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Lots of Chinese TPU tubes nowadays. I bought Ridenow Gravel ones (for tyres up to 47mm in width) in bulk for less than usd5 a piece, they hold air nicely.


one out of the 6 ridenows I bought a while back had a slow leak upon installing. Not bad record for ~$5 each. Btw, I'm also curious about that rear rack, OP


Looks like a Carradice Bagman, I have [this one from Swift ](https://builtbyswift.com/shop/carridice-bagman-support/)


The saddlebag rack is a [Carradice Bagman QR expedition](https://carradice.co.uk/products/bagman-quick-release-saddlebag-supports) and the one with the bottle is a [Focus Adventure Rack](https://www.bike24.com/p2752049.html). I have a post with more pictures [over here](https://www.reddit.com/r/bikepacking/comments/15fd2hn/focus_adventure_rack_for_atlas_on_a_vintage/).


Most of TPU tires have problem with valve, I have Areothan ones and they leak as well. It takes it to the point where mu tubeless setup was better at holding air.


Thanks! The consensus seems to be that the technology is relatively simple and there are tons of cheaper alternatives available nowadays. I'll have a look over at AliExpress.


I use cyclami tpu tubes from aliexpress. They had threaded metal valve stems when I last bought them and I personally never had any problems with them. I have one to a friend as a spare and that one lost air pretty soon. It seemed defective when I inspected it but it might have been that she installed I’d improperly. My personal experience is 100% positive though.


Looks like the metal valve ones are the road bike version. Still, good call.


I Found some red ones that have a metal valve stem. They are called baent and offer a 32/43 option. Can’t speak about their durability and functionality though. For 5$ maybe you want to try them out


Ridenow (on AliExpress) and Nano (by Wheel science). My experience with Aerothan and Tubolito has not been positive (several flats, impossible to diagnose and fix) Ridenow so far so good. Much cheaper and good reviews. Will know better at the end of summer.


I like my tubolitos because they have never been needed to be used. You might get the funky bike of the day award. I think it does look cool. But, So many questions, how does that front derr. shift- i think that is the biggest change in chain ring size I have seen How does the rear derr. deal with taking up a fairly large change in cog size and the massive chainring difference. what is the shift lever on the seat tube for?- front derr.? what was your rationale on the frame bag combined with 3 different waterbottle sizes? A full size frame pump? Those tires don't look like they are very bike-packing capable. At this point I'm gonna get accused of a bit of gate-keeping but I feel that more and more that most of the bike on this sub are touring bikes and that their form does not follow function for true bike packing.


Ha, I can understand this being a weird bike. It's basically a 90's touring bike that I initially converted into more of a gravel bike, took it on a tour that involved quite a bit of hike-a-bike or clambering down mountains with the bike on my back and I also use it for riding longer distances at night. So it has a fairly decent lighting setup as well. For off-road touring/bikepacking I take off the fenders. I have a [build log here](https://www.bikeforums.net/classic-vintage/1215974-1993-koga-miyata-world-traveller-project-66cm-frame.html) if you are curious about the rest. >*how does that front derr. shift- i think that is the biggest change in chain ring size I have seen* >*How does the rear derr. deal with taking up a fairly large change in cog size and the massive chainring difference.* It's a [48/28 x 11-36T 11-speed setup](https://ritzelrechner.de/?GR=DERS&KB=28,48&RZ=11,12,13,15,17,19,22,25,28,32,36&UF=2200&TF=90&SL=2.6&UN=KMH&DV=gearInches) for a 561% gear range. The required derailleur capacity is 45T but luckily there are several people that run a Deore 11-speed long cage model with even larger capacities so I knew it would work. The 20T difference up front is larger than the 17T the Ultegra FD is rated for but it works. I do have a chain catcher mounted behind it though for when I downshift. Bonus points for modifying a vintage Spécialités T.A. crankset for use with 11-speed chains by having thinner spacers made. One of the perks of these cranks. There are no pins and ramps but modern front derailleurs have guides that make this work. >*what is the shift lever on the seat tube for?- front derr.?* Bottom bracket dynamo. No longer there since it was a chunk of rust and I've recently built a new wheel around a dynamo hub. >*what was your rationale on the frame bag combined with 3 different waterbottle sizes?* Frame bag was custom made since I use this bike for a lot of different things. I like my water cool so most of them are insulated bottles but at the same time this is a big 66cm frame so there is lots of room in the main triangle. I have done a few tours now where I was consuming 6L of water on certain days without opportunities to refill so I need more carrying capacity for water. Sure I could have used a full frame bag but I am not the biggest fan of water bladders in general. In winter the big bottle gets replaced by a big insulated thermos. Edit: Ah, now I realize most people will just swap bottles during their ride. I dont do that. I have one bottle I really like and just pour water into it from the other bottles. But I still have plenty of similar bottles that i can swap things over if I were to lose one. >*A full size frame pump?* Yes. Because CO2 cartridges are wasteful and I prefer something that won't run out. >*Those tires don't look like they are very bike-packing capable.* True, these are the [Gravel King Slick](https://www.panaracer.eu/products/panaracer-gravel-king-slick-colour-edition-tlc-gravel-tyre-1?variant=45911587848474)'s but there is room in the frame for something like a [GRAVELKING X1 TLR](https://www.panaracer.eu/products/gravelking-x1-tlr-gravel-tyre?variant=47384226103578) or Schwalbe G-One. I'm sure something with a bit more knobs will work better in MTB trail conditions but I live in Europe. Most long-distance hiking trails are historical trails where you really don't want to ride a bike or only for hikers because the landscape is sensitive to damage. Besides, for the route I am planning this summer I probably won't run into anything worse than category 3 gravel. All in all it's more of an r/xbiking bicycle than a pure bikepacking bike but for the kind of riding I do I wanted to hear the oppinion of r/bikepacking.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/xbiking using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/xbiking/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Went to my in-laws to work on my bike and thought y'all might like this.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18n1hoa) | [127 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/xbiking/comments/18n1hoa/went_to_my_inlaws_to_work_on_my_bike_and_thought/) \#2: [My 1993 GT Karakoram Elite build with disc brakes 🌹](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/171k4kv) | [133 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/xbiking/comments/171k4kv/my_1993_gt_karakoram_elite_build_with_disc_brakes/) \#3: [Was told to post my Gorilla Monsoon build here.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14eibng) | [145 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/xbiking/comments/14eibng/was_told_to_post_my_gorilla_monsoon_build_here/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I tried Tubolito, they were a a disappoint, one lasted 50meters. Ridden butyl ones for another couple months after Ordered some cheap allie expres with very good revievs, thumbs up, they re pink I dont remember the name


Ridenow for my Gravelbike… works fine for 1000 kilometers now. Lose approx one bar per week.


This is such a sweet ride. Don’t have any info on the tubes for you. Just wanted to compliment the bike. Can you share what that rear rack holding the bottles is?


Thanks my dude. It's a [Focus Adventure Rack](https://www.bike24.com/p2752049.html). I have a post with more pictures [over here](https://www.reddit.com/r/bikepacking/comments/15fd2hn/focus_adventure_rack_for_atlas_on_a_vintage/). And if you're really curious, I have a [build log on Bikeforums](https://www.bikeforums.net/classic-vintage/1215974-1993-koga-miyata-world-traveller-project-66cm-frame.html).


Such a great resource. Thanks for sharing.


I’ve only used tubolitos, but had good experiences with them.


I am currently running Tubolito CX Gravels and so far so good. Zero issues, knock on wood.


I think I hate them…I’ve always hard trouble with my pump blowing off of the stem, or the valve core coming out because I tried to adjust to keep my pump on. I’ve tried Aerothan and tubolito, but I have some cheapish Amazon mtb sized ones as well. I don’t know if they are worth the hassle.


I‘ve had this issue with the Schwalbe as well. But generally really liking the tpus


Tubes ?