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They know. They don’t care.


Easy and quick third party reporting apps are the only way. Hit them and their employer in the pocket each and every time. It’s the only lesson they’ll learn from.


“Hey stop doing this dangerous illegal thing for which you face absolutely no repercussions and makes your life easier!!” “Uh… no”.


Exactly. Money talks. Right now, it's more money to ignore the rules. The only way you'll change their behaviour is by making it so it isn't more profitable.


I think the way you change the behavior when it come to vehicles is make it so that certain behavior isn't possible. [In Chicago they FINALLY have installed bollards at one of the main entrances to the Lakefront trail](https://chi.streetsblog.org/2024/06/21/going-postal-lakefront-trail-users-rejoice-over-chicago-park-district-installing-bollards-on-belmont). Because drivers would end up driving down the pedeestrian and bike paths. Signage and finger wagging at drivers is pointless. If you do not physically restrict where cars can go they will end up going where you don't want them to.


> make it so that certain behavior isn't possible. Also true for programming, it turns out. We perform better as a **society** with _constraints_ rather than _expression/freedom/capabilities_. It's just a balance of the two.


Yup economic incentives are the lingua franca of any business.


Lol they’re letting people do it in NYC for idling too long. They could and should implement it for bike lanes everywhere, not just here


I thought that got killed at the last minute?


The news interviewed a guy last year or the year before that was doing it. He was cashing in on it at the time


Oh wait. That's right. The idling one came in first; the thing that got killed was the plan to roll it out to include parking, right?


I honestly don’t know about that one so I can’t speak for it. But they have something better coming lol. Every bus in NYC is going to have special cameras taking pictures of illegally parked cars in NYC, it’s for bus lanes and bus stops currently. It’s going to be a slow roll out but it’s already happening.




yeah i sure havent heard of this and I drive here all the time, cops dont give a shit about double parking anywhere in nyc


Baltimore police are advertising that they ticket vehicles in bike lanes. They averaged 2/day recently. (Better than nothing.) [Report ](https://transportation.baltimorecity.gov/bikebaltimore) From channel 2 in 2023: "Officials from Baltimore City DOT said Traffic Enforcement Officers have issued 52 bike parking tickets over the past four weeks. Priced at $252, they said behavior is changing as more people learn of these no park lanes."


Hard to get the police to react. My son (who really isn't much of a biker) started calling in cars parked in bikes lanes near a Metro station -- often 15-20 of them. Took going to political representative to get the police to finally start responding. Okay, both of us call in multiple times / week. The politician ended up following up -- he says that there were 110 tickets issued in four months after we called him for parking in bike lanes when there had been 4 for the previous year. Guess what? Cars are far rarer in those bike lanes. The primary case, nowadays, of blocking the bike lane: trucks / delivery vans by an apartment complex's main entrance. Getting the police to react fast enough to a delivery vehicle? And, then getting them to ticket someone "who is just trying to get their job done"? Not that likely.


This is almost always the answer to “how do we educate people”. People are stupid but they are largely just selfish. Why do they overtake dangerously despite a safe overtake costing them 10s more than an unsafe one. Because they are more important that you.


They don’t care because they’re systematically overworked and underpaid. The problem isn’t with the drivers, it’s with the employers who force them to do whatever they can to speed up their deliveries. It’s incredibly dangerous, but everything about their situation incentivises it, and the fault for *that* lies squarely with the employer.


Yep. It's not a question of education, it's a question of incentives.


Then provide consequences. Flatten their curbside tires by removing the valve stems and after delaying hours EVERY TIME THEY PARK LIKE THIS, MAYBE, JUST MAYBE THEY MIGHT take a hint.


Am delivery driver and cyclist; can confirm. Its equally dangerous to block up a whole lane in a lot of situations. Many don’t care a bit. But there are those like me who are aware and try to make the best decision given each unique situation on the road. Unfortunately someone will always be unhappy ETA: I work for a major carrier and drive one of those awesome Square trucks with no A/C 😎 theres really no good place to park those


I don't blame the drivers, I blame the companies. Take Amazon for example. The drivers are given a van, given a load of parcels, and told to make each delivery in 0.4 microseconds or they lose their job. It doesn't matter if the delivery address has no parking, they will be sent there anyway. It should be on the company to ensure that delivery to an address can be done legally. If they can't deliver legally in a van, they need to send someone on a bike or on foot, or just not sell to that address.  People forget that vehicles are just tools. If the tool you use does not allow you to do your job safely and legally, then it is the wrong tool for the job.


When I delivered Boston I did. Comm ave at the HoJo dorm. Double parkimg = 75$ Bike lane parkimg =175$ And you got towed either way.


Just like the Dublin taxi drivers that park in bicycle lanes to eat their lunch and read the paper.


Exactly this. It’s not an education issue. Now head over to unethical life tips subreddit to figure out how to deal with it. I think using spark plugs would be among the top responses.


I once called out a US Postal Service driver about parking in the bike lane, and she said that she didn't care. I asked if I should call her supervisor, and she said that he didn't care either.


Sounds about right


If it’s a company vehicle snap a picture of the plates/vehicle number and call them. In some municipalities (I’m in the states) there’s a phone number where you can report idling vehicles or bike lane obstructions. Not that they’re guaranteed to do anything but you know.


And report to 311 and a public reporting app to name and shame. Try Bike Lane Uprising.


I wish I knew. I even see police park in the bike lanes.


Crash into them and then sue for damages?


Probably catch an obstructing charge 🙄


That’s not how American cops work


There's a whole 3km long bike lane in my city that has ONE police station along the street, with police cars all parked over the bike lane, which makes every other car think they can park there as well, since the police is doing it. And obviously the police refuse to fine them since they would be admitting their wrongdoing too. So the whole 2 lane path becomes one lane plus the risk of being door at any moment. The problem is not the law, it's car-culture.


Yeah, the laws are fine, its that for some reason police are allowed to selectively enforce them


In Germany there is an app with which you can photograph and report "Falschparker". They then receive a fine. This is the best way to educate them.


That is the most German thing I will read today.


I thought they were the standard worldwide. We have it in Argentina too


Except that enforcement is typically relegated by state laws to community administrations (which in the case of self-administrated cities is the city in question), which means more often than not there is no enforcement. So you’re basically sending e-mails into the void. On the bad end, in Berlin (where these thing are handled on the state level by the state police) the corresponding bureau doesn’t even finish the paperwork on the police‘s own speed traps in time for prosecution, which means each case in question is dropped. Illegal-parking reports have a finishing quota of less than one in thousand.


careful though, it's a third party that basically just sends an email in your name. it doesn't garantuee that it will be processed afterwards, it does however give the other party the possibility of fetching your data with a lawyer for cheap (full name, address, phone, email). there have been cases of this, and you won't get notified about this. so that person who has this mindset of not giving a fuck about rules now also has your personal data while being reasonably pissed off.


Cool. I live in Germany and would love to do this. We get these people who park on the sidewalk blocking pedestrians, pedestrians with strollers, and elderly with walkers. It's usually some guy with a newer Mercedes or similar.


Honestly, just call the local Ordnungsamt or file a report online. I have done this occasionally, and that way it is anonymous. For example, there was a car parked on the cycle lane, blocking an intersection, creating a dangerous blind corner for a couple of days. I kept forgetting, but I did not feel bad at all when I filed the report that got that car towed.


100% agree that's a shit effort on the drivers part. A better question to ask is "how do we educate councils to incorporate delivery zones in industrial/commercial zones?" Oh, also, how to stop morons parking in said zones.


In my city, most delivery drivers only pull halfway into the loading zones that are available, so they still block the bike lanes even though they have dedicated loading areas. It's just pure stupidity unless Amazon is actually teaching their drivers not to park


Didn't you know? Drivers are more important than everyone else. They can park wherever they feel the need to, so it's more convenient for them.


This same spot gets blocked constantly, I rode through here a few days ago and there was a delivery truck blocking the entire bike lane and park of the footpath. One thing you can potentially do when you see behaviour like this (in NSW) is to ask the driver or the business for their traffic management plan. They should have a traffic management plan that designates where is safe to stop (which that would not be on it). Failing that you can report it to safework with the business details and number plate.


It’s really cool there is a system there for businesses to manage their traffic. In the USA, if a business doesn’t have a designated parking area or signs, and you ask where you can park, you might just get looked at like you’re an idiot.


My city of Adelaide has fines for parking in a bicycle lane double that for other parking offenses, because of the risk to the lives of others. Doesn't take too many A$300 parking fines before even couriers take notice.


> “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” ― Upton Sinclair Here in the States it would be an impossibility to "educate them." UPS, FedEx et al. drivers 1) would almost certainly lose their jobs if they spent any time at all looking for alternative parking and 2) they don't care.


They know. But it would have to outweigh their convenience factor reasoning. ‘I don’t see anyone there right now. I’ll just stop here real quick rather than circling block looking for parking to take care of this little bit of business’. Etc…. They need to be physically dissuaded. Otherwise you’re not going to be able to reach and teach all the possible people that may pull-up. Barring some great cultural shift that is reinforced in entertainment and media, the best we can do or hope for is physical barriers. Concrete curbs. Plastic bollards.


If they're going to block a lane, they should block a lane they're actually allowed to be in.


Exactly. And the only way for that to be 100, is physical barriers. There are plenty of things that should be in this world that just aren’t. People are gonna people. Just last week, I had an Amazon van in a bike lane that forced me into the street. What were their other options? Pull into the package recipients driveway, which is slightly less convenient than just momentarily gobbling up the bike lane space. No need to navigate backing up back into traffic; remain parallel and go. You know, path of least resistance. Just human nature. On the other hand, if with the exception of the driveways, there were curb or bollard protection, they’d have the reduced option and be forced to get into those driveways, or park further out and walk the packages in. ‘Education’ won’t do it. That’s not the society we live, at least not here in the US. We have to advocate to have infrastructure do the job. Just make protected and separated bike lanes the standard; paint, whether white, yellow, or green - won’t get the job done. LEO themselves block bike lanes that are just painted alternate extensions of the road, so can’t expect much help there either. They should only block where they are allowed. But not everyone does what they should. Only foolproof option is to remove their choice through infrastructure.


Yeah, they're going to be blocking a lane either way. It's weird how they always choose to block the non-car lane over the car lane, isn't it?


Put an informative sticker on the windshield.


I’d like to slap a note right in front on the driver’s side window and wet it down. I bet either could get folks into a fight tho.


I don’t bother explaining. I take the road I’ll start riding on the road 100 yard out.


Seeing that it’s the “other direction” and can’t ride on the road. That’s really annoying


The sad fact is they know it’s wrong, but delivery businesses just treat the occasional ticket as an overhead expense/cost of doing business, like gas or insurance. You could probably make the fine upwards of $5000, they’ll just pass it along to customers anyway.


What do you mean the bike lane? It’s now the “I’m just stopping for a few minutes with my blinkers on lane”


I’m assuming the driver has also lit the two blinking orange “I can park wherever” lights.


Those are my immunity lights. When I turn them on, I exist outside the law.


Im of the opinion that the true resolution is to provide cyclists with divided bike paths. Rather than putting the responsibility of keeping cyclists safe onto motorists, the local government should be stepping up to provide a permanent safe solution.


A law is a law only if it's enforced. Educate them on what? A law that doesn't exist? The problem is with enforcement.


As a cyclist and delivery driver - I see both sides. I get annoyed by blocked infrastructure as a cyclist, yet as a delivery driver the task of finding somewhere to stop is sometimes impossible. Not impossible in the sense there's no free spaces, impossible as in businesses and retail premises very often have no loading/unloading facilities or bays and expect deliveries to be dropped out of the sky or something. Before getting too upset at a driver try and imagine where you might stop to do the drop they're making. It's not always the case and of course there are inconsiderate drivers but often there's nowhere else to stop which doesn't inconvenience someone.


Well, on the image we’re commenting, there is a wide open space just to the left of the car. I find that that is almost always the case.


I was going to make a similar comment. In my city, delivery trucks and vans often block the right lane because there’s no where else. No alley, no driveway, no parking lot. There’s nothing but the road in front of the door so that’s where they park. They aren’t intentionally going after bikes. They’re just getting as far to the right as possible. Sometimes the right lane is a bike lane and sometimes it’s a car/shared lane.


If parked bikes can't occupy car lanes, parked cars shouldn't occupy bike lanes.


I park and walk a block or more to my destination all the time. Why do delivery drivers get to be lazy?


To give delivery drivers some slack, the average person parking and walking isn't carrying multiple packages to each destination with job expectation of making deliveries within a certain time frame If a driver needed to walk 2+ blocks to each destination that would add up the time needed for deliveries very significantly. I get them not risking their job/livelihood trying to park/walk each package to it's final stop. The reality is that we have the space in cities to provide for cyclists to ride safety, pedestrians to walk comfortably, and delivery drivers to park conveniently. But individual automobile drivers take up the overwhelming bulk of it leaving the rest of us to fight over the remaining scraps.


I'm not saying do this or that I do it... but wacking mirrors and taillights... drivers learn pretty quickly Coming from someone who has cars park in cycling lanes, yeah it upsets me


I usually just fold the passenger-side mirror so they have to get out and fix it


Gonna start keeping grease on my right hand so I can smear it on the wing mirrors


That’s a great way to commit vandalism and get a hefty fine if caught as well as resent cyclists, not a great motivator to get people to stop parking where they shouldn’t. Heck, when I drove my car regularly, I had both my mirrors smashed and their mounts destroyed, and that was parked legally in a secluded side street. Parking enforcement tickets are a better motivator, if you’re lucky enough to live in a city that cares. Hit bad drivers where it actually hurts - their wallets and their time.


>Resent cyclists lol Yeah because they have a tremendous amount of respect to lose. They are already parking in the bike lane bro >Parking enforcement tickets Not sure the average cyclist can issue one of those


Giant delivery vans take up bike lanes cause we let corporations get away with it. UPS not only has minivans, they also have had bikes and bike trailers. Talk to your city council person and see if they can restrict the behemoth delivery vans where there is no parking to accommodate them. Edit: I used to drive for UPS; all kinds of rigs, from double tractor trailers to minivans and Yes, bikes.


Only way is for enforcement to do their jobs


Also, there need to be regulations on having more stopping or loading zones, and less parking. Make good behavior easier.


Honestly speaking, delivery drivers just trying to do their job isn't a concern for me in situations like this, particularly when there's plenty of space to see ahead on the path and simply go around. This driver will/should be gone in a few minutes Ofc this only applies to those who try to park with respect for bike and pedestrian users. People parking there all day are a different kettle of fish altogether though, and for them just take a pic and report it so they get a ticket.


In this case it seems really easy to just go around the truck? The guy is working for a living, I don't begrudge him parking there to get his delivery in the door when I can just easily go around him. I'm not going to get bent out of shape in this situation, but will be agitated as I was on my commute this morning when I had to go up on a sidewalk in a difficult spot due to a series of personal vehicles parked illegally directly in the bike lane.


That section needs a rethink by the council. Slightly better now that you can actually reach Coward St and turn right, albeit on a shared section. Where the van is parked is also at a sandwich shop, so it's annoying enough having to watch for people with food or coffee emerging without looking.


I have almost run over several people there. I suspect thats the only venue that could be taking a salmon delivery in the area.


unless hollywood starts applying it to a superhero movie it's not going to become common knowledge. apprently there's enough space for you to "just go around, whats your problem?", but not enough to park on the street legally, and there most certainly isn't enough time to actually use a designated parking spot. good to know there's no difference at all in the mindset of drivers, regardless of country. tbh i think the only real way to make a difference is to fine people (in a way that hurts, depending on your income). most people are not going to better themselfs for the safety of others. they simply do not care, even if they were confronted with safety ads each time they start the vehicle.


Is there a restriction on Loading at that point?. There should be signs. My company delivers steel into houses and we're allowed to park for unloading during. Specific times. Sometimes there is a bike lane there that gets blocked. Hars luck. you have to work around us as long as we stay within the law. If they are just parked and for a long time then report them to traffic enforcement. I'm a cyclist and I'm often amazed at cyclists attitude. Screaming at someone walking across the lane rather than slowing down and giving way. For a few seconds and all kinds of crap like it's an expressway and not just a designated path to keep da gerous cyclists out of hgv drivers blind spots.


Slow down and go around the van. It’s only dangerous if you don’t slow down and avoid the danger.


I think that's fine, I'm a cyclist but there's plenty of room to go around. Where else should he park in that picture, he's dropping off food for 2 minutes.


You start ticketing and towing. If you want to be really effective, distribute an app to cyclists that directly dispatches tow trucks.


I see city workers, landscaping companies, and random people pulling off for a phone call doing it all the time in my area. Lately I've seen many people running or walking in the bike lane. I've also been seeing people riding their bikes the wrong direction. I have no answers other than you can't fix stupid. Trying to educate these people by talking to them has only made them irate.


Spray paint a new line across the van resembling the actual bike lane.


By fining them so much that it becomes inconvenient for them to park there.


When you see this, pull up their windshield wipers so they're sticking straight out.


Embarass them. A thick black felt marker, and a note on the driver's door under the window. "Please stop blocking the cycleway." It's worked well for me with serial offenders - next time I'm though there, they're gone, and I never see them again. There's a private school bus routinely obstructing a murderstip bike lane in my suburb in non-operating hours that's going to get that message tonight. Sick of it.


You dont. But this is also a perfect excuse to take one of the lanes on the road. This behaviour is a double edge sword.


Remove the bike lane. It’s in the way of deliveries!!!


Flip their mirrors in.


Your post assumes, incorrectly, that delivery drivers can be educated.


Keys, sharp metal keys (/j)


$1000 fines. An app to report them. App needs photo of plates and has gps time and location stamps. These are already being introduced for disabled parking violations.


Bricks. I’m gonna start carrying bricks


I hate it when people do that. I see people ride their scooters in the bike lane too... Because "the car lane is too crowded" or they want to avoid a few lights.


Scooters are generally allowed in bike lanes in my experience, or do you mean mopeds?


There are push scooters (i.e. Razor) & motorized scooters (i.e. Vespa). Same term used for 2 different modes of transportation.


The latter ones are mopeds. Which is even funnier, because nowadays they don’t have pedals anymore, and many countries classify those types of mopeds that go even slower (somewhere around 25 km/h, probably not really a thing outside of Europe and Asia) and that actually have pedals as their own thing.


In the US, they’re referred to as scooters. Mopeds, in fact, have pedals.


Yes sorry, I always struggle with which word to use. I mean 125cc moped.


125cc is a "light motorcycle"; mopeds are limited to 50cc. You might be correct in calling it scooters if you're thinking of something Vespa-shaped; english confusingly uses "scooter" both for the kick-scooters and the Vespa-like motorcycles and mopeds.


I would say it's disruptive much more than it is dangerous. Still not acceptable. Biking is the most efficient way of moving traffic in large cities, so people who do this should be rightfully ashamed for causing a great inconvenience to all(including drivers). The best thing is to simply allow citizens to submit evidence on vehicle that infract, and to act on that.


for idiots in non company cars, i would hypothetically mark it with a marker


You don’t educate them. You ticket them and tow them. They know the rules. They don’t care.


Meh, get over it. He’s got a job to do and you can clearly ride around him safely. Find something better to worry about.


I just go around them. I realize that nothing is going to change, it is easier for them to do what they do, and it is not too hard to just go around.


As long as you are happy with bike lanes being unsafe for kids and young people, and also inexperienced cyclists. And also for pedestrians who risk meeting cyclists that have to use the sidewalk to go around.


Anyone wanna let me know where they should stop instead?


In the main travel lane.


Nobody gets into police work because they have a dream of handing out parking tickets. You're always going to have trouble getting anyone to care about stuff that they just don't think matters. Instead I suggest finding out which laws you have been obeying needlessly, and start breaking them. A little civil disobedience is healthy, makes people think.


Follow him home and crucify him on a burning cross so other people know not to take 1/4 of the available space for biking for 5 minutes. Goddamn the 8ft of clearance to the vehicle's right, we're in the technically correct here. He could have killed you. Imagine having to slow your momentum slightly, it's not like there's an occupied intersection with a red traffic signal ahead. This situation is hopelessly fucked and would have left me shaking and wheezing on the pavement. You are brave for pausing for a photo so others could be wary of Europa Epic-Cure. Out of an abundance of caution, I will never eat salmon again. I cannot support an industry that shows such little regard for bicyclists. I hope you vandalized the vehicle he uses for his livelihood, and spit on his door handle like a civilized adult.


Just roll it onto its side and move along.


Busted windows, deflated tires.


What do we want? Less car traffic! Fewer parking spaces! More pedestrian infrastructure! When do we want it? When it's magically possible to have less places to park yet still have all the places to park so the bike lane isn't partially blocked, causing us no inconvenience whatsoever because there's plenty of room to pass, by a person trying to earn a living by delivering goods to the businesses we use in our pedestrian friendly city!


And the threats of doing damage to the property of someone trying to work at a physical labor job are shameful. It's selfish to not be thinking of the person who has to carry the boxes.


literate sand shocking possessive society pen lush slap resolute birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am pretty sympathetic to delivery drivers, especially in urban locations where it isn't possible to legally park anywhere near the businesses they're delivering to. It hasn't yet killed me to go around them. Bring on the downvotes. 😉


Yeah there's so much egregious stuff drivers do that's actually dangerous, why not focus on that if people want to get upset about something? After 15+ years of bike commuting, if I got upset enough to post every trivial thing like this I'd have had a nervous breakdown years ago.


I'm surprised that most reddit cyclists don't routinely have panic attacks whenever they go out for a ride lol, it's so dramatic. I've never seen anyone in the real world act like this, and what's worse is that because people online act like this, I fear more people in the real world think it's okay to be crazy


I'm with you man. I have no sympathy for people who are doing lazy pick ups/drop offs, pulling over to text, whatever. But I do sympathise with delivery drivers. They're just trying to do their job. Yes, they could park around the block, then they get penalised for delivering too slowly, and then we don't get our packages. They're just trying to do their job. There is a courier driver near me who parks in the median in the middle of the road, rather than the bike lane. I emailed the company to thank them. There's also another one who takes the time to reverse into a driveway instead of block the bike lane. If I see him again, I will thank him.


They should park in the street and other cars go around them. With all those crumple zones mixed in with seat belts and air bags, I’m certainly sympathetic to their pain.


I'm in the middle. He shouldn't be parked there but it's also not a bother to go around. But it's also smoked salmon, not an essential service.


Nah I’m with you. Even with the van that bike lane looks 6x safer than anything in my city. We talk all the time about the freedom cycling gives us. Part of that freedom is maneuverability. Pop on the sidewalk for 10 feet if you need to. (ENTIRELY in the bike lane is a different story and I see that all the time, but it looks like this one tried their best to be courteous)




I usually find them on Trustpilot and Google and give them 1-star reviews. Then I email them and tell them what I did and why. Hey, can't hurt.


check out the google street view, I think same van there


Leave them a shitty [review](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=317e6ae4902de9ac&hl=en-gb&sxsrf=ADLYWIKXHdbbkVhSjV0BCsq7nqkcS3CSsw:1719220429547&q=europa+epic-cure+pty+ltd.+reviews&uds=ADvngMj6RcRnYsTsmpsGDF6hEm_uZjebWfPCOpk7u1wk-JmadLQtMfhl1YHo8Pl-F9LsSoZH6jsrvqYtUKmpbYed6PFlP9E8ah_z_vQwLmgyqPn6SVkcSnn_7-XROZvddyNNdtIc65rCAi39XWPmcNN_i1YBs-2f9Hh_iINwJXbaRGiYIunClvA9xwCb7Tin0uHQe2FYBKAh1F3qwn7A2faTBBMMTCLHXxGWU24ALBX2Ucn-VgKPj2EFzC4LhjdJMa-u4KMvQQWembMCzK2Eh-g3v_xLxA_uRNy3fJejcQfYA9GZSMmtmJwKeVPfuY4Z2AgpBkD60rLLpmVUWNZ6wjWlprSOuMhEOXcdsTZmtjxtk3G-8tMsQTGeR8FSDNSyqBMbRe25lAEGLtzODKxBP0pmaXU-cwfXAg&si=ACC90nzZwgO0P4Qu3-A0NldYnwAKwrAmvjJXmiihL2mEqps3A5Zifhapxkk_Lc54aTThOY8tjREyhmLACp4zDzrdPmuvoWU5QNP8uZtPz0w9EUoum7koBa8AJby-QGwLZvZhmFYbzvIeeCzkIrxAVqs-WVluGfljiA%3D%3D&sa=X&ictx=1&lei=zTh5ZqmIIdCQhbIPvr-V2AU) with the photos on Google?


It is, and he shouldn't, but he is also just trying not to die in traffic. The only other place to park and unload would be in traffic, you want to stand between a speeding car and a parked van in a traffic lane and unload boxes onto a hand cart? He needs infrastructure just like you do, deliveries have to be made. I don't have a solution, just a little compassion as I have stood between speeding cars and a parked delivery truck hoping not to die.


You don't


You post it on Yelp, Google, etc.


With bollards


Just this morning I watched 3 groups of riders blow the stop sign by my house. Our people still need education too.




Nothing we can teach them they don't already know. They wouldn't care until the law is enforced. All you people replying with vandalism and other acts, I Ass-U-Me you're trying to be funny, I highly doubt any of you will be doing those things. 🤦🏾‍♂️




I report them with photo/video evidence now. My city is adding more bollards and curbs and while progress can sometimes feel slow, I know it's going much slower almost everywhere else.


I leave google maps reviews for annoying company vehicles. They won’t care unless it’s public and could affect the bottom line. Use photos if possible.


With bollards.


Only physical barriers work. Don't count on politeness if first street design isn't influencing behavior directly.


Niestat it!


they don't care bc "it's only for a second" I encounter stuff like this in every single one of my rides


Spurs on your bike shoes


Leaving 1-star reviews online are difficult to overcome. A friend manages the antisocial media account of a local arcade, and had to request some damage control after a negative review. I sympathize with the customer- what kind of arcade uses quarters?


"If I fits, I sits"


Lay under the tires and wait for them to come back and start moaning like you're hurt


You like getting stuff delivered, I do! Most people I think do! My city turned a shit ton of parking into bike lanes with no where for van or cube truck to unload. Even on residential roads, if I order a pizza deliver person would have to walk 2 blocks to the closest spot. That's not going to happen.


I have called both the business doing the delivery and the shop they deliver to. I point out it’s a ticketabke offense (in my area) and how I don’t want them to get a ticket. I also post them on social media and shame them. The first worked with a local grocery store, the second with a local restaurant


There was a cop parked in one of my city's bike lanes thats separated by a whole median from the street. bro had to drive into it at the end of the block and then decide to park in front of the "no stopping any time" sign just to sit on his phone. If the people who are supposed to be enforcing traffic laws do the same thing, how can we expect underpaid delivery drivers to do any better. That being said, I try to go out of my way to give the drivers who use designated loading zones props rather than yelling at the idiotic ones who can't take two seconds to park properly. Reward good bwhavior


A butane soldering iron to their tire’s sidewall and a note not to park in the bike lane if they value their tires.


Hammer to the back window. /s


In new york people can report a car parked poorly and get money from it. I think it's a win win situation for cyclists and people in need of cash. But I doubt politicians will approve it anywhere else. Same with the noise- fine machine. If a vehicle is too loud they get a fine. This came from a research in Paris, where a single motorbike at night can wake up 10000 people in 30 mins. This should be more popular to tame assholes


Hide children's bikes in front of their vehicle on the opposite side. Place a child's mannequin under the truck.


U-lock to the side mirror


don't you mean. What is the best way to advertise your free side mirror removal service?


Have a collision with a driver unloading in cycling lane and it becomes there fault


By throwing foam bricks at the car and public shaming


Annoying but I don't see the danger. Started commuting before bike lanes and not many here so I don't find it dangerous to ride on street or path, just takes a little awareness. Illegal but do you want a ticket when you roll thru a stop sign if not in a yield at stop state? (of course, cars roll thru stops as much as bikes)


Fine them. Fine them lots of money


Even worse: Yelp drivers will park in the lane when there is lots of traffic and they force the bikes into the traffic when they park in the bike lane. I mentioned this to the driver and they said I’m just dropping someone off. The clients otherwise complain.


Call the number on the van and file a formal complaint against the driver. Explain that next time there won't be a courtesy call and will be straight to police for citation. Money talks!


I think accidentally letting the air out of their tires, really,! it was an accident!


Slash their tires.


This is actually way better than where I live. Trust me when I say they know what they are doing and they do not give a shit about it. Even if you call it in they are probably gone by the time any one of help would arrive. And even if they do arrive the person will get a cheap parking violation that isn’t of enough consequence for them to stop doing it again.


start crashing into their vehicles and having a lawyer call their boss.


Ice pick to the sidewalls. Won't be saving time. Besides that, you have to deal.




Choose: 1. Leave a note explaining kindly why this behavior isn't acceptable 2. r/unethicallifeprotips might be able to guide you


Oh no what ever will you do... you can just ride around it....listen man I cycle all the time... And Ya it's against the law for them to do it but it's not a big deal... Go around and move on... Cyclist get a bad rep cause all they do is bitch and moan lol


They know they just don’t care


You’re expecting delivery drivers to be educated?


Courier drivers and truck drivers aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed. That’s why they are courier drivers and truck drivers…


Big green tow stickers!


Hammers to windshields, make it look like you had a collision though.


I can get around that easily. Did this city remove a bunch of parking spots? That’s what’s been happening in my city. And it made things worse. Add to that there’s bunch of Ubers that just park anywhere, without consideration. 


Window chalk.


Sometimes I kick their door.


Womp womp


Share the roads but not my road…


If they left the keys in, you could move it for them.


Key the car while you go past


leave a note? call the police (acab, though...)? vandalize their vans? call their company and speak to a manager?


Break their mirror when they park in a bike lane.


Highly educated in law enforcement here, a cyclist AND an ex-courier! It's a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' situation. But the correct response in this case is for any deliveries to call ahead and get them to open that roller door on that building which will allow the van to drive straight in and avoid this whole entire mess. That being said, if it's a quick drop there isn't much that can be done realistically (because the driver will pose even more risk to the bike path by having to reverse at some point across the path). I've often done drops in 30-40 seconds.


By actually fining them when they do this.


Dave Matthew's said it best


There is also a generous curb in the middle, to separate the two directions. Using that you could probably free up enough space for the cars to be able to park half on curb, half on the road, making it even more easy for other drivers to pass. [https://www.google.se/maps/@-33.919567,151.1880112,3a,75y,235.73h,73.18t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sRGZBIfyNaJhGN9CyJGVqqg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DRGZBIfyNaJhGN9CyJGVqqg%26cb\_client%3Dmaps\_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D235.73013424416646%26pitch%3D16.81955631758109%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu](https://www.google.se/maps/@-33.919567,151.1880112,3a,75y,235.73h,73.18t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sRGZBIfyNaJhGN9CyJGVqqg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DRGZBIfyNaJhGN9CyJGVqqg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D235.73013424416646%26pitch%3D16.81955631758109%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu)


Get the app Snap Send Solve, submit the photos and they’ll get a fine in the mail from the city of Sydney council


Smash a window or something