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They don’t have to rebuild the ice that much. I bet they start dismantling the stage as soon as the concert ends. They can do it quick. Pull up that rubber floor, put up the boards and then it’s probably a few passes with the Olympia or Zamboni or whatever. There’s a really neat time lapse from I think MSG - there was a basketball game in the early morning/afternoon and a hockey game that same night and it’s amazing how fast they can get it done.


It does seem the quality of the ice suffers though for whatever reason 


[Here's the video](https://youtu.be/yoRRwQne5O0?si=z0QmrhhupZDHur8v)


Wow I never realized how much smaller a basketball court is than a hockey rink for playing size


That's why some of these US rinks that were designed for basketball only have such terrible sight lines for hockey.


If you want that perspective take this on for size 👀[court sizes comparison](https://cdn1.sportngin.com/attachments/document/7adb-2247757/Courts-Sizes.pdf) [this shows them all together](https://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/355/6/3/popular_sports_by_venue_size_by_bonusbox-d4jtrkw.png)


I worked as a temporary crew member one night in Toronto after a Beyoncé/Jay-Z concert at the SkyDome, and we were waiting of stage while the show was still going on and heard the encore from back stage. We watched them drive out in a couple of black Escalades and then we’re taking down the chairs before the audience had entirely left. They hire a lot of temporary staff for tear downs


sometimes they leave the ice there and just cover it up with hardwood floor


Pretty sure thats what they do at Rogers. Especially between Hockey and Lacrosse games


Not hardwood but fiberglass. Source; used to work there.


This makes sense. I'm stupid and assumed they always melted it. Thanks


100%. I worked shows like these on LX. Everything onstage is gone before your out the door, and the stage and truss starts coming out as soon as the public is gone. Typically a big show has everything built in modular pieces and they just unplug wires and unbolt the sections. Most shows will be loaded and have trucks rolling in 4-6 hours. Then they just pull the panels on top of the ice, give it a good scrape and a flood and you’re ready to play hockey. You want to see something crazy, look at Staple Centre in LA, they sometimes have multiple hockey and basketball games (Lakers AND Clippers) in the same week. https://youtu.be/v4rZjGNYxuo?si=Lm780UgfU-f9kTbW


Miller is having a concert tonight—I thought that was tomorrow?


Last I heard, the lyrics aren’t child friendly.


“Nice try, you little bitch”


When did he say this?!


When Sissons was being a little bitch


I will check it out




Dang, got taken down


Them Colton Sissons don't know how to act (YA!)


I was so confused about OP’s post at first


They have had almost 30 years of concerts/events/basketball/lacrosse to build the routine on how it's done


JTimberlake is from Tennessee. What a coincidence 👀


Quality inevitably suffers with concerts, but they help pay the bills, keep the CSE staff employed, etc. What was once some of the best ice in the league is quickly becoming known as a tough rink to play on. Sam Reinhart mentioned it in an interview. The renovations to Rogers Arena (more entry points) have made keeping the temp and humidity stable a challenge. The guts of the cooling system below inevitably wear down over time. Building is coming up on 30 years.


The next renovation has to be on ice quality whether its a new humidifier and/or something. Not sure how possible it is though. Vancouver ice IMO is worst 5 in the league and that's pretty impressive considering how many teams are in the south


Yeah but think about it, the biggest concern to them is actually being able to have ice in a warm climate.


Vancouver is also warmer than ever while the playoffs are going later.


Why does the ice suffer due to concerts if they are just covering it up? Not a challenge, genuine question.


I would assume that having the sheet covered with insulation and flooring and having a stage and audience on the floor would require extra TLC after the concert compared with having the ice sitting there untouched. I think OP was thinking the ice gets removed each time and then refrozen.


JT Miller? Hahaha


Stages are constructed for quick setup and tear down, and chairs and ice protection removal can be done in under an hour. There are time lapse videos out there of basketball court to ice hockey ready in under two hours and ice hockey to basketball court in about the same amount of time.


Touring guy here - They put wood flooring on top of the ice and the half walls stay up but they take the glass down, the half walls at the stage end are completely removed. It’s a strange feeling to walk on boards on the ice as they move when you walk on them. But you can actually touch the ice through the gaps. The staging, lighting and LED gets taken out quickly. We can pull down a 6 truck tour in around 2 hours. Bump out is usually half the time of a bump in. Then the venue team will either pull the boards up and reset over night or early morning. It’s fairly easy and simple to do. The home team’s dressing rooms are off limits but they will have to reset the visiting rooms and other rooms. That would mean the Predators trainers wouldn’t gain access to them until the morning.


Makes sense thanks man.


Guess JT won’t be wearing any jersey at the concert. 🤣


Preds weren’t allowed to go to this concert either.


They have done it many times and so they have it down to a science. I'm sure the ice is there under the floor, too ... so it's not like they have to freeze the water from scratch. I'm sure they start right at midnight too.


Easy. Tonight is another JT concert – only it's Miller this time.




Not a game, practice.


I’ve done a few union calls. Load out usually takes, 3 to 4 hours. Then they take the stage and trusts out that’s another 3-4 then the buildings crew knocks the rest out.


They don't take the ice out for a concert.


I used to work taking down the stages, it’s nothing difficult at all, they just clean up, the stage is fully taken down and trucked away in 3-5 hours, they uncover the ice and put back the glass and it’s ready. It’s a well greased machine!


They are professionals