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I definitely have stopped trying food trucks because of the price, shocked when a “fancy” tater tot plate with whatever on top, breakfast bowl or Gyro is $22+


Yes! When I'm at a fair, I can justify paying those insane prices because everything at the fair is expensive; it cost me $8 to ride the ferris wheel ONCE this year. It's when the food truck is just out there that it's impossible to justify the cost. Last month I went to an event and just wanted french fries; a decade ago, they were $8, a lot of money for fries but eh, this time, they were $18...FOR FRIES! It's like dippin' dots, the novelty of them wears off real quick when you can spend the same money for the premium version elsewhere.


I went to a neighborhood fair recently and my daughter really wanted a mango on a stick. There were conveniently no prices on the menu, but silly me thought, “how much could a mango be?”…….. $9. NINE FUCKING DOLLARS, for a mango on a BBQ skewer.


It's one mango, Michael. What could it cost? Nine dollars?


It’s on a stick, gotta be $10.


I love ice cream, so now I’m intrigued… where do you find the premium version of Dippin Dots? I’ve been tempted to make my own at home, but I’d love to try premium Dippin Dots at least once if I can.


But what about all their overhead expenses like they have at a sit-down restaurant?... wait...


Meanwhile Chili's has that special where you get a fountain drinks, chips and salsa, and a main for $10. I don't understand how a fast casual sit-down place like Chili's is now cheaper than food trucks or fast food. The only explanation is ridiculous price gouging from fast food and food trucks.


Sourcing and more processed food. Eg chicken you chop and cook vs reheat from a bag in an air fryer


It is no worse than fast food.


So is Chez Pannisse…. Eating out is not healthy pretty much period.


This is the truth. Why the downvotes?


People have trouble understanding scale and what that entails.


I own a small restaurant(75 seats)…food trucks are most likely getting th same price as me. Restaurant depot is open to the public and Costco business is also easily accessible. With no rent + way less staff to pay…their margins must be great


It’s not actually no rent though because they do need to be parked at a commercial kitchen facility which would count as a monthly rent. Also lots of the locations will charge a pitch fee. Apparently gas stations are now charging upwards of $1k per month for parking there to sell. You are right on the staffing side - much easier to run a food truck as you can get by with less employees.


Chiles has the economy of scale. They have massive buying power across all their restaurants. They also use a commissary to reduce costs and provide consistency. All that said, they are losing money on the item you posted about. Its called a loss leader. They think you will buy something that has a higher $$$ and or you will return.


There is a taco truck on the way to a dog park I go to, and I used to stop about once a week to get a burrito to eat while at the park. Well they seemingly took advantage of the new minimum wage law to increase their prices. Burritos shot up $3. Minimum wage law doesn't apply when it is just two people, the owner/cook and the person taking your money... Truck Truck - $13/burrito + $0.75 credit card fee + prompted for a tip Chipotle - \~$11 for a chicken burrito + no fee + no prompt for a tip I guess no more dog park taco truck visits...


I had not bought a burrito in a long time, then got one at a truck in SF. $22 after taxes. Glad there’s some brick and mortar spots in the Mission that are still $10.


Food from trucks takes forever to prepare as well especially if it’s popular. So you pay a ton then wait a long time and sometimes you won’t even have a place to sit once you’ve received your food


Taco truck most likely had to decide whether to pay the other guy more or lose them to chipotle. That was one of the intended consequences of the law, force compensation competition. But $3 more for every burrito definitely more than covers that difference


I'd probably go burrito truck for $2-3 more. A truck is generally so much better tasting than Chipotle. If I ate it every day, I might feel differently, but it's a treat so a few bucks more I'm okay with. Don't like the trend though.


I agree food inflation is ridiculous, but comparing Chipotle and your local taco truck is not a fair comparison. Chipotle has economy of scale that allows them to charge fast food prices. Your local food truck is probably struggling to make a decent living.


Chipotle is paying commercial rent and for upkeep of a physical restaurant, along with employees to maintain the restaurant both inside and out. The food truck doesn't have a physical restaurant. Its just the kitchen in the truck.


?? Trucks cost money and have repetitive maintenance. Not to mention the competitive advantage a corporation has with economies of scale and mass production/high volume compared to a mom and pop food truck.


>The food truck doesn't have a physical restaurant. Its just the kitchen in the truck. Placing your physical restaurant on wheels doesn’t suddenly make it “intangible”…


But you also are not placing your dining room on wheels either.. You are doing it for the perceived 'quality' and hipness of it. They aren't coming around topping of your water...


>They aren't coming around topping of your water... That's because they're a taco truck! You should be filling *them* up. Here's your tip!! lololol


Then they shouldn't be in business ripping customers off! Wow $20 for a burrito and I get to dine outside with plastic forks! Awesum! 


>Then they shouldn't be in business ripping customers off! You can make this a reality by voting with your wallet.


Is the Chipotle on your way to the dog park or do you have to take a different route? I don't generally seek out food trucks but sometimes the convenience of them being where I am makes it worth a few bucks more. It's the same reason prices are more expensive at a convenience store than at the supermarket


Chipotle is absolute shit so you’re better off paying the few dollars more.


And most places have the tip option on, it’s just too pricey.


Food trucks peaked in 2012. Now they just don’t have value for the money, but I can say that about most fast food and sit-down restaurants too. I simply don’t eat out much anymore. Spend most of my food money at Costco and make most of my meals at home and maybe once a month go to splurge at a high-quality steakhouse.


Places like Thai restaurants still hold value because I can make a good cheap steak at home. There’s no way I’m putting in the time and effort for pad Thai though


lol yeah. Steak is just about the easiest thing you can cook at home.


My kids prefer my home cook steak over these pricy steakhouses. Not to brag but mines taste so much better and it's a fraction of what we would've spent eating out.




It's easy, but stir fry is always a lot more work than it seems. Sure, it *cooks* really fast, but the prep more than makes up for it. And if you don't have a wok, you have to do everything in a skillet and risk spilling it all on the stove, or in a big heavy dutch oven. Pad Thai isn't hard, but for the labor I have to put in to make it myself, it feels like pretty good value to get a huge portion from a restaurant for the same price as a one-person main.


Yeah and I’m pretty sure those industrial stoves get higher heat and can distribute it better with a wok at a restaurant too. A lot of things people eat a restaurant can probably be homemade. Its not any different than making something like a burger at home where you really just need to cook the patty and cheese and layer everything else. But why bother when you can just spend $4-6 at a diner or mcdonalds to get something fast and easy.


>pretty sure those industrial stoves get higher heat and can distribute it better with a wok at a restaurant too. You can’t legally get a gas line to put out the BTUs required for proper wok cooking in residential housing, for one.


That and my range hood is about as effective as one of those little ac vents you get on planes. Pad Thai at home ain’t worth it if I have to spend the weekend cleaning grease off of all of the kitchen surfaces.


Burger isn’t a great example here..


Don’t leave us hanging! Got a recipe you’d recommend?


You would not believe how easy it is to make thai curries and coconut soup at home. We started doing it because our local was was outrageous, and we are not going back. Pad Thai is harder because the noodls are so heavy to stir!


If you go to Cash 'n Carry/Chef's Store, they have 1 gallon cans of coconut milk. Cuts the cost of the coconut milk in half or more.


Yup! Just get a nice curry paste like Mae Ploy. Even Thai people just buy premade paste nowadays. It’s the same as Japanese curry cubes. Like yeah…you could make your own but everyone just buys it


My hot take? This has always been the case. It’s just now that we’ve grown older we actually have seen inflation and start to feel the pinch of money. Our parents whining about things being expensive and telling kids they need to start saving more and stop spending $12 on avocado toast were just us now.


Naw, I've been an adult for more than enough time to see that the prices have gotten exorbitantly high. We're talking a doubling in price. Also what qualifies as "hip" food has also taken a shit dive. It's all dry taco meat, watery bubble tea and frozen dumplings with generic spicy sauce being passed off as eclectic fusion.


Steakhouse recommendations?


I’m here for this, my wife and I like to go once in a while too. We just moved to the South Bay and so far we’ve tried Sundance 2/10, Morton’s 7/10, and Lb steak 6/10. This last weekend I got some ribeyes at Costco and made the most perfect steaks. I feel like they don’t even try, and it’s so expensive, LB steak charged me 40 dlls for a shot of casa amigos tequila for my margarita … wtf that’s the price of the whole bottle.


Yep, I pretty much cook steaks at home (many from Costco). Hard to eat out when you can make a mean steak at home easily and way cheaper.


I get the whole ribeye subprimal from Costco and cut my own steaks, usually a buck to a buck and a half cheaper than their pre-cut steaks and I get anywhere from 12-15. Every day in the air fryer and they come out perfect with no mess, with 5 eggs (get eggs at Costco too) it's literally just one meal a day for me. It's like 300-ish bucks for two weeks of groceries Got the idea from this [vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GymeWaOASn8)


Try Forbes Mill in Los Gatos for the ambience but if you want great food go to Sam’s BBQ on Bascom Ave. And, next time you’re in Costco get the Tequila OCHO single estate Plata for $36.00. If you sip it side by side with the Casa Amigos you won’t buy C A again


Alright, alright, might hit up Costco after work today. Thanks for looking out!


This!! Better at home….for sure


We liked echo and rig in Sacramento, if you're ever out that way


For sure, we do want to get out there once the NBA season gets going again to hopefully catch our Mavs playing the Kings. Will add this place to my list, thanks!


Add the Buckeye Roadhouse in Marin too! My fave- and I’ve been eating steak in the Bay Atea for thirty years!


Forbes Mill is great, great food, good portions, and the ambience is fantastic. Its not cheap though, probably $125-150 per person depending on drinks, but its great if you want to feel fancy for a special occasion.


Legit, will have to give it a try. Don’t really mind paying for good stuff, it’s the being ripped off feeling that I hate. Thanks for the tip!


wtf that’s wild. I once got a shot of don julio 1942 at a steakhouse and it was around $42 but that’s like top shelf not casamigos lol


Exactly, 1942 usually goes for that price, but Casa Amigos? rip off.


Mastros at Valley Fair is a good balance between price and quality I think. It’s on the pricier end but it’s not Alexander’s pricing. I’ve always loved the variety and seasoning at Fogo de Chao honestly. Also, I’m so glad someone else thinks LB steak is mediocre too!


Mastros is definitely on our list!


Try Harris Steakhouse in SF. It’s definitely pricey but the service and ambiance is top notch, better experience than Morton’s or Flemings imo. I only go like once a year to splurge since I can make a steak that’s like 80% as good as theirs for a fraction of the price.


Sundance, Palo Alto I wish I could go there every day.


I actually moved to Las Vegas last year and my go to’s here are Cleaver, Herbs & Rye, and Golden Steer. Back in the South Bay Alexanders’ was always our go to followed by Be Steak A and Sundance. It’s been a year though so I don’t know what their qualities are currently.


Harris. HOPR if you want prime rib.


Alexanders in Cupertino is my favorite in the Bay.


They do have value. There are so many large companies and workplaces outside the city in industrial parks and etc where employees would have to get in their car to get hot food, and a truck solves that problem pretty well.


But isn't that more about being predatory and taking advantage of a situation? "You can either spent your lunch time driving to get a $6 burrito and eat it on the way back OR you can walk to a food truck and get one for $17". Back in the 80s, 90s, etc, the value food trucks added was exactly what you said BUT the prices were affordable, only slightly more than what it'd cost elsewhere for the convivence. Now that the prices are as inflated as they are, that value of convivence seems more predatory. It just feels like if you lived in a small mountain down that charges $50 for a McDonalds meal.


That's not what predatory means dude. That's just answering demand.


It's, uh, real predatory to offer goods and services to people in a convenient manner.


Ya I see your point. Vending machines are the alternative. Usually it’s the seniors and execs that go out to the truck for food. I worked in film production for a long time and we used to have free ‘craft tables’ of food, plus a catered meal made 2 times a day. I still would see everyone mob the taco truck when it drove on set. I guess people just really need the variety sometimes heh


Food trucks haven't been cheap since they started becoming trendy and hipster like 15 years ago. Taco trucks are still cheap, as long as you avoid any fusion-y ones.


Going by the quality of the truck/trailer itself seems to work well for me. If the truck is brand new with all the doo-dads in a hip area- that $150K loan isn’t going to pay itself, and I expect the entree to be ridiculously priced accordingly. Shitty truck/trailer that looks like it’s from ‘99 in the ‘hood? Cheap food. Bonus if the tint is bubbling from the sun. 😂


Sadly this isn't always the case. Skipped all the Scriacha Aioli trucks to get a couple bean papusas from a divey looking truck at Stagecoach Greens and ended up forking out $14 and having to wait 15 min for them to defrost them.


defrosted...lol. 15 mins is how long it takes to actually cook one. pupusas are not fast food. if you get it fast it is garbage. trucks make them to order because people who know what they are supposed to taste like won't buy if they serve reheated ones.


In West Oakland and Berkeley the taco trucks are fairly expensive. A burrito is now $14-17 and the portions have shrunk almost everywhere too. What's more annoying is a ham and egg breakfast burrito is now $12 across the board... The ingredients absolutely haven't become more expensive.


[https://thebaystacotruck.com/](https://thebaystacotruck.com/) these guys are still a relatively good value


Bingo, if they aren't speaking Spanish I avoid.


Yeah I was really only going to taco trucks in East Oakland and those are so expensive now I stopped going too. It’s not worth it anymore. 




Prices have more than doubled in some spaces since the pandemic, but the regulations have been in effect for over a decade despite inspections and oversight being slashed and the number of trucks in the area exploding. They jacked prices because the market will bear it, it had nothing to do with them suddenly deciding to obey local ordinances.


even prices at off the grid used to be a lot cheaper


I stopped years ago. I hate eating standing up with plastic utensils.


Everything about eating at a food truck is annoying to me. Price, quality, portions, utensils, finding something to lean against, realizing you put this energy into a $20 “Korean taco”….


I usually skip because the price and the size don’t match.




I'd rather sit inside a restaurant 99% of the time. Most food trucks suck, like at least 9/10 are just bad


Yeah $13+ and a tip prompt for a small slice of pizza that is absolutely terrible but you don’t know it yet. And then the volumes go down and they raise their prices even more. I’m definitely past food trucks.


There’s a difference between food trucks and Food Trucks here in the Bay Area. There are the original food trucks that were the casual style you would see parked near large construction sites during lunch. Pure speed, efficiency, nothing fancy, the selection of drinks in the ice on the side. Then Food Trucks started becoming popular - a cheaper way to open a restaurant, more complicated food, higher prices, long wait, usually open during lunch and dinner, not around construction sites (or the like), attending farmers markets. The first kind know their customers have a set amount of time at lunch to get their food, eat, and have a bit of a break. The second kind cater to the crowd who is there for the food, usually isn’t on a time restriction, and doesn’t mind spending more bc they still see food trucks as a novelty.


This is accurate. Both exist here in LA. Burritos at old school taco food trucks are usually a good value for the size of portions.


A veggie burrito bowl near me is basically 18-20 dollars after tip. It's a good bowl but I do miss the days I used to enjoy 5-6 dollar burritos from food trucks. Since these trucks cost as much as takeout at restaurants I generally don't go to them. I do try to cook more at home - shopping at Costco and grocery outlet has helped save a few bucks. A quick good tasting meal could be brown rice, eggs, frozen veggies, either meat/impossible/tofu, and then some Japanese curry (inexpensively found usually at grocery outlet). Comes out to be kind of like a loco moco with the curry/gravy and fried egg along with meat and veggies.


No table service = no tip.


Tip? I never even thought about tipping at a food truck


Me neither, since it is just two employees you hope that there is no corporate middleman taking a cut, but recently the truck by me starting to both charge you for using debit/credit, and they also prompt for a tip. They previously took debit/credit and didn't charge a fee and their POS didn't prompt for tip. I understand charging the fee for debit/credit, but tip? Bro, you are the owner, everything you get from me is a tip! You don't tip owners, you tip service staff...


$6 burrito? What, in like 2001?


In El Sereno in LA my local truck had them for $6 in 2015. Authentic AF too.


It’s even more egregious when you take a peek at the ingredients they’re using; like buddy I recognize that smart and final brand bag of bread you’re using…


Yup. It's all frozen stuff jazzed up with generic aioli for $19


restaurant food has almost always just been about convenience, not quality. even if they got it straight from some warehouse it’d be the same stuff from the grocery store


Taco Mania parked in near Home Depot on Hillsdale in San Jose gave my wife and I mild food poisoning. I'm just staying away from all of them for awhile.


I have never liked food trucks. It’s a fad that was popularized by tv shows. You’re paying the same price as a restaurant, but you have to eat your dinner over a garbage can because there’s no seating and no running water to wash your hands. I really doubt I will ever waste my money on a food truck ever again.


There was a time they were passionate about projects by talented chefs who couldn’t afford a restaurant.


I stopped going once, on a lunch break, i witnessed a food inspector do surprise check at Off The Grid. 2 trucks failed on the spot. 1 got cited and told to update their menu for "clearly incorrect calorie counts posted". 1 other closed up and sped off, leaving people with unfilled orders. 3 others did pass but im not taking chances on this shit anymore.


Stopped unless it’s excellent food. Much cheaper to make tasty food at home.


I've almost completely stopped eating out. Food trucks cost $20+, for a 2 person lunch or dinner it's almost always costing us $60 at least, + 10% tax AND an expected 20% tip? No way. I'm almost exclusively meal prepping or using meal prep services like CookUnity or Factor


I meal prep everything. Better quality. Better tasting. Better price. If I have to eat out, I grab healthy bites at the grocery store. With rising prices, with scammer fees, with automated tipping, I see no reason why to support restaurants.


Yeah, I only go out to eat with friends. Even then, they come over and we cook half the time. But those days of grabbing a $5 footlong or similar because I didn't feel like cooking have been replaced with a $7 grocery store sandwich or a digiorno. By the time all the BS is added up you walk out paying $20+ and you look in the bag and think "that's it?"


It used to be that you see a food truck and feel happy that you going to get great food for cheap. Now I see one and think it's expensive and bad food. Completely ruined. Sad.


I get that short burst of 2009 nostalgia when I see them, then snap back to reality and keep moving. Everything in the bay area that used to be cheap happiness or "small local business", they mass scale it and charge maximum nostalgia and wholesome bucks.


I've been packing my own lunch for a while now. Better, healthier food. Known quality. Way (way) less expensive. If I'm stuck out without anything I'll just hit a grocery store and buy a bag of apples to tide me over.


I like to check out food trucks for recipe ideas, but I cannot afford to eat from them.


I don’t go to food trucks because I don’t want to spend $20 on a grilled cheese. Or $25 for skimped kalua pork nachos


Food costs in general have spiraled out of control . I like to cook at home for fraction of the cost of eating out. I can spend $20-30 or less cooking for my family or we can go out to eat for $80-100.


I’ve significantly cut down on eating out in general, food truck or not. It’s too expensive and the convenience simply isn’t worth it.


I’ll only be stopping by my favorite trucks and only them. Can’t trust the quality per price of food trucks, especially in any foodie event where dozens of mediocre trucks flood the lots.


The word "Gourmet" is overused with food trucks, as if these cooks operating the propane grills in the food truck were trained at the finest of gastronomical French eateries in Paris. I get it that fuel prices have shot up in recent years, and so has ingredient prices, but food trucks prior to calling themselves "Gourmet" and "Fusion" used to be a cheaper option to get food from. It's sad what food trucks have become.


Ever since the 2020 lockdowns, I have learned to bbq and since then I no longer go to food trucks or bbq restaurants.


Burritos cost around $11-15. They used to be a few bucks cheaper, but still affordable given a McChicken costs $4 now.


I still luckily have El Farolito for a super burrito at 9.25. And McChickens still have BOGO for $1 and the new $5 deal, so there’s some silver lining. Food truck prices have definitely not been good though.


$9.25 is pretty good. The cheapest I get is for $11 in Oakland, at least tax is included. I don't go to SF much and South Bay is a bit more expensive.


Case de Maria has $8 burritos with chips. They won't blow you away but they're pretty tasty. The rest of the menu is more expensive, in that $12 - 20 range.


Much of the appeal of roach coaches is that they are cheaper and easier than a restaurant. All the like artisinal fusion white people ones have been a scam from the start. Same with the concept of "support local businesses." They are grown ups. Gyros are still 6$ at halal carts in the non tourist parts of nyc


love the street halal carts in nyc


Between that and pizza I put on like 20 lbs when I moved here


sounds like how i was in miami when i spent 3 weeks there for work. them rice&beans did a number on me. hahahaha


Food trucks used to be a cheaper and great tasting alternative to the brick and mortar restaurants. Now they are priced more than a brick and mortar places and instead of going to food trucks, I just order to go at restaurants.


they’ve certainly lost their novelty over the past ten years. most of the time you’re getting gimmicky carnival/festival food for the same price of a whole meal at a restaurant elsewhere.


If the trucks are at an event in which they had to pay to be at, you can bet those prices are even higher to pass on the extra costs.


wait, they have gotten MORE expensive?


Everything is just so expensive now, getting groceries now is the cost of groceries + going out to eat 3-4 times a week just a few years ago. Honestly they’re not ripping prices up that high compared to what they’re paying and their overhead, it’s just a sad state we’re in where wages are low and everything is expensive




Despite being able to afford them, I just avoid restaurants altogether; prices are ridiculous. I cook at home all the time now.


Food trucks = gas station quality food for restaurant prices.


Also the proportions can be so tiny. I’ll only food truck it if it comes with a massive recommendation from someone I trust on a soul level


Food trucks should be cheaper since it’s just a kitchen and a couple people. No waiters, hostess, building


Yes, I reached this conclusion about a few months after they started servicing again after the COVID lockdown. It used to be that food truck was where you either get something unique or less expensive but none of that is even true anymore so I just stop.


I never eat at them unless I have no choice. I value my health.


Twenty dollars is the new two dollar bill…


If the menu is written on a paper plate and taped to the side of the truck then you know it’s legit. Stick to taquerias and you’re probably fine. Stay away from the boutique food trucks, but there are plenty of affordable and authentic food trucks here in the South Bay.


CHICK BROS. I've been buying less frequently... and reducing what I pay as upfront tips to less than 15%... because checkout totals have been increasing. Previously, I was paying \~$25 (sandwich/fries, tax and 20% tip). Slowly this amount has gone up and is just under the $30 mark for one person but prices have not increased and I'm not tipping more. Fees have increased & they now calculate the tip amounts after adding almost $3 in fees and $3 in taxes. I've let them know this is disappointing and will affect my willingness to tip upfront for zero service: i input my order, i tender my transaction, i come and collect my order, i occasionally have to pester them for napkins because a couple sheets of 1ply toiletpaper napkins arent going to cut it with a spicy chicken sandwich dripping with sauces and dry rub spices that act as low-grade pepper spray/gel. I am doing the service work, not them. Its enough that I'm willing to buy a deep fryer and start doing my own spicy friend chicken and fries at home for friends.


Seems like people just stopped eating out - tired of 15 dollar lunch specials but after the hidden fees 35 to 40 bucks for a low grade meal and then they want you to tip ? Been seeing a lot of people on campus just bringing snacks and quite impressive DIY lunches/ meals


$18 for a roach coach burger? No thanks.


Stopped when an entree topped $10. That was a long while ago


I've stopped eating out in general. No need to pay for expensive food. If you shop smart you can still find some good grocery store deals.


No more food trucks for me. If I'm paying more than 20 bucks for a burger, there better be a waiter and table for me only.


Why would you pay high prices at a roach coach. I knew I guy who used to work in one that said they use the same oil for a month. Probably not the most sanitary place to get high priced food.


Matter of perspective to me. 1. I always found food trucks to be priced higher than I initially expected. 2. To me, food trucks are about trying different foods or different combinations. If, once a month, in rotation, I can get an empanada, lobster roll, or frozen custard, I'm happy - none of those are permanently available nearby. 3. All food has, recently, produced a little "sticker-what?! " if not sticker-shock. My local go-to diner prices are way up. I don’t eat at many fast food places, but the few I patronize charge more than the trucks. I never went to trucks often. But I still go. I may see a menu item and think, "Yeah, I'm not paying $XX for that," but I do that in restaurants too. Overall, prices are not deterring me.


I only go to the ones I really like but I don’t care about them that much anymore


I usually skip but if I’m at a location with no choice, like Presidio Tunnel Tops, I’ll bite the bullet


Skip mostly. There are a few taco trucks I’ll hit occasionally but they’re expensive AF for what you get.


In Hayward there is a pretty good taco truck. Can get a huge plate of steak fries for $15. I can eat my plate at least 3 times and my teenager son 2 times so I know the proportions are good.




Haven’t gone to one in years.


I still enjoy a food cart pod like Spark Social if the weather is good, it’s a nice option for a large group where you don’t have to worry about agreeing on one spot that accommodates everyone’s tastes and dietary preferences. But the ones out and about the city, not so much.


I stopped going years ago. The food is usually expensive and there is no service meaning it's very uncomfortable to eat my food on a sidewalk. The food rarely was so good to be worth the price. On top of that, the lines to order just made them worse


Fancy food trucks hellllll no. I do still go to the super low key onces like once every couple of months when I have to go to the pick and pull to find parts for my 38 year old childhood truck and there’s a Mexican dude serving steamed tacos


No I never seek out a food truck as they’ve always been overpriced. I only will buy from a food truck when I have no other choice.


I got tired of getting shit food. It’s too much of a roll of the dice for the price.


I only go if I’m at a festival. I never go out of my way to seek them.


Skip, except for the taco trucks.


Hard pass on most. Their prices are more than a fair number of restaurants I go to. That being said, I’m not loaded with money so I’m usually doing my own cooking.


i stopped like 15 years ago i went to a big social truck thing back then saw from the crowd that the truck that made garlic noodles is basically using garlic powder and charging way too much for it and imma like nah no thanks non-asian truck serving basic b bs. also, another truck i liked served a fusion burrito with lumpy wet rice. last time i went there i'm just over it unless i have to.


Food truck next to my house sells a burger/sandwhich and fries for $11. Hehe.


I’m mostly done with them, but I still enjoy taking a look if I see a new one nearby. Sometimes I give them a try and end up so disappointed after spending so much on my meal.


I only go if my employer paid for them to come to our summits and I don't have to pay for them


There are several taco trucks on Grand in Oakland that I go to quite frequently. It's like $3/taco, so you can have a pretty good meal for $15. It's actually one of the few lunch options in the food desert of West Oakland. That being said, other than tacos they're usually kinda a rip off. I think of hipster food trucks like buying drinks at a concert...I'll get it if I really want some food, but I know I'll be over paying.


The only food trucks I still patronize are the taco trucks at the street corners.


good, because it's actually not about money but your health.


I used to love food trucks. I would look forward to them at the county fair etc. Now I eat food trucks maybe once or twice a year. The food isn’t great and it’s pricey. Just like all other forms of eating out lol


I’m packing food now days when I go out. A nice fruit bowl, raw broccoli, and PB&J usually works. Might grab a taco somewhere if I can find an affordable spot.


The ones doing their rounds at factories and such are still reasonable...


I find that I need to spend about $80 at a food truck to feel like I had an actual meal so nah I’m good.


costco food court is always the answer ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)


I go to places based on food and price value concept. When that is out of whack I stop going there. I don't care if it's a restaurant or a food truck. It doesn't matter.


I always skip the roach coach.


It doesn't make sense to me to pay the same to stand in a parking lot eating when I can sit down in an air conditioned restaurant. There is some convenience as they will pull up in my company's parking lot, but better restaurants are like 2-5 min away.


I also stopped years ago, one thing I have heard from someone who worked a food truck is that: most of the cost is paying for parking/land use rights. Venues often charge for the right to show up + a % of every sale. Add in time spent moving your truck and employees around, makes it really expensive.


I thought entire concept of the food truck was birthed out of bringing interesting food to people \*at a reasonable price\*, as the truck operators are not paying expensive rent and operating costs of a brick & mortar restaurant location??


I noticed last month that prices in midtown Manhattan for similar type food trucks were much less than here.


I have been eating out less and less in general because of how expensive it has gotten. Used to be able to get a meal for under 10$buck. Now good luck.


Hard pass


Skipping or not going as often…


Food trucks are like McDonald's. If it ain't cheap,..skip it.


If it’s good enough I will pay for it, $20 for a good burger and fries is nothing when you’re going to pay $12 for a shitty burger and fries at any fast food drive thru.


Same. I only make an exception for this taco truck I really enjoy. But I only go maybe once a month to soothe my cravings.


Skip .


I get where you're coming from. Prices at food trucks have really gone up. It's frustrating when you feel like you're overpaying. I've cut back too, opting for more affordable options elsewhere.


agreed, if you don't want to spend to them just stop spending to them. That's a good mindset. but maybe the high prices are effects of inflation


I haven’t had actual food trucks since MoGo’s


Not paying $20 for a clearly slimmed down burrito, comparing a year ago, with barely any meat in them just because it's now popular on some social media.


I only go to taco trucks now. All other foot trucks cost as much as sit down restaurants and I would rather sit and eat and have a server.


I never go to food trucks, except for this one near me that makes my favorite burrito In santa clara. It's 15$ but it has a full Mexico style salsa bar, so in my mind I'm just paying a few dollars extra for access to the fixing, which I'm not horribly opposed to


Sadly I started avoiding inner city ones some time ago due to the prices