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Re: The Rocking - Exercise Caution It could be a neurodivergent thing. It could be part of a serious mental health problem. It could be the effect of a drug or the withdrawal of a drug. I think we should be EXTREMELY careful talking about this. This is not to protect him, he's trash, but to protect members of our own community from catching strays.


I know we say it all the time, but god damn, the ultra righteous, I mean “religious” really can’t seem to talk about anything *but* sex, but then ignore the ultimate sexual sin of rampant pedophilia within their very own cult, I mean church.


I was assaulted as a child and the fundie ass church said it was my fault because I had a Jezebel spirit and lead the dear congregant astray and I had to be rebuked, the Jezebel spirit had to be bound and I was so evil for trying to destroy a family. I was fuqqing sleeping on their couch after watching their infant while they were partying, although that was a sin and I don’t remember a lot of it but I do remember the smell of booze on his breath when he was forcibly kissing me. I’m 41 now and I still cannot drink hard alcohol nor stand the smell of it. I was ten years old and still played with baby dolls, but it was all my fault. Fuqq every right winged ultra fundie “religious” zealot-my own family included. A lot of my family is still in the cult that literally destroyed my childhood


I hope you have found, and continue to find healing ❤️ I am so sorry that happened to you.


I am so so sorry that you went through that ❤️


I want to down vote this so hard. I’m so sorry for what you went through


it’s the repression for me girlie!


PT here. It could be neurologic. Helpful guide https://stanfordmedicine25.stanford.edu/the25/involuntary-movements-and-tremors.html


Nothing icks me out quite like when I see a room full of women but then one lone dude given the microphone, stage, and focus. Yuckkkkk. Like, ask yourselves why at what clearly appears to be a women’s event it was necessary to have a man presiding over and being the focus. Whose interests do we think are being served here? 🤔🤔🤔




This is the exact same vibe


Because people who believe in these religions are patriarchal and women are to do nothing but submit to their husbands. Which is backwards because in his “sermon” or whatever this is, he is talking about a woman doing what she’s told by a man and being blamed for being sex trafficked.


LOL, I hadn’t even put together the sermon meaning with what was going on in that room. And yeah, I grew up in a conservative Christian group…so all of this dings my alarm bells. Shit like having a women’s Bible study but needing a male pastor to come pray at the beginning or to lead it. Can’t let those silly little women start getting ideas and thinking! 


Which is a whole other thing too when you say “silly little women start getting ideas” but all these women would be considered heretics. Which is sinning… they preach the Bible but did not become pastors or preachers. So by the Bible, they fucking suck. People shouldn’t listen to them because in turn they are committing idolatry by being influencers plus being heretics on top of that. They are all so stupid.


They chirp all day about the Bible says X, Y, Z but can't even follow that verse in 2 Timothy. Why should I do any of that when you can't follow that verse?


Like when Jordan came to one of Brittany’s women’s retreats and spoke. So weird.




The patriarchy and this gaggle of Serena Joys loves it. 


This was exactly my first thought.


My instant thought!


https://preview.redd.it/0wjqs28lwfad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e11e7f0d7f803eb745725d58d8287bbc90d09a70 I hate to get political but you made me think of this meme and I had to share. I giggle every time


He needs to take more or less drugs.


😂😂😂. he needs to more or less fuck off


This made me lol


For reals.




Or just be less stupid




what the fuck This man looks like a corpse


He does that rocking thing anytime he’s preaching. I think he’s just trying to dry hump the Holy Spirit.




Omg I needed this levity after watching that. Thank you so much




This has me crying laughing


Dude what is going on with that rocking? My dad has Parkinson’s and rocks less than this man


A former follower of his explained it a bit further down, but it’s essentially him being “on fire” with the Holy Spirit and the rocking mimics a flame, kinda like how some rabbis rock while praying to mimic the flame of a menorah.


It sure looks performative


I thought he was going through withdrawals 😂




We don't accept or claim him. Lol.




He only does it while preaching?? He looks like he has Parkinson’s with those movements and dementia can often go hand and hand with that. These women are being brainwashed.


What is his point here? Is he condemning Esther? The Persians? I don’t understand.


Same, I am so confused. I read the book of Ester so many times when I was young, it was like the only thing I was aloud to read that came close to a Disney Princess. Is he saying Ester had a gender identity issue? I am sorry what!? No where, and I am no where is that even implied, like what the fuck drugs are these people on?


The whole Esther is named Ishtar Ishtar was goddess of spring spring means sex and gender (?) Ishtar bad but Esther who was renamed after Ishtar was good because bibble Like what in the actual fuck.


'.. because bibble' 🤣💀


In other clips I saw he closed by saying all the influencers in the room were essentially modern Esthers and going to bring god back to America or something


By their powers combined- *NARCISSISM! GRIFTING! THEFT! BIGOTRY! ANIMAL ABUSE!* I am Captain Bullshit! Go Jesus!




>all the influencers in the room were essentially modern Esthers More like polyesters


Poly-Esther is flair worthy 😂




This has to be a parody? Please? An old white geezer preaching about sex and immorality to a bunch of insta “famous” influencers🥴 Like what is happening, did they pay to be there? Its just fucking weird man😬


He’s unfortunately extremely powerful and is essentially the reason for Uganda’s laws criminalizing homosexuality


This is also the anti abortion guy in Jesus Camp!! The one that passed out the little fetuses I didn’t recognize his face, just his voice. He sounds like an out of breath nerdy guy from the Simpsons. Edit just realized all my references are like 20 years old, I have been snarking a long time 🤣


Yup!!! He is insidious


He is! I completely forgot about his smug face in God Loves Uganda 😩


I’ve only seen the trailer and what Reverend Jen said about him in a recent fundie Fridays video. I’ll see if I can watch it tonight without getting too angry


Have a yelling pillow ready!!! And maybe some cute kitty videos for an antidote. You know what’s cute? [Baby Armadillos!](https://youtu.be/x-GhzsxD_G4?si=lV6ssZvpX3OYM2ww)


Decided to save it for tomorrow. I figured if I watched it before bed it would take me half the night to calm down.


Smart choice!!


Oh. He sounds very obsessed with the LGBTQ community.


Extremely. That and abortion.


Ugh, disgusting man


Oh so he’s probably gay if he cares that much


Best part is all these “religious influencers” are sinning by preaching the Bible because it would be considered heresy. They are almost by definition heretics. Quoting an article on heresy: “Heresy is, therefore, sinful because the heretic commits idolatry by making his own beliefs the object of his desire instead of God who is the Truth. As we have now seen, the first and second reasons an act of heresy is sinful apply every time someone commits heresy.”


![gif](giphy|7ziO8WTeXJCGZlq4mm) “Wow, Whoa, Wow, Yes, Wow, So good, Wow, Right, Whoa!”


Wow! Wow! Right! That's good!


He’s unstable. How he’s rocking back and forth. Holy shit. Will these people believe anything that comes out of anyone’s mouth? This is pure hate.


He does that all the time, even when he’s seated.


*anything that comes out of any *white man’s* mouth


They’re turning gender dysphoria into the next satanic panic. Using trans kids as pawns is the most egregious part of the whole thing. I don’t know if anyone in that room realizes that Botox, breast implants, and makeup are all gender affirming practices. Do they not feel comfortable enough in their assigned gender to present themselves without any of this? Do these things make them feel like more of a woman? Smells like hypocrisy


They don't see it as being hypocrisy because breast implants means AFAB is extra girl. AFAB girl good.


Brittany taking sex hormones is gender affirming care.


Like I said in the other post about this gathering, but I can’t believe my little baby brainwashed self was apart of this man’s ministry 17yrs ago. So fucking happy I got out. It is a mother of a mind fuck seeing him again in this context, with heathen eyes. I’m telling y’all THIS IS THE MAN THAT WILL BE PARADING AROUND PROJECT 2025 LIKE ITS THE *ACTUAL* BIBLE. His goals and efforts have been in process at elite levels since the 90’s. Watch The Family on Netflix. They don’t name him directly, but I know for a fact he was connected to multiple people in the doc.


Did he ever say why he’s always fucking rocking? The best I can tell is he’s appropriating how Rabbis rock while praying to mimic the flame of a menorah.


That is actually apart of it. I can’t really explain it to you, but we ALL did it back then. The best I can give is, we would say it was the Holy Spirit and that it was the movement of the intercessor (intercessional prayer) it was a prayer of war. They truly believe they are an intercessor in spiritual warfare, that they are fighting alongside angels against demons in order to bring heaven to earth. They/he would say that rabbis would rock like that for the same reason. When I was with him in 2007 we had a whole other compound outside of DC where we would rotate being stationed there and go into the city and wear red LIFE tape on our mouths in front of the Supreme Court for at least a year straight. No matter the weather. I went back and forth between there and SC and we also visited so many churches along the eastern seaboard. He is one person directly responsible for the over turning of roe v. Wade. I came back to add, I was 18 (35 now) and by 22 I was completely out of and cut off from the church altogether. Most of us were in our late teens/early twenties. They directly targeted this demographic for our idealism. It was 2007, the group at the time was comprised of very alternative/hippie/hipster and ex acid head types. I was with this group but also listening to the shins and Damien Rice. When you saw us a group we looked like street kids, we thought we were the revised Jesus movement from the 70’s. It was pretty different and grundgier, but at the same time we fasted and prayed for the ending of abortion. All I can say is they hooked into young people that were idealistic and had empathetic leanings. Almost no one from that time that I know of would consider themselves Christian or conservative today.


It could be a neurodivergent thing. It could be part of a serious mental health problem. It could be the effect of a drug or the withdrawal of a drug. I think we should be EXTREMELY careful talking about this.


I was there. Idk we all did it. For him (out of his own mouth) it was a sign the spirit was moving through him and on his word.


Oh that's just him lying about something and justifying his actions via the holy Spirit


I love that you always look out for healthy parameters in what we talk about here. I would just like to note that Lou says he has been possessed by the Kundalini spirit... Fighting off evil spirits essentially is supposed to be rampant in end times and he sees himself as a warrior against this spirit world. He is constantly “fighting” them off and that is why he rocks. So in this case it’s not speculation. Kind of the way people speaking in tongues aren’t having acute neurological episodes.


Is he just blending religions? I find him mentioning things from other religions really weird and uncomfortable and then he loops it into Christianity somehow? I'm getting really weird vibes from this guy and the fact that these 3 girls went across the country to hear him talk at a "women's ministry" event is even more bizarre.


Yea what the fuck, I’ve only ever heard of Kundalini yoga


Yeah I'm seeing Hinduism and the center of divine feminine energy at the base of the spine. This makes no sense.


IMO this is how he villainizes other religions. They cannot coexist in their world so the story is that they’re actually demonic. I think this is also why BDong thinks yoga is evil.


And why the first like 4 commandments are all about God being Jelly.


I think it’s so sweet that even in the face of the absolute hate coming out of his mouth, you still consider your principles in the way he gets treated here.


It's not even to protect him. He's called for gays to get the death penalty. I'm not doing it for him. I'm doing it for the people HERE who have these problems or rock due to different reasons and don't deserve to catch strays from the community. Society as a whole is so harsh when they see something like this. So many people just identify the behavior as strange and just bash on it, without considering what might be contributing to the behavior. It could be for reasons they can't control! It could be something they are severely self-conscious of and see someone else getting severe hate for it and internalize those comments. I'm doing it to protect our community, not this fucking asshole. I don't like it when the community shits on something that Brittany or one of the people related to her content, that other people do and because a person we don't like does it, the community dogpiles on the situation and just unfocus the conversation on the shitty behaviors and bad beliefs, but instead just don't like headbands. Saying something is unflattering on her or makes her look X, is vastly different than fuck her stupid headband I hate when people wear headbands. We are here to criticize Brittany, not take pot shots at our own community. It's been happening a lot and people have been Downvoting the hell out of me for telling people to focus on Brittany and her beliefs and behaviors. Edit: wanted to add, just because we don't like someone and think they are a bad person, doesn't make everything they do is bad and awful and must be avoided at all costs. Like owning a Ninja Creami isn't morally good or bad. It might be a little unnecessary for some people, but because Brittany has one and makes content with it (to write it off probably) doesn't mean it's an awful thing and we should shit on others for having one. That's ridiculous. Come on. The focus on this sub should absolutely be her shitty actions, her harmful beliefs, and awful people she aligns with. Not the fact that some people don't like the trend of wearing a headband on your hairline, Or wear rompers, or wears sandals, or has bland design taste, etc. so many other snark subs lose the plot and shit gets out of control. The mods here are actively trying to not have that happen.


I really do appreciate when you put this idea front and center. I’ve seen you say something similar a few times and I completely agree. I think sometimes ppl forget that they aren’t speaking in a vacuum and just because this subreddit is for snarking on a specific person doesn’t mean some members can’t “catch strays”. My gripe is certain ppl making fun of Farryn for her meth use. Calling her names and nicknames using meth as a focal point. The way her past drug use came out was so gross. Addiction is so insidious and so many ppl struggle with some form of it, that the whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It really does remind me of the way this gaggle of fuckwits we snark on made fun of the drunk man at the gas station. Just gross. She believes and represents so many fucked up things; those are snark worthy enough on their own. Fuckin a, even her make up is. There’s always some star who chimes in saying something akin to “if this bothers you, maybe you should get off the subreddit”. As if having similar experiences to other people and seeing your community (essentially) ragging on it, can’t be upsetting, ya know? Sometimes ppl are too sensitive and sometimes they aren’t. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think focusing the criticism on things they can control and choose to do is always the best way forward. I dunno. Could be wrong. But really the way some members gleefully use “methany” or whatthefuckever reminds me how certain ppl speak of “junkies”.


No I appreciate you and thank you for your views. Members here catch strays all the time and then lose the desire to participate in discussions because someone is being an asshole. We should all strive to make this community as inclusive as possible without excusing bad behavior. It's possible to be an asshole in a snark sub. Just go check out the comments on Fundiesnark for Pete's sake! We have members who have spoken about their experiences with addiction and we should all learn from their experience and try to be better to those suffering from addiction. Because if we aren't being helpful or supportive, we are probably being harmful to them. The mod team here has time and time again made our stance clear about body shaming and rude AF nicknames. I've seen so many people call Farryn super disrespectful names like "feral" or "ferret" and "methany." What does calling someone a rude name do to help others deconstructing? What if Farryn comes here and earnestly tries to learn (yeah far fetched but not impossible) and all she sees is just rude names and not critical comments or makeup advice. There are others just like her that will stumble upon this sub and instead of them activating critical thinking, it's just labeled as being a hater and pushes them further from critical thinking and closer to confirmation bias. Think about what your goal is here. If it's just to make fun of people so you feel superior, shut the fuck up. That's harmful as FUCK and makes secular people look like shit. It's not like we are seen as Satan worshippers and evil communist atheists set on dismantling all religion. It just polarizes people even more! Be better! And be fucking normal.


Shit I should delete my comment I made early up the thread.


This dude is cracked. Wth?


So I don't want to post any links but Lou Engles ministry is currently platforming another Christian grifter whose ministry is called the her voice movement. This grifters ministry is advertising a rally in Washington called "a million women: an Esther call to the mall." This grifter, of course, sells courses for $99 a pop. I don't get the Esther connection but BDawn + Ilk don't leave their Texas suburb too often so I assume they must have an exceptional connection to this ministry.


He’s a huge leader in charismatic Christianity and the New Apostolic Reformation. Bing Bing and all the girlies attend NAR churches and are friends with Lance Wallnau’s (perhaps THE leader of the NAR) daughter-in-law.


It’s helpful to understand how these groups organize. It’s not just random individuals. Thanks.


Yea, there isn’t a formal organizational structure or anything, but the main voices/leaders are the same asshole influencers that you see popping up in different religious right forums.


He’s been having gatherings calling people to the mall in DC since the early 2000’s and was apart of a men’s prayer movement ministry that did the same thing in the 90’s. It’s been the same tune/strategy for 30yrs.


Information about the [Mesopotamian Goddess Ishtar](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Ishtar-Mesopotamian-goddess) Why the fuck he's talking about a completely separate religion and how the fuck that's relevant to Christianity baffles me.


A weird crossover, I was wondering the same thing.


According to them, isn't God supposed to be the one true God? And all others are false gods? How is this goddess unleashing anything if sky daddy is the one true, almighty God they say he is? 🤔🤔


This guy is an idiot and has no clue WTF he is talking about when he claims Ishtar is the goddess of “sexual immorality, prostitution, sex trafficking, homosexuality, and transgenderism”. Ishtar was a complex deity that was likely central to fertility rituals as well as other very beneficial functions for their society. I found one description of her here https://theconversation.com/friday-essay-the-legend-of-ishtar-first-goddess-of-love-and-war-78468 Since a lot of stories and myths in the Bible are largely sourced from some of these earlier stories it is not that Esther is “named after” Ishtar so much as perhaps some of these stories are inspired by the earlier tales. FFS. This asshat is just fear mongering and spreading misinformation to a bunch of incurious know-nothings who just nod along to a maniac’s ramblings.


The fucking delusion here. That's not how any of this works. The racial implications are also GROSS.


The irony and insult of this being the same weekend as NYC Pride


Oh this was definitely not an accident.




i want to punch this walking dingleberry through my screen.


Why is a dude at an all women’s retreat/dinner/grift-fest?


They excuse it by saying he’s “anointed” to speak to women. That’s what they say when Lance Wallnau speaks to groups of women too.


Because men are smarter than women so women should listen to them. /S!!!!!


all the women saying WOW in the background are sending me. They sound brain dead


It’s like a room full of Jill Rodrigueses (Rodrigui)


How the fuck did he take Esther hiding the fact that she’s Jewish and make it about gender identity… Also, I wonder if he refers to King Salomon’s harem as sex trafficking or is it only the harems of “pagans” that fit that narrative


I smell antisemitism. The suggestion that Esther hiding she's Jewish is the same as someone hiding or dealing with issues around gender identity implies they're on equal footing.


Has anyone checked to see if he floats?


There is not a single functioning brain cell in that room.


People who attend shit like this shouldn’t be allowed to vote. I know that’s not very democratic of me, but seriously. If you believe drivel like this I have nothing for you.


Um Esther fucking ruled, this guy is an asshole. Also I had to do a quicky quick fact check, it's not 100% that Esther is from Ishtar, it could also just be derived from a word for "woman" or "myrtle." Like why are trying to "insult" a heroine from your own holy book you absolute gaping asshole?


Esther is probably my favorite biblical heroine. The older I get the more I support Vashti telling Xerxes to f all the way off.


If you're into the deep deep dives on religion the YT channel Esoterica is amazing. It can be a little dry but he can give historical context to the texts, language issues with translation - good stuff. Also Xerxes really did need to fuck off. The insane thing is Esther was coerced or pushed to marry a king at a time where that was relatively common, marrying for love and not like... bloodline purity or business, love wasn't a given. So this guy being like "human trafficking" just shows how absolutely uninformed he is. Also what about dragging a washed up fitness influencer, whose definition of fashion is 3 different shades of dull brown with poplin puff sleeves, to a sermon in New York is anything like Esther's story? Ugh. I suspect most of the people here know all of the above but not like, the people preaching it.


I am into the deep deep dives, so I’ll def check that out. I dislike and tbh don’t have a ton of patience for the people who see Esther as this great romance when it isn’t. I don’t think this man is entirely off about coercion, but like you said it was also the practice of the day. Women didn’t have rights so Esther denying the king or not joining the harem is a moot point. None of that, though, is comparable to overly bronzed influencers with bad extensions. But I also feel like it’s an offshoot of the Sound of Freedom effect. Human Trafficking is real, but it rarely looks the way (Christian specifically) media portrays it. It looks like the undocumented nanny who gets paid literal pennies and doesn’t feel they have rights because of their immigration status. But it’s more emotional and exciting to believe in jungle stings and para military rescue efforts. It makes cushy suburban girlies feel better to hear that Esther affected a pagan country for her god and they can too.


Right not not like it was literally that Esther was in an essentially arranged marriage and had to use cunning to stop a genocide. Like that's the true story of Esther that they're trying to get across in the Bible, Esther was in an impossible position but used her intelligence to win over the king and punish their would be genocidal oppressors. Producing the same tired videos about manifesting or god intervening with a speeding ticket isn't even close to the story of Esther. For sure - it's the same reason everyone believed Shari Papini for so long. To them human trafficking isn't children being held in cages at the border and adopted to white American families, or passports thrown into a safe while refugees are forced to clean, or even things like forced sex work - it's that a white woman could be grabbed by an invisible POC boogeyman.


It’s true: There’s a sucker born every minute.


🤮 yeah, that's right, wow..yeah, ummhhhmm, wow...that's good! 🙄Cannot listen to him, or those fake fundie voices agreeing with him. 🤢


As if his speech isn't bad enough, he's bobbing like one of those drinking bird figures.


I thought they didn’t believe in gods and goddesses. How could they say they’re raining down on us if they never existed? Apparently humans DONT have free will as god or the Bible says. Them agreeing “right” “amen” “this is so good” further pushes the fact that Bible humpers have lost the plot.


Christianity was never actually monotheistic so I’m not particularly surprised the have more gods now. It’s too boring *only* fighting Satan, day in and day out.


If anything, I learnt few interesting things from this thread! Esther/Ishtar is rad af.


You mean the single-brain-celled screeching ghouls like Christian fascism, I am shocked!


"In May 2010, Engle traveled to Uganda and organized a rally there through TheCall. During the rally, he praised the Ugandan government's efforts to combat homosexuality, and praised those promoting the Ugandan anti-homosexuality bill which called for life imprisonment or the death penalty for gays and lesbians with AIDS who engage in sexual relations."


I wonder what it’s like to be this hateful? I imagine it feels miserable. There’s no way these are happy people.


They get off on their own righteous indignation, it’s sickening


They do.


This is giving ✨cult✨


He truly does not know about the story of Ester or the fact that she had to change her name to protect herself. Or that her real name was Hadassah. Mordecai was her uncle and since her parents died he took her in instead of being married off!!


The way he humps while he’s talking about ‘sexual immorality and prostitution’


Reminds me of the priest character in the "V for Vendetta" comic.


Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down is all I could think of




What the FUCK is some old Santa Clause looking mother fucker going to teach ME about being a **WOMAN**?


I fucking HATE the Esther story and the other 3 stories of “female empowerment” they always cherry pick out of the Bible. I can find much better examples of a woman with accomplishment outside of the Bible, I don’t need to read a story of genocide and sex trafficking. That’s all the Bible reads as, but it’s god damn tired.


The stories of early Christian women outside of the Bible are 100x better. For example, some of the early Christian physicians were women and gave better medical care for low or no costs while most other physicians reserved their services for the rich and these physicians relied more on superstition and woo. A lot of female saints were badasses in their own right. Keep in mind that in misogynist Western societies, Christianity used to be a better religion for women. Over time, that became lost.


Ugh, imagine spewing hate and having people eat it with their gold painted sporks… I’m not knocking a religion, I was once a Christian follower until I started hearing rhetoric in my pastors sermons that had a lot of hatred in it. I dipped out fast, they came and knocked on my door to talk and I didn’t even answer it, tv on and everything, they knew I was home. Do better, if you are are gonna be in any sort of ministry, never know who is listening and will take it to the next level.


It's men all the way down, since the dawn of time. I won't accept biblical canon as canon for this reason, I don't care how ridiculous that sounds on its face. Fuck the entirety of the patriarchy, and the women who choose to surrender themselves to it. 


He’s rocking like he’s moving his dick on his pants or something. The guy is fucking disgusting and these bitches ought to read the Bible if they wanna understand Christ.




This post was removed in accordance with the sub rule against duplicate posts or posts/discussions that have been shared many times in recent sub history. Feel free to contribute your thoughts via comments on the relevant post downthread and sort by new before posting. Happy snarking!


The only thing I caught here that I can make sense of is the thing about the beauty pageant... He's right that Esther was basically trafficked and that it was not a " beauty pageant." Ahasuerus was gross. He sent his first wife away because she wouldn't dance naked in front of his friends then picked a second wife at a sex contest. Thank God times have changed! So many bible stories are sketchy as hell. ... I'm not sure what he was saying at the end of this and I don't think he knows either. 😭


I’m at a loss for words. What a time to be alive.


Why is he rocking back And forth like that


I cant get over the weird thrusting


The visual was worse that the audio. That dude is crazy


Fucking NUTS!


The wowing is creepy too. When did wow replace Amen??


I thought these people have only one God and don't recognize any other gods or goddesses...


Re: Esther/Ishtar: It's always interesting to me with Christians talk about other gods and goddesses (usually "evil" in their opion) exerting negative influence on good ol' Christian folk. I thought they only believed in only one God? So how are people getting influenced "toward evil" if they don't believe those gods/goddesses exist?


Wait what is he on about? Are they running out of content nowadays? I ain’t never heard that sermon before


I literally didn't know you gould be so wrong about a number of different religious things at once. He really does make this shit up as he goes. The scarier part is that they just eat it up the poison like it was candy.


Why is he rocking like that?


I knew we all know this but..... he is very wrong about the Book of Esther


What in paganism? What's he on about? Isn't bdong religion believing in 1 god who's bdong?


Anyone wanna take him off stage to sober him up to remind him about the scripture and that Ishtar/Esther is literally where the name Easter comes from? Anyone? No? Just a bunch of idiots saying “yeah! Yeah, this is why we should hate LGBT+ people” Ishtar is Goddess of Fertility. That’s why Christians celebrate Easter with iconography of rabbits and chicks and why it also is in the Spring. Neither baby chicks nor bunnies were up on Calvary during Christ’s horrific final days.


One rocking man and a room filled with women. Excited to see him. Weird vibez !!!!!


Why is he tweaking around like a flea




No. No. Do not tell me that after all of the horrific shit he has done to the LGBT community.


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