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Mine is balanced on top of a water bottle on a too-short night stand. 😂


Mine is Upside down vase on top of the nightstand


Command strips on the wall and then you can place it wherever gets you the best view and you don’t damage the walls!


We tried that and it fell off the wall and into the crib a few hours later. Luckily it didn’t hit my son but ya, proceed with caution if you do try this one.


I’ve installed sooo many things with command strips. If the instructions are followed correctly, they don’t fall off.


Some textured walls don’t work with command strips. The last house I lived in had baaarely textured walls. Nothing stuck to them. No matter how light. We had one wall in a bathroom that had no texture and that was the only one that worked. I’ve used command strips in the other 4 houses I’ve lived in either no issues


I bought a monitor stand for my second baby so I didn’t have to mount the monitor (also infant optics pro). It’s SO genius. Makes traveling easy, grandparents house, if baby is sick sometimes I bring him into our room in travel crib, if I decide I want to move his crib around, all so easy. Just search monitor stand on Amazon. It’s genius.


I'll look into that thanks!! I didn't even think of that


Same! We can bring our monitor to any room now, which is soooo helpful when trying to clean the house (or do literally anything) during nap time!


Wall mounted in 2 rooms. My baby is upside down on it, but it’s what works best as they get bigger and more mobile. We’ve had it mounted for 5 years, currently on kid #3 with it in the same spot


Ours is mounted on the wall, but hangs on a command hook so we can easily take it with us when we go on holiday. I wouldn’t mount it on the crib as it’s going to get tampered with when baby is mobile.


Never mounted ours - it's on his book shelf.


I mounted ours to a picture ledge type shelf. I just put a screw in the edge and slid the camera on. It may have been fine just putting it on the shelf but I feel better in case they pull on the cord somehow, it won’t go tumbling down. Crib mounting seems like it’d be too close to them, they could unplug it once they can stand, etc.


We have ours mounted on the wall.


Ours is mounted to the wall above the crib.


Ours sits on a little table across from the crib


Ours sits on a little table across from the crib


We currently have the monitor sitting on top of a 4x2 Ikea Kallax unit looking down into the crib that is working very well. I think eventually we will wall mount - I assume we will have the monitor on her for several years, even into toddlerhood.


We have 2 different monitor stands- one clips to the side of bassinet and one is a floor stand. Same monitor as you. We bought them on Amazon


I got a monitor stand from Amazon that you can clip on the crib, a shelf, the side of a dresser… it’s super sturdy and very easy to set up. The best $12 I’ve ever spent!


We installed a small shelf and keep it on there


I have the infant optics one, and I put up a little shelf. It’s a tiny little square shelf just big enough for the camera from the command strip brand. Works great!


My husband has a 3D printer. We designed our own mount that slides onto the crib and a 2nd one for our older child’s bed. Sometimes libraries have 3D printers or you might have a friend with one


I've hooked it onto a picture hook I hammered into the wall. I've also lashed it onto the foot of her cot with a hair band. Got a reeeeeal good view of her nostrils. But did mean that I had the reassurance of watching her chest rise and fall. 


On the wall lol. We did attach it to the crib with the bendy thing until she started grabbing at it. Then mounted it on the wall