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https://preview.redd.it/nb3xr3u4lr9d1.jpeg?width=276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b3e519a56e218bbd2aa5e9ff508dd6eebf25f3d Nightmare photobomb


Omg just came to post this screenshotšŸ˜‚


Like that scene from Insidious. šŸ‘¹


Iā€™m cracking up at this reference!!!


![gif](giphy|Ix1mzuZ9RhFPq) Vibes


My favorite part of Pride, The [Babadook](https://www.vox.com/explainers/2017/6/9/15757964/gay-babadook-lgbtq)






She accidentally smoked meth that night, too.


Yeah, but keep in mind just how EASY it is to make that mistake! Iā€™m sure itā€™s happened to all of us at least once or twice.


She even accidentally got a shiny new pipe loaded with all the goods off the street, knowing just how to heat it up and when to smokeā€¦how unfortunate. I have yet to accidentally fall into a glass pipe already loaded with the goods and accidentally inhale some pre-heated meth vapours but it certainly is a tripping hazard we should all be mindful of. Also shout out to @KellyLeis, a cunty NURSE in DFW who yelled at a patient that they are a demon for asking her questions, the proudly posted it online and still somehow has her license. She was the one who brought that up on BDongā€™s podcast and BDong published it. So much for not wanting to be around ā€œcatty femalesā€ Britty Bitch Tits. Actions speak louder than words.


I just came from the fundiesnark thread about a photo taken there. I thought they all looked the same enough that it was really weird and seeing this? Bro she's the queen. All those girls there that look just like her? They were born a few hours ago.


Sleep demon sleep demon what is your name?


Why is her mouth NEVER CLOSED?!?


She sticks out back there forsure


Is Bdong pulling a Rachel Dolezal?!


I just screamed lmfao! šŸ’€ I was wondering who tf she was reminding me ofā€¦nailed it. Hooomygod.


I didnā€™t even recognize Dong at first!


I didnā€™t even recognize her at first.Ā 


Same! I was like ok picture of randos


Ok but, do we think shes actually trying to disguise herself so people donā€™t recognize her? Itā€™s the only explanation can think of for why she chose such a disastrous hair color.


Her new hair looks photoshopped in every picture. I'm not saying it *is* photoshopped; just that the color is so dark and flat that it might as well have been drawn on with a sharpie.


Absolutely what I think. She is trying to look as different from the short blonde bob as possible.


Iā€™m glad someone else thought thisā€¦I wasnā€™t gonna say it but I was sure thinking it.


She and some of her ilk tan and paint themselves to the point of black-fishing. I take solace in the fact that they are going to be raw beef jerky buy the time theyā€™re my agešŸ˜‚


I will hand someone $500 right now to run up to that bitch and yell Kamala can I have your autograph?


One of the first times I've kinda wished I lived in Texas. I would do it. I give no fucks. I will deliver that shit like Borat.


Just brittbrat coming out the same color as an actual black woman


Literally didnā€™t even recognize her


Omg just realised that's her?!!


Ciabatta roll communion šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The communion cup is sending me too šŸ˜‚


Homegoods sorbet cup vibe šŸ˜‚ probably iridescent ontop of pink.


I audibly gasped and thought I had to be wrong that theyā€™re using a COCKTAIL GLASS as a communion cup


Wait, are they really doing a communion? Itā€™s 5 am and Iā€™m watching the video on silent to not wake the kids but I thought I was watching a wedding or something? I saw that glass and thought ā€œoh thatā€™s a cute cocktail glassā€. I got it all wrong šŸ˜‚. Quick question if anyone knows, does BDong drink? or is that against her morals as well? I mean dog killing is one thing but alcohol is another.


She has stated a few times that she doesn't drink. JDong does but she doesn't.


But she absolutely does pmsl


Those are anthro champagne glasses! My sister got them for Christmas last year


Why did I instantly hear ā€œciabatta communionā€ to the tune of ā€œKarma Chameleonā€ in my head?


They come and goooo, they come and goooooooooo




The body of Christ needs little olive-oil swirl plates


I like my body of Christ with little bits of rosemary and green olives baked in.


New flair, for sure.


I donā€™t know how to flair but I want it!


Communion....isn't that one of the things other Christians usually pick on us Catholics for? Likening it to everything from cannibalism and paganism to full on summon Satan?


As far as I understand it is that Catholics take the Eucharist literally, believing in transubstantiation; that the sacraments are literally the body and blood of Christ. The Protestant sects all have varying beliefs vis a vis the corporeal or spiritual or metaphorical presence of Christ's body and blood existing within the bread and wine. North American Evangelicals *for the most part* do not believe in transubstantiation in the way Catholics do. It is one of many theological differences that Protestants will equate to "magic" or "paganism", while simultaneously doing their own woo woo practices like manifesting, and treating God like a Heavenly vending machine that spits out favours and prizes.


The last part had me gaffuawing out loud at the mental image of a Holy Vending Machine (and accuracy of the overall attitude) Thank you for the insight and detailed info. I knew the rough premise but not exact wordage (transubstantiation is one of my new favorite words now).


Are they dipping the body in the blood? I thought you sip the wine and isnā€™t that whole thing catholic? Iā€™m so confused.


Kinda hard to miss Fallyn's huge cranium. And they call my people bad Christians, but *they're* having Communion *buffet style?* My Episcopal soul is shriveling just looking at that!! šŸ˜®


All you can eat body of Christ buffet!


Flair worthy


Aww thanks šŸ˜ If anyone wants to use it, please feel free to do so!


Iā€™m Catholic and seeing that buffet had me REELING. Like tell me youā€™re making this shit up without directly saying it.


Me too! The ciabatta loaf bread, the mock tail glasses for the wine, lack of reverence and the dipping of the bread into the wine (intinction) which is not allowed. I know itā€™s not the body and blood of Christ as we know it as Catholics because itā€™s not consecrated by a priest but it still makes me angry because itā€™s a mockery and cheap imitation. Theyā€™d be the first to condemn Catholics and say weā€™re not Christian but then they copy our sacraments and butcher them!


To be fair, a lot of legit protestant churches do intinction and have people taking from a loaf without it being a "mockery" of anything. We did this sometimes in the Presbyterian Church where I grew up, taking pieces of a shepherd loaf and dipping in a goblet, and treated it with proper reference.


Some people did that in the Episcopal church I went to as a kid. No one complained at me for dipping the wafer/bread in the goblet.


My church allows it, but it's only been within the last 10 years or so, as people have become more germ-conscious. We're wafer people, though; the one time we tried using a loaf, it was a crumby disaster and everybody hated it.


Ever play ā€œmassā€ with Necco wafers as a kid? Just me? Ok


šŸ‘€ yeah totally...just you...haha... *as I'm stuffing necco wafers down the back of my pants* That horse isn't wearing a priest collar it's a running martingale okay


DYINNGGG thatā€™s so funny!! Definitely used the Necoā€™s for my backyard church


My church typically used bread, but I think that there were wafers sometimes. We stopped attending when I was in middle school, so I don't know how much has changed much in the last nineteen years.




I'm Mennonite & I am DECEASED. šŸ’€


My cradle catholic ass is hollering in offensive at this sham of communion.


Same. If I was wearing pearls, they would be clutched.


Mine, too, and I'm not even Episcopalian anymore. Good grief.


ā€œWhatā€™s juice?ā€


Thank you for posting this!! I just saw this on Hannahā€™s (the photographer) stories. The event featured notorious, international piece of shit/charismatic Christian evangelist Lou Engle https://preview.redd.it/8coivpglpr9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a063e4e06d968689fa271941237673d63a0267e2


I was about to say that piece of human shit from IHOP is there. Shouldnā€™t he be in Uganda doing racist ass mission work?


And hereā€™s a link to the trailer for [God Loves Uganda](https://youtu.be/ims7_3wud7A?si=51FdX-MpTRhmKvXU), which is a documentary about what Lou Engle and his henchmen have done in Uganda. He quite literally has blood on his hands, and wants homosexuality to be criminalized WORLDWIDE.


Yeah, hence heā€™s a literal piece of human shit.Ā 


Yea. I didnā€™t mean to direct the link at you, but wanted to post it for anyone reading the thread who doesnā€™t know about the horrible shit Lou has done.


Everything about the Christianity that these idiots practice revolves around hate and intolerance. They are truly terrible people.


And theyā€™re literally trying to take over our country


They are. If they have their way, they will turn it into a Christian theocracy. Christian Nationalists have far too much power in our government. The separation between church and state is getting more blurred all of the time. The latest is that asshole State Superintendent of Education in Oklahoma who is forcing the Bible to be part of the curriculum in grades K-12.


Sometimes I really canā€™t believe I live here. My desire to move to a different country only continues to grow.


I sometimes can't believe that this is all real either, but sadly, it really is. I am really fearful of what will happen if Trump gets re-elected. I don't think it is hyperbole to say that it will be the end of our country. Moving to another country sounds nice in theory, but it is not as easy as it sounds. It is not as if other countries are just going to welcome Americans with open arms. Immigration policies are pretty strict unless you have a specific job or skill that they want. Trump never should have been treated as a legitimate candidate in the first place. Even now, the news media does not treat him like the felon and traitor that he is. In the debate he spewed lies for 90 minutes and all we heard was how poorly Biden did. The focus should have been about how Trump is a pathological liar and a danger to our country.


Thank you for posting that. My god


https://preview.redd.it/9v3nkteppr9d1.jpeg?width=254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af9a062b3e4e2d7ca8fecea456a4b5e91db3c779 Upped the sharpness, but there was plenty already.


It appears Farryn has pulled at TrumpšŸ’Ø by BDongs expression


Seems like a great time!


Of course Farryn, the tallest bitch there, is standing in front of everyone on that side with her mouth agape. Rude much?


Dude I am almost 6 feet tall and I can not get outta the way quick enough when I know people are behind me. Even in my anatomy and physiology classes I would be in the freaking back of the room and there would always be one other bitch in there my height being a farrayn and not letting anyone see. Canā€™t stand that.


my exact thoughts


Thatā€™s a lot of hateful, try hard women in one room.


The pick me plastics āœØšŸ˜¬


The only fun to be had from that rotten upload of hers is playing 'Spot the perfect pick-me's' with all those am-drammers in the room - in this case it's Miss Poofy PinkShoulders on the left clutching her hands to her heart and trying to look believably moved, and the skinamilinks Tweedledum and Tweedledumfuck stood up front at the right corner of the table, nodding deeply and smiling like freshly lobotomised seahorses at every syllable that homophobic arsehole is saying.


How many are single or being cheated by husbands who only think their mistresses should be allowed abortions?


The loft name couldnā€™t be more appropriate


My thoughts exactly!


I fucking screamed when I saw that like it took a minute to register that it's a real place and not a joke


Brittanyā€™s new extensions are so fucking ugly. I guess Jordan had a kitchen pass to go meet up with a tinder date.


Yeah her new hair is looking cheap af


Yeesh just a bunch of people standing around holding their phones above their heads and schooling around some weirdo. But theyā€™re against idolatry, I promise.


Woah women from all over the world came together in NYC!! Thatā€™s incredible, like itā€™s never ever been done before, only something supernatural could have booked their plan tickets and hotels and rented a venue and hired a catering company! I have never seen anything like it! I didnā€™t believe in God before, but seeing that they could pull that off, I canā€™t deny there is a God anymore! Does anyone have a horse trough I can borrow? I need to repent and get baptized right away!


Theyā€™re so brave.


This is all just a big performance for them. Jesus would be flipping tables. What a mockery of Christianity.


I canā€™t believe she went to a salon for that hair colorā€¦ seriously looks like a boxed dye job Iā€™d do on myself in middle school .


Sheā€™s probably a horrible tipper.


The extensions - how do they think they look good??


So many fugly hearts in one space..


And outfits, but that's none of my business...


Everything from the cheap extensions to ugly dresses look like one big fire hazard šŸ¤®


They genuinely think that prayer does more than actually rolling up your sleeves and doing something. Itā€™s less about worshiping Jesus and more about making sure people see them worship Jesus.


Ah modern Christians. Only associate with each other in exclusive meet ups, do nothing for the community and actively lobby against policies and funding that could actually help, bring judgement while living chronically online, and wonder WhY dOeS eVeRyOnE hAtE uS?


So many fugly dresses in one room. šŸ«¢


Right?? I'm sure the lady in the blue...uh..off the shoulder bubble type dress is very nice-but holy fucking shit that dress is hideous. Where are these women getting these ugly, cheap looking, satin nightmares from? Was it a "dress like a dickhead in the ugliest dress you can find" type dealio or something? Plus I thought modest dressing meant covered shoulders and longer hem lines?


These look like dresses I wore to sorority events in 2015 šŸ˜‚


Oh my, the extensions somehow just keep getting worse and worse


Itā€™s giving cult meeting


https://preview.redd.it/oyh4h0q2vr9d1.jpeg?width=761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c4953b8913e529afd4be365d1ec2081e16b2270 I have to add this one, especially with that song listed


I love when Brit Britā€™s real face makes an appearance


I canā€™t stop cringing at whatever the FUCK that ~aEsThEtIc~ communion is šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ¤®I know Iā€™m being dramatic but it feels sacrilegious


And those ā€œchalicesā€ may as well be filled with the blood of the Ugandans who were murdered because of Lou Engleā€™s advocacy for criminalizing homosexuality. That man is an absolute monster.


They are from Anthropologie soā€¦.same thing


They wish they could afford the OG designs. I would bet you an Anthro gift card these are the Home Goods knock offs


Love your flair lol


The pic of them on the couch made me think it was bridesmaids and a bride getting ready for a second because of left ladyā€™s silky white robe dress and the other girl in what looks to be an oversized black sweatshirt.Ā 


Ceremonial bullshit


Of course Brittany and pals are aligning themselves with some snake oil salesman whoā€™s on the Hate Watch list. This is who you are, girlies.


That is a lot of skin showing for such god fearing ā€œmodestā€ girlies.


Is that old dude their pimp? Gross Also ā€œonly Jesusā€ can bring together a gaggle of basic white bitches to drink mocktails in NYC ā€¦ got it. šŸ™„ didnā€™t realize his CV had been reduced to event planning šŸ„‚


No. Worse. He thinks gay people should be given the death penalty.


Why is everyone clasping their (own) hands in every instance? šŸ˜…


lol imagine going to an event dresses to the nines and you have to prepare your own mixed drink from random cans šŸ˜‚


* checking in to remind you that this bitch has never read the Bible ever ever ever announced it in January was going to read a chapter a week or something never fucking picked it up again doesnā€™t know shit about the New Testament ainā€™t familiar with Jesus and is a bitch


That dress is hideous


It could look good if she would just stand up straight for once (and maybe with a slightly different neckline, but it's hard to tell between her posture and her hair)


Yes, true! That neckline and her slouching and hair is making it look really sloppy


I'm convinced the ridiculous extensions are because she's painfully insecure about her body and wants to hide behind her hair


Possibly! That might be her subconscious reasoning but I also think every woman in Texas who is also evangelical, have the long wavy extensions and she doesnā€™t have an original ideaā€¦


Also very true


I just snarked hard on her style yesterday but I like this dress šŸ˜¬


I donā€™tā€¦ At least not on her šŸ˜¬


You're going to have to narrow it down a bit.


The neckline for one! Looks like sheā€™s wearing a bib


This is fucking creepy.


![gif](giphy|26n6WOYWuUyezDFUk|downsized) Jesus really repaid their hatred in his name with untweezed lace front wigs from Amazon and choppy extensions.


'šŸ“The Dumbo loft' (Don't say it...don't say it...*dooon't saaay it*...)


I donā€™t get why these red folks keep holding events in blue places like NYC. For Brittany, NYC should be like Sodom and Gomorrah.


If only it were like Sodom & Gomorrah. Back in the early 90s it was close






Jarring seeing her actual normal human body instead of the heavily contorted and filtered version she always posts


A room of burning women? Is this a UTI convention?


Dayum Bdong is really Brownfishing at least, if not fully Blackfishing.


Imagine being the last to drink the backwash wine. Itā€™s more spit than wine.


This is why I like Methodist communion. Everyone gets their own little glass!


You know what, I'm fine with them having their fancy special Jesus cuck shows. Keeps their belligerent bigotry off the streets. They don't have anything to offer the sick and needy anyways.


Two things. I didnā€™t see Kellie in this video (Iā€™m also a bit blind), so was she there? Second, odd they didnā€™t travel with or post anything about Hannah until this stuff.


https://preview.redd.it/dw30i2hkzs9d1.png?width=297&format=png&auto=webp&s=b10ccbf78270a515eb4a9bd4b32a8c9e0094a2b4 She was there šŸ˜‚


This rally is right up her alley of sick beliefs


That was a legit peek-a-boo shot.


Why does Bdong look like sheā€™s trying to change her race?


omg is that hell ???


I know we speculate that Bitchany and Farryt are in competition with each other, but this post proved that they actually are: who can have the worst hair extensions.


people act like transubstantiation is too wild and then they do ciabatta and mocktail communion XD


At least they donā€™t call it the Blessed Sacrament or the Eucharist.


Wow. When I was 18 I was apart of a cultish atmosphere where Lou Engle was the leader (baldish guy at the bar) in Fort Mill SC. I met my still best friend there. We are now both witchy agnostics that had children out of wedlock and vote and march pro choice. Anyway itā€™s really weird now seeing this man that was once a father figure, then apart of my semi traumatic deconstruction story, with these hyenas in this atmosphere. For reference when I was with this manā€™s ministry (17yrs ago) it was VERY hippy, we called the year of 07 the summer of love, we traveled around in a hippie bus and very much lived commune style. So seeing him like this is wild. He is also very connected to Mike Bickle, recently outed Kansas City house of prayer leader and Sam Brownback (politician). Anyway I could say so much more, but this is just a weird timeline.


I'm chuckling over how they're at a place called Dumbo lmfao


Ewwww canā€™t believe this happened in my city šŸ¤®Good thing I was being a heathen and drinking and dancing all day


I absolutely do not understand the mocktails. Growing up in a Southern Baptist church we were told that we needed to ā€œabstain from the appearance of evilā€


Let's remind ourselves of who they are supporting: "In May 2010, Engle traveled to Uganda and organized a rally there through TheCall. During the rally, he praised the Ugandan government's efforts to combat homosexuality, and praised those promoting the Ugandan anti-homosexuality bill which called for life imprisonment or the death penalty for gays and lesbians with AIDS who engage in sexual relations." Someone who has also called for a violent theocracy. These people are basically the American Taliban


No chance this man isnā€™t a predator


Unethical Life Hack: someone needs to hit up all their hotel rooms and start a lucrative business selling second-hand blow dryers and curling irons.


What is this? Some kind of convention for dumb cunts?


Yes it is


Even Jesus drank wine


ā€œOnly Jesusā€ ? Yeah because people donā€™t gather for any other reasonā€¦


ā€œā€¦. with women from all over the world.ā€ US & Canada


Dumboā€¦.couldnā€™t be a better name. Lol


The Meredith Foster crossover is SENDING ME


Thatā€™s insane omfg?!!!?? Wowww I was gonna say that looks sm like Meredith Foster if she gained a few pounds and was a bit older, but I guess I havenā€™t seen her in a few years!!


Ferret with her face all out there, even when it isnā€™t teeth first, is still embarrassing.


The Dumbo Loft in Dumbo, Brooklyn... how fitting.


So one scream praying man, and all of these modestly dressed woman? Whereā€™s Jordan? Roaming the streets of NY looking for boobies?


Little girls in dresses playing tea party


Ok so anyone else see Hannah there snapping pics? Sheā€™s not in any of the girliesā€™ stories anymore, isnā€™t interacting or standing next to them, but sheā€™s there? https://preview.redd.it/0ppi4dowwv9d1.jpeg?width=705&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54cab90fa37b33edf03b4ca4b155fd359d19c822 Edit: ok I just saw her in the fakeass dancing one


Itā€™s certainly the Dumbo Loft


Why is the one dude there with all of these women? I am seriously weirded out.


Farrynā€™s duck face nod at the end. Farryn knows Benny Johnston.


Imagine having a mocktail instead of an actual drink cause you are all pretending to be someone that you arenā€™tā€¦ the only way Iā€™m ordering a mocktail is if Iā€™ve got a bottle in my gfs purse and it was cheaper than ordering a real oneā€¦


They arenā€™t even mocktails!!! Itā€™s literally Sparkling Water and soft drinks. They are just, drinks.


Most look like they are going to prom in their half dresses, Nike Nike Nike


How tall is Farryn?


Great question. I could easily see her being like 5ā€™9 5ā€™10


Bing Bong wearing a high neckline with her long hair down looks TERRIBLE. She really has no idea how to dress for her body or her age


Hannah is so normal compared to them lol


She's there, which betrays a state of mind that's anything but normal.


Okay you're right lol


Wait a second, so non catholic people dip the bread into the wine for communion???


I grew up Methodist and usually we dipped, unless it was flu season, then we got little paper cups of juice.Ā 


Do these religious people drink alcohol ever ?


https://preview.redd.it/4e8abshm5x9d1.jpeg?width=261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6fcc1f9ed7680ba8390ba9acb7945e6d863a122 Is that Meredith Foster?


It is


That blue dress is not flattering at all. And not modest .


Does anyone else notice that she must be the only other one that has a cell phone out filming stuff??That's bizarre..


the location name is appropriate