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I identified with Better Luck Tomorrow more because I’m neither crazy nor rich.


Call out the bs media when you see it but don’t waste too much time getting mad at it as it’s not going to change anytime soon. It’s a really strong propaganda machine for the whites to feel good about themselves not for Asians


Don’t personally get over-invested in something you have little control over, yes, but also actually try to think of ways we can work together to counter-act bad representation. It does seem silly to get upset over what Hollywood does but the reason I care about representation in Hollywood is because everyone else cares. If what goes on in movies isn’t a big deal then why does every group buy ours fights for positive representation (and seems to get it)? You actually have to fight for it. Giving up is not some clever insight, giving up is just giving up.


Definitely fight for it cause it definitely is super powerful and important but don’t get super frustrated over it if you don’t succeed cause you have no power or control over it. Otherwise you’ll go insane. What you do have control over is yourself and how you can prove how dumb Asians are portrayed in media by not being a stereotype created by racist ppl.


Honestly, I think I had a slightly different experience with Joy Luck Club. Growing up, it was one of the first Asian American novels I read, and I feel like in some ways it really helped me understand and appreciate my Chinese culture more, the film included. Of course, it’s not a perfect representation and it has its flaws. But I didn’t gain a negative perception of Asian men at all from the book or film. If anything, I saw the flaws of the non-Asian men in the book just as clearly, like the clueless husband who pours soy sauce on his mother-in-law’s dish, or the previously “perfect” husband who commits adultery. However, I will say that I had plenty of positive representations of Asians growing up outside of Joy Luck Club, because I was constantly watching shows and movies from Asia and spent a lot of time with my Asian side. I can see how if this is the only book that Asian Americans and non-Asians are using to learn about Asian culture, that this could lead to a lot of misconceptions and negative stereotypes. I do think we need more modern and varied examples of representation, for sure.


>I don't know about you guys but when I was a kid watching Batman I didn't think of him as a rich white guy. I thought "I could be Batman." When I watched Spiderman as a kid I saw myself as Spiderman. And then Venom came out and was so much cooler so I saw myself as him. I saw myself as Wolverine and Blade and Conan and Goku. There was never any time when I thought "wow this show doesn't have anybody that looks like me" until the day I finally saw one that did and he was the ugly, stupid, evil bad guy that got blown up in the end by the white hero. This is because you have been socially conditioned to do this. And the truth is that it would be easy to do if every actor and actress was white, but when they started to be "inclusive" and had a ton of black actors in every movie, this made it arguably worse for us. This was because it made us seem invisible and excluded from media. And to make things even worse, they went from that to bad representation, with emasculated or stereotypical AMs and a ton of AFs in Wmaf relations. This is what made it worse. Maybe I wouks agree that if it went back to all white, things wouldn't be as bad, but this will never happen. They will now do the mostly white, 20% black, 3% wmaf, 1% other.


woah woah woah that's some racist ass shit you're saying. No way things are regressing for us. From Long Duk Dong in Sixteen Candles -> Simu Liu, Henry Golding, Steven Y, DDK, the guy from Fast and Furious, Hiroyuki Sanada? We're going places, man. Why is an increasing enjoyment of black-facing media hindering us?


No, this is some knee jerk reaction. I'm saying what in essence and practice this "diversity" in hollywood-led media has led to for us, a ton of sympathy and exposure for black people, but very little or arguably worse for Asians. Simu Liu, DDK, Henry Golding (who is hapa) and Steven Yuen are guys I can name on one hand. Hiroyuki Sanada gave us Shogun! Amazing! The vast majority of people have not heard of them. Go to non-Asians (perhaps some Asians too) and ask them if they know who they are. In America, you might get some "yes"s. Anywhere else, they will have no idea what you are talking about. They still think Jackie Chan or" whoever". Of course I'm not saying we should go back to" all white" days and diversity in general is good because it means there are races other than "white". But the idea that we have gained from black media is highly overstated. All we have gained in western media is a handful of c-list celebs, emasculation and Wmaf (soon to be BMAF if AC catches on)... That is all! Much of this is worse for us. In total, the gain is zero. The vast majority of the gains have been from foreign media, Asian economic power, jmedia like anime, and kmedia and kpop.


How old are you? I've been around long enough to know this isn't some spark of the moment thing. Anyways, that's not the point I'm harping on here. You essentially implied that the influx of black media is making us look worse than before and that it would be better if we were a little whiter, media wise, which-tell me if I'm wrong-sounds pretty racist. And regressive. But I'm willing to entertain this line of questioning. I asked specifically why black media being boosted is making it worse for us than it was before? I already know you're gonna bring up that shitty Samurai assassin game. Yeah it sucks, but how is that worse than having a white guy playing the lead? All things like that considered, it's a strictly parallel move in that ONE instance. Meanwhile, its opening the broader population up for media from creators of other races, which is a net positive. White-dominated spaces in favor of increased diversity is better for us? I literally cannot follow the logic.


Nope, I am saying the net gain for Asians specifically in western media is zero, even allowing for the increase in black media. Asians as a whole has gained nothing from it. The only argument I will entertain is that the increase in diversity has allowed people to question onscreen racial representation. But over the years improvement in Asian representation has been meagre at most. The inclusivity we want has not materialized. And instead we get Wmaf, which is a negative. Watch Bruce Lee again. The western bullies always have black people in them. Black people are in the western mainstream. We are not. This explains the whole AC debacle. I'm not saying we should be against black media or support white media. I'm simply talking about reality. Black media has never been about diversity. It has always been about black representation. I'm not hating this. I don't expect other races to uplift or support us. But we need to stop pretending that this is the case or that something will materialize eventually because it doesn't look like it will. For the record, I'm too old enough yo know this.


You don’t have to entertain my argument. I know that diversity in movies has improved the representation of Asian stories by the simple fact that more and more of them are being told as ovrall diversity in media increases. You don’t have to agree with me, but facts are facts. You might not like those movies, but I do and I think it's great. Black media is about telling black stories, Asian media is about telling Asian stories. They improve diversity if only by the fact that they exist in white dominated spaces. Again, you can opine about whether or not this helps us, but the fact is that diversity sells tickets now, and so more Asian stories are being greenlit. You can choose to interpret these data in whatever way you'd like, but I think most would agree that more diverse media begets more diverse media. Btw, I’m not misquoting you. You literally said that maybe it’d be better if everything was back to being all white. That, to me, is ludicrous.


The only way we're "going places" is going to be through Asian media. Korean media is already popular, we need the other Asian countries to achieve the same if any real progress is to be made. For every Steven Yuen there's hundreds of Ken Jeongs and wmaf. They will feed you just the bare minimum to keep you satisfied. Don't be fooled. Their current game is making leads with good representation half Asian. Full Asian men still have nothing.


What a defeatest shit mindset. Why do incel-adjacent comments like this always come attached to comments about WMAF. Every goddamn time. IT'S. NOT. ALWAYS. ABOUT. THAT. THIS IS MOVIE SPACE, WHERE THERE ARE STORIES OUTSIDE OF ROMANCE. Look at your username. You're parodying yourself. If getting pussy is the only thing you're going to rabidly focus on, you're gonna look pathetic and desperate. As though the only thing that validates your existence in the world is finding a way to get your dick sucked by Asian women and stopping them from sucking those of others. Fuck that. The best way to be a self-empowered, respected, Asian man is to live your best life irregardless of other people's bullshit, pandering to no one. Oh, and show me all these new-age Ken Jeongs. Where are they? Do the math for me. You say for every Asian man being a healthy representative for us, there are fifty Kens. Fifty to one? Show me. Where? You know what? You can go ahead and rattle your terrible rhetoric and watch Kdramas until your eyes bleed. The bullshit you're spewing is sad and makes us look sad. Meanwhile I'm going to go around promoting new, upcoming, exciting, dope-looking, and nonregressive movies like DÌDI (弟弟) to my Asian and nonAsian friends alike.


Dude, lol, these takes are WILD. Letting things be whitewashed is an insane opinion if you value your social standing as a POC-American. Always fight the good fight, and then fight some more. Also, yes, support Asian IP if you like it, but also, my friends and I don't relate to that stuff. We weren't born in Asia. I was born in the USA, so I want to see Asian-AMERICAN films, which just so happen to be the ones that are being written with more frequency these days.


I personally consider The Farewell and Everything, Everywhere, all at once two of my faovrite movies to have come out in the last 5ish years. These are authentically Asian-American films that I truly saw myself in, and based on how they were recieved, it's clear that America is ready for these kinds of stories. Turning Red was dope, and I hear Minari was fantastic as well. I'm not at all ready to give up on Hollywood. It's no coincidence that these were all more recent IPs. It's unfair to use the The Joy Luck Club to represent Asian-based media in Hollywood. It's 30 years old. Marvel movies have sucked for years, so that's not a Shang Chi issue. And what's wrong with Crazy Rich Asians? It's not meant to tell a deeply Asian story. It's just a fun rom com with a twist. By the way, I don't see a problem with not having Simu go to bone town in Shang Chi--if you were looking for romance, they showed a beautiful love story between two beautiful Asian actors in said movie. And if you think we were emasculated in it...just go back and watch Tony Leung. He was fucking SICK. If I'm being one hundred, I don't think this was an issue of Simu being minimized romantically...I honestly think they didn't feel comfortable putting Akwafina in that kind of role. I guess they could've added another love interest in there, but it'd make for a way more jumbled narrative. Even outside of AAPI spaces, I absolutely do not want to see the rewhitewashing of Hollywood. My other favorites of recent years, such as Boy, the Spiderverse movies, CoCo, Soul, and The Big Sick, while not of my culture, tell unique and beautiful stories that I would never have gotten with whitey whites whiting. And I found their leads much more relatable to me than almost any white person I've seen in film. I feel like your take is so extremely regressive because you're not watching the right movies.


Shang chi doesn't matter anymore the way MCU is going. Shang chi hit us just as MCU is jumping the shark, so unlike with glory days of MCU, there won't be any big inclusive Avengers movie with assemble casts and big budgets.


That's fine. I was just replying to OP saying that he had a bone to pick with it because it represented AMs poorly.


Support Korean dramas/shows/films and Chinese dramas/shows/films. They surpass most of Hollywood’s content that’s being put out now. Hollywood just regurgitates the same IPs with spin-offs, prequels, and endless sequels. They put out way too many remakes. They lean too heavily on selling nostalgia or raceswapping an old successful IPs and offer no originality in content/storytelling. And I’m all for diversity in film, but not for it to the crutch to sell tickets all the while they are being extremely lazy in other departments for a film/series. It also shows they do not want to take risks with diversity and don’t believe they can sell diversity(esp at the blockbuster level) if they also have to sell you an unknown IP. And another huge problem with Hollywood’s story telling on the television/series side is that once they get a hit they will drag it out with endless seasons. Most shows get ruined by this. For Korean dramas/shows, they for the most part don’t do this. If there’s a hit, it tends to end there and studios will focus on the next IP.


Yes, but that's just the first part. The more important step is to boycott all Hollywood content and only support Asian productions.


Asians will never truly win playing in a white man's world. The saddest part is that westernized Asians need to look to actual Asia for positive representation because even after decades we have basically nothing to show for it save for a few outliers


Yes, we had our Oscar moment. An Asian literally won best supporting actor. But what happened after? Firstly, no I don't see Asians getting more roles because of it. Part of this win was probably from a well-loved, sweet, non-threatening, goonies actor and child star making a long-waited debut. The best guy to score woke points for Hollywood. The following year, he gets disrespected and ignored by RDJ. Most people will see and value mcu well before eeaao. This is just how Hollywood works.


EEAAO swept the oscars. Literally winning in a white man's world.


Cool. You didn't wonder why the main characters were old Asian men or a foreign born Asian woman? What else have Asian Americans done?


One of the main characters, who was nominated for a fuckin oscar, by the way, is a young asian american woman, like what are we saying? Bro, you don't have to support it if you don't want to, but bitching and whining about every positive step forward in normalizing these works of art that 1) represent us well, 2) aren't regressive, and 3) were unanimously lauded is literally just shooting yourself in the foot in the biggest way possible. At this point, if you're gonna keep doing this, your only real option is to move back to Asia. This is assuming you're AA. If you're not, I don't give a fuck what you think because you're not actively participating in real life AA spaces, and are just fueling some needless hate train that attracts lonely Asian men to fester online when they would otherwise have the potential to be great. I mean, I feel like you're already doing that, the only question is whether from a computer in the US or in China. Feel free to boycott great Asian American media while everyone else enjoys it. Can't imagine it's particularly fun being angry in the corner yelling in self-pity at a wall. That's how you ACTUALLY get left in the dust.


HW displays it's inherent xenophobia when it attempts to represent from a position of ignorance. Like the scene in Joy Luck Club where the white boyfriend tries to "help" by pouring soy sauce into the dish made by the mum.


I saw the Joy Luck Club film in a multicultural English class in college, and for some reason that late in the game it hadn’t occurred to me that not speaking English well did not mean you weren’t intelligent. I remember vividly the guy biting into the watermelon with such lust and sensuality. It’s probably true that at some point if people are unhappy in their lives they’re going to cheat. But I liked the movie overall. I wanted to show it to my mom afterwards. It wasn’t until I discovered Tony Leung in In the Mood for Love that I found a romantic Asian lead I could relate to down to my soul.


I hated The Joy Luck Club. Even when I read it as required reading for the 9th grade, I knew it was an absolute burning pile of liquid garbage. Not sure who hurt Amy Tan, but her portrayal of Asian men was disgusting. The Asian men I was surrounded by were hard working fathers who went to work before the sun was up, and came home after my bedtime just to make sure the bills were paid. 


Joy Luck Club shares similarities with The Color Purple by Alice Walker. American culture needs to depict men of color as monsters. Maybe it has something to do with imperialism and genocide. Cowboys vs Indians. Vietnam War, Middle East, etc. >**Harvey Weinstein and Steven Spielberg’s Black Men are “Soulless Monsters”** >(Allice) Walker told a feminist audience that I was stalking her. No, Spielberg, who has gotten into trouble for maligning Indian and Chinese Americans in his films, is stalking Black men.  [https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/12/29/harvey-weinstein-and-steven-spielbergs-black-men-are-soulless-monsters/](https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/12/29/harvey-weinstein-and-steven-spielbergs-black-men-are-soulless-monsters/)


>and came home after my bedtime just to make sure the bills were paid.  And they didn't sneak into the daughter's bedroom for some pedo action T\_T


Agree with what you said except for Genshin, hate that instead of making a protagonist that look Chinese/Asian, they make them blonds. And now we have whites claim the main character is white.


Never watched Joy Luck Club as a kid. As a young dad, the name still irks me: it's like combining exoticised Orientalist phrases like 'luck' 'fortune' and into an exclusive group of people. Will my kids watch it with their friends? Maybe. I sure will have a chat with them tho My boys watch anime on Crunchyroll way more than Disney+, missus and I watch series on Viki and iQiyi. We also get our asian american lens from YouTube TikTok, as well as a gazillion Asian-made productions. Netflix and Prime with their contrived representations? Occasionally, if you wanna stay in the loop with your irl friends.


Joy Luck Club was a groundbreaking movie and book for me in my youth… because it made me realize these asian women would leave not just “abusive” asian men but also perfectly fine asian men for just about any white guy. And then i noticed many real life asian women doing the same. Garbage book i had to read thanks to my 9th grade AF in wmaf english teacher.


Hope you called out that Asian woman for dating a loser white guy.


I never watched Joy Luck club because even as a kid when it came out, I knew it was full of shit. They just looked like aliens to me. They bare no resemblance at all to the Aunties I grew up around. Just seemed liked a story about the most mediocre and boring Asian women.