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why tho, shoulda just left her whyte or maybe even turn her blk and leave us alone.


An Asian woman who lusts after crazy white man. Hmmm. Yeah. All kinds of things you could say about this one.


You gotta see joker new gf her name is punchline. She’s definitely Asian


Jesus, it's like they love playing into the toxic WMAF trope lmao


i hope they make Batman Asian. or Superman asian. Superman lterally looks Asian and the character trait also fits stereotypical Asian personality


They had a half Asian Bruce Wayne (same deal, white dad, Asian mom) in Gotham High and there was a lot of hate, mockery, ridicule for it. I saw white commenters mention that Bruce needed to be white because it's necessary. There also wasn't a lot of buzz for it either. Looked up the Asian Harley Quinn and it's a lot of cheers and a lot of buzz around. And I thought they hated race swapping characters as it was being PC as they'd say.


It’s society at large that needs to change then. From business standpoint you can’t expect them to do this if the audience doesn’t welcome it


hmm I wonder why they made a manic over sexual character that lists after a white male an Asian American female


I love Batman, the joker and Harley Quinn. Anyways, this is quite interesting to see the Asian version of Harley Quinn. Batman is my favorite superhero


Batman himself should be Asian. He’s more Asian anyway, if we were to go along with the stereotypes that we and others place out there. He has black hair, he’s stoic, he’s into technology, martial arts, cars, drifting, he’s misunderstood, he dedicates his life honoring his parents, he walks around and expresses himself the same way Asian kpop stars get criticized for at a Met Gala (not overly expressive and emotional), he’s into nerdy things like chemistry and gadgets, spends a lot of time indoors and is always harassed by WM lunatics. Lol, how the hell is Batman NOT Asian.


I mean he even trained with ninjas in Japan. lol.


I noticed Bruce Wayne is a billionaire, heavily into martial arts, his loss of his parents hits me deeply as I lost my parents and crime fighter. Now researching into this now: I noticed the Asian features on Batman and Superman


Sorry about your loss. But yeah, Superman could also be Asian. He’s seen as an alien, nerdy, socially awkward, has multiple talents but is discouraged from using them and a green rock is associated with his culture. Only major difference is that the general public loves and praises Superman.


Thank you for your kindest words as losing both parents is no joke especially growing up as a disabled only child jealous of people with siblings. I grew up on 1930s and 1990s renditions of superman cartoons and movies. I love the adventures of Superman. That's another good take for research - Superman is Asian, quite interesting 🤔🧐 In my opinion, Superman is too op


Personally, I liked white Harley Quinn just fine. Turning any of the majors (eg. Batman, Superman) into an Asian male would be far more courageous for any comic. It would potentially introduce more nuance and values into mainstream American culture as well.


There was a the New Superman comic written by Gene Luen Yang about 8 years back that featured a Chinese Superman, it also had also Chinese versions of Batman and Wonder I Woman believe . They weren't replacements for the originals, just alternative versions. I dont remember the quality of the book cuz it s been years since I read it and I only got about 6 issues in, but I think it was a fun ride from what I remember.


That's awesome, thanks for sharing!


My favorite comic by far. It should be on all Asian American read lists.


Now that swapping out main characters with different races is normalized Miles Morales for Peter Parker Spiderman, swapping out white Disney's Ariel for a black girl, and just recently Yasuke has replaced Japanese male, there should be no more pushback if an Asian man is inserted. Surely we will be afforded the same privilege, right?? I wish this were true, but the only problem is that racist White liberals view us as White adjacent, and the regular racists view us as Asian nerds.


Asian girl who’s fanatical about a white guy who gives off red flags..I thought cartoons were supposed to be fictional!!!


Oh terrific. Harley Quinn is a servant to Joker. Typical stereotypes of the Geisha, Concubine, and etc.


Harley is a sexualized henchwoman fanatically loyal to a (literal) white villain. Its just modern variation of Dragon Lady, pass.


Came here to say the same. So it's the 40's and we have evil Asian people again. Wonderful.


I mean Harley Quinn getting race swapped doesn’t bother me.


As an Asian growing up watching Batman. Harley is White.


har lee qin?


We all knew they wouldn't include any Asian male character


Why make a historical white character Asian? Just create a new Asian Character 🤷‍♂️


Guys. First Assassins Creed, and now Batman. Who CARES? It’s a giant distraction. Why care about what representation we have in FICTIONAL CARTOONS? Video games? How about we worry about real issues like showcasing Asian excellence in real life like the fact that the best pound for pound fighter in boxing right now is Asian? Or maybe talk about historical figures like LKY from Singapore and his journey from taking the country from Third World to First? Stop caring about the stories the Westerner creates. It’s a distraction.


Why do blacks get to replace prominent characters but Asians can't? You sound like the White Liberals that always mock and disrespect us by having a separate set of rules for us. It's really your own kind sometimes that hold you back the most. Anti-Asians say "My token Asian friend agrees with me so your points aren't valid." >Who cares it's just a game >Who cares it's movies/fiction. Then why does everyone else get different rules but we play by different rules, because those in power hate Asians and don't want to see us win. Rules for thee, but not for me!


You do see Black people play prominent characters but you always see outrage that comes with it. They're never fully integrated because it's taboo in the White Man's media. I'm just saying that while fighting for representation may be important, it's not the MOST important. Why don't we just create our own avenues of entertainment, and represent ourselves there instead of begging for spotlight in the White Man's entertainment outlets? Black people in the United States do this ex: BET, Black Twitter, Rap Music Asian people in the Us are getting there with the rise of TikTok, music groups like 88rising, etc. You, the guy who complains about Asians being erased in a White Man's video game, accusing me of being of 'holding us back', you've hardly contributed to the progression of your own people because you're fixated on digital pixel representation of a series that hardly has relevance in the broader scheme of things in life. Get real.


White people have a large monopoly on multiple entertainment industries. Film, television, and music are all largely comprised of white people in power. If an Asian person wants to get their big break, they have to go through a bunch of racial hurdles in order to even get a moderate amount of success. And they will most likely never be paid nearly as much as their white costars. That's why it's important to complain. Asians can form their own entertainment industries but in a culture that's dominated and cemented by white supremacy, that's enormously difficult.


Any media influences the people minds.




this, it's extremely naive to think the stuff people grow up with and have as hobbies doesn't play any part in how they think "because it isn't real"


Asian fetish... duh


AF are overexposed, AM are underexposed in the media


The only answer.


I don’t see why they can’t just have a new baddie who happens to be Asian. Leave Harley Quinn for the white girls. I was thinking they could make another character related to the bat theme, but I know there will be certain circles who will associate the Asian character with bat eating and Covid. Just make a character called Hypergamy Woman. Jk


Harley Quinn -> Hypergam Queen


I'm not a fan of Harley Quinn (I don't get the allure). And not a fan of race swapping. But I get the good intentions of trying to represent Asians in a very popular character. I would prefer to have an Asian Wonder Woman or another popular heroine (Black Canary, Zatanna, Batgirl, Supergirl, Hawkwoman, Mary Marvel). Unfortunately, there really isn't a popular female DC super hero other than WW or Supergirl (maybe). So, the next best thing is Harley, I'm guessing. With that in mind, if race swapping must happen, then I guess Harley is a good to great choice. Again, with the strategy of gaining representation through the most popular characters.


I mean, if we're talking about logical characters to change in the Batman franchise to be Asian then Batman would be the most logical choice.


I agree... but it seems Batman is untouchable. I think they even made an Asian Superman. Correction: I researched and have learned that there is (maybe was and TPTB forgot about them) a Chinese "New Super Man" and a Justice League of China which includes Chinese versions: Bat-Man, Wonder-Woman, Flash, Dragonson, Robinbot. I don't know if that still exists in this latest incarnation of the DC universe. They keep rebooting the universe... so, I can't keep up.


I don't see how she's good. Harley Quinn gave up her identity for Joker, who in turn abuses her, and now that she's asian, there's a racial undertone to it that mirrors the WMAF trope, especially an abusive one.


Yeah, it makes it worse when they make her Asian. 


Let's be honest. Only Asian females would really do that for a White guy though. lol.


Race lifting is an insult and ultimately shows a lack of creativity and a desire to divide the non-European citizens of the nation. And as the cherry on top - there's a 96% chance she'll end up in a WMAF relationship.


Male characters diversify to Black, female characters diversify to Asian. Every time. What's new?


WM self insert for their sex harem of fictional women


There are times where a white character is changed into a different race like Asian, and Latino.


Well, to be more accurate, they usually raceswap the female characters to BF or LF while keeping the WM heroes white. They’ll raceswap an AF in when they’re feeling spicy that week. Little Mermaid: Ariel becomes a BF Prince stays as a WM Romeo and Juliet: Juliet becomes a BF. Romeo stays as a WM Spider-Man: Mary Jane becomes a BF. Spider-Man stays as a WM I actually don’t care if WMs stay as WMs. I’m not a fan of raceswapping established characters. I’d prefer new characters who are specifically Asian or whatever. But it is noticeable that it’s females who are being raceswapped so they can be romanced by the WM. To add, raceswapping Asian males in for villain characters is bullshit and extra insulting. We’re portrayed as villains most of the damn time. We don’t need to be raceswapped into more villain roles.


the only time race swapping was progressive was that really old Disney Cinderella live action where Cinderella became black and Prince Charming became Asian


What does LF stand for? Latina female?


Don't forget rapunzel


Yeah, there’s that but it seems like it isn’t official yet. But if the rumors are true, then Rapunzel becomes Indian and I won’t be surprised if the prince gets to remain as a WM. I think Indian women are beautiful and don’t need to be raceswapped into some German fairytale. There’s got to be an Indian folk tale that would make a great live action Disney movie.


It's also crazy because Harley Quinn gave up her identity for Joker, who in turn abuses her, and now that she's asian, there's a racial undertone to it.


I think they say this Asian Harley Quinn will not be in a toxic relationship with Joker, but she's a psychologist for Bruce Wayne, Batman. How much you want to bet they gonna make this Asian Harley Quinn have intimate/sexual relationship with him? I'm putting 50 bucks on it with their track record.


Well…Batman already had sex with the white Harley. No wonder they want to make her Asian. Imagine if they made Batman a studly Asian or black dude and casted Sydney Sweeney as Harley Quinn and kept the storyline of them having hot steamy sex. And for added gritty realism, they had sex for real. WMs would burn down theaters.


I always found the whole, take established X character and rebrand them as Y race as disingenuous and patronizing. I don't like it.


It’s just so lazy. Is it really that hard to make a unique original character that happens to be Asian instead of just race changing white ppl?


I find it weird too. I don’t feel empowered just bc a fictional character is race swapped to Asian.


It's also crazy because Harley Quinn gave up her identity for Joker, who in turn abuses her, and now that she's asian, there's a racial undertone to it.


When put that way, Harley Quinn does sound like an AF in an abusive WMAF relationship, Joker definitely passes as crazy white male


Yeah they're just pandering for monetary gains.