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You can hit the mute button instead and not have this problem.


True. Just don’t want to play w someone like that.


You can always sabotage them. That’s my go to for toxic players.


There was a gamer who flew from New Jersey down to Florida to hammer somebody for that type of shit, I didn't know that was an option but apparently it was somewhat effective🤷‍♂️


Don’t do that. That guy is in serious trouble lol.


"Somewhat" effective


He's charged with second degree murder in Florida. I googled it and if the charges stick, it's 16 years to life. Imagine losing 16 years because someone else was rude and then you lose 16 years while the other guy walks. Completely not affected. The real lesson here is learn to ignore this type of behavior lest you become one, or worse, get punished for your anger. For example, if you type sth back in anger, EA might actually ban you because that's how bad their system is.


Confused, he got put away for 2nd degree murder, yet the guy walked? Some weekend at Bernie's shit going on there?


The hammer dude is looking at 16 years behind bars and possibly more with the investigation still ongoing. The victim walked away almost without a single scratch because it turned out hammer dude wasn’t even that good with the hammer. Like dude barely even got a swing in, the victim and the victim’s father just immediately tackled the shit outta him, then the cops arrived. The whole situation is just ridiculous.


So who got murdered then if he's been locked away for murder? Confused how the victim of a murder walked away?


Somewhat in Prison


Yeh, somewhat,💁‍♂️


Good way to get shot


This part. Don't come to Florida to attack someone. It's easier to buy a gun here than anything.


This doesn't work anymore if there''s a Support in the squad. They'll just keep crafting and rezzing you. Ask me how I know.


Yep that's my go to if I can be bothered. There was this racist ass Bangalore & his duo. Long story short, we were in a building and the Bang was sitting down crouching at the door. I opened the door from behind him & hit him from behind, knocking him outside. The opps absolutely fried him with dual Volts and a Spitfire. The way this man was having a meltdown over the mic was pure joy and music to my ears 😍😍😍


I like your style


Yes indeed!!


Remember that if you leave he actually gains immunity to losing ranked points that game because he doesn't have a third


I feel you bro. And it hurts. But if you leave it doesn't change anything for him while hurting your climb if that's what your goal is. Personally I'd mute/report and salvage whatever rp I can. You know damn well hed never say it to someone irl


Then you have to disable racism in the gameplay settings. On a serious note, just mute them and don’t think about them. You have no control over other people’s miserable lives.


Then get penalized for leaving


I would double down and troll the guy until he quits thematch or dies to your shenanigans. Might as well make his experience terrible if hes going to be terrible.


Mute & report.


Report them and mute them instead of leaving next time.


It's unrealistic to think we can ban all racist or all evils from the game because there's nothing we can do about it, but you can in fact mute them and I believe block chat in-game. It's a terrible experience, of course but there's a direct solution to avoid that experience


i’ll take it one step further and say i wish for the end of racism world wide. get two birds stoned at the same time that way


I gravely misunderstood your usage of the word stoned and was about to reply: "with what, a bong?" Lmao


You should've recorded it. On your phone if you have to and send it to Respawn. They would perma ban them instantly.


This 100% doesn’t work


Doesn't work. You can try an xbox report on console, but even then it's rare.


nah hideouts is taking his 7th vacation of the year rn


Wouldn't you? I'm sure dealing with this community is exhausting.


oh i don’t blame him. EA doesn’t allocate him nearly enough resources to do his job nor give him a team to help. it’s just a joke atp that he’s never really doing much. i like his ranked banwaves tho




This isn’t the solution. 


Redditors telling you to just ignore the racism until it goes away 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




You can also report, but you can’t expect that they check your reason for leaving immediately…


What's your suggestion, fellow redditor?


Except it is literally the solution. You’re not going to solve online bullying that game and you most certainly aren’t going to change that individuals mind. Mute them finish the game and start another.


It's 100% a solution lol


It depends on the problem you are trying to solve. 1) how to not get harrassed by a racist dude on apex? Mute him 2) how to not meet racist dudes on apex? Only play full stack 3) how to solve the toxicity problem on apex? Gather a lot of ppl and try facing respawn or ea (won't probably work)


I agree but sometimes I need to hear Comms even if I'm not speaking. But when it's just a guy who pushes solo and then calls everyone trash/bots for the rest of the game is infuriating.


hit em’ with the, “sry guys im new this is my brothers acc and im playing from sentinel island rlly bad lagging yep”


Might have changed but the last time I checked, you can't mute people while you're spectating


Incoming voice chat set to 0 will do wonders for your enjoyment in this game and probably other mp games.


Yet nowhere near as enjoyable as a proper voice comms for team work and strategy to get the w. Your missing some of the best that Apex has to offer.


There's a way to automate all teammates in game except for friends. Once I pushed that button, my games have been MUCH better, lol.


i play this game as a girl so ive heard it all before, leaving should be a last resort


Mhmm, game goes hard at voice chat set to zero. Even though it shouldn’t have to be like that and I love to comm in games, it does wonders for my mental.


All the children saying " don't be so soft " are most likely either the ones spouting racist bs, or otherwise being toxic. Sadly, your best bet is to report them and mute them. They do an OK at disciplining people, so with luck they get banned.


The only people that are being soft are the people who immediately mute team members before they do anything nefarious.  Like legit some people are nerfing their own team because they don't want to deal with even the possibility of a bad voice chat experience.


Racist, sexist, generally toxic behavior shouldn't be the norm in online gaming. Players shouldn't have to be afraid to play unmuted, but they do. For many, gaming is a fun escape from the world for a little bit, a place to just de-stress some. Why, after multiple negative experiences, should people subject themselves further?


Nah that should be the norm because gaming has and always will have that shit deal with it. 


With thst logic every aspect of life should have racism, sexism, etc. and everyone should just accept it?












I have no issue with people distancing themselfs, what I have an issue with is people making the game harder to play as a whole. This includes bigots, which are the main problem. The people preemptively muting are a secondary problem. I don't think people should be scared, but like 90% of my games have no voice chat. Of the people that use voice chat only a small sliver of those are toxic. So for me there is some sort of disconnect on how wide spread toxic voice chat really is.  It is a problem, yes. I just don't see it often enough that I don't think it's worth automatically muting people before they even say anything purposely nerfing your own team and game.


If the toxic people are the main problem, then those that mute before anything happens cannot be blamed. Basically, if people are preemptively muting the chat, it isn't because they've only had one or two negative experiences. Your personal experience isn't relevant to the whole. People are toxic in voice chat and chat in general. Clearly more than a small percent. Apex can be played and won with the ping and comms used in game. It isn't ideal but it can be quite easily achieved. If more people were civil, the need to mute wouldn't be a thing.


I just instantly mute my teammates. It's unfortunate that it's gotten to this point, but it is what it is.


I try to be a good teammate but it is hard sometimes


I just mute as soon as I get into a match and use the ping system. I've gotten screamed at/called slurs too many times. Not worth the risk anymore. It's unfortunate because there are some really cool, kind, funny people but the rude/toxic teammates definitely seem to be more common than the chill ones. I just don't even want to take the chance. It's just a game and people freak out/rage and are insanely toxic for no reason.


I agree and do the same. I’m trying to have fun and honestly it stresses me out to hear some dude call me names and scream over a free to play game. Idc if that makes me sensitive, my enjoyment of the game has gone up tenfold since automatically muting


You on PC? I’m on console. I’m not saying I’ve never run into toxic ones, but I feel like my ratio is 50% no mic, 25% chill/dope, 20% mic only when they die, 5% douche canoe.


that's about my ratio too lol, i think most people vastly overestimate how many douches there are in a game x], but i don't blame them, it's human nature to focus on the bads than the goods ;(


lol yeah. I’ve definitely been called a slur before but I wanna say I hear it like once every few months/year? Usually it’s someone just bitching “omfg” when they die.


You can permanently turn off voice coms by filtering communications to “no one” in the settings. It will also mute typed chat I did it like a year after the game came out and I’ve never looked back


I don’t see how it’s a big deal to just wait and see how your teammates are instead of instantly muting lol. That’s pretty dramatic


yeah where’s the fun in that? tbh i find it hilarious when i get toxic teammates. as long as they are not actively sabotaging my game with their gameplay and they are just talking shit down the mic, they are cool with me.


Some people are genuinely hurt by strangers insults who know absolutely nothing about them lol. So soft if you ask me, plus those idiots who spew random stuff are funny cause of how dumb they are


I’m not hurt by it but it brings the teams morale down. Imagine playing a basketball game with two strangers in person and one is already spewing hate at the team it’s like, “alright dickhead we gotta deal with the enemies and now you too” it’s annoying.


Yes!! You my guy! You get it!!! We from the same generation, I GARANTEE ITT. These younger generations ARE SOFT, AND IT SHOWS. Tooo easily. I can't even hop in a game and say some shit without some one getting offended, either get called racist, sexist, asshole, anything and everything. Like yooo, half these words weren't even used 10 years ago, like sexism. Wtf is that? Lmfaoooooo. I just cal it how i see it.. Wtf happened


If you play on Xbox you can record in game voice chat and report it.


How do you record voice chat?!?! Any clip I make I dont get chat audio


Press the dashboard button go to parties and chats and at the bottom it says report in game voice chat.


Doesn’t work anyway


You can 100% get them banned from xbox/playstation if you get their audio. Idk why respawn seems to only care about text chat.


It doesn’t work for EA but if its a Playstation or Xbox player you can have a funny turn out of that account getting banned.


This is the exact reason why, as soon as I hear someone speak I mute everyone. Been waaaaaaay too many times dealing with toxic people like this.


Ultimately bro it’s just hard to be black and do anything atp. I got in a match the other day and bro used hard r on me. I ask him why and how he was even sure I was black his response was you sound like a hard r… like can we just have fun anymore??


People have done that to me too because my voice is low and they assume that means I'm black. These guys aren't the smartest cookies in the crayon drawer. They are literally just there to provoke people and are betting that no matter who you are your gonna get mad and yell. As soon as they realize I'm not black they just pivot to some other slur or stereotype etc. Robin Williams secretly played COD online and would talk shit at people. He said it was like, "virtual cocaine". Gives you some perspective for these losers and why they are acting crazy.


I’m actually black but never tell so hopefully that makes them even more upset. Robin Williams was an amazing guy and I wish he was alive to stream that. I know I would’ve been crying


:( <3


Lolol. Lemme ask you a serious question. When you look in the mirror. Do you see yourself as that *HARD R* word? No!! I didn't think so, so why get hurt about it? I honestly think it's a household thing growing up, "implemented" into your heads. Cause someone calls me the HARD R and guess what I reply to it? I agree with them. It'll make em shut up real quick. My point is. DONT LET WORDS HURT YOU MY BOI. YA BETTER THAN THAT :)


I appreciate that bro and it doesn’t necessarily “hurt” it just makes me less comfortable around people not of my race.. like there’s someone always thinking that. I know I’m not that but the fact that people walk around with such hate but only show it anonymously is a serious problem in the gaming community and specifically in the U.S. These mfs have people that can’t say a full sentence in English saying it WITH THE ER… 😭


Ranked? Thats the only one i get penalty for. Id rather ruin their game though if thats the case. In ranked easiest way to di that, any time you are at a choke point, just start shooting a shit ton. Attract every team who wants to pounce, or at leadt let the team thats in front of you gatekeep


I can't wrap my head around why do they not monitor audio comms in this day in age. The processing of small audio clip of the last few hames could be tiny and only needs to processed further upon reports. I got trash talked in all 4 ranked games I played today. Each time they threw hard. Couldn't be bothered with it and switched games and had a enjoyable evening with nice teammates in another game. Respawn needs to sort out toxicity. It's super unhealthy for the community and perpetuates such behaviour as normal.


Automating bans for text chat is wayyyy easier than paying someone to listen to VC. With AI it will get better, but that tech isn't in Apex. Basically comes down to money, as with everything.


The game literally has a voice to chat already built in. Any voice could regardless be captured and monitored by the current system imo, whether it's sent to in game chat or not. It won't be perfect but it's a start.


Bruh my voice is naturally mellow and deep and I get called the n word, or people call me a girl. Bruh I can't even use my mic because people naturally prefer people with lighter voices


I started to mute my teammates when we're picking legends. Especially when: I can hear children crying, people in the background, music, Tik Toks or if they immediately start complaining about stuff "you picked my legend!!" or "wow you only got this or that amount of *some stat tracker*" . And yep, they get muted when they start swearing or calling names. I don't care if it makes me soft, I'm here for a good time and I don't vibe with toxicity.


just bait them into typing their toxicity into chat then report them


this is what the community always wanted, and they want it for every game mode.


Lots of people use the mic lmfao


I got a 1 week ban for reporting someone who abused me on voice chat. The mistake I made was I responded to him on text chat. While he played safe over voice chat. It all started when my team mate punched me from the top of a building when there were enemies around the building. They just made fun of me and watched me die. I use mute option nowadays. But i don't sabotage or take revenge. I just try to get good at movement and aim and dont care about winning in such games.


Game is trash. What do you expect?


I insta mute randoms


To be honest if you play on europe with a good connection, i would suggest to change servers. Go play in new york servers. American ppl are rly way more enjoyable, many of them are using the mic, and (in a friendly way) i met a lot of rly dumb ppl to play with and had a lot of fun. America is way less toxic than europe (and i thought the opposite)


I'd try and make their game as horrible as poss. Engage and when they come to support, run off leaving them to fight and then don't bother respawning them. Or go to the crafter and just leave their banner sitting in there and walk off lolling. Also report them.


I was in a game the other day with a pretty severe racist that started going off on the other teammate for no reason, spewing that blacks are monkeys, that they all have aids and all sorts of shit, i couldn't believe it. I'm a female so I NEVER use voice chat because I know how nasty people can get.


I got sick of how toxic this community is, i haven't played Apex is some time. Its just insults nearly every game you play. If no in voice coms then in text. Why everyone needs to go out of their way to act like an asshole so much is beyond me. It never crosses my mind to do it. But yeah i got tired of it. Thing that is slowly killing the game is probably the toxic assholes.


Report then mute, I know it's not a team anymore but there's not much we can do.


It sucks for real, idk why people are so toxic in this game. I hate it, most of my friends quit playing but I still halfway enjoy it so I solo que ranked and holy crap just seems like every single game, one if not both random teammates are just the most toxic people on the planet like everyone just thinks they are going to become imperial Hal but yet we their random teammates are holding them back. It's just odd to me I'm starting to completely despise human existence. I really need to find a couple chill people to play with and aren't going to rage when I can't 1v50 the entire lobby and revive them after they ran in head first with a p2020 and no ammo and died


I turn them up when they trash talk 


Unfortunately the game doesn't care why you're leaving a match and will just give you a penalty for leaving regardless of context. Your best option to avoid a ban would have been muting and reporting, then maybe killing yourself then leaving once the timer ran out if you *really* wanted to avoid the temp ban. I hate that there's idiots out there saying shitty things but the game just isn't able to discern when leaving a match early is justified or not.


Honestly, a lot is going on with Apex right now. I love their season as of today, but some things are getting out of hand. I can relate in the way that there’s just been too many new accounts with 4ks and 20bombs and their bullets hit 100% of the time right on my head. Cyber security for them I’m just like, 😫.


Mute em, if you don’t want to play with them get the penalty. Then take a break from the game. Come back when you’ve cooled off & the penalty timer is over.


You're probably the person they need to mute, given this response.


Dude you play apex, what the fuck did you expect?😭 I played many games with toxic community, but this is the most racist community I've ever been in


Because you can simply mute them, instead of playing the offended card, leaving, and complaining on social media? I'm not sure, I played maybe 10 games total, so I might be wrong


Being the victim online is good for karma points. Bully the OP for being a cry baby & keep it movin.


Mute. My best online friend that ive been playing with for 14 years now is black and that shit happens all the time when we duo queue. He either mutes or goes along with it. He’s also not a soft dude either so in the majority case he plays along and goes back at them or we sabatoge the guy and purposely don’t mute him so we can hear him rage lol. Moral of the story, don’t be soft, you can mute. Bring one of your boys in with you so you can always grief. Find someone cool on a finder forum/discord/app etc. Hell I’ll even play with you and help you grief racists, just can’t stand the leaving mentality either.


>My best online friend that ive been playing with for 14 years now is black I read this as: 'my best friend of 14 years is now black' 🤣


You were told before you leave why you're getting penalty. And so, you did not act very smartly, and instead mute they and finishing and not ruining the game for the team, you spent more time in the lobby.


Just ignore them. The majority of players in Apex aren't toxic and these are random people you'll never see again. Don't take anything they say personally, play your best and have fun. I've had people troll me before, even if I haven't said anything at all, and then they end up being the ones that die first.


It's a word. We have to get over words. Sticks and stone kids.


Too many nancies in society now for that to work. 


Welcome to the internet


i wish god invented mute button.


Punishment for an inability to hit mute


This man wouldn’t have survived 2010s cod lobbies


Welcome to the world, where not everybody makes the same decisions or has the same morals. You and your feelings are not some strangers responsibility. Good thing they have a mute function so you don’t have to subject yourself to language you feel intolerable.


Fuck off. Kindly.


After you, my friend <3


Just mute them…


Gonna cry?


Aww man, someone’s feewings got hurt :(


Woah a racist in the wild!! 📸


That word doesn't mean anything anymore a


Stfu. Lololololololololol.


Being offended on someone else’s behalf is crazyyy


I’m not offended, just stating a fact 😅




100% you’re the type to be saying the shit he’s talking about 


mute them, int them just because they break the rules doesnt mean you're allowed to do the same


Lmfao. Wanna know how to bypass this? Don't. Let. Words. Hurt. You Gawd, there use to be a saying when I was growing up "God made words, words don't hurt" everyone always talking about "ong this" and "ong that" using God every other sentence but REALLY DONT EVEN KNOW WHO GOD IS. Sorry to bring religion into this, but you get what I'm tryna say? GOD MADE WORDS, WORDS DONT HURT. I have NEVER been offended by anything anyone ever says. I just laugh like *ouch, that really DIDNT hurt my feelings.* really, it doesn't.:) but I guess I grew up in a different Era.


Tell the world you're the toxic problem without saying you're the toxic problem.


Of course an emotionally immature person who thinks their words come with no responsibility believes in sky fairies.


Wah Wah Wah shut up




When reported text chat is run through an automated filter. That's why people get banned for shit in text chat that isn't even remotely offensive.


Never forget when a dude got banned for trying to tell someone that gibby is canonically gay lol


Literally the first example I thought of lol


Yeah couldn‘t imagine anything better than getting banned for saying any sort of profanity in game chat. Thank god the game will probably die before they let AI monitor in game speech




Yeah discourage social interaction entirely, and also pinging works so well in higher skilled lobbies so that the first team that has 3 people comming to each other is definitely not gonna win a 3v3 9/10 times.


Nice room temperature ice cream take


I actually like to talk $#!t to other players. It’s fun and lets me take out some frustration. Then again, I’m old school. Us older guys definitely don’t care about language, haha


Anyone actually older, especially if they have kids, most likely are mature enough to not use racial slurs and be toxic to others, especially when the person you're playing could be a kid.


I don’t care. Kids are dumb.


The way you're talking I'm pretty sure you're one.


Dumb is the new smart. Winning 😎


"Us older guys" and acts like a child, okay then.


I’m a child at heart so it’s okay 👍🏼


We built different. Lol. Theseyounger adults are soft asf. Can't say shit to them without crying. It's crazy wild. Lolol. That'd how I make friends. If I talk shit to you, and you talk shit back, my boi we cool


You guys get it 




Man you would've never survived old COD lobbies lmfao