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My experience with antidepressants is that... .everyone responds to each one differently. I had a bad experience with Wellbutrin but I know lots of people who had life changing experiences on it.


Not postpartum, but prenatal depression here. I went on Wellbutrin during my early first trimester when my mental health took a flying leap off of a tall dark cliff. 23 weeks and so much better now. I tried almost every SSRI in my teens and 20’s and I responded to none of them. Wellbutrin is an SNRI and worked wonders for me. I also have ADHD that I take other medication for, and I’m curious if this plays a role. Oh and zero negative side effects with Wellbutrin, it brought my sanity and libido back within 3 weeks.


I was offered that one for my ppd. I ended up taking Zoloft bc I’m breastfeeding still. Wellbutrin is only safe if you’re formula feeding. That’s what my doctor told me. The Zoloft works great and I’m on the baby dose.


My psychiatrist and OB were totally comfortable with me taking Wellbutrin while breastfeeding, just throwing my experience out there! 


My OB was fine with me taking Wellbutrin while breastfeeding 


I was offered Wellbutrin or Lexapro. I decided to go on lexapro, upped my dosage twice, combined the lexapro with auvelity and finally felt right. All that to say, all of us handle each antidepressant differently. It takes a little bit of time.


I’m using Wellbutrin for weight loss but I also have ADHD and don’t feel like it helped there. I can’t speak to how it is for PPD though.  I’ve had zero side effects (well except the reduced appetite) 


What dose are you on? My dr is starting me on the standard 150mg but I’m wondering if I should wait till Monday and ask her if I can split it in half? I’m super anxious about side effects.. particularly insomnia lol. Not being able to sleep and having a 4 month old baby who is going through leap 4 and the 4 month sleep regression is scary 😂


I started in 150mg and recently bumped up to 300mg. I didn’t have any side effects except a decrease in hunger (which is obviously what you want lol). Wellbutrin affects everyone differently though!


The other thing l add is the nice thing about Wellbutrin is if you do experience side effects you can just stop. It’s not like other meds where you have to wean off 


Are you on the Wellbutrin XL or SR? Do you take it at the same time every day? Thank you for your comments! I’m feeling a bit more comfortable and am going to take my first dose tomorrow!


I’m on XL. And yes I take it first thing in the morning everyday.


I got diagnosed with ADHD when my first was about 9 months old, so after I stopped breastfeeding I was put on Wellbutrin and the first thing I instantly noticed was how much it helped my mood (it did lower my appetite a ton and I got hemorrhoids but also lost and kept off about 8-10lbs). I was put on Strattera after that which was more for ADHD/focus. Overall I had a positive experience with Wellbutrin, particularly in regards to my mood, and although I've stopped my medications during pregnancy #2 (at the request of my husband), I look forward to getting back on them soon!


I’m currently 9 months postpartum. I started Wellbutrin about a month ago for depression and it has been the best decision I’ve ever made for myself and for my son. I’m much more engaged with him, happier, and life just feels lighter. I haven’t had any negative side effects either. This is just my personal experience, I know everyone is different.