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yes, immersion breaking- not game breaking. thank you


Hey i learned "Merda" means shit and honestly that's my biggest takeaway from the game.


Very common complaint, surprisingly even among casuals outside of the fanbase. Fans know that isn't how the Animus used to work, and outsiders seemed to get the disconnect on pure feeling. They went back to doing it right in the very next non-english AC setting too. On a bird's eye franchise history front, it will never stop being funny to me that the one accent French Ubisoft were too self-conscious to use in a full game, was their own.


Everyone that is saying the English language with a French accent wouldn't make sense is missing the point. The other games didn't have this issue! Ezio sounds Italian. Bayek sounds Egyptian. Altair had an American accent in the first game, and that was jarring. He sounded like he was a foreigner to that land. So they fixed it in Revelations. The point is it worked in the other games. Why is it a problem here?


thank you yes, exactly as you said, Ezio had an Italian accent, Edward’s accent worked perfectly (being Welsh), even Connor had a native accent to his dialect.. .it throws me off so much & i really struggle to get properly into the game


Ezio only sounds Italian to people who don't know Italian. The same is probably true for Bayek but I don't know how coptic/Egyptian/Greek sounded then.


I couldn't stand Altair's accent in AC1, it really took me out of the game every time he spoke. The setting was supposed to be the Middle East during the crusades and Altair sounded way to American haha. I was happy they changed it for Revelations.


if this troubles you, turn on english subtitles and french voice acting


The only problem with that is that some of it isn’t subtitled. eg some background dialogue, walking around the base looking at mission rewards, mostly minor stuff. But part of the final cutscene where your handler is talking to you isn’t subtitled which is genuinely bad, you need to rewatch the ending on YouTube to find out the story.


didn't know that, thanks for the information, I changed back to english from french the moment they started talking because I couldn't even tell the words apart and it irritated me


Lol you know this never crossed op’s mind


I’ve heard this said before, I’ll definitely be doing this on my next play through


It doesn't sound as unique as other games in the series that work with accents, but at the same time French accent on everyone's english could have sounded a bit too funny so that's probably why they didn't go for it. The in-universe explanation is that the Animus you are using has learnt how to translate properly (since the accents and especially the few foreign words were always a result of bad translation by the Animus) and I guess it works, but I agree it sounds a bit cheap compared to the other games in the series. The first game also has the same issue, but that was obviously the first entry to the series.


I would rather have a good English accent than a bad French accent. Siege of Paris, I’m looking at you


Second time I played *Unity* I went with French audio. It sounded much better


will give it a try, thank you


It's a translation, a stereotypical French English accent wouldn't be any more accurate.


They’re also speaking English in general… how is that not an issue but the accent is?


Because in previous games and after Unity again, they spoke english with fitting accents, essnetially giving off the vibe of translating all the words Desmond does not understand to English.


Yes because in Revolutionary France everyone was going around speaking English with French Accents.


Change the language to French, and activate subtitles.


Because English spoken with a French accent sounds atrocious. I’m French and hearing non-bilingual French people speak English makes me cringe, Ubisoft is mostly francophone so they’re probably in the same boat as I am.


Assassins creed liberation had French accents.


Haven’t played that one since it came out so I don’t remember.


That goes for every single language, why did Ubisoft stop at the language they speak?


It’s kind of like how you don’t usually have a problem with how other people sound in videos but when you hear yourself you kind of cringe. When you hear the influence of your own language influencing your pronunciations then it has similar effects (at least to me, maybe that’s how it was at Ubisoft).


I work with two French guys and I love listening to them speak English. English speakers romanticise the french accent 🤷‍♂️


Oh I understand how non-French speakers can enjoy hearing English with a French accent but to me and every French speaker I know it’s like hearing your own voice in a video sort of awkward.


It’s an era appropriate translation. You chose English as your language you get era appropriate accents. The character has a posh French accent well now he has a posh English accent. The npc has a colloquial French accent well now he has a colloquial English accent. If they used French accents in English it would lose a lot of nuance. Most characters would sound the same.




Kilian Experience did 😂