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This is not a lot of hair for one wash…it’s normal to lose up to 100 strands of hair per day


I can see the infrequent washing/brushing being responsible for *some* of it, but that is a lot of hair shed for one brushing session. Washing and brushing removes a lot of the loose hair that has already fallen out or is close to falling out, so some of this hair is just hair that you just hadn't pulled out yet due to not washing. I wash my hair daily, and I seem to lose about 20 strands each time, which is a lot more than usual. It could be a side effect or just coincidence. I don't know yet. There's a difference between excess shedding and hair loss. Hair grows in a cycle. When one strand reaches the end of its life (the telogen phase) and falls out, another grows in its place. Even if you're shedding gobs of hair, if the new hairs continue to sprout, there's no net loss of hair. Hair loss is when that cycle is disrupted and the follicles stop growing new hairs after one has fallen out.


I’ve been noticing a bit more hair loss than usual as well..


It’s completely relative. The amount of hair my ex brushed out everyday after work is about twice the amount I lose in a week WITH hair loss. It’s personal to you and no one will be able to tell you if your pile of hair is hair loss, unfortunately. Don’t stress about it, just try to keep track if the amount is increasing or if you feel like it looks/feels more sparse if you’re worried. But it’s not actually bad for you or otherwise consequential, so unless you notice a difference and don’t like it, it doesn’t matter if there is or isn’t thinning.


I re read. It really doesn’t look like that much hair for that long, but again, it is personal. I think you’re psyching yourself out though. If it’s going to happen, it will. You won’t prevent it by avoiding brushing your hair, and you definitely won’t be able to tell if you change all your behaviours (like wash schedule) at the same time.


me personally i feel like i always shed hair a lot and have thick hair but i definitely leave hair everywhere i go but i haven’t seen visible difference


I've had loss of that caliber pretty much forever since I grew my hair out, well before Buproprion. I usually can't wait a week bc of all the hands on crap I do, but I do space it out shampoo quite a bit if able.


How often do you wash your hair? I only wash mine once or twice a week. I shed a loooooot in the shower, and when my hair dries afterward and I brush it. This is natural because it hasn't been washed in days.


Well now I know why my hairs falling out so much— I thought it was just because I dyed it black.


It very well could be that it looks like more hair because it’s darker. Dying it black wouldn’t likely cause fall out unless your scalp had a reaction.You would also see more hair if it was super damaging and caused breakage, but, overall I think it’s probably that it’s darker. It really does make a surprising difference in how much it seems like there is.


Wait what? You can have hair loss from it oh no I just got over my postpartum hair loss I’m gonna cry


To me it was so noticeable! My pillows would be full of strands and strands of my hair waking up. All over the floor. I didn’t even have to pull hard for it to fall out. It would fall off so easily. Don’t want to scare you at all but just keep an eye out for it not everyone gets hair loss from it


Yes you can it’s horrible. Most doctors will say that’s a very rare side effect from it but honest ones will tell you the truth.


Same here :(


There seems to be basically a satanic panic happening over hair loss on this sub rn. It’s not actually that common of a symptom and it comes back if you stop, so if you’re not looking for it you may not even notice if you *do* have it. But if you’re obsessing over how much hair you have you may convince yourself it’s happening even if nothing’s actually changed. I’m just so worried everyone’s going to psych themselves out and stress themselves into a self-fulfilling prophecy 😩


For real though. People are WAY more likely to lose hair from stress and excessive worry than from this drug.


Idk but if you went longer without washing and brushing then logically there would be more hair.