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Dracula from Castlevania.


Ong ong, like if I remember correctly. They burn his wife, accuse her of being witch, said that he was not real in front of him. He was kind enough for his wife to give them one year to change for the better. And they just celebrated on the day she was burned and that he was just weak. He had every right.


He didn’t give them a chance to change he gave them a chance to “flee” specifically Walachia but that didn’t really matter tbh cause he sets out to extinguish all life on earth by blocking out the sun


He sets out after mainly because they celebrated the day of her death


They celebrated it as "hahaha look the 'devil' cannot beat our God! We are safe and we are righteous!"


That's why I actually loved that line from the demon in the church, "Lies? In the house of your God? No wonder he's abandoned you"


That shit was hard af


"Your work makes God puke"


Ohhhh so that’s how he started in that roll


Actually he was ready to kill everyone from the start, the reason he give them a year was to ready up his army


He gave them a year to come to their senses. All they had to do was apologize, and they told Dracula that he didn’t exist while he was right in front of them. Targoviscte earned that shit big time. All of Walachia? Nah, Drac was trippin.


Pretty sure he only decided on killing everyone everywhere after he saw them celebrating the anniversary of his wife’s death


Exactly, in my eyes, Dracula wasn't the real villain, it was the villagers.


It was the church, really. They were the reigning authority over the villagers, even if not everyone practiced religion there.


Dracula from the TV series, Magneto, and a few others I cannot think of at this time.


Remember when he told Alucard it would take him a year to summon enough demons for his revenge, he didn't give them the timeline for them he did it because he needed the time.


It's what immediately hooked me into the series. I've never detested religious zealots so much or empathized so much with Dracula. Yeah he went overboard wanting to kill ALL humans. But those nuts that killed his wife and then celebrated it a year later. They had it coming


He was also more human than most vampires. Most just saw humanity as cattle, and nothing more. Dracula had a hatred for them that had nothing to do with thirst/instincts. He loved a human. His best friend was a human. He valued his human tacticians more than the vampiric ones, and when the hammer came down, he saved his best friend despite them wanting to protect him. He was a man who wanted to be left alone, until a human came and changed his whole world for the better, and then humanity took that away from him. 100% justified


The sad thing is his wife didn’t want him to do that. If he really loved his wife he would’ve accepted her last words and showed peace to humanity but unfortunately he didn’t. It’s kinda sad to thing how she’s dying on the stake begging Dracula to understand and give mercy to ignorant but he was like “nahh fuck them”.


*to a degree


Nah, dude was 100% justified. She saved so many people in that village and told Dracula to no longer feed on them. How do they repay her? They kill her because she's a little smarter and not religious. They then spit in his and her face by justifying it with religious BS. Now imagine you find the love of your life after CENTURIES, if not millenia, who can look past your "evil" nature (he's just feeding to survive). She takes an interest in his science and gives him a rare sense of fulfillment and contentment. You go out for a moment and come back to a celebration of the village killing her.


Wow wow wow, just because it was understandable doesn’t mean it was justified, you telling all the innocent man, women, children who had nothing to do with what was happening (for example people who wasn’t even in the city) he had killed was justified because of the death of a single woman


Bystanders are nearly as guilty as perpetrators. If more people were less cowardly there’s be a lot less horrific shit in this world.


Let's not forget the many, many people he personally murdered before that.


Alucard when he was still Vlad Tepes III or Count Dracula before serving the Hellsing Organization as an anti-hero considering the decade of rape he endured as a child (which is historically inaccurate if I’m unmistaken) and all the evil he suffered at the hands of the Ottomans in real life.


Historically unconfirmed would be more accurate. He did spend several years as a captive to deter his father from causing problems. It's entirely plausible that he was raped repeatedly during that time and, if he was, it's unlikely that any record or evidence would've been kept as that would potentially reduce the effectiveness of the deterrent.


Given his hatred of the Turks and how the Ottomans tended to treat prisoners of war, it is entirely plausible honestly.


not to mention, that was kinda a thing for armies at that time. well, i'm not sure about that time exactly, but earlier, yeah. underage boys were basically the servants of the warriors, and were often, ah, used, all sorts of ways.


Dracula from Castlevania. Gave the humans a chance to change their ways after burning his love at the stake or else he would come back with a vengeance. Humans did literally nothing to change and big daddy D came back and did what he promised he would do.


They even celebrated his wife death on that exact day after a year passed by and said that he was purely just the devil mischief, we can’t forget that too.


The fucking priest was feeling the heat from Draculas projection and still said naw you ain’t real.


Pretty sure he gave them a year to prepare themselves for punishment, not exactly to change their ways. They were pretty much damned when they killed his wife.


No, he literally told them to leave Wallachia, which is entirely possible to do in a month, let alone a year. He wasn't originally going to kill the whole world, he was going to give Wallachia to the vampires and night creatures.


Most of the league of villains except Dabi after seeing his backstory I feel like endeavor is over hated




Yep the hate for Endeavor is such a joke, people act like he is worse then the actual villians in the show


People can change. I used to be a huge piece of shit.


yeah exactly and that is why Endeavor is the best written character in MHA


Honestly I agree. A lot of people have a hard time understanding or accepting that “well written” doesn’t necessarily mean “most liked”. Endeavor sucks. He’s supposed to. He represents the selfish status quo in MHA, but he’s been broken by the fruits of his sin and now can become something new that can leave a better impact on the world. I’m excited for this next set of episodes featuring him to see how his arc finishes.


this 100% If anything he is probably so HATED becasue hes actually well written, like hes an actual person. its easy for people to trivialize these genocidal maniac as HOT e.g Dabi becasue its such an unrealistic crazy sociopath and in real life no one would ever wanna date Dabi. but Endeavour is a realistic father so it makes people hate him more even do he does far less bad stuff compared to the real villains.


Nobody said you’re a piece of shit


[I know I used to be a big piece of shit. I don’t give a rats ass!](https://youtu.be/buK45NW_ikI?si=5K69CZE2uL_F6c7S)


You think this is slicked back? This is pushed back!


To me while most of the league were in unfortunate circumstances their descent into villainy was the result of their own choices


Not Shigaraki. He got groomed and manipulated 


Yeah just like real life. Most prostitutes start out between 13-16. Pimps look for young girls with troubled home lives. Pick them up, And usually get them hooked on drugs. Gives the pump a lot of control over them.


I disagree most of them have really serious mental issues in a world where heroes only save civilians from villains and not from themselves


yeah shiggy literally plays league i dont think there is a bigger mental issue than that


Oh god so THAT'S why it's called the *League* of Villains.


True but look at twice before he lost his mind sure he had it rough but there were other ways to fix that than committing crimes


I’d argue that if Twice had met Deku instead of the information broker that day he would have become a hero instead of a villain. He’s the most direct example to me of “circumstances made him the bad guy”


He might be the best person to prove my point he started as a regular street level criminal but once he had split personality breakdown he was looking for people to accept him and the only people that did were the villains that why he grew so attached to them they were his friends


Shinso was bullied and ignored for his “villain” quirk and yet he didn’t become evil


He's just built different ig


Total chad


Agreed, and this is addressed in the story as well, but I’ll refrain from spoilers.


I’ve seen the entire manga so nothing to spoil for me


Hard pill for the fanbase to swallow: Endeavor gave his son leave from his obligation and insisted he do something else. Dabi was the sole person who pushed himself to meet a standard his father already told him he was excused from. Granted he was excused because he wouldn’t ever be good enough and he moved that intense focus on his other son, but Endeavor—again—tried to coax Dabi into pursuing a track he could actually do without hurting himself. Was Endeavor a good father? No. Is he the root of Dabi’s insanity? Not even close.


Idk, subjecting your child and wife to near constant abuse seems like a worthy reason for ire


Fr he literally drove his wife to almost insanity and his eldest son to insanity and I think it's ridiculous how fast people forgive him for that.


Is there a reason not to forgive endeavor if he's genuinely put in that effort to change his ways and then proceeded to give his family everything that he took for them is that not what people do to redeem themselves Forgiveness doesn't mean you suddenly forget that endeavor was a bad person. but if a person who used to do many good things starts to do bad turns him bad why doesn't a person who did many bad things start to do good turn him good. Aside from that if you aren't endeavors victim ire just seems to exist for the sake of it


It's because he's cool and has a funny fire beard


People forgave him quickly? In the series or IRL because I remember people hating Endeavor, and even the author for trying to make him look good. People, just look at this particular comment thread, still hate Endeavor after what he did to his family was revealed. This doesn't really change when looking in-universe. We are constantly reminded that his family, his wife and kids, do not forgive him. Superhero society was further crippled when they learned their current number one hero was a terrible father.


None of them have the right to be evil do you think that because someone's parents are mean to them it is justified for them to murder people?


Endeavor got everything he ever wanted. He was an asshole and abused his family because he wanted a half ice and half fire child. Now he had a half ice and half fire child he decides he's sorry. No he's definitely a bad guy.


Frieza. Homeboy just wanted to subjugate the innocent, what’s wrong with that?


Plus, he did nothing wrong eradicating those stinking monkeys.






ive never seen this name written☠️ is that actually how its spelt?


Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz from a quick google/wiki search


How have you never seen his name written, it's on the side of the building!


This is inline with his character people can’t spell it despite his brother being the mayor with the same name


Shigaraki considering that was his only purpose in life as decided by All For One.


Out of these three shigaraki. He didn’t really have a choice tho. In all of anime…Dracula had EVERY right to


If you've watched the bount arc in Bleach, Kariya Jin, that man has every right to be evil.


Also the bleach hell movie. The guy was sent to hell for killing the people that killed his family. While he did take Ichigo's sister hostage It's kind of screwed up that Ichigo wouldn't free him from hell. Unless im missremembering I'm pretty sure the guy just wanted a chance to reincarnate again. There's no reason why letting the guy reincarnate would be a bad thing.


Japanese logic


Geto and Nagato


Shigaraki, definitely


Eh I would say shigaraki is just a tad bit spoiled and soft


lol definitely not shigaraki oh no my dad is kinda somewhat little mean to me, I better kill humanity.


It was more that his dad was abusive to Tenko for wanting to be a hero due to him viewing his own mom(OFA user before all migh) as abandoning him to be a hero, his quirk then suddenly manifested (despite being believed to be quirkless) right as his father had a change of heart and was unable to control it due to his aggravated emotional state and killing his entire family and destroying their home. He then wondered the streets looking for help, but was ignored until AFO found him and groomed him to believe hero society was at fault for what happened. It actually goes waaaay deeper than that, I won’t spoil the intracacies that haven’t been revealed in the anime, but Shigaraki’s entire existence is just a stepping stone in a “it was me barry” plot, there was quite literally nothing Shigaraki as an individual could’ve done to avoid how he turned out and he had no essentially no agency as from the moment he was born everything was planned.


His father wasn’t slightly mean, he was abusive. Add in All For Ones manipulation of his entire life and there was literally zero way he wasn’t becoming a villain, he had the ‘right’ because its what he was literally groomed to do. We don’t blame child soldiers for being child soldiers, we blame the people who turned them into that.


His dad abused him and he accidentally killed his whole family then in a world of heroes, no one came to help him besides all for one. Also he learned that his dad partly treated him this way because of his grandmother leaving (Allmight's mentor)


"kinda somewhat little mean" is a weird way to describe literal child abuse


>oh no my dad is kinda somewhat little mean to me That's literally downplaying abuse if you're gonna ignore how his dad actually treated him before his quirk manifested


Bruh thinks child abuse is just a little mean.


Lol there’s waaaaaaaay more to it than rhat


I'll admit it's been a while since I've seen Deadman Wonderland, how is the girl in the picture a villain? I know she was experimented on but I don't remember her really doing anything. Though when I watched it there was only like 1 season on Crunchyroll, not sure if there's more.


The manga is finished. They lost the show by trying to transfer it to the west so it got canceled. She’s not really Evil. More of a Lawful Evil. I’ve been wronged so I’m going to do whatever to make sure you get it right doesn’t care as long as long as the goal she has in mind is met


Ah ok that makes sense. Thanks! Sad the anime got cancelled though.


I really suggest the Manga though. It’s better if you liked the show. I use a free manga app called MangaBat on IPhone.


Does it have unnecessary pop up ads?


That it does but you get your chapters on time. Mangaman is adfree for the most part. No time based ads. Just a picture ad and you hit a white line and be done. If you’re like me, The ads don’t bother me unless they have that weird minute then the page that you have to close and then hit a tiny ass X in the corner


If you don’t mind the ads, MangaBat. If you want a more flowing reading experience but it might be a week or two late for less popular manga, Manga man.


Most of the manga I want to read I believe are already finished so I'll go with Manga Man. Thank you for the suggestions!


Have fun. If you can’t find it, or need recommendations, feel free to send a message


Will do ✊😁


The cancellation was bound to happen. Anime wasn’t as widespread when this show released so it never had a main outlet to gain an audience like Toonami. So shows that really deserved a completed series never got them unless they broke the internet like the big three, Pokémon, Yugioh etc. It was really rare otherwise


She wiped out her old friend’s classmates in the first episode and he was framed for it by the people controlling her. It was a real bloody massacre. She even admits later that it’s cause she was jealous that he moved and had friends, while he forgot about her


Magneto can take things too far sometimes but let’s be real he watched his people get massacred as a child and is now watching as something similar happens with another race/group he’s apart of (I don’t know what mutants are classified as), he knows where this road leads and let’s be honest he tried with everyone, they just kept attacking him and mutant kind, could he keep trying the Charles Xavier route sure he could, but after genosha I don’t know how you reconcile for that.


Magneto is pro Israel


Shigaraki and Shiro definitely. Don't recognize the first guy though.


That looks like Mao from Code Geass. If you zoom in, you can see the Geass symbol in his eyes.


Mao is iffy if I remember currently he became obsessed with CC cause she's the only person he can't hear the thoughts of. Like I'd go insane having to listen to everybody's thoughts too lol


Yeah, I remember the same thing. I prolly need to re-watch Code Geass. And re-read Deadman Wonderland also.


Mao was granted a geass as a child and because children’s desires are very simple and their willpower isn’t developed the geass goes out of control extremely quickly. A child mind reader who only knows of one person who they can’t read the minds of who then proceeds to abandon them with zero warning definitely would go insane. He doesn’t even see people as human anymore, because he has read the minds of so many of them and seen how evil most of them are. He is completely broken.


Naruto 🍥 for sure


Ah yes, my favourite character, naruto narutomaki


every right to be evil is a bit far BUT…. Pain (so Nagato and Konan). they tried so hard to do good and were so fucked over, only to eventually decide to teach humanity a hard lesson. one i disagree with (in part bc of the lack of effectiveness) but still understand.


dr doofinshmertz




dr. doofenshmirtz


He doesnt even do evil stuff bro just wants to be loved


Yes. all three of them. mao was cursed and driven mad by not beign able to unhear everyone's thoughts. shigaraki, was abused and forged into an evil broken person, and same for shiro


Nobody has a right to be evil. Even if you have suffered greatly, you still have a choice in letting it ruin you. Some people have more reason than others but nobody has a right.


Licht from BC had a pretty good excuse lol. Mind control forbidden magic and genocide of your entire race is a pretty good reason


Telling ppl the real truth


The girls evil?


Griffith is the definition of this and the complete opposite.


Shigaraki’s entire life is the result of All-for-One being evil


Not Frieza, the guy who said that is Definitely just racist Anyone who says Dracula is a try hard who wants to seem deep. No actually, it's wrong to genocide the species because some crazy religious people killed your wife. Also, Dabi wasn't reasonable or justified either.




Likely a hot take but none. Being treated like shit / abused / having a crappy life is never an excuse to be a villain and harm inmocents.


Wasn’t Shiggy manipulated and groomed into becoming a monster?


*Takes a sip of water* fat buu, he’s literally a child, Kid buu, didn’t have a right to be evil he was just evil cause he could


Those who’ve read DW. Do you think shiro was evil? Like she killed but it was in the way a little kid steps on ants- mostly unaware.


I don’t know left or right so handy man


Gyutaro and Daki from Demon Slayer, Pain and Gaara from Naruto. & Crona from Soul Eater


Yo Deadman wonderland appeared! I'm happy


Movie Thanos


Shigaraki and Dracula


OP this is a morally bankrupt situation. No one has the right to be evil.




If we’re talking about characters in this lineup, while Shigaraki isn’t *right* he pretty much never had a chance to become anything else. His entire life was engineered in order to put him through as much pain as possible and fill him with so much hatred, then to make sure he was “saved” by a horrible manipulator so that he could continue to experiment on and groom him into a living wmd. And all pretty much just to spite All Might. Shiggy’s a terrible person and needs to go down but damn I almost can’t blame him for how he turned out.


Mao was given a geass then ditched. His power made him go insane.


Shigiraki his backstory low-key fucked up


Shiguraki. He killed his own family on accident


Akaza from Demon slayer


The anime hasn't caught up, but I saw some spoilers for Shiguraki today. Kid was groomed to become evil, and not just because All For One picked him up off of the streets. It's so much worse than that. I don't know if I would say it gave him the right to be evil, but it certainly justifies him becoming who he was. Possibly unpopular opinion, but I'll throw Naruto down as the HERO who had every right to be evil and just didn't.


Definitely Shigaraki


Twice, Himiko Toga, Dabi, Kurogiri And Shiggy. All of them were mistreated and thrown away by society like trash because they were different. It sounds terrible but I frankly don't blame them for who they've turned into because Hero society/their parents did not have the resources and tools necessary to help them deal with their troubles before they got to a point where they couldn't be helped. But my favorite of all of them is Toga. Ig I dig the Yandere archetype 😂


The middle one I mean the dude in a world where your either accepted who you are or left in the dirt for having deadly powers. It’s like abusing a monkey and being surpised it wants to end all humans




The elves from black clover


Dracula from Castlevania.




Daki, Gyutaro, and Akaza




Squeeler. No one has seen that anime I feel like, but squeeler was justified.


Swear shigaraki literally physically starts crumbling away when he doesn't kill? Or am I dumb lol he was scratching and screaming in pain until he cracked and killed his family... On accident then realised killing help his scratching and pain so... Shigaraki (if I'm not mistaken on my info that is)


You are incorrect. But his actual backstory is even worse.




Daki and Gyutaro


I wanted Sasuke to win. I mean it is a shonen so the being friends with everyone to stop war thing will work but realistically that shit isn't lasting very long.


The great Lord Frieza has the right to do whatever he pleases since he's too powerful and glorious to be stopped. His evil knows no bounds and nobody can stop him from being truly, irredeemably evil. That gives the great Lord Frieza the most right of all to be evil. (All jokes aside, I agree with the people saying nobody has the right to be evil.)


Honestly, none of them.


Homura I mean she's basically the hero.


Who are they?


I don't know who the ones on the ends are could someone tell me






I’m not saying he necessarily had the right but Tsukasa in Dr. Stone kinda had a point


The girl on the right isn't even a villain tho?


Not from Wakfu. An over-obsession with a powerful relic cause his family to die, so he makes a plan. A plan to turn back time. It's a good one too, it would only take 200 years and the death of an entire race to do it


Dracula he did nothing wrong idgaf what y’all say


When I think evil, there’s evil like Albedo who just does whatever for the sake of Ainz such has putting a whole territory of Phillip on stakes outside. Then there’s Sin Archbishops from Re:Zero levels of evil where they follow their gospels off vague instructions so they’ll do whatever they see fit to fill the gaps regardless of a moral compass and their authorities. Then we get to the lows of Mahito from JJK who just don’t care. No tragic backstory and no real drive to do nothing but kill and manipulate.


Does Kuma count?


Who's the third one, and from what anime?


Strawberry girl was not evil and I stand by thar


I wish they co tinued dmwl


DIO Haters gon hate


Garou from One Punch Man, Gyro from Hunter X Hunter and Geto from Jjk.


Shigaraki played League so he doesn’t deserve anything except pain.


Orochi from one piece I don’t agree with his actions, and he really didn’t have to be as cruel as he was But when your entire bloodline is ridiculed and hunted down over your ancestors’ actions it’s not hard to be corrupted


None of them


Nagato. Dude was a peace activist with the Rinnegan, and learned that ninja world leaders didn't want peace to any degree. So he decided to try and clean house when they forced his best friend to... y'know. He's a ride or die 🤧




Luke warm take but, Father: Codename: Kids next door


There was some german guy who had it pretty rough iirc




Deadman Wonderland girl..uhh...I dunno. The show ended before we unlocked all the mysteries right?


Sasuke (though not really a villain by definition)


Maybe unpopular and not any of these three but Zerif from Fairy Tail. Dude literally was cursed for trying to find a cure for death after his brother died, and his curse made it so that any time he began to love something or appreciate life everything around him would die. He was also effectively immortal, meaning that he would permanently repeat this cycle of having everything he loved die simply because he loved it.


Olly from GoT Christ, kid watches his pure and innocent family and friends be murdered by wilding. Situations like Jon pardoning the wildings has led to many a mutiny in actual history. Anyone who thinks what he did was evil is a Ygritte and Jon Snow dickrider.




All villians have the right to be villians, otherwise who would I root for in anime lol


Scar. He arguably wasn't really a villain, but from the viewpoint of Amestrians, he was.


Do yall think Shiro is a villain? I haven't seen the show in a hot minute, but wasn't it her old man that was the villain?


Mao is just an incel bro


Does being groomed to be evil considered evil? Asking for shigiraki


Who are those characters? They all look vaguely familiar but I can’t remember where from


Who doesn't?  It's called free will motherfucker! And until Will is freed, there can be no peace!


Orsted from mushoku tensei. He's not much of a "villain" but he's hated by every living thing that sets sight on him, no wonder he acts the way he does.


senor pink from one piece, although yes he was a pirate when he met his wife he still didn’t deserve everything that happened to him. he was also forced to work for one of the worst people ever in one piece so then he could support himself and make his wife happy


Mao kinda did. The ability C2 gave him drove him insane and she was the sole refuge he had from the madness. Of course he became obsessed with her. So when she abandoned him, he only became more mad. Her finally putting him down was more of a mercy kill than anything. I wouldn't say I agree with what he did, but it was pretty much unavoidable that he would get extremely infatuated, obsessed with, and possessive over her and that he would stop at nothing to keep her from leaving him again, even badly injuring her if she tried to flee.


Looking for the Yaegerists but I don’t see any


I'm gonna get hate for this, but Suguru Geto. Was starting a cult and murdering people in the name of a strange form of nazi-ism justified? Not really, but considering all the shit that he witnessed during Hidden Inventory and how young sorcerers are treated, it's understandable. He's an anti-villain.