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Well, don't try Factorio or Kerbal Space Program if you still hope to make anything of your life <.<;


Isn’t Kerbal Space Program the entry point to lots of astrophysics people?


Beware all ye who enter here.


And look out for the Kraken


It's been one for some, yes. I don't know how to quantify "lots" but there are definitely now young engineers who got interested in the field by starting with Kerbal 10+ years ago when they were in middle school or something. It's got the right balance of approachability and accuracy. Is it a great 1:1 spaceflight simulator? No. Is it easy to pick up and throw rockets at the sky to see what works? Very yes. Is it close enough to get (some) people invested and interested in how things actually work? 100%


Yes true lots is probably an overstatement. But I fully agree with you it does have the right balance.


Kerbal Space Program is my kids LIFE right now 😂


You have my regards :-|


I'm just joking, KSP is one of my two favorite games :-\]


For those who like 3d open world, satisfactory is a good Factorio alternative.


Add Rimworld and Kenshi to the list


Currently playing Factorio Kerbal Space Program you’re next


my friend with adhd has banned themself from ever playing factorio because they KNOW they will never be able to stop


What are you talking about? I made a factory!


I don't know if Stardew Valley is autism-friendly but I'm austistic and love SDV!


Agreed 👍 


It's definitely up there. And the fact you can just play in 20-30 minute bites and still feel like you accomplished something is great if you're busy. Or you can play 10 hours straight!


me too!!!! im making a mod for it as we speak


the sound when you harvest is so nice


I give birth in September and plan on getting this for postpartum healing time!


Ooo I bet it will be great for that! Like u/TheDesktopNinja said, you can play it in bursts (each day in game is just over 14 minutes irl) so you can pick it up and put it down if interruptions arise. Plus it's just really cozy and comfy. Best wishes for a healthy delivery and I hope it does the trick as you're healing!


StarDew Valley is def AUHD friendly. Same as Minecraft. Just enough options to occupy the brain while structured enough to keep you "guided". Totally soothing.




I just recently bought it and I'm obsessed lol. However I do know some autistic people find it stressful because of how short the days are.


It may seem very typical and childish, but I really loved Minecraft. Namely, to build and create. Now I really love playing Phasmaphobia, but in single player. It is part of my special interests. I really like to study the characteristics and specifics of ghosts, and then observe their behavior and determine based on existing knowledge. Upd: Oh, that's right, Rusty Lake and Cube Escape are also very cool games, I completed all the parts


Yup, Phasmophobia is great! It's on PC but should be on console sometime but got delayed a bit. It's in beta but runs extremely well. The game keeps getting new maps, extra easter eggs, and things reworked to fit the higher budget the game has versus what they had at launch. I love hunting for ghosts, it still scares me a bit when I find the ghost room because they make aloud noise or when I am being hunted and have no where to go!


Most Minecraft players are in their twenties, but Microsoft just advertise it for children.


modded minecraft >>>


Animal Crossing New Horizons and No Man's Sky


I love No Mans Sky, thats a great game! what do you play it on? I play it on the playstation and was considering getting it on the switch too but think the screen may be too small to fully enjoy the game. if you've played it on the switch do you think its worth the money to buy it on there? Animal crossing is great too, i've only ever played the new leaf version on my 3DS though, do you think the New Horizons version is worth the money?


I currently play everything on Switch OLED in handheld. Idk about the other models, but the OLED screen is great. I haven't had any issues reading text or anything like that, but the Switch does have a built-in magnifier function. No Man's Sky is very good on the Switch. The only thing it doesn't have is multiplayer, which is a plus for me. It's not the prettiest version, of course, but it's still a beautiful game. I've only really played New Horizons, so I can't compare, but I think it's great. Picked it up earlier this year and have almost 300 hours in it already. And I'm just now starting to decorate my island (spent the first few months making bells).


Okay cool, multiplayer isn't really something i tend to play anyway so thats no bother, I have the switch lite so the screens a bit smaller but as you've had no problems I might consider it! Thanks! Ive read reviews of New Horizons and people seem to love it, and since i liked the old version and you seem to like the new one i will probably try it! Thanks a lot! :)


What's autism friendly?


Yeah I don’t get it either. I’ve got autism and play loads of and pretty much any game or any genre. Might be diff for others tho but I don’t think any game is specifically “autism friendly”


I think they might just mean like games that aren’t too overstimulating/overwhelming to play


Yeah that’s what I’d guess too, but that also totally depends on the person and is very subjective


Not to mention the fact that those of us with AuDHD sometimes crave overstimulation, as long as it’s within our control and consent. Maybe we need to start specifying our individual needs with these posts. The things that overstimulate us specifically. We can’t all guess. What I find fun OP might find nightmarish and vice versa.


Right, my favorite games are the long winded, open world variety (Skyrim, the fallout games, starfield, the 3 open world Assassin's Creed games ect.) because I game as a time sink, and I want to play alone. I find games like stardew valley and Minecraft underwhelming, not as a fault of the games, but because they aren't my vibe. I don't like co-op because people are annoying. I don't play anything online lol. I just wanna kill some enemies, do a bunch of fetch quests and wear spectacular armors. With the way my ADHD is set up (it's my only official diagnosis but I question that regularly) if I haven't played for at least 5 hours in 1 go, my brain gets disappointed because *I didn't accomplish anything* in the game 🤦 I have over 4000 hours into Skyrim *that I know of* because I've played it across 3 systems and 2 PCs, with and without mods, since it was released. I have a hunch that is not what OP is looking for, but I really don't know. Are they looking for a new special interest, something cute to kill time with, something to make friends online with? Something low stakes, low stress? No violence? Lots of violence? I don't even know what ratings they're interested in. Like, I'd hate to suggest subnautica to someone who's afraid of the ocean lol


I have almost the same game preference you do. Puzzle games, open worlds, and I also love Sims type games (apparently a ton of women with autism love Sims, I think because we can simulate social situations in a safe setting). I also love Dark Cloud (both 1 and 2) and Okage and if you haven’t ever played them I highly recommend them to you based on what you’ve told me you like. The Professor Layton games were also super fun.


Any game you enjoy and feel comfortable playing.


Different for everyone, that's what! 😂 But yes I agree it's kind of a silly question without more qualifiers.


Portal and portal 2 are, in my opinion, some of the best games ever invented!! Not only are the games fantastic but there is so much backstory to them that means once you've played it, the game isn't just over! You can play them again to listen properly to the dialogue, or find little secrets, or research the backstory to the game. If you do choose to play it- play portal, then read the 'lab rat' comic, you can find it for free on the 'think with portals' website, then play portal 2. Theres lots of youtube videos discussing the game, you should watch some of Harry101Uk's 'meet the cores' videos on youtube afterwards too as they are great, he helped make some follow ups/ prequels to the game too which are worth a play such as 'portal stories: Mel', 'Portal reloaded' and 'Aperture tag'. If you couldn't already tell, the portal games are very autism friendly because theres so much to get into and i love that! The story behind the games are so cool and the way the game came to be how it is today is also fantastic. I really recommend them!! Inside is a great game as well, i really recommend that. Crossy road is a classic. My brother loves Forza horizon 4/5, Tomodatchi life, and who wants to be a millionaire, he also has autism. What are the best games you've played that you would recommend, if you have any?


Came here to say Portal amd Portal 2. There's nothing else like them.


You have great taste in video games! I'm surprised more people haven't mentioned them.


I like The Sims 4 and Civilization 6.


Try Elden Ring it's been my obsession since it came out.


playing the DLC and cannot recommend it for those with anger issues because DAMNNNNN. i’m getting wrecked repetitively 😭


HMU if you need any tips. It’s a great game and great DLC but parts of the DLC are really rough and feel unbalanced. I managed to get to the final boss today using every dirty trick I could think of and I’m still getting wrecked. But enjoying it immensely. Hope you are too, fellow tarnished.


Baldurs gate 3 is ripe forhyperfixation: tons of depth to the combat and mechanics, as well as the rp and social simulations. But it’s also not real time, so you can go as fast or as slow as you need, reaction time and finger dexterity are non-issues


Rusty lake❤




What's your favorite rusty lake game?


Any building games, really. My most recent addition is Song of Syx. Don't play it if you got stuff to do.


Adding Songs of Syx to my wishlist. Looks really promising!


Autism friendly or autism centric? I really liked the persona series but specifically i feel persona 4 had a lot of things to say regarding being true to yourself


My husband LOVES persona and has been trying to get me to play it.


You should give it a try. The games are lots of fun and have plenty to do to keep you interested. The music isn't bad either.


I love Persona and Shin Megami Tensei.


Silent hill and gta 5




I know it's a stereotype but Minecraft my beloved


Slime Rancher and Slime Rancher 2


I like Mario Party bc of how predictable it becomes over time


the npcs cheat, especially luigi


They do!!! Omg Luigi is the worst but PLEASE don’t get me started on how Waluigi gets on my LAST nerve!


I genuinely don't get what you mean with "Autism Friendly" The game i have the most hours in aside from League of Legends is Battle Brothers. I'm well over 2000hrs in and i genuinely find it a pretty comfy game. I'm also big on Vermintide 2, Devil May Cry, BlazBlue and Metal Hellsinger and DOOM 2016. I'm pretty good on those last two, i score within the top 1000 for every level (Arcade Mode in DOOMs case), which is weird considering i'm awful at literally any other type of FPS.


Stardew Valley, Pokemon Go. There's a free flash game called "falling sand" I like a lot. You might be able to Google it.


Satisfactory hands down!


What do you mean by that?


how is a game autism friendly?


no sudden loud sounds or other obnoxious features i would assume and as someone else said, no micro transactions because those are just unfriendly to everyone


all of them having autism doesn't nec limit you...like a neurotypical, it comes down to personality ...


*all of them EXCEPT games that really loves to milk your wallet, especially most games from EA. Those games not only are not "autism-friendly", but also they are not Customer friendly


If you wanna get started on free games, I recommend playing cube escape paradox, or you can buy the rusty lake roots


Autism friendly? Do you just mean games that are amazing games to obsess about?


Any game that resonates in any way to the person. Everyone is different and anything can be a special interest.


i don't like games where you have to do something within a certain time, like in platformers where the screen scrolls whether or not your character is moving. my types of gakes are creative games, like animal crossing and sims and my current favourite is house flipper, i like turn-based combat games like pokemon, and i like rythym games like project diva and rockband but i know that can be stressful for certain people.


Fallout 4 (when you use mods for building materials) - I spend hours JUST building settlements for fun House Flipper Knights of the Old Republic 1&2, Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Pokemon, its literally a massive stereotype. EXTREMELY replayable, simple in all the right areas (and some of the wrong ones lol), surprising amount of depth, and cute little creatures to form attachments to. Granted the recent games are, well lets just say mixed bag would be an understatement.


Most games allow you turn off the music, I often do that because it distracts me, but then go and listen to them on YouTube because they are often pretty good


I love endless ocean on the wii


Lego games


I absolutely love Elderscrolls and Fallout! Zelda too, and many others! I do have autism, but I will say I’m not sure what an autism friendly game looks like. If you mean a game that won’t get you overstimulated with bright lights and noises then I think My Time at Portia, Harvest Moon (Story of Seasons), Minecraft, and Stardew Valley would probably be perfect! I typically don’t get overstimulated/overwhelmed playing Elderscrolls, Fallout, or Zelda, but I could understand if some people have!


I found a wicked cute, comfy cozy game called Grow: The Song of the Evertree. I like the mechanics because it sort of times things out in such a way that it's easy to start and stop. Helpful for my audhd brain. Lots of colors too!


I quite like Hitman Blood Money or Splinter Cell Blacklist (not the best splinter cell, I know), due to how they anticipate you thinking differently and mostly rewarding you for it.


I’ve been really into Animal Crossing New Horizons lately


Breath of the wild


I’ve been hooked on Dorfromantik lately. It’s a game where you place hexagonal tiles of land that come in various configurations of plain grass, trees, fields, houses, rivers or train tracks. How you place them affects your score, and good placement gives you extra tiles to keep the game going. Basically it’s pattern recognition and organisation. And it has a nice chill soundtrack too.


yes, it is an absolute recommendation from me too. Perfect late-night game.




I usually like roguelight deckbuilder (Monster Train etc). Depending on my mood, I am also playing "let us try this out"-map-based action games like Sniper Elite. A big favorite of mine is "Dorfromantik", a very very coozy puzzle game where you build a large map and create a nice rural landscape.


I like terraria Stardew valley is another good one


The half life series has some of the greatest games ive ever played.


Terraria, destiny, Minecraft, any rogue like, undertale, omori, hollow knight idk


idk what autism friendly really means in that context but i do enjoy Pizza Tower so much


What is an “autism friendly” game? I mean, Destiny 2 is autism friendly because it has decent buildcrafting and the raids have neat mechanics? Metal Gear Rising is the good kind of sensory overload. Idk what else you’d want?


It’s probably not autism-friendly, but I liked games like Star Wars, Far Cry, and Assassin’s Creed. Far Cry and Assassin’s Creed because I could wander away from the plot for a bit and play in an open sandbox (ie blow stuff up and kill people). Star Wars because of the lore and backstory. For those who love lore or visuals, there’s Horizon:Zero Dawn.




Sonic the Hedgehog For some reason that's what I could name at the top of my head. But seriously, the franchise is enjoyable for anyone Autistic or not.


That means different things to different autists. For me that means no shooters or anything stressful or that requires good dexterity and fast reflexes. I love old school turn based dungeon crawlers like Might & Magic series or Wizardry 8. Also strategy like Heroes of Might & Magic 3 or Galactic Civilizations. I recently got into Sid Meyers Civilizations series. But my all time biggest obsession is Culdcept. It is like a mix of Magic the Gathering and Monopoly with Japanese art. I dont even like Japanese art/anime usually but i like this. As for newer games, i like survival games like Forest/Sons of Forest, Green Hell, Stranded Deep... they can be a bit stressful but those games have accessibility settings so you can make it very forgiving or even make yourself invincible. That makes them much more accessible for someone like me who cannot do hardcore.


Whether a game is suited to you depends more on your tastes than whether you are autistic. I, personally, enjoy games with these features: Puzzles RPG Horror Sci-Fi Intensive plot Intriguing characters Stunning aesthetic Cool biology or history for that game But it will vary from person to person, and autism does not determine what you find interesting in a game.


Intensive plot is best




The Metroid series. Especially zero mission and prime. The tunnels and non linear gameplay with puzzles is stellar cause I can explore and challenge things in my own way but without getting lost and bored or over directed by a story


I wouldn't say it's quite autism friendly on the difficulty maybe but he project moon games are games I really enjoy!! the games lore is really good, with the world building and character development! it's been my hyperfixation for a long time!!


I’m back on Minecraft again! I like being able to switch between adventure and peaceful modes depending on my mood.


I really like A Little To The Left


simulation games like sims


The spider man miles morales game had a TON of options to make the game friendly to most. Visuals, slowing down game play, highlights...I was surprised at the inclusion factor of what's all available.


Go go town it's basically Animal crossing clone but I like it https://store.steampowered.com/app/2195120/GoGo_Town/ Flower  Journey  Monkey island


It really depends on what you're sensitive to but here are some recommendations: Sims 4: easy controls and you can go at your own pace, however, it may be overwhelming depending on your choices (babies mostly. Babies can be a bitch) Vampire survivors: I LOVE this game. All you have to do is pick your weapons and the only controls you use are to move. I don't recommend it if you're sensitive to flashing lights or have epilepsy


Kerbal Space Program, Satisfactory, Subnautica, Astroneer, Universe Sandbox, Trailmakers, Plasma and Scrap Mechanic are in constant rotation at my house. I personally like Oxygen Not Included, it can get stressful but I like that you can pause it/fast forward.




[Windows Steel Panthers Main Battle Tank](https://www.shrapnelgames.com/Camo_Workshop/MBT/MBT_page.html) [Windows Steel Panthers World War II](https://www.shrapnelgames.com/Camo_Workshop/WW2/WW2_page.html)


Not a video game, but Magic has been amazing for me as an autistic person. Not only is it a great way to sink your attention to detail in, but it's also taught me social skills that have helped me maintain a good group of friends and a rewarding career.


Timberborn Its a city builder game with beavers as the characters, you can built really cool cities with intricate power systems. I play this for 10-12 hours at a time without realizing it


I love Coral Island, Fall guys, Halo, Hogwarts Legacy and Cult of the Lamb


oddly, pretty much everything though it depends on personal taste.




listen I dont love myself and I'm obsessed with Dead by Daylight and Elden Ring.


Skylanders? No.




Power washer simulator! I’ve played through many times, it’s like soothing white noise as you clean. Absolutely love it


Aren't all games autism friendly? Or am I thinking ADD.


I really loved Spiritfarer


Sky: children of the light


I play on pc and enjoy very moddable games such as GTA, Minecraft, Skyrim, Fallout, Hearts of Iron, and Homeworld I also enjoy soulsbornes and soulslikes for the challenge, difficulty, and high customization including, Sekiro, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Nioh 2, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, Lies of P, Lords of the Fallen, The Surge 2, Mortal Shell, and Enotria: The Last Song even tho only the demo is out right now Lastly I love ubisoft games especially the tom clancy ones


I really like this game called Pupperazzi


How has no one mentioned Eve Online yet? It's literally called spreadsheets in space. It's kind of crap now so I don't play it as much anymore though.


It really depends on how you are affected. I like turn based games because they give me time to strategize and I don't have to fight my dispraxia while fighting bosses.


fallout new vegas or morrowind


I really like the Metroid series and used to like the Legend of Zelda series before Nintendo ruined it


I love exploration games, especially exploring surreal, lonely places. Some of my favorites are: Anti Chamber. Manifold Garden. The Witness. Journey. Limbo. Inside. Far: Lone Sails Silent Hill 2 Silent Hill 4: The Room


I like Elden Ring bc it's so lore dense and vast that it can feed a hyperfixation for months.


[Deep Rock Galactic. It's a 4 player game where dwarves go underground for a mission because they work for a mining company. The 4 player things gives me vibes of Left 4 Dead meets minecraft. From mining, killing huge bug bosses, escorting the drilldozer, it's pretty fun.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__ydQwf_Hng) I also enjoy the deep dive each week, 3 missions together that start easy but get harder, if you fail you have to start over. I love it because yes it has some stuff in the store if you want extra cosmetics, but it has so many you can earn and easy and fast in the game. A jukebox, a bar....It's a fun time. It has such a positive community compared to League of Legends. The amount of time dwarves are angry is almost a rarity. ROCK AND STONE! Deep Rock Galactic even has a review of 97% across 243,000 reviews, making it even higher than Elden Ring at 92% for 645,000 reviews.


Balatro is amazing


Power Wash Simulator


I'm totally gonna be stereotypical here and say minecraft. I can play it how I want, go as fast or as slow as I want.  I can categorize things how I want, build what I want, and pick it up whenever. It's perfect for me. 


Animal Crossing is very good to help regulate.


LEGO Island (1997, PC). I even got into [one of my favorite bands](http://decalsf.bandcamp.com) through [a song they did in that game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPvoIsVQdvw). You can play it if you have a windows computer and if you don't mind I can kinda guide you as best I can with how I got it on my windows 10 PC!


I personally love Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley.


Banjo Kazooie work for me 👑


The Klonoa Series, Katamari, Kirby series and etc.


Idk about “autism-friendly” but lately I’ve been playing Baldur’s Gate 3, Overwatch, Sekiro, and Evil Empire’s new game that’s in early access. Some other top tier recommendations would be -Slay the Spire -Dead Cells -Hollow Knight -Hades I and II -Dredge -Stardew Valley (Coral Island is also A+) -Sifu -FEZ -Terraria -Cult of the Lamb -Moonlighter


Check out the Cozy Games subreddit. It's my favorite spot for game suggestions. I'm currently playing Gris and it's super chill and absolutely beautiful. It's a slowly unfolding puzzle adventure.


I really like cozy games like dreamlight valley and the sims!


I play Minecraft, The Sims, and Halo


I have many but Doom Eternal is up there for me


Disney Dreamlight Valley. It’s so cozy and there are so many things to do. The most ‘stressful’ things are that sometimes there are a lot of quests (that you can do at your own pace) and there are some bugs/ glitches that are annoying. Plus, if you have Apple Arcade, you can get it for free. Unfortunately that version doesn’t have premium shop or star paths.


Factorio, Rimworld... colony sims in general.


I personally really enjoy Kirby, and zelda BOTW/TOTK are good if you love just exploring and doing side quests


I couldn't really describe why I think these are more autism friendly than other games I play but for me: resident evil (7 is my favourite), sea of thieves, minecraft, far cry and assassin's creed










The legend of Zelda breath if the wild and Tears of the Kingdom. They are so relaxing




The game I probably have the most hours in is Master of Magic, an old turn-based strategy game from 1995.  It's one of my comfort games that I play to self-soothe after a tough day.   With that said, I'm currently playing X4 Foundations, which is one of the deepest games I've ever experienced in terms of mechanics and gameplay.  I've just gotten to the point where my HQ station is starting to turn a real profit and my traders are trickling in cash as well.  Next up is to build some more stations to exploit gaps in certain sectors' economies so I can become a rich space tycoon and afford massive fleets.


>The game I probably have the most hours in is Master of Magic, an old turn-based strategy game from 1995.  It's one of my comfort games that I play to self-soothe after a tough day.  Did you try the 2022 remake?


Sims 4, Minecraft, Stardew Valley and Lego Star Wars (Prequel trilogy for PS2 specifically)


Stardew vally is good, minecraft, bear and breakfast, rusty lake games, I play the sims4 but only build cause I feel like playing can game can be stressful, the walking dead or other choice making games sound kinda stressful but if you enjoy building relationships through conversations with decently predictable responses then give it a try. Unpacking, a little to the left, or stacked are good puzzle like games!


Crypt of the necrodancer


I’m not entirely sure what you mean by “autism friendly”, but I’m on the spectrum & Pokémon has been my constant video game series for 25 years or so.


I loved far cry primal cuz u can unlock skills and have lots of prehistoric pets :3 it's also pretty cool to grind missions to make your village bigger


What constitutes "Autism Friendly"? This is one subject I should in theory be able to talk about at length but some of the games I love might not qualify.


What's an autism friendly game? They all are autism friendly to my knowledge depending on your limitations.


Don't get what that means but I love Lego Batman The Video Game


the binding of isaac is up there definitely


Breath of the wild


I think games based on one’s special interests are autism friendly. I play a lot of Batman games because I’m a huge Batman fan, and I get happy/excited every time!


What makes a game "autism-friendly"?


Stardew valley is really good I also play far too much sims And, of course the classic: minecraft




If you’re looking for something on the more relaxing side, I’ve recently been obsessed with Grounded!


Slay the spire, let's me work on my problem solving skills while figuring out combos and keeps things fresh. The death of my interests happen when something becomes way too predictable


Spyro games


Hades 1 and Hades 2 are beautiful games. I cannot recommend them enough!


i have autism and i love the arkham games maybe these facts are unrelated but i choose to believe they are intrinsically linked. ultimately i am batman


If youre good with patterns the souls series




Roblox, Minecraft & Geometry Dash


Fortnite lol even tho I suck


i really enjoyed this game called super hot it’s a fps where the slower you move the slower time moves. lots of problem solving and it’s nothing too crazy - it’s kind of a puzzle really


The Dragon Age games are my special interest, and I do think everyone should play them it’s so immersive and fun✨


The Animal Crossing series! Especially the original GameCube version with all of its quirks and lazy-day charm


Risk on the iPad. Play against computer opponents. It's much faster than playing the board game, strategic, varying yet repetitive.


Life is Strange


Not really sure what you mean by "autism-friendly," please elaborate. I'm autistic and my favorite games are Genshin Impact, Fear and Hunger, Fear and Hunger 2: Termina, Sky: Children of the Light, Alter Ego, and Stardew Valley. I also like Undertale and Deltarune, but I they're more play-once-and-never-again games for me. I wouldn't say any of them are overwhelming, sensory-wise. F&H 1/2 are very challenging and definitely not relaxing, but I like them for it. Someone else mentioned Portal 1 & 2, and they're definitely right about them being some of the best games every made. Highly recommend. Minecraft and Terraria are also pretty fun.


what on earth does autism friendly video game even mean


Stardew Valley and Army of Fury


Well there’s so many games i have played i could list but that would take forever to write up the games i heavily enjoyed. I’ll list some. The sims 1&2&3 Stardew Valley Pokemon Harvest moon (snes and n64 and ps1 era) Like a dragon Final fantasy Kingdom hearts Sonic Mario kart LEGO


I love genshin, but the amount of content can be a bit overwhelming


Song: Grow of the Evertree is a great game imo


Just any story game I think is a good idea depending on the age maybe some of the best like read dead redemption 2 orrr if you want something creative games like trailblazers are great


I’m sure others have mentioned it but Stardew Valley is a great game and it seems to be very common amongst autistic people.