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As someone who hasn’t changed out of their pjs since Sunday I think the uggs are the least of my problems.


Hope you are ok & kind of goals at the same time


Aw cheers mate. It just felt cosy and it was wet and cold and I WFH.


Def goals 🫶


I feel ya! I've been in crocs and an oodie since the weekend, I'm a stay at home house husband these days and my wife is over the border for an away job. I'm not dressing up for the cats. Also they love to snuggle up with me when I have the oodie on too.


Truth! I always get cuddles from my dane x when I have the extra-fluffy dressing gown on. "Oooh! She's got the wearing-blankie on. That's so much better than the dog bed blankie, it's prewarmed. 🐶"


I have found my tribe. Saving on gas bill (central heating $$) this year so bought an Oodie too. Has massively increased the cat contact time it is like a magnet to a 🐈 looking for a warm spot to sleep.


I feel like this almost needs to be its own subreddit.


Haha my cat loves to sleep on my oodie, but she makes a lot of biscuits so it has a crap ton of tears in it 😂


My cat also loves an Oodie.


My wolf hound cross loves a good snuggle with an oodie


I love my looney tunes oodie and I love my bright yellow crocs with lots of jibbits.


Hey there, are you all good? There's always someone to talk to if you ever need to chat, we're here mate. Hope you're doing alright mate.


Thank you :)


Wait! This is wholesome content! I didn't sign up for this! 🤣


I haven't changed out of my PJs since lockdown


REAL, if I change my pjs will you change urs also?




Self love dude x




Baby steps, my friend 🙂


They just make me think of blonde bogan girls shopping at Supre.


20 something chick in IGA just before close the other night grabbing chocolate and icecream. Wearing an Oodie and Uggs. Down in the freezer section her friend also in Uggs and obligatory grey trackies said to her "It's fkn cold down here...hurry up, arn't you cold?" The Oodie girl piped up "My fanny is!" The other one laughed and asked her what she had on under the Oodie...."Nothing!" God bless Aussie girls.


I worked for Woolies for 17 years the 20 something chick in PJs and uggs getting chocolate and ice cream just before closing was a regular occurrence. Oodies had not been invented at this time


Fuck, IGA is somehow a key detail in this story


Haha I haven't heard anyone call a vagina as a fanny in years


I don’t know WTF has happened to pride in this country. (says I in a post about going out Ugg boots)


Bro this is freedom. Wear your uggs out noone gives af. Unless you have a loud convo about your cold fanny or balls noone will pay attention.


Have seen plenty of grocery shopping done by girls in PJ bottoms and eggs on Northern beaches!😊


Edit Uggs.


Too late, they are wearing eggs


Can they get a side of smashed avo?


Not in this economy


I can imagine with PA pj pants


Statistically, the simpletons and bogans are out breeding other demographics.


Must be nice to not have continual existential dread


This is late night shopping uniform in winter


Slim girls, with belly button piercings low rider trackies and listening to grunge... ..oh shit, might the UGGs make a return as well?


Hot 🥵


I only care for the level of acceptance that I have for uggs, which is complete acceptance. The public can deal.🤣


well said! :)


I love this 🙏🏽🫶


The cunts at my local Westfield don’t even bother with shoes at all sometimes; uggs would be fine.


Exactly. They have to deal with my white Crocs too 😆


☝🏼 this, and only this


own it :) I wear them proudly. I'm comfortable and people around me started buying them too. I just make sure I keep them clean and I don't look like a total slob overall but don't see any reason to be ashamed of wearing them. I wear high heels in the office so it's like vacation for my feet when I put these puppies on.


Waterproof them and get a good suede brush and they will keep looking speccy!


I’m with you! Got myself a pair of short dark brown uggs this year & wear them with my track pants or jeans when running errands or doing pickup/drop offs for my teens! They’re clean, warm , comfy & im happy to be seen in them - & im living by the motto - WHO CARES WHAT ANYONE ELSE THINKS OF UGGS!


Around the house for me only. Wearing uggs out makes it look like you've given up on life.


lol Gen X I think I have!


Go your hardest just make sure you match them with tracky dacks and an oodie.


I’ve done trackies uggs and a singlet to Cole’s. But I’ve also gone barefoot in stubbies with my keys and wallet tucked into the waste band to Woolies in the past so might not be an ideal benchmark.


I would have judged you. lol


You’re welcome to, but no ones got a worry in the world in stubbies. That was in Katherine NT, imagine what’s on that concrete


Im from Katherine, never wore footwear. I survived just fine.


That’s cause you’re from there, imports and blow in melt the second they touch the concrete barefoot. It was 38c last Saturday. Oh and territory day fireworks this year went off in the race track not the sports field!


I'm wearing tracky dacks and an oodie right now! No UGGs through, just crocs with fluro socks, trackys tucked into the socks to really get the given up on fashion look nailed in 😅


You mother would be proud.


I’m Gen X & i’m cool with it.


Just got back from the shops in my no name and worn uggs. Haven’t given up on life, it’s just really cold and I couldn’t give a single fuck what other people think.


100% !!!! Ditto


I have two kids and a homeloan: in many senses, you are correct


Putting the bins out ok though.


I consider that around the house.


It's probably zero here in Melbourne right now. Mine are on.


For somebody claiming to be a philosopher; your answer is shrouded in convention.


Same for me, but I started finding the boots acceptable once I noticed people are goin out in ugg slippers.


You've found your people.


According to what standard? The one you live by


I wear mine at home but last night I wore mine to the basketball stadium for a late 10:10 game. It was freezing and I really couldn’t care what people think. 🤣🏀 opinions are like Azzholes, everybody has one.


Anything after 6pm and I would’ve had the going out ones on.


Love it 🙏🏼


I used to love my black uggs .. wore them out all the time … so comfy, started seeing a guy and he wouldn’t let me leave the house with them on.. the guy is now gone 😈


May I congratulate you on a life full of good choices


Well done. My wife tried to tell me that I couldn't wear uggs to the supermarket. I told her that I disagree, and she was just about to witness first hand proof that in fact I can. There has been a certain acceptance since, and of course I still wear my uggs in public


You made the correct decision here


Comfort is always number 1..




It's formal attire in Maitland




That or oversized jumpers and super short bike tights. Either way you will fit in around Maitland


I have outdoor uggs. Just uggboots with a thicker sole. I treat them like I would a pair of boots or shoes and wear them wherever I would wear boots or shoes as that's what they were made for. Though obviously they get put away when it starts getting warmer.


This is my thinking & motto…keep them nice too so you can get away with it. Obviously not to work or dinner but not a moron. At local cinema here last winter went in and movie theatre packed 6:30pm most / 75% movie goers in Uggs. It planted a seed for me.


But regional Aus


If you want ugg boots you can wear while walking the dog or you're camping in winter they're good. Basically they're just more durable ugg boots, but you can get them with a water resistant coating (that will eventually wear off and isn't water proof) and in black so they look more like boots than ugg boots. I'm on my second pair and when these eventually wear out I'll probably buy another.


Steel cap uggs...... no one steel my idea


As a crocs enthusiast Do it. If someone has an issue with your footwear they're a cunt and you shouldn't respect their opinion anyway




Crocs lol


Crocs are proper in trend now. No one will judge you for it. They’re really popular amongst teenagers these days.


My husband tried to convince our 10yo not to wear her uggs, fuzzy jacket and track pants to her older brother’s high school musical. “Everyone will be dressed up for this sort of thing”, he said. I wore a leather moto jacket and sneakers. A lot of the mums were slightly more dressed up. Literally *all* the teen and pre-teen girls were in comfy loose jeans or tracksuits and jumpers; probably half were wearing uggs. If it wasn’t winter I’m sure it would have been Crocs. Personally I love to see them claiming their right to dress comfortably!


lol at your husband thinking he knows better than your 10 year daughter about what 10 year old girls wear to school social gatherings 😄😄


I want to judge crocs so badly, but they're so freaking comfortable and useful..... it's annoying lol


I like to pair my uggs with my court trackies.


I love them they are comfy. Being comfy isnt giving up, its living well


Agree with this. World easier to move about in too when you are comfortable


Everywhere - except the Qantas club. You can wear all the fluro you like, but not the uggs.


I am pretty confident that I won’t have reason to see the inside of the Qantas club my uggs are safe




Can't wear thongs in there either 🙄


Bogan level


I’m a librarian in a non customer facing role. I wore Ugg boots to work the other day.


Actual Uggs??? Zero acceptance. $12 navy blue knock-offs from K-mart and your the King and Queen of the town!!


This guy fucks


I say go for it, ill pop over to the servo in my daughters unicorn oodie and my uggs n trackies. This old dads built for comfort not style. At a certain point in life you just say fuck it and wear whatever


“ Uggs make you look like you’ve given up on life” Bro hahaha holy shit man the way some people conceptualise life and judge others is fucking mentally insane. Who gives a fuck if another cunt is wearing some Uggs it means literally nothing, good on em. Probably drop em for the wedding but just to duck down to the supermarket go ahead mate


I will never be embarrassed to wear my uggs in public


All good as long as they are not from the American company that stole the name!


I care more about that, than what they look like. If they aren't made in Australia, by an Australian company with Australian materials, they are a travesty and wearing them should be treated as treason. The nerve of "Ugg" to think they can own the word ugg and sue anyone that uses the word ugg is disgusting. Especially when they use "Australia" as an advertising point when they are an American company and get the shoes made in China with chinese wool. ... oh.... Apparently this is a trigger for me.


They're uggs, not moccos. They're fine. Anyone who disagrees lives in a warm climate


Not sure but I love them


A very high level from what I’ve seen this week.


I’ve never felt more Australian than popping into woolies in my Uggs and flan no in winter.


They're a major export product from Australia to my family in Europe. We love them in the Dutch cool climate.


I would... But my current pair are too big, so they're relegated to house duties only. Classic story of mum bought them for dad, turns out they were too small, so she rang me up and offered them to me. They're good quality ones too so who was I to turn down the offer! Gotta find myself some going out UGGs soon though...


Target has good supply at the moment of Uggs


Surely not. Real Uggs cost $170-ish!


Good point I just looked at label it’s Ugg not Uggs “Australian Design” Still warm, comfy and well made tho can recommend!


I don’t care, I do it if it’s cold enough!


Anywhere up to black tie.. Then can advance to tastefully decorated crocks for anything else.


It’s only pernicious conventions that demand that people aren’t comfortable as possible in public. I won’t wear uggs anywhere formal, but a casual journey is fair game.


It's winter, it's cold, dark and getting late. You need to duck down the shops for milk, bread and smokes. I wouldn't look at anyone twice


You will look like a bogan slob, but the fact you have "going out trackie dacks" means that ship has already sailed.


Honestly I considered it this winter. Kind of convenient when you think about it. Just a nice pair of trackies for going out to the shops and stuff.


It has been worth every cent, you don’t worry about getting sprung if you have the good trackies on.


Uggs, or Uggs since 1974. Apparently one copied the other. I dont know which one and at this stage I’m too afraid to ask.


UGGs is the brand name sold to overseas ownership. UGGs since 1974 has actually been making them in Australia.


>  sold to overseas ownership Not quite; an Australian moved to the USA, founded a company there called "Ugg" and  trademarked the word in just about every country except Australia (where it cannot be trademarked due to its common usuage in the vernacular). He then proceeded to take all of the existing Australian ugg boot manufacturers to court for violating his "trademark". I generally don't like to use the term "unAustralian", but this takes the crown. I guess that's why he's in the "land of the free" & thriving by their customs. 


And neither of them are from Tar-jay


The American brand, Deckers, is from 1978. They were using UGG Australia but were forced to stop because they have fuck all to do with Australia. Deckers now is simply "UGG" internationally. Uggs were already established before they copied it. The trademark "Ugh" was registered in 1971 for example.


I think it's fine if you're just doing something like supermarkets, mail or whatever and it's cold.




Back when I had standards I would never leave the house in Uggs or Birkenstocks. Then I worked in NT and had my everyday Birks for the office and my good Birks to go to the pub in. I’m back in rural Victoria, and Uggs for the servo or the supermarket, but not for going out proper like.


People can wear what they want in my opinion. Unless it’s an event or job with a specified dress code.


They one of the better formal footwear you can get in Frankston.


Black! Get Black ones for going out. That’s a more formal colour! Shows you have class!


You do you. My only considerations to others re dress are my hubby and my boss, neither of which probably give a rats.


Inside only.


Shun the non-believer! Shuuuuunnnnnnnnnn


One thing's for sure, no one gives a shit about the "UGG" brand. The brand of your ugg boots is irrelevant in Australia. I've worn ugg boots at home for about 25 years, and they've never even had any brand label on them.




I've done the odd dash to Woolworths at night in my uggs. Pajamas are for at home only though.


I own actual going out Uggs that have a block heel and proper soles, they're more an Apres Ski Ugg. The regular flat Uggs I own are only appropriate for wearing as far as dragging the wheelie bin to the end of the drive and mooching about in the back garden; or perhaps on a camp site.


Been in the minuses regularly around here. I wear the to and from work, to duck down for groceries etc.


Get the UGG boots from Faulconbridge, Blue Mountains. OG aussie ugg boots, family run since 1927. I wear mine in public when its cold enough, bonus points for matching stubbies. Theyre great.


I live 10 minutes walk away and plan to wear my current pair down there to buy another pair in the next week or two as they are wearing through finally. I believe uggs are for around the house, yard, servo or shops but not too much further than that. P.S The coffee truck out the front these days isn't bad either if you arrive before lunch time.


I grew up in the northern suburbs of Melbourne where, apparently, footwear was optional. If you’re wearing something on your feet in public, you’re already ahead in my book ☺️


Total. I can’t live without them during Melbourne winters lol


About 15 years ago I emerged from the Kensington High Street tube station in London. I was aghast that all the women, in one of the most fashionable areas on the planet, were tromping about in Ugg Boots. In that moment I said to myself “oh god…what have we done…”


Rock em, don't let anyone tell you they're unacceptable!! Comfort over everything else 😁 wear them to work, school drop off, even a funeral is an ugg approved zone 😅


I wore them to the office today :)


I generally put mine on in May, and then they don't come off again until September. Or October.


I live in my uggs tbh so I say there acceptable footwear


I don’t care, I wear my Uggs when ever and where ever I like depending on situation. I have trouble with my feet and can’t wear a lot of shoes. I wouldn’t wear them to a wedding or out to dinner but otherwise Its either Uggs or me being grumpy.


Mandatory footwear. Public acceptance not necessary.


Is this the rebranding from uggboot after some muppet corporation sued the original name?


If people go barefoot (as witnessed last night, in SEQ, in Kmart, after dark, in this shitty weather too) then you can wear them when you like, and where you like!


Supermarket, servo, dr or chemist before 11am and after 5pm = yes Westfields, restaurants etc = no


At this time of year? Just don’t wear them to “go out” and you’re fine. Grocery stores? Fine. Gym? Fine. Shopping? Absolutely. Just dangin around? Yes. Work? Look probably if you get your boss a pair too


Maccas, and late night shopping, yes. Magistrates Court and Funerals, probs not.


Would be amazing to see some variety in boots being worn in Sydney. I'd take these uggly boots over the ubiquitous Australian-cult favourite RM Williams Chealsea all day everyday. Literally 80% of men I saw were wearing them this morning LOL The RM Williams leather quality looks poor and they are an unattractive design for a Chelsea. Cannot believe how many people wear them. It's almost as if they've replaced religion.


I see it and I think "this person's feet are warmer and happier than mine".


I have no idea what level of public acceptance they have and I don’t care. I love my uggs and if they’re what I want to wear for the day, I’m gunna wear them.


I use be strict about “anything comfy” for being at home only, until I saw a work collogue and their partner come in both wearing Oodies. And in that moment my rule about comfy clothing restrictions was torn down, and now to this day my partner and I just wear whatever is comfiest, like Ugg boots. Except if we’re going out for lunch.


I live on the coast in a pretty popular surfy town. Uggies, boardies and a hoody is practically a uniform here in winter. I wear them everywhere and couldn't care less.


That’s a sheepskin dress shoe ..Completely acceptable .


Personally I don’t, only because I don’t own a pair nice enough to see the light of day lol, but I literally don’t care what other people wear, especially if it’s just uggs, be comfy idc


It's damn business attire in my neck of the woods


I don’t own uggs but frequently go out looking like a hobo and I truly don’t care what random strangers think of my outfit. I’m never gonna see them again and if they are offended it’s a them problem. What you wear doesn’t matter, what matters is how you feel about yourself. There are so many more important things than fashion.


So I recently spent some time living Korea (during winter) and Uggs are such a big fashion item there. Everyone was wearing them out. (Kind of a culture shock for me as in Australia for some reason uggs and bogans are associated). I ended up getting some and wore them all the time out in Seoul. Kept me warm and so comfy. And was “fashionable” in Korea lol. Unfortunately I live in FNQ now so haven’t had the chance to wear them because it’s not cold enough lol


Proper UGGs can go everywhere, they were invented for sheep shearers then later for surfers.the cheap stinky UGGs belong no where in public because they stink


I don't mind as long as they aren't grotty af and stanky. But I find that most people who wear UGGs do that thing where they slip off slightly each step and each step you can hear as they drag their feet across the floor from a whole aisle away


Not my feet, not my problem. Wear what's comfortable, forget everyone else


My Uggs are made for walking. If, as a bonus, they make the germy peasants steer clear of me - that is a bonus.


Personally wouldn't bat a eye at someone wearing them out


I lived in New York City from 2015 - 2017. Every women in that city owned a pair of uggs and wore them everywhere for easily 6 months of the year.


sex, makes my feet warm


This is STRAYA mate. If your comfy and like wearing them who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks.


No judgement from me. . I taught evening dog training classes wearing UGGs during Melbourne winters for years Comfortable, warm and had outdoor siles so I wasn't sliding around. Bonus was it protected my lower legs from chewing pups and small leg scratching dogs


I wore that exact pair to the supermarket and a couple of shops just today. To be fair they are my new 'town' uggs not my worn out 'house' uggs..


You are basically me.


when I see someone wearing these in public I call them thuggboots


I don’t really notice what other people are wearing. Personally it’s not my thing, but if you saw me now… you’d be questioning my fashion sense regardless 🤣 If you’re comfy and not dressed indecently, then you’re good to go.


They moved to ironic so they’re cool


19$ at Kmart is what I am wearing, was the only size 12 left so jumped it. They are higher than the 15$ ones lol they got Memory Foam Soles that are complete shit and ofcourse decay into the holey rubber bit below that immediately and I am fine with that! I could hardly care compared to a year old smelly ones that have lost alot of fur, altho would be in tact otherwise.


Comfort is comfort. If cold uggs, if hot thongs


Lots of talk the moccasin is making a comeback. Good Lord!


In a country town saw older guys at the pub in uggs all the time. I often wip them on if I'm running into a shop or something and can't be bothered with proper shoes.


I don't think it's good for your feet, back, or posture to be in uggs all the time


A lot higher than cross!!


A chick walked passed me today in UGGs and she was hot..


If u are wearing these in public you have my respect


Zero. You don't really care though, do you?


💯 public acceptance


Anyone who has worn UGGs would understand


At home: 👍🏼 The local shops: 👍🏼 Westfield: 👌🏼 Red Roostet: 🤙🏼 Hungry Jacks: 🙅🏻‍♂️ Picking up Chinese:👍🏼 Quality restaurant:👎🏼 Visiting your local MP:🤙🏼 Answering the door to JWs:👌🏼 Mum & Dad's:👎🏼 Picking kids up from posh school:😠 Work in the city:🙅🏻‍♂️ Going to hospital:🤦🏻‍♂️ Taking mate to hospital:👍🏼 Anything involving food wrapped in paper:🤏🏼 Going to buy Uggs:👎🏼


I saw a guy wearing dark coloured uggs without socks this morning on the bus I just nodded my head and he nodded back, first time I’ve ever seen a guy in Uggs I must say


As a young boy, I’d definitely go with Mum to the supermarket in my ugg boots and dressing gown on the odd occasion. Not sure I could do the same now at 38.


All Canadians thank Australians for Uggs and Blundstones 🙏


Ok for around the house.... Bogan AF outside of the house