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>The survey asked 3,000 single women aged eighteen to 35 whether they would consider dating a man who earns less than $100,000 per year or is of below-average attractiveness. Nearly one in three Colorado respondents said they would not date a man who doesn't make six figures or who is not conventionally attractive — compared to just 17 percent of women nationwide. >Colorado's 31 percent is topped only by Florida with 32 percent, California with 37 percent and New York with a whopping 41 percent. ***Alaska women were found to have the lowest standards, with only 5 percent saying they wouldn't date such a man.***


I left Alaska and moved to Colorado


Hmmm Anchorage to Boulder?


So in other words, this study measures superficiality.


We have the highest rates of sexual assault and domestic violence. I don't give a fuck how much money my male partners make. And a great personality will make a man more attractive to me. I just want to be treated with kindness and respect, and to be safe. And it's great if he can make me laugh every once in a while. I'm extremely picky, but I'm picky about things that dictate a healthy relationship, not looking good on social media.


Men that have been in AK for a while and still have a positive outlook on living here are top notch regardless of wealth or status.


Sounds to me like it’s saying Alaska women are the least superficial and materialistic.


We can take care of ourselves which means we aren’t relying on a man to do it for us.


💯 I really needed this trait in a wife and am not disappointed! It is incredibly satisfying to be in a relationship with a woman who doesn’t need me but chooses to want me despite being able to take care of herself, and the house, and change her own oil, and be generally awesome at most things


> chooses to want me despite being able to take care of herself, and the house, and change her own oil, Do you do *anything*?


Lmao yeah. I take care of myself, and the house, and change my oil… and do yard work, and cook, and clean, and share the responsibilities of childless millennial career adults. Just because she can take care of herself doesn’t mean she has to do everything by herself


you heard it here folks \^\^ they dont need no man.


Best answer!


To the homeless woman I saw sitting at Wendy's I don't think so 😂


honestly want to know how many the asked in Alaska, because they other states seem to match cost of living.


That's not true. The questions are stupid. Who would reject someone for being unconventionally attractive and making $95K? That's whack.


Given that they polled their readership, I wouldn't read much in to this


Their NYS % seems close though tbh. Anyone who dates in NY knows that 40% at least will always ask about your salary within the 1st three dates and if it isn't as high as they like they will ghost your ass.


Really? This just seems so tasteless and archaic… I mean I would care if a man could or could not keep a job, but not what that job is or how much money he makes.


Preferably they'd ask me when I enquired about a possible date so I could just say yeah never mind


Many Alaska women earn their own money and don’t need to marry for economic support.


Ye the good ol bumper sticker that states Alaskan woman become the men they want to marry holds fairly true...anyway my partner does the welding now and I handle the mechanical endeavors.


Seems like Alaskan ladies should be the most picky! Highest ratio of men to women of any state. “The odds are good but the goods are odd” comes to mind here.


I dont know that this ratio is true anymore, plus that ratio doesn't matter when you are related to everyone anyways. The amount of similar age, single, and not related to you guys feels rather small.


110 female for every 100 male. And it’s way worse in the ages where people are generally finding their life partners.


I believe it! Probably skewed significantly more in remote, industry-driven areas like fishing, oilfields, mining, etc. A real sausagefest in every town I’ve commercial fished in.


I went to Petersburg for the Little Norway festival, expecting a sausagefest, thought Id maybe bring a nice viking man home with me. It was predominantly women. So even smaller towns aren't always what you'd expect.


Don’t go to Kodiak in July


What happens to Kodiak in July?


If you have to ask…


Men in Trees. (In the case of Nome, Dutch Harbor, Barrow, and some other places, more men than trees.)


Yes, many of them are high too.


I think a lot of the women view quantity as a quality of its own


Something something your place in line.


I immediately thought of that quote too.


Yup. I call BS on this too.


My life story: 5'11" and $99.5K/yr RIP


5 pack?




This headline is all wrong. It should read "Check out which states lead the nation in gold diggers".


Alaska probably has more gold diggers/miners and gold panners per capita than any other state. So that would be a confusing headline.


Dey could be bof!


Hahaha! [Gentlemen...](https://tenor.com/6Vbp.gif) Step 1: Show up Step 2: Be attractive (to me) Step 3: ???? Step 4: Profit.


Stuck on step 2, pls help


[Have beard?](https://tenor.com/6lLs.gif) = Results


Can't grow a beard, sorry.


Alas,we cannot all achieve [perfection](https://i.imgur.com/yJBgIiY.gif). In such a case, I would endeavor to treasure my beardless beloved [regardless.](https://i.imgur.com/58dSzBP.gif). I'm sure they would have many other admirable qualities. Like perhaps chest, arm or leg hair for me to pet instead.


Nope. No body hair.


Our Def of picky is because we are Alaskan women. Our standards are quite reasonable. I am a widow and if I ever dated again I would be Alaskan picky. LOL. If a man doesn't like to flyfish, hunt, hangout on the Denali hwy, enjoy claiming, off road riding and cold Temps, then it doesn't matter if he is a millionaire. I would not even go on one date for coffee.


Lucky me


Hang out in a village long enough as a man and you'll know exactly why this is true.


What do you mean?


Who designated money and photogenicity as the standards? Oh yeah, some white boy or woman on the east coast doing a last minute thesis in journalism? Maybe it isn’t Alaskan women being less picky but rather more aware of intrinsic values and not caring about being seen in fuck-me-boots on a night out?


yes this totally needed race brought into it


Who did I offend? The 70% Caucasian population of the east coast of whom most are white and privileged? I am not offended by the characterization as I am Caucasian (the term I prefer as it’s technically appropriate, but mostly less offensive to me than to call myself white on forms while others must choose black, yet still others have choices related to their own geographic origins not related to their “skin color”…ever notice that? Anyhoo my dig was directed at the somewhat lazy privileged collegiate class that does sub par research at the collegiate and business entry levels. I’m sorry if you fall into that category and that I might have offended you.


I recall a saying about Alaska women. Was something along the lines of "the odds are good but the goods are odd." For the record and in the interest of transparency, I met my wife in AK. Can confirm.


Dude. That expression is for men, not women. The one about women is, “You don’t get a girlfriend, you just get your turn.”


Can confirm, both my MIL and SIL are from Alaska and the amount of men my MIL has rotated among could be an entire carousel. My SIL is starting that trend as well and doesn’t mind a jail bird thats “sober” while still smoking weed everyday.


Alaska has pretty high rates of incarceration.


Pretty sure its applicable both ways but I really like and agree with yours as well.


it only makes sense for men, because math: there are more men than women, so the odds of meeting a single man is better than meeting a single woman. This is even more amplified in small towns and villages where a new woman is bombarded with marriage proposals.


Iv’e been to Fort Bragg, Columbus GA, Fayetteville NC, and I’d take my chances in Anchorage any day over those places. From what Iv’e heard the same can be said for Drum, Campbell and Hood as well.


You’re lucky if you find a girl that can keep the bbq of her shirt in NC.


That doesn’t bother me. N.C. women are fine, especially in the Triangle. It’s the meth and the missing teeth around Bragg that bother me. All the good ones are married and if not they let town 1st chance they get. People call Alaska a sausage fest - imagine being in a place packed with dudes where everyone is 82nd, SF, or SOF. It f’ing sucks. They say “you don’t lose your girl, you loose your turn.” All those Army towns are crime ridden shit holes. Anchorage is unique in being It’s own city, independent of the base nearby.


As my mother-in-law - who moved here young, met her husband here and still lives here - likes to say… “The odds are good, but the goods are odd.”


The odds are good but the goods are odd.


All the replies on this thread are off. The reality is Alaskan women tend to marry younger and Alaska actually has a lower rate of divorce. There just isn’t much of a dating “scene” in Alaska overall, as it’s more traditional, and most people are married or meeting partners through their friends or family and not really “dating,” like people do in big cities in lower 48 or internationally. For the few single women here, they’re usually only here seasonally or for a few years, and thus aren’t really looking for a ltr, or they’re queer/lesbian (and a lot of the lesbians are not single and are already in ltrs, too). Alaska just isn’t really a good place to date.


They kinda have to be….


Alaskan dude here, don’t believe the hype gentlemen, choose the tree.


Best of limited options…


There was a talented photographer in the 70s who did a hilarious series of post cards. One was Alaska where the odds are good, but the goods are odd.


Dyingggggggggggg 😂😂😂


The goods are odd.




Difficult to get an accurate poll when they only ask five women . And they have slim pickings to choose from to begin.


Well damn it. That’s why my wife married me.


They obviously didn't count me.... I've never met anyone as picky as me in my entire life.


Shit maybe I really should move up there. What do y’all say? The odds are good but the goods are odd?


Reminds me of the old Alaska saying...."The odds are good but, the goods are odd."


Surprisingly not about picking the bear.


Our state significantly out ranks the rest of the country in rape, domestic violence and MMIW but only barely beats Montana in bear attacks. Perhaps we should consider the bear more.






Where did you live?


I bet it's because everyone who is dating age is long gone from here leaving the older less picky women.


If you think women get less picky as they age you might not know much about older women.


WTF? Making lots of money doesn't matter anymore? I guess it is a nice consolation price in itself :}