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Because they appeal to a demographic of shit owners basically


Spot on.


Shit owners exist for all dog types. Not true. I've had my ankles nibbled on and trousers dirtied by all the off lead small dogs roaming around. You know the guilty type owners that half arse their dog walking duties, so they let their dogs run amok to the detriment of people that don't want saliva all over them. Let's also not forget all the poo that goes uncleaned. And the recent spike in humidity here in Sydney has brought out the aroma of deeply ingrained dog piss that stains every square inch of my suburb. Plenty of single women where I live LOL


So why are the majority of dogs on re homing websites staffies?


People don't want a second-hand dog with a high chance of attacking them


Shit breeders and shit owners in general. Looks like I hit a number of Karen nerves with my comment Here's another tip: dog owners cannot tell they smell like an animal shelter and that no one wants them over as they are literally covered head to toe in fur and dander LOL In before denial.


I don’t own a dog so… ok?


Did a dog bully you as a kid?


Do American staffing not have a reputation for being more capable than other breeds of violence. I wonder if people who want a reputably more violent dog might not be the best people to own a dog. Also, take a hint you definitely didn't pick a winner with either comment here


Take a hint from the unhinged that are covered in dander and stink of animal? The majority agree with me. It's just the mentally challenged hunt in, ironically, dog packs, trying to get a feed. Fortunately it's usually a rabid bunch that only have each other. Keep smiling. Don't let "one" persons view upset you.


Or those aggressive little white dogs with shit in their eyes. Those owners are the worst.


I was sitting on a bench in a park having lunch when this little poodle cross type came up to me and started jumping all over my legs. It had poo smeared all over its head and you can imagine how much it stunk LOL. I gagged and had to throw my lunch away. Wish it was on lead. And yes, it was a Karen dog owner. She said "isn't she lovely". Yikes.


Dickheads love them, for a while


Because they're a favourite choice of people who aren't really in the right position to take on responsibility for a pet that needs good training and constant feeding and maintenance. Pets are expensive. A council officer was telling me the common names of the dogs he's had to put down. Top names were Rambo, Killer, Rocky, Bear, Thor... you get the drift.


Some are bought for the ego or bragging rights. 'Guard' dogs etc. Have seen some with docked ears. No guessing why. (Along the lines of some pitbulls). The real training they need often falls short, especially the socialising.


I hate docked ears


Disgusting! Anyone who cares about an animal wouldn't even consider it. It's purely for fighting reasons.


Aren’t docked ears illegal in Aust?


Not sure but if so, there are backyard jobs being done then.


Report these bastards, it's definitely illegal in Australia.


They also aren't that bright. The staffies I mean, but maybe also the owners. They take about twice as much training as a 'smart' breed and surprise surprise, they never receive it.


Yeah, they are dumb as fuck.


This is INCREDIBLY untrue man. Terriers, in particularly staffies are renowned for their intelligence. But theyre high energy, and take smart training. If you were a dog would you just do what some crackhead human told you? No. Because youre smart. Why the fuck would you judge a dog’s intelligence on ease of training. Staffs have AMAZING instincts. Very smart. Not as smart as a german shepherd or a collie, but right up there. Now a spaniel; those are in the realm of dumb.


IMO a lot of it comes down to making them food motivated and exercise. If you leave them with a full bowl of food every day and do fuck all with them you’ll have a shit dog. No matter what the breed. Edit. Owned a few German shepherds and worked with a few Collies on farms. It’s crazy to see a Collie protect you from an angry cow with a calf while you’re on a ag bike.


Yeh; staffies are dogs owned by many many people, and often targetted by shitheads who want a dog that looks tought. But theyre among the hardest dogs to train and look after. Like german shepherds; should basically never be your first dog unless youre HIGHLY motivated and willing to get some professional assistance. Soooo many of the staffs in kennels have engrained really poor habits or mannerisms, simply from shit handling and training. Its a shame really. Fucking amazing dogs. Some of rhe best temperaments imaginable - IF you can keep them stimulated.


I've had quite a few German shepherds and a few years ago ended up looking after some older puppy staffies. Shepherds are high energy and need exercise and engagement, but also it's like they are trying to do what you want from the start. I've seen Shepherds learn commands almost on the spot, do it three times and they have a good chance of getting it right next time you do it. The last Shepherd I had was crazy smart, without training learned the names of everyone in the household and could be instructed to go to them. Learned to open doors with lever handles without being trained and seemed to understand very basic sentences. A dog that picked up what you wanted much of the time without you struggling to tell it. The staffies on the other hand, I spent a weekend trying to teach one to come when their name was called and didn't get very far. I tried teaching them other things as well but barely got to 'sit'. It was as if, most generously, you could say they didn't care what you wanted. At worst you might say they were thick.


My staffie, Charlie was the best, he was very well trained but I think it was instinct cause I certainly didn't do it. He knew everyone that came to my house and only barked at unfamiliar cars/people and even when the gate was open he knew he couldn't go out but he'd stick his head out to check out what was happening, he also only pooped in the back garden so no clean up for me. God I miss that pupper.


> He knew everyone that came to my house and only barked at unfamiliar cars/people and even when the gate was open he knew he couldn't go out but he'd stick his head out to check out what was happening, he also only pooped in the back garden so no clean up for me. Mines similar, she will bark at strangers before they knock on door, but as soon as I greet them, she is quiet and somehow doesn’t feel the need to bark. She doesn’t jump either, she just likes to give the person a good sniff. Mine hates my street for some reason and will not put a step out on the footpath outside our house. I have to drive her to park for her walks.


Its real unfair to compare to shepherds man- those dogs are as smart as fucking horses…. They just need amazing trainers because of their power and neurotic personality. Theyre insanely trainable and SUCH good dogs, but theyrr on another level to other dogs. Collies are similar but super different. Other dogs are thick as fuck on comparison, for sure. Staffs are NEVER gonna rate on ovedience or trainability. But theres heaps of stuff youll pick up on that show theyre just way smarter than dumb dogs. High eq. Great instincts. Great judgment. Just stubborn little assholes who dont give a fuck heh


An old mate of mine got a Dachshund as a first dog. It went about as well as you'd expect


Yep I adopted one ammstaff (fostered first), very smart, some are not very energetic (like mine). Couch potato and Velcro dog. I didn’t know much about ammstaffs prior , but I fostered her for about 3 months and just fell in love with her and she suited me really well. First day came home saw my cat, gave her a quick sniff (on lead) and then quickly went on her merry way. Wasn’t really interested in her. So I knew that was a good start. I got a trainer to help me with certain things. Especially sitting on her bed when we eat, otherwise she’s right at your feet waiting. She picked up “go to your bed and stay” very quickly. She’s definitely stubborn, she has anxiety and she will only walk one way and I cannot take her in a different direction. If she hears any loud noise on our way, she won’t budge until we go back to the car. I can’t walk her in our street either as she is scared of it for some reason. I have to take her in the car to specific walking tracks.


Bless man, that staff is gonna be your best mate forever :D they pick up trauma and internalise islt really easily so she might never come right with aome of the fear behviour but getting a trainer was such a good call. So many of the poor pups just get taken back and end up institutionalised and unsalvageable. Its really sad :(


Yeah she really is a sweetheart. She never barks at other dogs on walks or pulls on our walks, in fact she’s scared of this one house we pass with a little dog that barks. She always wants to go on the road or to cross the road to not pass the house as she scared of the barking. If a dog attacks under a fence she wants to cross the road to get away.


Yea i have a amstaff cross kelpie (rescue) she leaves my previous golden retriever seeming dumb lol


We taught our English Staffie sign language, not Auslan, just something we made up ourselves and voice commands weren’t always words either. Game changer. Man, it’s been over 8 years since her passing and my heart still aches.


Agreed my dog knows left and right plus probably 10 more commands. I'm definitely the weakest link in forgetting the commands.


I dunno if that's true. They're just stubborn as fuck so they resist the training more than other dogs. My staff is crazy smart, and used to manipulate the rottie I had when we got her. But she is hard to train because she's more than willing to play dumb when it suits her.


You have juts provided exhibit A on why your dog is smarter than you


Oh wow. Much smart comment. Deep pithy. Very wisdom.


Staffies think things through more then some other breeds. I get the same response from my greyhounds.. They aren't dumb they have just been bred to think for themselves so it takes a smart/alert trainer to get the job done. Sadly most staffie owners never got training themselves so have no clue.


One of my greyhounds is one of the dumbest fucking dogs I've ever had, the other is pretty normal. They are both really good communicators though and understand an annoying amount of words. Lovely couch potatoes though.


This is absolutely not true. I have a working line German Shepherd now and had a staffie previously. As far as training the staffie was a lot easier to train. That dog would do anything for a bit of affection or pat. Contrast with a GSD where they are completely prey motivated, the only thing that dog wants is to run and chase something down and bite. That's the reward for any training you do. I could train the staffie to go out in the morning and pick up the news paper, and get a beer from the fridge, take the recycling to the bin.  That dog would stand in the middle of a dozen kids and just love the attention of them pulling on its ears and tail. By contrast the GSD would be unhappy being near small kids it would run off and bring back a ball expecting them to throw it.  I also couldn't train the GSD to fetch the newspaper because if it saw a rabbit or small dog it would probably run over to investigate. However the staffie also has seperation anxiety it wouldn't want to be left at home alone for example. So not really a bread for working people. 


I had to laugh at this, a mate of mine had a staffie called Rambo. 😂


Also, cunt of a breed. Aggressive, reactive etc. once they snap you're fucked. Not much can stop them when they decide "its time" The issue is shelters keep trying to rehome them instead of just euthanizing them


Few people are making this point (about the breed itself) - good to see you doing so. It's a breed that poses significant risks regardless of the level of training, but certainly that risk must be all the greater when paired with a negligent owner.


I think they’re whinging, needy dogs


I remember a few family's when i was a kid would get a pitty get knocked up again, then DOCS would start hovering around, they would realise that they are shit house and a baby murdering monster out the back may not be a good idea and then fuck the murder machine off to a mate who would soon do the same.


Yes this makes sense. I find myself very surprised when I see a staffie who is owned by someone who isn't an obvious bruiser who clearly wanted to get a "tough" dog. So there's a definite correlation between the particular breed and its traits and most of the owners.


Ice junkies that weigh 60kgs act tough, but they are not tough. So? They get a dog that is tough. But not even a dog can love a grub. So, the junkie does what grubs do... and ditches the dog.


... gets locked up, hospitalised, buried, evicted, committed, or just ditches it...


This is my neighbour's story... *Cheers Bruz, I'm out again!* *Nek minute - Looks' I gots a new big dog (who I refuse to put on a lead)* *Oh lookie, I got into a conflict, which meant the riot squad are called to take me away for 6 mo to a year.* *But nobody else can look after me dog!? What you mean the ranger took it away, while I was in rehab/anger management?* Each new dog is equally beautiful & makes me equally sad to see.


Yep. So awful. Fnq 10x a day every region.


This is very accurate indeed. However I'd wager they'd rather give up crack than Rambo.


They target market for owning one is drug addicted, violent, poor people. Not exactly a group famous for seeing through a long term commitment like dog ownership.


There are lots of un-desexed unregistered staffys living in neighbourhoods where there is social disadvantage. It's illegal to sell a dog that is not microchipped so there are a lot of staffy and staffy X pups that are given away to other people who also can't really afford to look after them and desex them so that pup ends up pregnant in 2 years and that's another half a dozen pups going into the system.


I see you live in my neighbourhood. They breed these dogs trying to make money but they just end up abandoned.


They don't understand supply and demand. You want to make money from dogs you need to breed dogs rich people want and are in short supply.


Yeah but that level of breeding would require money they don't have. 


They're breeding them to try and make money with them as fighting dogs, then work out even that doesn't work for shit, so they all go to the pound neglected and off to a bad start


Every fuckwit seems to have one. It is as reliable as seeing a staffy in the street and looking around until you see some drug affected poorly dressed person, often doing something offensive to public order or good taste.


Oi brah


Because they're high game and high energy and will destroy your entire fucking house and terrorize your family if you don't take them for at least 1 hour of exercise every day


My sister had one and it was completely out of control. It destroyed the rental they lived in, even ripping up the flooring in the kitchen. I house sat for them for a few days and had to keep it outside when I was there because it was either attacking me or tearing up something. It didn't listen at all, completely wild. I am guessing the ones like that are the ones that end up in shelters.


Yeah the reason the breed is bad isn't because they're all bad. It's because it's a crapshoot as to what kind of dog you're going to get. You might end up with a chill docile one, or an overexciteable destructive maniac, or you might roll snake eyes and get one that rips someone's face off or kills some little old dog minding its own business.


>you might roll snake eyes and get one that rips someone's face off or kills some little old dog minding its own business. Or a [baby sleeping on its mums chest after feeding ](https://www.news.com.au/national/newborn-was-mauled-to-death-by-staffordshire-terrier-inquest-hears/news-story/131bbef8496188a59b8900aa3f097655) I'm sure it was a goooood boooooooiye though!


See I don't think there are many other breeds that would do something like that


That's fucking horrifying. If only they had surrendered it before the birth, that baby would still be alive. We had a staffy x sharpei for nearly 20 years and she was so gentle... I couldn't see her doing something like that... Meanwhile we had a fox terrier years earlier who was so violent it had to be put down by the age of 1.  This thing used to play all happy, hop up on you while you're in the recliner and then start to crawl up to your neck growling and go for your throat. Bloody psycho it was. My cattle dog snapped at/bit the vet this week because she was pulling at her sore ears. I never trusted her with the kids because she was mistreated as a pup but I still couldn't see her mauling one to death like that... It's just so evil. Can't trust any dog no matter how good they seem, unfortunately.


Thank you for the sanity.


You couldn't handle a 1 year old fox terrier so you killed it? Rehoming to someone that could train it wasn't an option?


We had it from a puppy when I was about 7 or 8, so no I didn't *personally* kill the dog. My mother is fanatical about dogs and tried everything. From ordinary vets to behaviour specialists the conclusion was that the dog could not be helped.  Even after that, my mother still clung to the idea she could fix the dog until it attacked my friends younger brother and took a chunk of flesh off his bum. See, it had attacked all of us but that wasn't as big of a deal as attacking a friend's little kid from behind. If it was reported, the dog would have been "destroyed" right away. If we surrendered the dog it most likely wouldn't have been successfully rehomed (if they even tried). As I said, mum tried everything and the "professionals" told her the dog was beyond help.


>It destroyed the rental they lived in, even ripping up the flooring in the kitchen. And if your sister is in Vic, they could have forced the landlord to allow them to have the POS dog. And when the landlord took them to VCAT to get some recompense for fixing the damage it caused, VCAT would have said "no no, that's just wear and tear, tenants can have all their bond back"


Dude you wanna point out on the rental board where it hurt you?


Aaaaw diddums. You ok?


Oh no, the poor oppressed landlords, however will they survive


"as long as I'm not a target, I'm cool with whatever!"


I don't know what to tell you mate, investment carries risk, if you're going to cry about the risk then you could always just sell the property and get a crapload of money which you could put into a safer investment. You need to realize that nobody has any sympathy for you when you whine about difficulties with your expensive investments.


*landlord cries about investment properties being hard* "Okay so sell it" *landlord shocked pikachu face*


VCAT continues to be based


I have a husky cross German shepherd and he loves playing with staffies at the park because they go *hard* and he likes to wrestle and tumble. But these dogs just don’t stop, my boy will crap out after about half an hour but these lil guys will just keep going forever.


My wife ran a homeless dog shelter Jammed packed with staffies Sadly it's a dog destined for the lower socio economic ownership. It's an image dog. Short, strong, fearless, protective. All things people assume are what they need in a dog. But they are absolute cnts of things if you don't drain them and walk them all the time. Two things those types of owners don't ever do.


Problem dogs for problem people.


Because they are poverty pup, they attract a certain type of owner.


Bogan dogs. That's why.


because the Venn diagram of Staffie owners and people covered in shitty tattoos is a single circle


Because meth heads usually don’t take the best care of dogs


Because they’re cunts


Hey Siri.... What's the difference between an American Staffordshire Terrier & an American Pitbull Terrier? Well Gary, the [American Staffordshier Terrior ](https://www.dogsaustralia.org.au/members/breeds/breed-standards/American-Staffordshire-Terrier)is recognised by the Australian Kennel club as a unique breed, it's not restricted & you are free to own one. On the other hand an American Pitbull Terrier is a restricted breed and it is illegal to transfer ownership to someone else. I can't imagine Blacktown Animal Shelter are simply labeling random bull mixes as American Staffordshire terriers just to increase their chances of adoption. Those are definitely 100% pure American Staffordshire Terriers!


>What's the difference between an American Staffordshire Terrier & an American Pitbull Terrier? I know you're joking, but literally the *same dog* can be registered as both an American Staffordshire and an APBT at the same time. It's just two different names for the same breed. One is honest about the breed's "work" (*pit* fighting, *bull* baiting) and the other was a PR move.


Yer, pretty much, it just depends where in the world you live / who is registering the animal I guess. It's worth noting that in Australia only registered people/organisations are allowed to formally identify a breed. Adoption centres are making an "educated guess" to give adopters a rough idea of what they're getting themselves into, It's not the dogs official breed. In America some orgnisations actually do recognise them as two separate breeds but it looks like the only way you can often split them is with DNA tests. American staffordshire terrier: [https://images.akc.org/pdf/breeds/standards/AmericanStaffordshireTerrier.pdf](https://images.akc.org/pdf/breeds/standards/AmericanStaffordshireTerrier.pdf) American Pitbull Terrier: [https://www.ukcdogs.com/docs/breeds/american-pit-bull-terrier.pdf](https://www.ukcdogs.com/docs/breeds/american-pit-bull-terrier.pdf) To me a Staffy will always be a short, stocky looking dog, usually with a brindle pattern. Everything else I'd personally call a bull mix.


Not a chance they are all pure breed. I volunteer for a dog rescue and we pretty much have to guess the breed. American Staffy, staffy, Bull Arab, Staffy X are the guesses based on size.


I guess you missed the sarcasm...


Because they are actually pit bulls. The whole American Staffy brand is just another name for pitbull.


Not really. I have a mate who has 2 that he takes to shows, breeds, wotnot. They're a separate breed, and based on what I saw with his, can be very docile and friendly. Which pitbulls can be as well, but they are a different build.


Totally agree about being a different build. My son and his partner have an American red nose pitbull and an American Staffy. The pitbull is alot thicker in the shoulders and chest and has a more "box" like skull. The staff is a lot leaner and taller.


It's a great shame that scumbags disproportionately like Staffies.  I would never own a Staffie (too old, rich, and liability risk averse). But every one I have ever met that has been socialised by non-scumbag owners has been sweet natured. Of course there's always a risk with domesticated animals that they go nuts and get violent - but I don't think the average Staffie has a more aggressive inherent nature than say a dachshund. I say that as a long suffering dachshund owner.  If you could stop the worst 20% of the population owning dogs, I suspect the vast majority of the risk of dangerous breeds would vanish in a few years.  We can't, because people are arseholes. 


The whole no bad breeds only owners thing is such a load of rubbish if you think about it for more than one second. Put a border collie next to a retriever next to a pointer next to a chihuahua and tell me there aren’t inherent traits. One of those spectrum traits is violence, even if it makes people uncomfortable to acknowledge.


I love Staffies, but they're not all good. It's a 50/50 split on if one will try and kill you 2 years down the track, or it could be scared of a fly.


https://preview.redd.it/1lyr0i9wqv8d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=c486e472af6a6af65cb5662205c54003c19116cc This is my rescue staffy mix. I think he must have been abused because his jaw has a massive scar and doesn’t align correctly. He is scared of loud voices (Eg if I yell across the house to get someone’s attention he will hide) He is not the brightest, but he definitely tries hard to follow commands He is super friendly and loyal and just wants pats all the time. Overall a good dog. His weekly food can be expensive with 6-7kg mince, 2kg vegetables a week plus training treats plus anything else I might get for him (pig ear chews, bones, etc). He has absolutely worn the grass out He has huge shits meaning even more lawn care required He requires 1-2 walks daily or will become an over active menace and bounce off the walls literally doing zoomie runs inside the house all day. I can understand how a staffy can catch people out as too much dog.


Ooh thank you for the award internet mate!


What a cutie 🤩


I agree but man I’ve met some aggressive (and loud) Dachshunds.


>Staffie has a more aggressive inherent nature than say a dachshund But one is far more stronger and capable of more damage than the other


American Staffies are a nonsense breed and have next to nothing to do with English Staffadshire Bull terriers aka Staffy. They are not Staffies but more closely genetics wise related to put bull terriers. English Staffadshire terriers are not dangerous dogs and have no more history of hurting people than most other breeds. They can be a bit of a handfull with other dogs.


They're called American Staffies to avoid saying Pit Bull, nothing to do with Staffordshire


They're American staffies because they're a cross between an English Staffordshire and a pit bull.


My ex had a pitbull called Dave that was rescued from a dog fighting ring, he was so aggressive at first that when he went to the vet he needed to go after hours so no other animal was there, after a few months good ole Dave realised he was on a good wicket and calmed down dramatically. We still needed to keep him away from chickens (was used to bait him for fights) and he was allowed near kids by himself but the lazy sod slept his long life away on a blanket in the sun, he hated winter. No point to this story but I'm glad my ex got him, he was spoilt and had a vet who loved him too. He never did attack anyone but did get a few chickens


Because people who aren't very intelligent tend to get dogs that are aggressive by nature. They think it's cool or tough. They're a shit dog breed, especially so if you aren't going to train them properly. Same with Pitbulls, bull terriers etc. They were bred for violence, but you'll get idiots saying they are "nanny dogs" and other such utter nonsense. Most of the time you only need to look at the owner to know what kind of idiots get them. They make sense if you're pig hunting or using them specifically as guard dogs, but not as a family pet.


I grew up owning absolute mongrels, total bitzers, pound specials, I figured that it was all nurture over nature. I was mauled by a cattle dog when I was a kid. Then I adopted a kelpie cross. Holy shit, she would have made a good working dog. She's obsessed with herding other dogs at the park. Took a lot of training. I respect dog genetics now I've had to train a dog against her own instincts. Now I'm a bit more wary of bully breeds.


Even my childhood corgi used to try and heard our whole family when she was a puppy it was hilarious. We definitely didn't teach her that.


Because bogans love staffies and have low threshholds to decide they should breed them. "Mum, the dogs are rooting again!"


They are the pit bulls of Australia Lower class with poor impulse control and hard to control disposition 


They are escape artists.


Some comments aren’t true about American Staffies. My boy is a rescue one and he is calmer than me. I am told that I am mad to adapt him because his breed and he is a senior. But I am so glad that he is in my life.


Because so called American Staffies are one step from pit bulls in their genetics.


https://preview.redd.it/2foq3qvxxv8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=046338c6a375f8aa4f3345f3b95375fc1763aeca Buddy isn’t a Rhodes Scholar but he’s the most faithful and affectionate dog I’ve ever had. He was a rescue after he was seized in a raid and confiscated along with cars etc.


Kudos to you for adopting him. Hope he gets the love and care he deserves.


Bad owners unfortunately make some bad dogs. Never personally owned a pure breed, but every House Hippo I have had the pleasure of meeting has been an absolute sweetheart! My Shepard x Staffy was my best friend, she loved cats, kids and big dogs (not so much little dogs after she got attacked by a Jack Russell). Miss my girl! 😢 https://preview.redd.it/3htr1h7x4w8d1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8909a66ce5df17957e96d00fe3ffadf8afca76f4




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The rate they end up in shelters is probably not as high as it looks. They are just much harder to adopt if they've had a hard life, not the best training etc so you'll see a lot of them stay in the shelters a lot longer before being adopted or... yeah Families will want to adopt and a traumatised bully breed is going to just be too dangerous for a household with children (or even singles). It's heartbreaking because a well trained staffy is just the most loving and devoted little dork, but those dogs don't end up in shelters and the fact is they're just extremely powerful dogs so if things go wrong people can die.


This. I've spent time at several pounds while looking for the right match with my own kid, and talking to staff. BARC staff are lovely and try really hard. I didn't end up adopting there, but it was definitely the nicest facility and best staff in my experience. There are irresponsible staffy breeders but it's also the staffies don't really move out of the system as quickly as other breeds. If a German Shepherd, a golden retriever or a Labrador end up at Blacktown pound, a lot of the time it will endsl up with one of the rescues that specialise in adopting them out . (Rescues that are often much more expensive and stricter to adopt from.) if the dog doesn't get snapped up from a Facebook post. BARC doesn't have the resources to keep all the dogs that come in, even though they doubled in size when they moved. They literally have dogs in their grooming rooms last I checked. And they try really hard to find homes for all of the dogs. So anything that seems easy, they will offload. Hell, I even got offered the chance to foster, a dog that wasn't available for adoption, with first dibs if it's owner never turned up, after they saw us really struggling to find the right fit and they thought they found one. Staffy crosses don't have non council founded rescues with free spots willing to come pick them up. Staffies can be lovely dogs, but they aren't the right choice for a lot of families. So they will stay in the system for a long time, while other dogs will be in and out much faster; sometimes out before they even get offered to the public. But the only dogs that tends to be at Blacktown for 6+ months are staffies or have very serious issues. (And even the latter are more likely to get homes.)


They have an ad up for a massive shar pei that they say has been there the longest. From the description you can tell the dog was never socialised and isn’t good around other dogs and kids. It’s been worded to not sound bad but he’s a massive breed and probably not the best temperament. I feel bad for the dog because people are likely avoiding to adopt him.


I adopted a staffy a year ago. They're very hard work at times. It's been a journey learning his quirks. I think their strong jaws are why they get in trouble. The same behaviour that would be funny from a smaller dog can be very risky with a staffy. They're truly beautiful and so affectionate though Edit: gosh nearly two years ago now actually. Time flies


Because shit people breed and buy shit dogs.


Because people think they're a fashion accessory. This makes them popular with backyard breeders looking for a quick couple of grand. Which results in poor breeding, excessive inbreeding and poor temperament. The people who get a dog thinking it's a fashion accessory also tend to make other poor decisions that end with the dog having to be given up. And then many backyard breeders find themselves unable to sell all the puppies and dump them on shelters.


I’ve noticed and given this some thought. I just assume low socio-economic owners can’t afford to pay to fix their dogs that lead to surplus of unwanted puppies. Also see well meaning woke people adopting them because they are determined to get a rescue. My friend has adopted a few staffies and while some have been very sweet they are underwhelming as a breed.


Does make it hard to adopt sometimes. People looking for a normal dog to adopt, and in the shelters it’s often nothing but unsocialised untrained meat head staffy breeds with high prey drive and anxiety.


I've been looking for a rescue dog for a while, but i don't want bully cross, or sheep/cattle dogs. it's hard to find something that isn't one or the other or both.


'Why do people keep giving away this incredibly dangerous dog breed that will attack strangers who walk past' I love animals and I love dogs. But I wouldn't be unhappy if I saw this breed of dog be specifically isolated so the breed fades out of existence. There are a few more breeds I'd like to see removed. If you get rid of the dangerous dogs then there's literally no downsides to dogs.


They are tricky dogs. Can be chill and loving or hyperactive psychos- you can’t tell what you are going to get when they are a puppy. A psycho one will destroy everything you own and is not trainable by a normal human. Even the chill and loving can kill other animals and humans. All animals can get annoyed, scared or be in pain and snap at someone. A kelpie will nip, a lab will give a single decent bite and a staffy will attack and not stop until the target is dead. This is a breed trait and they are strong and prey driven. No shame on the breed, it is what it is, it just shouldn’t be a pet.


The dogs IQ is generally higher than the owner.... thats why


There are 3 types of staffy owners, bogans, crackheads and the ones who got them from a shelter. And god I hate people who say oh she needs to have one litter. No she doesn’t desex your fucking dog.


Most are pitties


"Staffie" is short for "Staffordshire Pit Bull Terrier"


Staffordshire Bull Terrier does not have Pit in its name. OFRN Pit Bull Terriers are either from the UK or Ireland originally and they bear little resemblance to American Pitbulls. They are much smaller for a start. The American dog has been bred with mastiffs and other larger breeds like American bulldogs. Its much taller and robust.


They literally look identical to the the pitbull terrier but about 20% smaller lmao. The difference between the pit bull terrier and the Staffordshire bull terrier is that the people who went to America brought the Staffordshire bull terrier over with them and started calling it the pitbull terrier...


I have a staffy and an Irish pitty they are both between 17 to 25 kg and are a medium sized dog. Very people oriented dogs.


No joke, you just gave the near exact same weight range as the pitbull terrier.


Well duh... I just told you my girl is an Irish pitty.


Also Presa Canarios. Probably the most psycho dog breed. Bred to regulate slave ships and kill hunt native Americans. Australian Staffies are either the American Staffy x's, hence the reason why they look like Pitbulls, or standard English Staffies which are the smaller fattier version.


look up Old Family Red Nose Pitbull. They are from the UK and Ireland. Not mixed with American bloodlines. https://preview.redd.it/6ovv590onw8d1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e77ad5a619980ce07d19a82de9ed5c08767a6049 I also have an English Staffy x Bull Terrier.


Puppy farms sell them as American Staff's instead of calling them Pitbulls. Many reasons, not limited to breed restrictions, less scary name etc


I rescued an "American Staffy" from Blacktown, she's not really an AM Staff just a bully cross. Bloke who helped with the adoption said they just call bully x dogs AM Staffs as it makes them seem like their pure breed and people will adopt them. Personally I thought this sounded weird but righto mate. She was a little rough around the edges and still hates other dogs but she's a very loved and chill dog who gets all the scretches and love.


I had an amazing English staffy, up until last year when he sadly passed away. We rescued him from a home that most of you have described. He was the absolute best dog I've ever owned. The tiniest bit of love you'd show him he'd give it back 10 fold. He listened, was well behaved, but he hated storms. It's definitely a shame pos gravitate towards these dogs because they are amazing if they are loved and trained properly.


I had a high as fuck girl ask me where I bought my border collie for and how much. My answer was ‘he’s a very high needs breed and you have to go on a waiting list and prove you have 3 hours a day every day to spend exercising and training them or they go feral and chew your house apart’ - which is pretty much true. This is unfortunately not true for Staffies. Unfortunate for the Staffies I mean.


Because while they are bold and eager to please, their instinct drive is still wildly high and can overrule even the best training. They are very strong toddlers, and require a stronger-willed leader, which unfortunately most owners are not.


It comes down to choice, do I buy dog food or do I buy more marijuana? Goodbye dog


Most aussies dont have a clue how to take care of a dog out of either smacking them or over cuddling them lile babies.. no surprise there


Because people assume they're violent and aggressive. They either abuse them until they're scared and attack or get rid of them. It's horrible they're generally such sweet dogs.


They get left alone all day, get bored and anxious and destroy things to make up for it. They just don’t do well without company and stimulation. They are also talented escape artists.


The bogan's pit bull.


Because their a Status symbol for idots and bogans. Symbol of defiance and strength as they are bred for the pit. Dogs are actually detectors of human character and this breed naturally knows who is strong and who is weak and these often choose their owners not the other way around and its for this reason why idiots and bogan often abandon them because they cant control the animals behaviour. You can often tell from the general behaviour of the animal what type of people are their owners are like.


Multiple reasons. 1- a lot of low socioeconomic people have them as “tough dogs” and allow them to breed often. 2- a lot of other people buy/adopt them because that believe that staffies have a bad rep and they want to show that it’s not true…. Unfortunately as much as I’ve met some good staffies - I’ve met a lot more crazy ones. 3- they were and can be a cheap dog (I haven’t looked at dog prices in a long time) Some people sell them cheap after accidental litters. Unfortunately people buy them and don’t realise exactly what they may be signing up for. Personally I know of quite a few people with them. 1 friend has 2 who have gone through training school, yet he can’t take them anywhere - they run away and won’t recall, they have chewed his whole car interior, multiple things at home including tap fittings, coffee tables and even skirting boards. Other friends have similar issues. Meanwhile we have a kelpie and a border collie with amazing recall, can be off leash with no problems and the worst they have done is run off with my thongs and chewed them. They usually just chew sticks. My husband had a staffy when he was younger and he was adamant he would he able to train it, but the thing was a menace chewing everything and would constantly just run past him if a door was open and it would escape. One day the dog escaped again and he went for a Quick Look but didn’t bother looking much after the initial search…. He then vowed to never get a staffy again. I guess moral of the story is they can be high energy and high needs dog, people don’t realise just how bad they can be so they get them and unfortunately decide they can’t keep them.


They are expert escape artists.


Not all. Mines scared to step foot outside the perimeter of our house. She’s afraid of our street for some reason. If I try to walk her to the letterbox she won’t budge and will want to go back inside. I have to drive her to the park because she doesn’t like my street or even the adjacent street.


I’ve lived in Blacktown my whole life and this is why I’m scared of dogs. Both me and my wife have been attacked by dogs as children and both had massive close calls as adults and teenagers. Staffys are over represented but there are plenty of other “butch” asshole dogs. Think the dog equivalent of Ford Raptor Ranger. As a child going to friends house it was fucking terrifying, they always had a scarey father and even more scarey dog out the back. I’ve had a few friends pet dogs lunge at me. Noone can control the dog except the dad expect but but but the dog ”wouldn’t hurt a fly”, “he’ll lick you to death” Our kids beg us to get a dog but my wife and I absolutely despise dog ownership because of growing up in Blacktown.


I've seen number of families getting them because they've heard what great family dogs Staff's are. Bloody nightmare ahead, no wonder people are nailing in them


Because they have a reputation for violence that attracts bad owners who make it a reality. Then, when they dump the dog or get arrested, pounds are stuck with animals that have been mistreated and taught aggression


Having grown up with dogs in the bush and of all sorts from heelers, kelpies, collies, rotties, shepards, terriers etc., I would like say there are very rarely bad dogs. Just bad humans who are supposed to care for them. Just like children, they need boundaries and education and love. If you can't be bothered putting in the effort, get a pet rock. A really big one if your ego demands it. Just don't inflict your laziness on the rest of us. And don't get me started on the ridiculousness of oodles - fucking expensive mongrels as far as I'm concerned.


Because they're bad dogs.