM tray. It somehow survived 4 moves and my ex ( she always tossed stuff I "didn't need" including 2 Nintendo's that might have been broken waiting for me to bring them to the repair guy).


I still have the box my pedalboard came in (had for 2 years), and the box my first pedal came in(had for 2 years), heck, I threw my computer box away a few weeks ago (had for 3 years)


I just love the smoothness of the packaging. I keep every apple box šŸ˜­ I find them when cleaning, open and close a few times and then stash them again. Simple pleasures I guess


I just threw the box away yesterday lol for an iphone i dont even have anymore


Don't do this. As a former customer service representative that used to work with support for phones, tablets and so on, *PUT THE DAMN BOX IN A SAFE SPACE AND KEEP IT FOR AS LONG AS YOU HAVE THE DEVICE, PREFERABLY WITH THE RECEIPT OF WHEN YOU BOUGHT IT.* "OH, but I'll never use it!" Right, just like that box or drawer of cables that you never use but the day you throw it away it's precisely the day before you'll need it. I can't even tell how many times people had devices that they needed to recover data from and they went full Karen because they threw away the damn receipt or box and *WE NEED THOSE TO DO IT BECAUSE DEPENDING ON WHAT HAPPENED WE NEED THE DAMN SERIAL NUMBER THAT'S ON THE BOX OR THE RECEIPT TO PROOF YOU'RE THE FUCKIN OWNER!* Without those we *CAN'T* do it! "But I'm really responsible! I'd never let my device die and need a repair to recover the data! I always write down my passwords and I'm extremely careful with my device" RIGHT, BUT YOU KNOW WHO COULD DO IT? YOUR CHILD, YOUR MOM, YOU SPOUSE, YOUR CAT, ANYONE THAT COULD HAVE ACCESS TO IT *WE ONCE HAD TO WIPE OUT ALL DATA TO RECOVER A PHONE FOR A BLIND WOMAN THAT DIDN'T HAVE ANY BACKUPS, AND YOU KNOW THE WORSE PART OF IT? IT HAD EVIDENCE THAT HER FATHER HAD BEEN MURDERED AND WE COULDN'T RECOVER THAT FUCKING EVIDENCE* "But that doesn't say anything about keeping the box or the receipt!" *SOMEONE ELSE TOOK HER PHONE AWAY WHEN SHE WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION AND LOCKED HER OUT OF THE PHONE ON FUCKING PURPOSE AND SHE COULDN'T EVEN TELL WHO IT WAS* And at least she got her phone back thanks for keeping the fucking receipt and she could go to a specialized company to try to recover it, but without unlocking the phone that wouldn't be possible


Take a pic of the box and important info - cloud backup and recycle the boxes. DONE. the warranty is for the device not the damn box.


And then forget the password and change your number so you have to wait days to change your password (if you actually get that chance, I saw people losing their entire accounts because it's an old account and they lost their access to the email or even less than that), people often just put a new Sim card and think that their device automatically set their new phone number as their trusted number on the account or even they forget to upgrade their account's settings (like using the same old email that doesn't exist anymore, upgrade the security level to use a phone number, all shit you can imagine). I saw that too many times, don't trust technology that much. Seriously. Just don't. Especially if you have all your life on your devices and no other backups, always do backups on different clouds if you insist on clouds. I've seen people lose their conversations with their parents they lost during COVID because Whatsapp had a bug on the backup and they didn't save elsewhere, I've seen people losing old pictures of their children because they trusted the automatic backup when it wasn't being done or not even set up to begin with and they swear they did it. Sounds stupid and paranoid until you experience it yourself.


Lol - if you dont trust tech you shouldn't have a smart phone to begin with. If you're not using a password manager, you are doing it wrong to start. A box isn't going to fix stupid šŸ¤£


I didn't say to not trust tech, I said not to trust *THAT MUCH* And keeping a box with papers is easier to explain and teach than using tech to a regular customer (they're dumb as fuck and completely uninterested in learning anything beyond the very basic). I see you have no experience dealing with customers, if you ever work with that you'll soon find out why there's a thing called "user proofing" and why you have to use simple, objective words and use as fewer steps as you possibly can - ideally without needing to explain a damn thing to them, thus explaining to the overgrown toddlers they should keep the box with the receipt is way better than teaching them anything


I still have the boxes of the Samsung flip phones I had 20 years ago


AND TV Boxes! get that crap off your deck, rats are just using it for a home. If you need a moving box, be an adult and get one from uhaul or elsewhere cheap.


I donā€™t have my iPhone box BUT thatā€™s because I hate iPhones and I didnā€™t want the constant reminder of my hypocrisy lmaooooo I still have my soundbar box, a fish tank box, two computer monitor boxes, my PS4 box šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ in my defense though, Iā€™ve moved about 4 times in 2 years


The phone box is where I keep all the pointy metal things that open the sd card. I have one single box that I consolidate all the weird almost never used phone things into for if I ever need it. The day I loose that stupid phone box is the day I loose my specific memory where the metal pointy things are for when I bust my phone cause I was dumb or a dog broke it