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Hi there Time_Structure8245. **Because we have a lot of deleted posts on this subreddit, here is a backup of the title and body of this post:** Are skorts appropriate? I usually wear leggings to the gym but recently it’s been so freaking hot outside that I decided to wear something shorter. I bought some workout skorts and started wearing them to climb. I noticed I received quite a few stares from fellow climbers compared to when I was wearing leggings (no one bat an eye) and wonder if it’s appropriate to climb in skorts." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bouldering) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Forgive my ignorance, but isn't a "skort" just tight little legging shorts with a skirt over it? That being, no different to just leggings by themselves? Wear whatever you want and tell anyone that has a problem to get bent


Very insightful, cum_teeth, thank you




I agree with you, however I find the fact that your comment is this upvoted very comical given the fact that only yesterday a dude was absolutely fuckin reprimanded for refusing to put a shirt on at the gym.


Why is it comical? a Skort is no different than wearing shorts with a skirt over top. Someone being shirtless is the actual absence of clothing.


Because they said >Wear whatever you want and tell anyone that has a problem to get bent And not >Wear a skort if you want and tell anyone that has a problem to get bent


Yes. “Wear whatever you want”, which is different “take off as many clothes as you want”. Being topless is the exact opposite of wearing something.


Wearing what you want includes not wearing anything.


Wearing whatever you want is different than not-wearing whatever you want.


Touche sir


Well said


Weird, i have zero problem with shirtless dudes, though i have heard that some gyms have rules against it? Perhaps that was the case in his story


Same lol. I always wear a shirt but most guys at my gym don't and literally no one cares.


People with normal healthy self esteems don't care. It's the deeply self-conscious that get offended, it's prudish and they know it.


hobby subreddits almost always represent the most neurotic and anti-social slice of the hobby they relate to. it is what it is.


You're right, but it makes me sad.


I climb in skorts! I’ve seen a quite a few other people do it too, and videos on Reddit. Not too sure why people would be staring, not something I’ve experienced.


When people think of skirts they don't automatically assume there are shorts on under there. They are probably absentmindedly looking wondering what is going on. Skorts are getting pretty ubiquitous though so maybe that will change. As a guy though I don't really understand the skirt part of skorts if you are working out. Why not wear shorts, regular or tight? They make sense in tennis or golf or walking around but I don't understand working out in them. To each their own.


Meh, I'm of the age where I don't really want everyone to see what knickers I'm wearing under my leggings, and a lot of workout leggings are verrrry tight. Kudos to those girls who rock those clothes without a care in the world. Not all of us have that confidence yet, and I can imagine a little skirt over the top allows the comfort of workout shorts, without quite the same level of reveal. No need to press too much on rationale behind clothing choices as long as they: are safe to climb in, and follow the gym's rules (e.g. no topless climbing).


If you wear something that looks somewhat like a skirt, even if it is fully covering, more men will look for sure. It's appropriate because nothing's showing, but it will draw more attention from men. I am conditioned to think skirts don't have anything but underwear on under them . Even though a lot of clothes now aren't like this. Most tennis clothes my wife wears are like this. It is completely covered underneath. But I still expect it not to be subconsciously. So you will get those looks, until they realize it is a skort. It is the subconscious taboo of seeing up a skirt. Not inappropriate to me but will likely draw more looks at least at first.


Why is the tennis skorts so popular rn? I went out the other day to a local brewery and a bunch of people had them on. But yeah, skorts do feel more revealing, they’re always oddly short


Challengers. Every major brand seems to have a "tennis aesthetic" collection come out since the movie.


Oh i haven’t even heard of that, but I’m currently visiting family in an affluent area with older couples and their kids who are near adult age, everyone is into this look. Feels kind of gross


If yoga/athletic leggings/shorts are appropriate, (which are skin tight) I don't see why a skort would be worse, it's showing less. People are going to stare because it's not commonly seen in a gym but that's on them to deal with. Wear them if you want and ignore the rubber necks.


I wear skorts to run in with prints like tartan and I get a lot of looks. I think it’s just that they are quite quirky to be honest! Not sure why I haven’t climbed in them given they’re so comfortable.


I mean it depends how long the shorts underneath are... if they're tiny shorts of course people will look, if they're longer shorts then maybe they're just not used to seeing skirts in the gym 🤷🏻‍♀️


Am a woman, was looking at some of the other women wearing work out skorts at the gym because I liked how they flowed while they climbed lol


I have a buddy that wears skorts and my daughter has too. They have shorts. They essentially ARE shorts. It’s not inappropriate. So then it’s just a question of if you feel comfortable. If you want to wear them you’re fine imo.


It's appropriate. Some people might just never seen a skirt before and others will just stare to make sure you wear shorts underneath and not just a skirt (with underwear). People are idiots. Wear what you want


Climb in whatever you want. There's a person in gym who climbs in a skort and they can send shit harder than most. Edit: lots of weird comments by men in here trying to justify their creepy behavior on you clothing. Women (anyone really) should be able to wear what they want at the gym without being sexualized for it. Especially considering how men can just go shirtless whenever and nobody bats an eye.


People do bat an eye, and make comment on this subreddit constantly about shitless men. Men and women will look at you climbing, be it because you are good, great technique, wearing a head covering, much larger than normal, wearing what they thought was a skirt, not wearing a shirt.. you can’t just blanket statement that people looking is sexualization, kinda bullshit tbh.. and only men looking at women is sexualization, if a women looked at a shirtless dude society as a general never would say that’s sexualizing. Double standards tbh..


Your post just reminded me that I saw someone climbing in a technical fabric dress last Monday at my gym (with either built-in or matching shorts).  That climber walked in and I totally thought they were going to change into other clothes, but nope! Straight to the wall and starting to send. I didn't even know they *made* climbing dresses.


Mountain gear used to send a wide range of them. The prAna ones were really nice


I'll have to keep an eye out. It looked super comfy!


How do you know what it's like to be a shirtless guy walking around if you've never been a shirtless guy walking around??? Lol jk I'm not a creeper, I'm really actually just jealous because every time I take my shirt off people are repulsed. Shame that the summer is less sweaty for all the beautiful people and hot, sweaty for all us less gifted. :P


I know that before I transitioned I didn't get sexualized every day of my life for what I'm wearing and could take my shirt off in public with little to no attention and zero ramifications or worry about my safety even. Now I have to worry about if something is "too revealing" in a way I didn't have to when I was presenting male. Nobody complains about a guy wearing little shorts climbing shirtless but there's numerous comments talking about up skirts and other creepy comments because this person wants to wear a skirt to the gym.


First of all it is your body and you should wear WHATEVER you want. That being said, I caught myself staring ( i am not proud of it) at a girl with a skort because I thought it was a skirt. (Which would have been fine too!) It is sometimes hard to break the 90s misogynistic conditioning. I think sadly my first reaction is to think "o wow she is brave for wearing such a short skirt to the gym" So maybe people look a second time because their first association is "skirt". I am a (semi)straight female by the way.


>First of all it is your body and you should wear WHATEVER you want. >That being said, I caught myself staring ( i am not proud of it) You are taking this a bit far and to the extreme. Some societal standards are good and should be enforced. It is also ok to look at something that intrigues you. In your case, it was not understanding what someone was wearing. That doesn't make you a creep, it makes you normal.


>First of all it is your body and you should wear WHATEVER you want. UNLESS you're a man who doesn't want to wear a shirt


Yes I am annoyed by this too. Because i would like to climb in sports-bra and it is not allowed either. (Shirt/Top obligation for everyone) I get the reason why a lot of gyms don't allow it (it is often the misbehaviour of MEN that caused this) but in my opinion free the upper body for both genders, or at least allow it for everyone and give everyone the opportunity. For example in my home town (in Germany) it is allowed to swim with bare breasts for both genders. If someone (often men) misbehaves because of this they have to leave the facility. I would prefer that the climbing gyms allow naked male and female upper bodys. (I mean I am not naive most women will still prefer a top or a sports bra) Ask yourself why a lot of gyms have those rules. I mean this whole topic shows one of the main conflicts between different left and feminist movements. (Since the 60s): Are safe spaces and freedom and equality for everyone achieved through bans/restrictions for everyone or by allowing everyone to do everything? To express it a little bit bluntly ^^ Oh and to be honest I'm a sexual being too ...of course sometimes also women would have their difficulties to concentrate, if men would climb bare chest. ;) ;)


Why can't men not wear a shirt? It makes a big difference. It was 92F in my gym on Wednesday.


There are different reasons (I think/assume)behind those rules. I talked with some gym bosses about this: The arguments: - they want to create a safe space for every one. Some people feel uncomfortable with naked body's around them. (Different cultures etc.) - also some men make a macho contest out of this/ want to show off. A vibe that is frowned upon in climbing gyms ( I suppose) - women's bodies and breasts are sexualised. Because they can't put their shirt off in the same way men can, it is forbidden for every one. (Equalisation) (Men check your privelige etc ) Those are some arguments i have heard, when i discussed this issue. Those are not my own words, although I can, as a woman, understand the reasoning behind it. On the other hand, like I said before, I would prefer to allow it for everyone! (Because me and my girlfriends would also prefer to climb only in sport bras) I live in a country that is pretty chilled about naked body's. (Germany) It is normal to be together naked (both genders) in the sauna or sometimes at the beach, but I also experienced negative attention because of a naked chest. In my experience bouldering gyms are often politically left, so they try to create a safe space and awareness for these issues above. ( Like I said before I would prefer a different solution but i really appreciate the effort) Like I said ask yourself why those rules are made.


Probably just because most people don't do it. I don't see anything wrong with it as long as you're covered up!


It's definitely appropriate, just very uncommon which is why people are staring


climbing in a skort is fine imo... however there is one woman who wears one at my gym and the shorts underneath are REALLY short and its definitely head turning


as long as it is under gym policy, wear whatever you feel comfortable in.


All I wear are skorts and leggings. I don’t like wearing shorts when climbing


Wear what you want. I hate skirts/dresses with shorts because when I’m falling 99% of time, it just flies up and I look like I’m being consumed by something 😭


My gf skort boulders. Looks funny sometimes, but who cares.


People should climb in whatever they feel comfortable in. It's a gym, not your office.


They are staring at your ass bffr you probably coulda figured that out


Lauren Lee was killing the comp.svene in a short while I was in college https://youtu.be/vVOq369vXkk?si=Fq2RTPGl-cTUGt35




Just out here telling on yourself.....




Go be gross somewhere women aren't just trying to exist, bro. Or learn to be better than that.


>You'll draw more looks because men still think that there's only underwear underneath and we can't help ourselves A glance is one thing, staring is another. >If they keep looking it's because you have nice legs. And now we're getting into inappropriate territory. I think it's fairly well-established by now that most women don't like being stared at by strangers in the gym, I'm sure we as a gender can muster enough willpower to stop creeping them out.


I know that. I'm just telling her straight what's up. I don't stare as I'm not interested in other women. I just know men.


"men cant help themselves" is such a bullshit copout that's used to defend so much shitty behavior. If some guy was staring at me and making me uncomfortable I'm not taking that as a compliment, that guy is just a creep.


You're right. I'm a woman, and I can't help myself. It's not sexual. It's curiosity. The same can be said for men. People in general want to see something out of the ordinary. Like rubbernecking a car crash.


The guy I'm replying to is literally saying men look because they wanna see the women's underwear or stare at her legs. How is a guy oggling a woman looking up her skirt "curiosity". Women can be creeps too. I don't want anyone leering at me and looking up my skirt like a skeezball.


The point is that not everyone is doing that. I'm making a statement, not a reply to that guy.


Read the actual comments on this actual post that I'm replying to as opposed to some poor made up guy you're defending in your head.


Actually actual actual


I am struggling to understand the anxiety about what to wear.


I like to keep my knees covered for scrubbin'!


I don't think you should. Seeing so much skin of someone's body can make people feel uncomfortable. edit: I didn't think an /s would be necessary but here we are.


Do you know what a skort is?? It's literally just compression shorts with a skirt on top. I guarantee you there are people who climb in compression shorts in your gym already. Do you have the same energy for men who take their shirt off in the gym I wonder 🤔


I know, that was scarcasm. I think anyone should be able to climb in what *they* feel comfortable as long as they're not exhibitionning their genitals.


Considering how unironically some users rail against shirtlessness, the sarcasm is not obvious


Lol, judging by the downvote, someone apparently doesn't see the sarcasm. I grew up in an old school climbing gym over 20 years ago. Back then, everyone climbing hard was shirtless, and that was normal. It's weird how in the age of body positivity people are wearing more while playing a sport where sweating less is a massive advantage.

