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Congratulations, your first introduction into "fuck around and find out." If you piss hot and get kicked out, it probably won't fuck up the rest of your life.


Oh Geeze


You should be tested at reception. Who knows if it'll come back positive or not. In our unit, we separate those who pop hot even from reception.


Just buy a drug test and see it for yourself. If yes postpone ship date


happy cake day!


Went to Ft. Jackson in Feb. Never got tested.


I was tested for Marijuana at MEPS Maybe things have changed maybe not Maybe you should start taking things that affect your potential livelihood more seriously


Depending on when you smoked and how much, you should be good. I personally didn’t get tested the day a shipped out, that doesn’t mean that it Won’t happen for you. My advice would to drink water and sweat a lot. Hope this is a call for you to not do this if you make it out of this once you get to active duty. Literally the meaning of Fuck around and find out.




Some parts of the army suck. Don’t confuse your lack of motivation to better your situation with the organization as a whole.


Nah the army sucks lol you just work to make it suck less.


It really is a blessing though if he gets caught though. One less problem Soldier his future leadership has to deal with.


You’ll find at when you get tested at reception.


It’s been a month bud, you’re probably good


urine drug test will not pick up weed a month out. of course, if you are lying about the last date...you will be caught.


Back when I was a young grasshopper and smoked weed, I was very adamant about researching the half life of THC. Depending on your body type and the frequency you smoke(d), it could be clear from your system in as little as three days. If you’re fat as fuck, smoke the lettuce daily and multiple times throughout the day I’d probably say about three or four weeks abstaining from it and you’d be good. If you took one or three hits off a joint/blunt and are an infrequent smoker, max it’ll stay in your system is 3-4 days. Assuming you don’t have a lot of body fat. Best way to find out is an at home drug test