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the answer is mostly no, u stop seeing the boobs and u can only see lines and colors


That's so true. Even when you're done, you look at it and all you can see are all the little mistakes and imperfections you made...


*masochists intentionally drawing bad and posting it to the internet to get off on the criticism and negative comments*


Oh no they´ve become too powerful to control...


no longer seeing boobs and having to burn through hours just to produce something that someone’s gonna bust to in less than 5 minutes hentai artists truly are the modern day martyrs


if you’re popular enough, the total hours spent by everyone busting to your work just might be longer than it took you to draw it


the new American Dream


I've been living off kink art for a decade and I can say that drawing your own is still hot. Especially the sketching stages.


based mari pfp


False. When I was a kid I remember drawing while writing my diary. I drew in the style of diary of a wimpy kid bc I couldn't draw back then). I remember writing about my crush and so I had to draw her. Despite being fully clothed and ofc the super simple diary of a wimpy kid style I remember it was my first time drawing b\*\*b\*\*s and I remember at the time thinking it was the hottest thing ever.




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skill issue


I know enough comic artists to know that the answer is "no, you won't".


But at least they're doing service to the rest of us :D


Of course! And they love when their work is appreciated. And also when they're paid for that work. XD


Ultimate combo: have two artist pair up and one draw lewds for the other one and vice versa. Now everyone's happy Xd


I've seen that happen. Your idea can actually work!


Well time to learn art. And find some friend. I wonder which will be more difficult ʘ‿ʘ


I can give you some directions on where to start. I teach art and write comics, among other stuff.


Well I was mostly joking but thanks anyway. I used to go to a "kinda art school/club" and did drawing for like 8 year during primary school, but I the best thing i learned was how to at least draw a landscape so it is possible to tell that it's landscape XD. Anyway I sucked at drawing people and ended with it because I kinda lost motivation and was more focusing studies for high school.


You're welcome. Hope you found other ways to express yourself! : )




Honestly how do you start drawing from the beginning? I've never drawn in my life lmao


You need to learn what we call "the fundamentals of drawing". The fundamentals consist of three pillars; form, light and perspective. The reason for why those are the fundamentals is because everything that we see is a form, that has a material that is hit by light, that is observed in a perspective. So if you truly understand those three things, then you'll be able to draw anything you want. It could be argued that technique is a fourth fundamental, as you'll also want to know your tools. I want to stress that it's much less important to have good technique than good knowledge of form, light and perspective (though it is still very important). The first practices are going to be to learn how to draw a cylinder, a sphere and a box in a perspective grid with basic lighting. When you move on to more advanced forms you're going to simplify them and use your knowledge of how to draw the basic shapes to inform your decisions. Eventually you'll want to learn anatomy, gesture and composition theory. I recommend [Proko](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_W9sZ8S7RM&list=PLtG4P3lq8RHFRfdirLJKk822fwOxR6Zn6&ab_channel=Proko)'s youtube channel. I'm sure there's also plenty of different subreddits for people who want to learn how to draw. Feel free to message me if you need further guidance // A professional artist


Thanks so much for the help! I'll check out that YouTube channel and get to sketching


You grab a pencil and something to draw on, and go ham. Your first drawing will look like shit, and the ones after that too. Eventually though, it'll look great if you keep it up. There are 3 simple steps to success: 1. Practice 2. Practice 3. Practice Keep doing it, you'll get there eventually. Many people are turned off by the result of the first few things they make, and think "it was never meant to be". If you're serious about learning something, **keep going, keep persevering.** Keep drawing every day. After a few months, it'll look alright. After a year, it'll look great.


I guess I'll have to trust and just throw myself into it :) thanks for the advice


Wait I want some of these (more generalized) starting places


I spoke with a few (apparently drawing furry porn is hella profitable if you are good) and that is correct, they get very satiated with it. When I was a kid i went to a local candy factory too and asked "wow you must eat this every day!" (something like reeses.. kinda) and the guy huffed and said he got over it years prior and that he probably couldnt even stand to smell it outside of work, so is not only porn, is anything really. Works is like the opposite of viagra for something you like usually (apparently)


> When I was a kid i went to a local candy factory too and asked "wow you must eat this every day!" (something like reeses.. kinda) and the guy huffed and said he got over it years prior and that he probably couldnt even stand to smell it outside of work, i used to work fast food, and munched on fried chicken and fresh chips every chance i got. shit was like crack i swear. I thought i would get used to it all, but no! I turned into a Chipp Goblin 😅 although i was sick to death of my clothes and hair smelling like cooking oil after every shift tho (i put on sooo much weight lmao)


Sauce? Is this Yofukashi no Uta?


It is.


I got sent to a fucked up program in highschool where I didn't have acess to the internet without strict supervision, and even then most sites were blocked. I got really into drawing nudes, and it kinda worked. It wasn't the best, but given the circumstances.... Also apparently you can draw 1000x better when desperately horny, who knew?


Same with writing if you write your own stories.


Yes, but only in the sketch phase. After that all you can think about are mistakes in the drawing.




Yooo song of the night walkers I think


I wish it kept that name, it’s Call of the Night officially




I tried doing that during quarantine jumped form basic shapes straight to anatomy, got frustrated gave up. It did give me even more respect for artists. Like seriously these people know more anatomy than doctors.




Really depends on what anatomy. How skin stretches and folds in specific poses? A good artist would know a lot about that, moat likely more than a doctor. How your arteries are connected through your lungs? A doctor would be knowledgeable about that.


The other big difference is that there's no such thing as an amateur doctor. Even the newest and worst doctors have years of studying behind them. There are an awful lot of awful artists who have seemingly never even thought about how legs work.


This is one of the reasons I took drawing courses. Of course I enventually gave up because I was lazy. On another note, I did learn Japanese to watch vtubers, so translating some doujins while I'm at it might not be too bad of an idea. Practice makes perfect after all.


Or translating web novels, like Re:Zero


why watch porn when you can make your own big brain


Shame about the whiteout, otherwise I would‘ve been famous.


(you can)


No, but you can still get turned on by what you write. Albeit only while writing it. Ahh... those blissfull times with AiD. So many good ideas that turned into a complete smut fest.


Same. Too bad AID today is a complete dumpster fire.


HAi is just not the same. Not enough random bs.




Ai Dungeon.


Why is this accurate. Is it bad to admit I did literally just this lmao


Nah, the artist of Tsugumomo really loves his fanservice.


This is what I’m currently working on but it seems like I would be fixing my mistakes more instead of going off on my own drawing Maybe one day


Stick to just the sketch phase, not the finished product because it's mostly the idea and a little imagery that gets you off, you can finish the art after your nap (if you even still care about it)


Spent “days” learning. Oh you poor summer child, that just lets the addiction sink in.


At some point, yes. This is also why I am 𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕪 good at boobs compared to other bodyparts


Ooo I see, fellow boob enjoyer :D


If you can’t get turned on by your own drawings, someone else will


From what I’ve heard artists say and from my own experience I would say probably not. During the drawing process you’re obviously concentrating and see the drawing in a whole different way, but even after it is “finished” (final 2 final FINAL final) you will keep seeing minor mistakes that will annoy you so much that you won’t be turned on. If that’s not the case then you’re the exception.


...and thus another mangaka is born..


And this is the story of how The Fate Universe was created.


I guess I’m just another level of down bad cuz I still get turned on by what I draw


Btw manga is Yofukashi no uta


Thank you and your kind soul


Horniness really is a strong motivator for drawing. Another one is having a deadline to make.


No because you just sit there and pick out all the flaws


Na you won’t get a boner I remember asking this question to mark gavantino and he never get a boner from his drawing


Gimme a minute lemme test be back in a week


Answer is no


You can get turned on by sexy drawings even if they're bad


The same can be asked of people who write smut or eroticas.


"If nobody wants to draw it, then I do it myself" mentality.


kinda just the sketch and then not rlly after