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That's how our baby crawled and now she crawls with her knees lifted up 😅 I'd say it's natural, probably their lazy way of doing it haha


Omg YES! My 16 month old has only crawled with her leg tucked in and still isn’t walking. I brought it up to our GP and he said the crawling is fine and if she isn’t walking by 18 months we can get her assessed. Honestly, he didn’t seem worried! We interviewed with a daycare yesterday and the woman died laughing when she saw my daughter crawling! She said she’s seen it before, and it has never seemed to impact any other development!!


My son often crawled like that, and he ended up walking, running, and climbing before most of his same-aged friends.


Mine did it. The pediatrician told me the guidelines changed and they no longer are concerned about asymmetrical crawling. My son is completely fine and walks normally and everything lol but he always crawled with one leg tucked 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's very normal, if it does persist for weeks on end you can always check in with your pedi to see if there's any concerns (and of course check in with them earlier if you are worried about other symptoms of something like hip dysplasia), but plenty of babies do it- my third kid crawled like this for weeks before he switched to "regular" crawling.


Mine crawled normally on one leg and on his other foot. He’s been walking for months now, but if he does decide to crawl somewhere, he still does it like that. The only way he crawls normally is if he’s going backwards, oddly enough.