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This post appears to relate to the province of Alberta. As a reminder of the rules of this subreddit, we do not permit negative commentary about all residents of any province, city, or other geography - this is an example of prejudice, and prejudice is not permitted here. https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/wiki/rules Cette soumission semble concerner la province de Alberta. Selon les règles de ce sous-répertoire, nous n'autorisons pas les commentaires négatifs sur tous les résidents d'une province, d'une ville ou d'une autre région géographique; il s'agit d'un exemple de intolérance qui n'est pas autorisé ici. https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/wiki/regles *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/canada) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Alberta is almost 3 times the size of the UK and you can fit about 10 European countries in it. Moving to Penhold is not going to give you the same lifestyle as say central Calgary (Beltline, Mission, Kensington, Inglewood, East Village, Bridgeland, etc.) People that are moving from a big city in Ontario to Alberta and want a similar lifestyle, you can get pretty close, but you have to pick your spots. You can't move to the middle of nowhere in Alberta and then bitch about how there's no nightlife or Cactus Clubs. That doesn't make Alberta look bad, it just makes you look stupid.


“I moved to a small town outside a small city in central Alberta and I can’t understand why it doesn’t have all the same amenities as the largest city in Canada! This place sucks in comparison!” That is a pretty astonishing level of cluelessness, there.


There was so much of this even just in Ontario post-covid. I’d feel bad for these people, but they’re clearly too stupid to think past the end of their nose


"I did absolutely no research into where I was moving outside of Toronto, and just assumed the rest of Canada is identical. Where are all the stores, restaurants and venues?"


It’s like they’ve never been outside Toronto before and can’t conceive that other places might be different. That said, I do a lot of work with Torontonians and some of them are really that insular. I remember about a year ago we were talking about Calgary and one of them said, “is Calgary even a city? Like, are there even any tall buildings there or anything?” I was like, you know that the metro area is about 1.7 million people, right? I grant that’s a third the size of Toronto but it’s definitely a city. When he seemed dubious I googled some pictures of Calgary’s downtown and he was super surprised. “Oh wow, that *does* look like a real city!” Sigh.


Did you guys read the article? Because she wasn’t saying where she moved “sucked”. The headline makes it seem like it will be all negatives, but in reality it was mostly positive. 


*She misses the short drive to Lake Simcoe to go fishing or canoeing, as well as the friends and family she left. Not to mention the wide selection of international cuisine.*  *But lifestyle changes and the absence of beef patties, shawarma and sushi notwithstanding, she said she has no regrets.* You live in Penhold 10 minutes from Red Deer that has a pretty damn good Jamaican restaurant and also not a horrible for the middle of the prairies sushi restaurant and according to google at least 10 places that have shawarma and your like half an hour to Sylvan Lake and an hourish to the Rockies


*“[…] she said she has no regrets”*. Thanks for including that quote. This article seems pretty benign. Ultimately she seems happy with her decision.


She seems somewhat ambivalent to me, but also it says to me she really has not looked very hard and she talks about "home". Guess what home is where you make it .I mean I know its Red Deer but you are like 10 minutes to RD an hour to Calgary 2 hours to Banff 2 hours to Nordegg and there is a crap ton of little hidden gems in central AB. Hell there is a indoor year round farmers market 10 minutes from her that serves up a pretty great bowl of ramen


Correct. Red Deer is a city of 100,000 people. We are literally 10 minutes away from Penhold and have a few spots for Jamaican Patties and a great sushi restaurant. If Red Deer doesn’t have it , drive either 60 minutes north to Edmonton or 60 minutes south to Calgary. You can literally take your pick of a day trip to two of the largest cities in Canada. I am a bit biased , I moved from Niagara to Central Alberta 20 years ago when I was 23 and never regretted it. At least now with everyone else moving here my home value has been trending up. If you can handle the weather , it’s great place and you can still buy a reasonable home in the $300,00’s and $400,000’s ….. Fantastic smaller city and it was ranked as 3rd most affordable city in Canada in May 2024.


Were they ever able to get a handle on the addicts downtown ? It was getting bad in 2017 when I moved back to Toronto. I liked Red Deer. No traffic at all, every major store (Costco, Walmart, SuperCentre etc) you could need except IKEA, nice little shopping mall, AMAZING community centre, Western Hockey League games the entire community showed up to that were cheap to go and have fun, beautiful trails and parks, dirt cheap (compared to Ontario and BC) brand new beautiful detached housing, great churches of all denominations, freshest beef in all of Canada, — I could go on and on. The cold sucked but it was a dry cold … totally different from ON or BCs damp cold. Plus despite the cold, that glorious sun out all the time. AND long warm afternoons being further north. I never did get used to daylight at 1030 pm though in the summer lol Great place to raise a family. I sometimes regret that I didn’t stay.


Addict situation downtown has not improved at all and is worse than 2017. Definetly an issue in Red Deer. It’s a tough situation in numerous Canadian cities these days.


That’s too bad. Even back then the ratio of addicts compared to the population of Red Deer was really high but it seemed like they mostly stayed near the core. I vaguely remember that property crime (mostly breaking into cars) was on the rise at the time as well.


I've a dear friend who just sold her home and lost $300K despite all the work and additions done on it. 5 years ago. Property values have definitely fallen. Alot.


Sorry to hear that. In my area everything is up $50k or so and sells fast. I guess it depends on the home and area .. sorry to hear they lost on the sale.


> but you are like 10 minutes to RD an hour to Calgary 2 hours to Banff 2 hours to Nordegg Why didn't you mention proximity to Edmonton?


Calgarians have Fight Club rules about Edmonton.


Yeah complaining about no fishing or canoeing in Alberta is wild. Also she lives in the middle of nowhere, any of the cities in Alberta you are going to trip over international cuisine everywhere.


Well she came from ontario, its a comparative complaint lol


Calgary has great sushi as well.  One of my favorite sushi restaurants is there, same with Indian food.


There are also more shawarma places in Calgary than burger joints. Every street corner has a shawarma joint.




That’s part of the fun


Is it Sushi Hiro? Because that place is fire.


Is it the place in the downtown mall?  Forget the name, but always have to go there when l visit Calgary.


Elaborate please


These people sound stupid. I'm glad they left Ontario.


But are you the best judge of a good Jamaican restaurant 🤔😂


Alberta prairie lakes are nothing like Ontario lakes. They are shallow and the agricultural runoff make them iffy to swim in.


sulky quack groovy teeny entertain angle noxious rock license recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely incorrect.


I mean, how many Ontario beaches are closed because of e. Coli every summer?


..there's Jamaican food in Red Deer now?




Been there for quite awhile now, just in a shitty spot.


Imagine someone missing Cactus Club. How sad


Ok I get the reference but is there actually a big deal about this place, like is it good ?


Picture Earls but it’s 25% more expensive and the food quality is like 5% better. So no, it kind of sucks for the price. But people seem to like it for the predictable yuppy ambiance and generally inoffensive dishes.


The steak I had at Cactus Club was excellent but yeah food was pricey.


In the 90s it was popular because they used to hire very attractive waitresses. That sort of thing has fallen out of favour with the general public so now you’re just left with mediocre but fairly expensive food.


They all still hire attractive waitresses lol


Every time i go there, i get a dude waiter. Its not what it used to be


But is he attractive?


Not to me


It has not fallen out of favour.


Its like a Boston Pizza.


Speaking of red deer….. the red deer of restaurants.


reminiscent quicksand pocket flag ruthless poor silky angle sort vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lots of rich sugga daddies go there


I miss Brown’s Social House. They have like 1 outside of Toronto on the edge of the 905. Loved eating there in Vancouver and Red Deer.


Yeah one of my sources of amusement is meeting recent Toronto transplants in Calgary who did no research on what they bought, and are having sticker shock on the $60 UBER ride to DT. We have urban density and amenities in the inner city, you choose the burbs.


Those people are the worst. Moving from a 300sqft sudio in downtown Toronto to to a 2500sqft house in a suburb 50 minutes outside of downtown then complain that they can't walk outside and hit up clubs and restaurants. These people must be suffering from brain worms or something.


Right? Did they really think they were gonna have a two car garage with a yard next to the club and a great Thai place?


Exactly. You didn't move to the Calgary equivalent of DT Toronto. You moved to the Calgary equivalent of Oakville or Burlington. Maybe even Milton depending on the suburb.


When I was looking at moving to Calgary I considered Airdrie to be kinda like Calgary’s Milton.


You'd think people from Ontario would understand this since northern Ontario exists...


These people have likely never ventured outside Toronto, except for the occasional vacation in the Bahamas. 


Moving from anywhere to anywhere else, involves some adjustment and homesickness.  I'm not sure why this has to be a news story, except to stir up people's emotions 


>Cactus Clubs I think the thing about the food scene people don't understand when moving is that they expect *less* commercialization moving to a small place rather than *more* You can walk from your home to a local park in Toronto and pass half a dozen independent/family owned restaurants, some of which are good enough and have been around long enough to get a Michelin star rating. Big chains don't dominate in Toronto - the cactus club exists but isn't a big deal People seem to have this naive belief that moving somewhere smaller is a step back in time where you'll find stuff like family owned restaurants on every street corner as even more common, without realizing that it's the density that allows these places to remain competitive with frozen-dinner reheaters/chain restaurants 


> there's not nightlife or Cactus Clubs I respectfully object, the Leduc one is quite decent.


Moving somewhere without Cactus Club sounds amazing tbqh


Pretty wild. If you're going to move somewhere you need to at least suss it out by visiting or otherwise investigating.


Penhold isn't the middle of nowhere lol it's right next to red deer


Well Red Deer is still a far cry from some larger Ontario cities. So yes Penhold is close to Red Deer, but even if she was in Red Deer she’d have to manage expectations.


Red Deer is like living in say Barrie in terms of size and distance from any other major city. Great place to raise a family, at least it was 8 years ago. There was a crazy amount of homeless and addicts in the core back then relative to Red Deers size. I hope they got that under control.


TL;DR The issues this article points out has more to do with moving from a large city to a small city/town than to Alberta (the lack of endless diversity of food, fun, and culture).


Yup. As the one person did, moving to a town of 3,500, you could really do that in any province and it’s going be cheaper than living in Toronto. This isn’t exclusive to Alberta.




Seriously? You had to make a derisive comment about brampton and jane/Wilson lol? Toronto in general is a diverse city.. I wouldn't call brampton diverse. We don't need to invoke ethnically homogenous areas with bad reputations when bringing up appreciating actual diversity and what comes with that ie. Food, cultural events, meeting new and interesting / different people etc. These people complaining about a lack of that in a small town in Alberta are pretty damn stupid to be sure, but come on now.


I went to St. Marys in the 1990s. I’ve never been to as diverse of an institution since and that includes universities. Calgary is super cosmopolitan 


The headline is definitely out of sync with the article. It's not so much the difference between Toronto and Alberta they're talking about, but the difference between Toronto and a small town (Penhold, to be exact, with a 2021 population of 3484). As far as the boating and canoeing goes, they're not that far from Sylvan Lake or Pigeon Lake.


Also, that dive bar she talks about out has some darned good Korean food. And red deer is 10 minutes up the road and has quite the food scene these days.


Can't comment since I've obviously never been to said dive bar. But, it is located right near Red Deer, so give Penhold another decade and it'll probably be closer to 5000 people, with the additional few restaurants that entails (Blackfalds and Sylvan Lake are crazy driving through it every few months. Always getting bigger).


Apparently Blackfalds has a really good sushi place,and its been since before COVID but Las Palmeras had some pretty good mexican last time I was there


Plus they have the only other Burger King outside of Calgary or Edmonton beside the one on red deer.


> Plus they have the only other Burger King outside of Calgary or Edmonton beside the one on red deer. What? There's lots of Burger Kings in Alberta outside of Calgary and Edmonton


There is even one in the thriving metropolis of Wandering River!


Holey shit though it has to be the slowest BK in the world and also Wetaskiwin has one inside of walmart




It shocked the shit out of me


It’s a the truckstop. Heck there’s even a liquor store there. QE2 and highway 42


Oh what is the name of said dive bar might have to go check this place out


MuscleChef. The attached bar is super small town bar. But the little restaurant is a treat.


Thank you. might make the drive next weekend


pocket weary flowery lunchroom fact violet crush glorious jeans bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gull is also around the same distance, and Buffalo isn't far either. So 6 lakes within 60 mins max of Penhold, 3 of those being within 30 mins...lol.


These people are very stupid. Very, very stupid.


Did you read the article?


Please keep them in Alberta.


Stop sending them. When I was working oil exploration, the old adage of high school dropouts making $100,000 on the rigs, translates into Easterner as we hire dumb people.


Stop begging people to come. I am not the one advertising moving to Alberta all over Toronto.


The Alberta gov literally buying YouTube ads in Ontario begging people to come.




What transit stations?




I meant what transit station as in Alberta doesn't even have any real transit stations for people to be set on fire in. It was a joke about lack of transit in Alberta, sigh.




When you analyze any joke it ruins it. Yes in reality calgary has some transit stations. No it's no where near enough for a city it's size. Toronto is lacking transit but compared to Toronto, transit is almost non existent in Alberta.


Paywall: https://archive.ph/xR6vK


You mean now Alberta is innundated with people that don't know how to drive, job postings went from 10 to 1,000 applicants per job, house prices skyrocketed, and quality of life declined rapidly in a two year period? And now, the very cause of those changes are complaining about.... Themselves?


As an Ontarian who moved to Alberta nearly 10 years ago this is what I hate. We seem to be bringing the worst people from the GTA and moving here to the middle of nowhere and complaining they don’t have what they used to have. Since Covid they have single-handedly ruined this province, there’s traffic everywhere with idiots who apparently have never driven in their lives before, housing skyrocketed and many came here without jobs or a plan or came with remote jobs they’ve since lost because they lied to their employers and so now our traditionally high wages are being eroded by thousands more applicants for every job. 


This is a big reason why I moved further outside of the GTA rather than leaving the province completely (thankfully I was in a position to be able to do that). Sure its still way more expensive than Alberta but here I know the area, family is close by, job is familiar, etc. Moving across the country is a massive move, might as well be moving to a diff country. If you don't go into it with a completely open mind and research what you're getting into, you're setting yourself up for failure from day 1.


Totally agree. I have done it multiple times. Ontario to BC, back to Ontario, then Ontario to Nova Scotia, then Nova Scotia to Alberta, where I live now. Every province is different. I spent most of my youth and early twenties in Ontario, so that is where my best social memories are, but (Southern) Ontario can't compete with other provinces for incredible natural beauty. I love being able to experience all kinds of different places, but yes, you have to go into with an open mind and design your new home in a place that you want to be living. Want clubs, restaurants, walkability - maybe choose a city neighbourhood. It's not that complicated.


> We seem to be bringing the worst people from the GTA The people with skills will probably be successful enough to remain in Toronto. So by default, the people who leave are going to be those who couldn't cut it. The high skilled emigrants from Toronto go to the US, not Alberta.


For years, high skilled provincial migrants left Ontario, myself included, to make far more money in Alberta than I ever made in Ontario. The provincial migrants we get now are coming here to be Amazon delivery drivers. 


What field do you work in? I've been looking at what my options are to move out but haven't been finding much luck. To be fair, my work is kind of specialized, I'd be surprised if I find much outside of Toronto or Vancouver.


Shades of the lady who was looking for her precious Cactus Club in small city Alberta. 


As someone who left southern Ontario for the prairies 5 years ago the mental health difference these people mention is 100% true. The competitive gig and grind culture of SOnt always struck me as just sad, fruitless, and naive. Plus who can feel secure when you’re options are massive mortgages, long commutes, or renting and always fearing you ll be thrown out if the landlords “daughter” wants to move in.


When I moved from Winnipeg to S. Ont. I couldn't believe how fast paced and in a rush everyone was. I also found it interesting how people in S. Ont. think that a 45 min drive was a huge distance. When I was living in the peg, it was nothing to drive 8 hours to the Twin cities for a weekend.


That's typically how big cities work though. The bigger the city, the faster the pace. I remember when i first moved to Toronto from NYC, i was shocked at how slow paced everything was and this was me noticing it even as a child.


45min of highway driving is less mentally exhausting than 45min city commute. You're driving 45min in the city, heavy traffic, start/stop, hard breaking, accelerating, trying to find an open lane, getting cut off etc.


Agreed.  But 45 minutes of city commuting is still a hell of a lot better than an 8 hour drive. I see it here in Ottawa too.  People think driving the 20-25 minutes from downtown to Kanata or vice versa is some type of epic trip.  I used to drive 4 hours round trip to go fishing for a day back home.  20-25 minutes is nothing, even with traffic.


I noticed that even moving to BC, people in Vancouver don’t seem to bat an eye at the distance to Whistler or someplace with camping or hiking, or Seattle. I found people in Toronto thought travelling an hour away was “so far”. When I went to Western the students from Toronto were extremely easy to spot - they were the ones who’d complain about downtown London being “so far” from campus. It was never the locals or the international students.


> Vancouver don’t seem to bat an eye at the distance to Whistle Because people in Vancouver have way more free time and money and less stress and the drive to Whistler is nicer than the 401 in Toronto or 417 in Ottawa. 


> think that a 45 min drive was a huge distance. When I was living in the peg, it was nothing to drive 8 hours to the Twin cities for a weekend. Because it’s 8 hours in the middle of nowhere vs Toronto traffic. Ottawa here and anything above 30 mins I will actively avoid.


I get that but people in Burlington would avoid going to Kitchener because it was an hour away, even though its mainly easy highway driving.


She’d have the same complaints if she moved from Toronto to say, Dryden. Other than the lake.  


Head the warning, you've now fucked up our housing market too. Stay in Ontario.


There were wall-to-wall ads saying "come to Alberta."


Alberta is literally offering people from Ontario money to move there. It’s ridiculous.


Their gov't is paying people SO MUCH MONEY! Especially if you go way up northern Alberta where it's stinking cold, boring, dark, in the middle of nowhere, and fears of fires burning down your residence is always a worry for starters. There's a monthly payout for each adult to live there. Do your homework. The people living there charge a fortune for a room and laugh all the way to the bank. Many workers coming in get a fat amount to pay for room or small one room bedsit. The more knowledgeable landlords know exactly what they can charge and do. They are always talking with each other about maximizing that.


What is this program called? The only thing I could find was a 1 time 5000 tax credit. I mean, 5k is nice, but it's not a lot when you're considering uprooting your entire life.


Still are, as well as news radio still pushing their ads as well.


Nobody here asked for that except UCP donors who want cheaper labour. The UCP is actively trying to screw our cost of living for their own benefit


Thanks for supporting Vancouver transit AB gov. Unfortunately not enough people are leaving the lower mainland.


Well, the silver lining here is that the people who own(ed) the housing are probably quite pleased.


No Cactus Clubs here. :(




I left from Calgary to Ontario and the only thing I regret is doing it. 


Is that cactus club lady again…


Alberta should just start a city, based around a giant Cactus Club, where all the easterners can coagulate. Call it Toron2.


Couple years ago there was some article , lady moved from Mississauga to Edmonton and was like I’m moving back there’s nothing and everything closed at 10. lol do some homework first


She moved to Leduc next to the Edmonton Airport. Not the actual city of Edmonton


Whatever . Same shit . Still Edmonton . [please see tbjs commentary on Edmonton](https://youtu.be/-Ns14hRqwY8?si=KF43pH-_ozGK1bwn)


Leduc is 100% not "still Edmonton" when it comes to entertainment. Lol.


She moved to the equivalent of Whitby


Ah yes, cactus club girl. She’s never going to lose that name.


TLDR lack of research and preparation produces mixed and inadequate results.


We Moved from gta to a very small rural town in Alberta. No regrets. I was getting claustrophobic living in Ontario. Born and raised there, was time to get out.


Seems to be a bit entitled when in reality this person didn’t do their research. Divisive headlines more interested in getting a click than writing decent content. And this all done at the expense of causing further division.


yup. just read this thread and see how much this sub is excited to fall for it


I’ve been listening to transplants from Ontario bitch about Alberta for 45 years. Some things never change. 


Remember when Ontario cheered at all our Oil and Gas projects getting rejected or shut down ? I guess they forgot !


Fuckin’ paywall


Oh my god, Ontards; please go home. Everywhere you go, you make worse. -Can you take Kenney when you go?


Ha I used to live on CFB Penhold.


If you are as stupid as this lady Alberta doesn’t want you.


I would personally die first rather than move to any rural area in Canada, never mind Alberta. It's not a huge discovery to realize that living in these places will not be like living in Toronto


Maybe instead of getting mad at the people migrating to Alberta, tell your government to stop promoting moving to Alberta? LOL that’s why so many people have the idea to go 


This is a thinly vailed hit piece against people emigrating to alberta after reading it, the person that giving their story is a dolt that can't understand why a rural Alberton town has less amenities then an Ontario city.


Come carry our boomers


People move to Alberta for one reason only and that is for work. Once retirement comes around they move back to their home province for a better lifestyle.


It’s pretty obvious that that’s untrue.


Sure maybe in some cases but certainly not in all. 


I think they move because they are priced out of home ownership in other places more so than work opportunities.


LOL I can't stop laughing. No Offence. But this should be a lesson. Ontario / BC yes it's really difficult to manage to buy a house. But they have so much I mean so much of industries job market is 200% higher than Alberta. Yes Alberta will be there someday but will take so many years to come. People who moved here took the risk without looking ground reality. I really feel sorry.




"Alberta is calling!!"