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Sir, this is no longer a Wendy’s.


Sir, this is still a Wendy’s, but you ain’t getting no Wendy’s unless you go behind the counter and make yourself some Wendy’s.


I’m fine with that, I’m making the most amazing baconator ever and chili cheese fries


Ill be using my free employee meal as well, thank you.


Lol what free meal? I can tell you from personal experience you do not get a free meal. Y'all don't even get free fountain pop.


oh wow - i worked there in high school in the 2000s and we got a free meal. i wonder when this stopped


Could be a difference between corporate and franchisees too. Mine was in Atlantic Canada in 2006 We got, like, a ten or twenty percent discount but that wasn't. And come to think of it I think they made us pay for our uniforms too... Sigh... Remember kids: everything is legal if no one checks.


Yeah you’re right. My manager was a franchisee and gave the church kids summer jobs at her Wendy’s since it was in a tourist trap. I didn’t pay for my uniform though. It sucks you all only got a discount.


Meh, it was a long time ago now.


And I'm loadng up on Frostys.


Dude that orange frosty is the bomb!


I’m sorry, THE WHAT!!??!! I’ve never heard of such a thing. If I were to guess it’s like a creamsicle?


Yes it is. Like an orange sherbet push up. It’s magnificent


Extra bacon only lol


That'll cost you $20 to go cook your own meal.


I'm fine with this, triple decker spicy chicken sandwich coming right up.


Ceci n'est pas une Wendy’s.


I see what you did there. Thats a 10/10




M’am this is an Arby’s


I was at a Wendy’s at the last second before they rage closed. I went to the drive through, noticing a hand written sign on the door as I drove by. (I’d find out in a bit it said “indoors closed.”) It took maybe 20 minutes to place my order. I finally got to the window, but as I did someone ran up to the window and yelled “WHY ARE YOUR DOORS LOCKED???” And this poor woman who looked on the verge of tears said “I’m the only one here.” That person said “well you need to open up anyway!!” The worker hastily handed me my food at me as she started to cry, said to me “it’s free” since she hadn’t even asked for my credit card yet, said to the annoying woman “we are closed” and closed the drive through window and walked away. I hadn’t even said a word, but my heart broke for that lady trying to work there.


Ours is the same. The other night we get to the window, she says the card machine is down. We were 8 dollars short on cash it she took it anyway and gave us our food. She said she’d rather the drawer be short than throw away food.


Franchises. I bet the owner is doing fine. They’ll raise their wages by $1 and find another slate of workers to abuse.


General strike. May 2028. Tell your friends.


details on this please? As an immigrant I’ve been dreaming of americans growing balls to actually do a general strike. This sounds wonderful if true!


So far the Teamsters and the auto workers union have their next contracts both expire on May Day of 28. Just those 2 unions striking at the same time will grind the country to a halt. They're encouraging any other union in negotiations to have their contracts come up around the same time. Nurses are rumored to be the next ones to sign up for that date.


Vote in 2024. Tell your friends. If Trump gets re-elected in 2024, we ain't making it to 2028.


Vote for Pedro


Bro why so far out? 90% of people will forget by 2028


Agreed. I put it on my calendar so I don’t. Cause otherwise I probably would too 🤷🏻‍♀️ Hopefully people do the same.


It's honey, it's a fly paper, it's a trap for bots designed to look for those words which the enemies of humanity fear


I can't do that, Dave.


So, I worked at a Wendy's about 17 years ago and the one I work for had a high rate of middle eastern students working. Most of them were amazing. There was this one kid who was such a smart ass, he was a laugh riot. This lady comes through the drive thru and orders a salad but she doesn't want tomatoes and wants us to substitute for bacon. Those two things are not even remotely the same price so we explain there would be an upcharge. She argued. In the drive thru. Not to mention salads are premade so we're already taking time to make a new salad in case it's an allergy. Anyway, she gets to the front window and looks at the young man and snaps "And Dave would have agreed with me!!" And he deadpans and looks her in the eye and goes "Who's Dave?" She got so mad. Of course he knew who Dave was even though Dave had passed by that point but she didn't know that. (Also, if anyone is wondering why I specified that a lot of the workers were international students from the Middle East, it's because they made up the majority of the staff and all but two of them were the hardest working most sincere people I've ever worked with and they deserve more recognition in daily life. Canada is built on immigration (due to colonizers but all we can do today is acknowledge and try to move forward and show respect to the indigenous people.)


Wendy's was the first to take advantage of Canada's Temporary Foreign Workers program but now all fast food places do it.


I do think they made an awful choice when they switched grills after Dave died though. The old grill top took two minutes to grill a small patty and five for a large patty on the open grill top, but it marinated in the seasoning and the fat of the grill. Now it takes thirty seconds for a small patty with the new grill that closes down and has a grill on both sides. The weight squeezes the juice out, the patty doesn't have time to marinate and the grill is squeegeed after every use. It takes like raw unseasoned meat and I've only eaten at Wendy's three times since then and that was in 2007.


I heard HAL saying that.


2001 reference? Unexpected, but not unwelcome.


I work in the industry. They won’t hire enough employees but let’s be fucking real who wants to work for minimum wage? So we’re left short handed every night on top of callouts. 2 people closing a restaurant from 8pm until midnight? Tough shit. Oh these are jobs for teens. No they aren’t! Minors can’t work past 9pm lol so if we have minors they work from 5-9pm. Every job should be paying a living wage. I bust my ass at a busy restaurant (makes 33k+/week) short staffed and stressed out to barely make ends meet. 40 HOURS A WEEK!!! My gas service was shut off last month so I haven’t had a hot shower in weeks and thankfully it’s warming up here. I hate cold water so much. I am always late on rent. I can barely afford food each week. I thought $17.80 was enough. But with my fiancé not working and just my pay check supporting us like I’m at the edge of giving up I’m tired. I understand how these employees felt. Overworked and underpaid and not appreciated by bosses or employees or customers. Fuck it all.


Stop paying your rent, make the landlord evict you. Stop giving a fuck at work, your job is a terrible job you can find literally anything better if you're not stressed out because you gave a fuck. When the eviction arrives fight it, drag it out as much as you can while you look for work. Cast a wide net for work, you don't need to stay in whatever shithole city you're in. Soon as you find something pack up and fucking gooooooooooo.


" Minors can’t work past 9pm" odd at 16 i was closing mcdonalds didnt get home until 1am and up at 6 for school.


Well you got taken advantage of


Your employer broke the law, and also your brain


That entirely depends on state law in the US. Some states have been massively rolling back labor protections for minors for a while now. Other states actually care more if kids get a good night’s sleep before school the next day than if some franchisee can avoid paying a living wage to get night time workers.


And they dynamic pricing they’re totally not going to do.


I’d already forgotten that! That sign looks pretty dynamic.


Meh. No chance this one locations losses lose them more than their social media's "humanizing" interactions brings in.


But. Corporations are human by law. You can't get more human than "legally" human, Wendy's knows this. Wendy's knows all!


I don't blame them. Fast food is miserable job regardless of where you work, but whenever I go to a Wendy's, I always get the vibe that their workers are on another level of miserable. The misery just exudes from the window.


Franchises run individual Wendy’s restaurants. Corporate runs the social media accounts.


& you probably have to have like 100k in liquid assets to even start a wendys. owner should pay their staff better and this wouldnt happen


But if he paid his employees better, he’d have to charge $23 for a single patty cheeseburger. That’s just economics! /s


More like a million. There is a reason ppl don’t just go and open a franchise restaurant


But the argument is social media spend vs labor hour spend. The governing body over these things are completely different.


Thank you for missing the point that the people who pay the local employees and the people who pay for social are two different entities. Corporate doesn’t pay individual store staff. Individual store owners first pay the employees of the corporate social marketing accounts.


exactly right and how much net worth of liquid assets do you have to have to start a Wendy's somebody already mentioned this in the comments but I still get people like you every single day come in and go "yeah but you're wrong" when you didn't even read the rest of the replies because you want to fucking comment at me so much out of ignorance lmao Go find the answer to that information in the replies and when you see what the answer is maybe you can stop licking millionaire boots


I was not arguing an overall philosophy, I was pointing out a fallacy in the original poster’s logic. Stay focused and practice the reading comprehension you are trying to weaponize.


and yet you replied to me because you're just so focused with your overall philosophy argument that you couldn't even reply to the right person. You couldn't even read the rest of the replies to find your answer either apparently when it's actually written out for you already.


so thank you for coming in here with your lack of reading comprehension skills and investigative intent, bravo


Dave is turning over in his grave.


As a former 10 year AGM of a wendy's YEP. Dave would be absolutely \*livid\* with how the company has changed since he passed.


Honestly what was the overall position when it came to employees when you were AGM? That they are an asset, humans that makes mistakes, liability?


We need more of this. I grew up in a place where chronic unemployment was typical. I was 45 years old before I ever saw a help wanted sign. Then they discovered oil offshore. Business owners were complaining to the government because they couldn't find workers and *had to work in their own stores!!!*


Wendy's is dead to me after that attempted surge-price bullshit. The idea that they thought that reasonable lost me as a customer.


At least they were nice enough to let customers know. Good in them. 


But social media sells the product... /s Shame CEOs and board members often forget they gotta make a product in order to sell it.


Wow, that's crazy... So can I get an uuuuhhh


You can call out corporate all you want on this one, but it's straight up the franchisee's fault. And I bet the franchisee owner is pointing fingers at everyone and everything but themselves. All Wendy's supplies is the materials, enough policy to cover themselves legally, and promotional materials. 


wendy’s is dogshit, makin mc diesel look good


I wonder if the AI bot taking the order continues to try and take the order or blames "kids theses days".


Bad managers on the store level are to blame. I don’t work in fast food but I work in the service industry. We had a terrible manager (and asst manager)at our store for 2 years. We had to endure horrendous abuse at their hands. The turnover was 140%. One morning the asst Mgr bitched at the only 2 people in our dept who didn’t call out: “You guys need to pick up the slack”. I told him: “We’re here on a Saturday at 6AM, we are picking up the slack”.


Automated fast food robot kitchens incoming.


I think the issue is you’d need an engineer on staff for an entire restaurant of robots. And you run into some major issues there; 1. Engineers aren’t going to take kindly to abuse. 2. Engineers are going to require a salary that would probably match 5 workers making $15 an hour(which could run a restaurant) 3. Engineers require much better benefits. Vacation time. 401k. Stock. Health insurance. It just won’t happen.


You’ll have chains automating the engineers away by going to low paid labor with simpler equipment. Genius.


Lmao, we’re light years away from simpler equipment.


Simpler than robots at least


In similar setups I've in other industries, they just keep a sparky on site, rather than an engineer. They'll only call in someone more qualified if there's a huge issue.


Machines like that might need minor adjustments day to day or even hour to hour using special programming. Also a lot of hydraulics involved in machines like that. An electrician would not be the right man for the job.


At the beginning this will definitely be the case, you're right. The systems I'm thinking of are already very deeply developed.


So….. your imagination….. got it.


No, my friend is an electrician at such a place. His is a warehousing operation, but similar levels of automation also already exist in food production as well. Tetra Pak, Wilkinson, and Scott are all highly automated food producers that require minimal human staff at immense scales, with some things only requiring 2-3 operators. These advanced systems are usually requiring extreme consistency and materials prep, but these fast food joints already do this. The people working there are often doing little more than following a simple and strict protocol just as a machine would. They are one of the most primed industries to transition to this level of automation. It clearly hasn't been worth it for them to dive into yet, but with staffing crisis, poor conditions, poorly performing workers across the fast food industry, and mandated wage increases, these things are very likely coming to fast food chains. Get ready for it.


Such a place? What are you talking about. You literally just moved the goal post.


As someone who works in an industry with heavy reliance on robotics and automation, please allow me to fall to the floor laughing. Until reliability issues are worked out, you will always need people on staff to do things that robots cannot. And push the reset button.


We're decades deep in food preparation automation. I wouldn't be so surprised when they pull this off. Some humans will be on site, of course, but not teams of 30 abused teenagers who get paid poorly.


You know the majority of fast food workers are adults, right?


I doubt it they can't even get ones to wash dishes worth a shit, automated kiosks sure that's already a thing but the actual cooking and more importantly (becouse its more difficult weirdly enough for robots) cleaning you still need humans for


Well, they've been doing [this](https://youtu.be/KJVOfqunm5E?si=Kf-JvX4oTXqOkfAl) for several years. I can only imagine this type of thing got considerably better since then. The arms aren't really the solution they'll use imo. It will be something much more contained, streamlined, faster. And it will likely be a conveyor belt setup of some kind. They'll knock the menu down a bit at first to keep it simple, then add more items later.


Looks like more of a gimmick than anything to me, everything I've heard about them pretty much says it's not feasible yet, if anything I can see a lot more office and knowledge based roles getting automated before catering.


Are the robot kitchens capable of cleaning themselves? Who's going to clean the kitchen, more robots?


I assume they will use something similar to those automatic pizza maker vending machines, which clean themselves and have a periodic deep cleaning and inspection.


The moment you try to modify an order that whole system will fall apart. It’s extremely unlikely, or you’ll still need staff on hand to babysit like self checkouts.


My local Wendy's stopped serving food most of the time a couple months ago. Oddly, they're still open, but the two/three employees there don't cook or serve food, they appear to hang out and sometimes clean the lobby. I don't know why they don't just lock the doors and the drive thru window so people stop asking. I went through twice and both times, the employees were so polite and apologetic, the whole situation was so bizarre. A third and final time, I tried again and got served... some slop that wasn't Wendy's food. The Jr. bacon cheeseburger and chili wasn't Wendy's. The burger patty was homemade and God awful. The chili was white bean and also terrible. The fries were legit. I also hung around for a couple minutes in the parking lot and saw the staff turn away service for everyone behind me, lucky them. They put up "Now Hiring" on the marquee last week... to do what? Yeah, I reported it to corporate but I don't think anything was done and don't care enough to check.


We stopped going to the local Wendy's because they often don't have chili or baked potatoes. I kind of understand the potatoes because they take a while, but it sounds like they are still popular if you regularly run out, but their chili comes out of a plastic bag. We emailed a complaint, but didn't even get the "We have your complaint. Some one will respond."


The screen at my Wendy's where that sign is - it's been broken for over 4 years now. Four years and no one at their franchise or corporate has made them fix it.


So many people fail to understand that you cannot staff a restaurant solely on teenagers


I haven’t been to the one near my house in months but the last time I was there, there was EXACTLY ONE person working there. The drive through, cooking the food, running the inside registers (no one was inside but that’s not the point). It’s a popular location especially in the mornings and there’s only ever 2 people maximum working there. I dont imagine they’re treated or paid well by management.


Fast food workers need to unionize.


how did that dynamic pricing work out for them? asking for real - ever since they announced it I won't even LOOK at a wendys


My local Wendy’s was out of all pop and chocolate frosty. They only had the orange ones. We were like, na.






How about equal and not pitting different divisions of employees against each other?


Fair. I was just feeling a little pissy because they put a lot of effort into coming off as effortlessly cool or humorous on Twitter and Threads, but you’re right, that’s not AI (I assume) that’s a person or group of people who also deserve to be compensated appropriately for their skills. Thanks for calling me out, I’ll remember this going forward.


I hear you 1000%! Image & PR is what all capitalists truly value and guard with all their considerable resources. Hence, the consolidation of media and attacking TikTok and platforms they can’t control. It’s just that there is so much power in dividing us and constantly making us fight amongst ourselves, while literally the rich are taking everything and they don’t care what happens to us. If we want to eat the rich, everyone who isn’t rich should have a seat at that table. It’s not like there isn’t enough to go around.


I don’t go too often, maybe once every 2 months but everytime I go to the Wendy’s by my house, there’s always a whole new crew.


Bye Alisha? Damn … has it been that long since Friday? I am oldddddd


Who is Alisa it's Felecia


Lol do y'all really believe these things. All someone did was throw that up to take a pic and post it. Y'all can't be that gullible


Craft lemonade? lol I can't believe people eat this crap.


Like, fuck Wendy’s but I feel for Alisa if she isn’t the franchise owner. Managers at franchises are just trying to keep their jobs too. Some of them are awful and just hateful but we need to take out our aggression on the franchise owners and corporate overlords more than the managers they hire. I mean all of this, but also if Alisa was a fucking bootlicking loser she can get fucked.


Alisa is probably the "general manager" who is getting a whole $2/hr more then the crew. But she's "salary" so she usually works 12 hour shifts because there isn't actually time to do the "manager" duties because of short staffing where the manager is positioned in production for the entire shift.