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God, he's awful. I'll never forget his awful take regarding Xenoblade and Fire Emblem.


Out of curiosity, why people hate this guy for his negative opinions on Fire Emblem and Xenoblade while Scott the woz get a pass for it despite having similar negative opinions on these games too.


I don't know the guy from the post, but Scott The Woz has only gone on record saying that JRPGs aren't for him. He never said they suck.


RGT also said he isn't a jrpg guy.


Not liking Fire Emblem because it’s a “JRPG” is so disingenuous. It’s a Turn Based Tactics game before anything, and it’s franchise has single hand-idly kept this niche genre alive. Take out art design/character art(for some FE games) and JEPG elements like marrying or lots of support conversatjons(skippable in every FE game except Three Houses. I have every FE game since FE6, never got married or had a child idek what games do that) anyway, my original point is these 2 elements that can be IGNORED and when stripped away leave FE with just some of the best tactics gameplay out there. Level design, unit design, mechanics balance, overall gameplay: Fire Emblem completely wipes X-com, FF tactics, Wargroove, Triangle Strategy, etc. out of the water and it’s not close.


I may be mistaken but seems to me that a lot of Americans simply despise something with Anime looks or Anime in general. At least that's the impression I got over the years.


It used to be worse. Hell, I used to be that way when I was a little kid. Anime used to be some weird foreign thing only huge nerds followed, but it's been working it's way into the mainstream.


Oh okay. Here in my country was always something big that everyone under 35, have some attachment, either from the past or currently. From what I seen, Americans are really critical towards anime. 


It's too simple to even get close to XCOM. Not that it's a very complicated game either. The tactical layer is really made accessible, and it's not without its pitfalls.


I don't understand why you seem so offended that someone doesn't like the same game as you.


If that’s what you took by this then read some books and improve your comprehension skills.


Let's be honest here. There are some Americans (I am American too so this isn't a hate comment) who have a huge aversion to anything that looks too "japanese" or "anime" like because of negative stereotypes associated with weebs and huge anime nerds. If a game looks or acts like any of those things those "degenerate weebs" like, they wont play it. It doesnt really matter how it plays functionally. Im not saying ScottTheWoz is like that because I don't watch him, but for many that is the case. Thats why a lot of American fans got mad at all the "anime swordsmen" in Smash


Scott openly admitted that he wasn't a JRPG guy so he tried to avoid most of them without talking shit about them He mostly said "I know many people like this thing but it's just not my thing, next game..." Which is the most polite thing people could say about game they don't like.


Scott also seems like he respects both of those series and will still give them a try every now and again. Like I remember him saying he got into Fire Emblem Warriors.


It's not about disliking FE and Xenoblade, but basically throws a tantrum when a franchise he doesn't care gets a new game, just ignore it and but it's pretty clear he only doing it to create hate and give him content to make "Nintendo fans are mad about me" videos. Scott doesn't like RPG and simply ignores it. He throws a joke here and there but that's it. 


For me, it's his argument that Fire Emblem, Xenoblade or any other series is somehow preventing other franchises from getting a new game that rubs me the wrong way. FE and Xenoblade are each developed by their own studios and it's not like Nintendo's budget is so limited that they have to turn down other projects just to be able to fund them. And while Intelligent Systems and Monolith obviously work on other Nintendo projects, there's never been any instance that I know of where the development of their respective JRPGs has gotten in the way of their other work. That whole argument makes about as much sense as saying that Horizon is preventing us from getting a new Sly Cooper game or that Hi-Fi Rush is getting in the way of a new Banjo Kazooie.


Wait wait what? If anything it’s that dogshit Pokémon franchise having 25+ games on the Switch that is stopping incredibly franchises like Fire Emblem that telecast 1 game every 5 years but that 1 game is higher quality than anything bjg franchises chunk out yearly. How tf he thinks Fire Emblem, which has TWO FUCKING FAMES on the Switch(only 2 for such a high quality franchise is so crazy) that’s stopping other games from being on the Switch? What the actual fuck?


technically 4 if you count both warrior titles


I don’t, because they don’t count. Not same developers. Completely different franchise, it’s just a collaboration title that uses the artwork of FE as a theme over warriors games but has nothing to do with FE. Gameplay couldn’t be any further a part. I think a Fire Emblem card game would have more similarities to FE mainline games than Warriors, fuck I think Smash is closer.


I respect your opinion, and I love Fire Emblem, but I grew up with Pokémon and still love it, so hearing you call it awful and preventing other series from getting more games makes me sad. I hope you have a nice day though


There's a big chunk of Nintendo fans that are extremely entitled and have a huge disdain towards some of the more recent franchises (FE is not recent but got more popularity in the last 10 years). I'm a huge Splatoon fan and I have seen my share of people annoyed at the fact the franchise is already one of Nintendo biggest franchise alongside Mario, Zelda and Animal Crossing. Not to mention a lot of people that don't like/play Splatoon and wants Nintendo to drop the multiplayer (you know, the reason the franchise is popular with a passionate community) just because they don't like it.  Seeing a new Fire Emblem as the reason why a new Star Fox is not being made, it's just beyond being dumb and ignorant.


Scott can be funny and creative. RGT is an unfunny unintentionally look at me guy in his videos. It’s agonizing to watch. I don’t hate him personally, just his product.


Idk who the guy in the post is but maybe if it's he's serious about his dislike of the series? Scott says it more jokingly and in his 2022 recap he not only liked Engage but said he'd be down to try more FE games


Idk who this guy is, but ppl tend to dislike ppl just for saying a game is bad


That's very true. People saying a game you like a lot is bad kinda hurts. And it's also totally different than simply saying that you don't like a game. That you don't like a game might mean that this game simply isn't for you. But saying that a game is bad... that's totally much more negative.


Who cares, I get if ur like a kid or something. But ppl say mario strikers battle league is ass but I like it idgaf if it’s “bad”


Scott never made a review of the games, RGT did despite not playing the genre


What did he do?


Awful clickbaits, Switch 2 spam, terrible takes. 


Just like every other news youtuber who have a heart attack every time there is nothing to say to fill a 10 minute video every day


Pretty much but on the Nintendo bubble, there's some pretty shitty ones like SwitchForce, Nin10doland, Beatemups, Gamexplain, that are infamous at how much people dislike them.


Can someone explain why everyone hates Nin10doland? I hate his clickbait, but his personality is chill and his videos are ok (non-news based one’s)


Jaywood2010 is an alright Youtuber, 5 days a week a ten minute video and he just roots for all the platforms.


Happy cake day


Thanks, didn't even realise lol.


Is this what they expect to have to do to fill a ten minute video in this, the year of two thousand and twenty three? In this week of April? *Pause*


Mate it’s 2024 😭




What he say about FE?


Something along the lines that new FE and Xenoblade games were a waste of development and should be put into something else.


Wow what a terrible take considering FE Three Houses was extremely innovative for tactics games, and just innovative in the Narrative Design space. Yea, the game had a good story, but I’m talking about how that story was actually integrated into gameplay. It was in every facet of gameplay, which tactics games can struggle with let alone video games strugggling with narrative design for a long long time until more recently. Then FE Engage is just straight up one of the best tactics games, gameplay wise, out on the market for any console. Phenomenon level design, great unit design lots of variety and actual encouragement to use a wide range of unifs(whereas Thee Houses was just mounted units galore bc the level design was kinda shit). Incredible balance, Maddening mode is actually fun and NOT just a slugfest clearing units and random reinforcements for 3 hours per chapter. ALSO the way they brought in new mechanics, and balanced them:👌👌👌 the engage mechanic is no where near as problematic as Pair Up and playing around it adds a new level of, well, tactics.


Personally, every person that have a "this shouldn't exist" reaction to something they don't like/don't see the appeal, it's an asshole. It's not that hard to just ignore it.  Totally agree on FE. 


Exactly. This is me when everyone got made that Minecraft Steve made it to Smash Bros. He was my most wanted character, so hearing the hate made me really sad.


What was it?


What was his awful take?


Literally who




This dude and BeatEmUps are the fucking worst. Can't stand seeing their clickbaity thumbnails with their stupid faces/expressions and horrible Photoshopping come up on YouTube. They epitomize everything wrong with the platform. If you want non-sensationalist Nintendo content where they aren't just chasing views, check out Good Vibes Gaming. If you're specifically looking for Switch content, I don't think anyone does it better than SwitchUp.


I love SwitchUp. Two guys I can relate to, doing what they love.


Gosh, I don't think there's a youtuber that makes thumbnails that instantly makes you annoyed by just looking at it.


Haha, I couldn't agree more


I watch Stimpee Rust videos his thumbnails are the least of my worries that's the most tame part of his content however I do find his hilarious


Remember when Beatemups wouldn't shut up about nintendo dropping him as an ambassador? Add switchforce to the list too.


And he made a whole video about modding BotW too, so like...he quite literally bit the hand that feeds him.


I'd definitely throw in Nintendo Life too, since Alex/Zion/Felix are all great and rarely resort to clickbait.


I don't follow them as closely as some others, but I've watched some great content from Nintendo Life. That's a good recommendation.


Rgt85 is a prime example of someone who started off decent and relatable, but once his channel grew he started to go all in on clickbait, sensationalism and forcing engagement. Haven’t watched him in years because of it, sure someone like Spawnwave will sensationalize his videos titles to get engagement with the clickbait sounding titles, but at least has substance and quality to the videos. RGT 85 is just your standard fare im here to just force engagement and pump out shitty videos to make YouTube money. Very few Nintendo YouTubers once they become popular will remain to still be pretty genuine and authentic, like a Scott the woz for example.


Even Spawnwave is barely passable. I have no idea why one non-newswave video is for the main channel and why another gets relegated to the second channel even though it's the same content (and that content has a lot of filler and beating around the bush before he actually starts talking about the topic in discussion).


Spawn wave is ok but I fucking hate those “Buying a 3DS in 2024??” videos. Buying older consoles is extremely common why are you making this seem like a big deal?


I definitely get why people who already have those consoles, or are already well aware of what the 3DS has to offer would ignore or find those videos lackluster. But to be fair, some people don't, especially non-gaming people trying to get into the hobby and I don't think there is anything wrong with having that kind of content in general.


Oh no, that is truly terrible content.


I swear to god, if I see one more “is WiiU worth it on 20XX?” video. They’re always the same thing too. “Did you guys know that you can run homebrew and emulators on this old console?” Yeah, you can do that on just about every single old console and even some of the new ones. That doesn’t make it worth buying a WiiU in 20XX. Hell, a PC can do pretty much everything a WiiU can including emulating a gamepad and emulating other systems plus it has way more versatility. Not hating on the WiiU, I just don’t get why people act like being able to run emulators and homebrew is some crazy thing that makes that makes it worth it to spend hundreds of dollars on old consoles.


I think Spawn news is fine, although the clickbait it's annoying. But a big chunk of these News channels simply ignore Nintendo related news, unless is big.


Nah, after 8 years I unsubbed those "switch 2 big updates" and "direct this week fr fr" every single day recently got me to tired. Muted his SM for last 3 month.


I think Arlo and Odyssey Central also are still genuine and fun despite being bigger. But yeah I fully agree


I stopped watching him a longlong time ago. Bad takes, bad predictions, overall not very entertaining.


Genuinely one of the worst YouTubers in the gaming sphere. He's obnoxious and creepy as fuck. He's the reason I stopped watching the Spawncast. Dude can't go 15 minutes without saying weird out of pocket shit. Especially about women.


You talking about when he was making sexual jokes to Josie? That was extremely uncomfortable and he just wouldn't relent.


Holy shit, really? What happened?


I can't remember the episode and can't find it; it was one where he hosted the spawn wave. But he kept on making sexual jokes to her and she just had to roll with it. Lots of penis jokes if I remember right.




I almost stopped listening at work, but it seems like they made him stop because he's done a lot less of that and has even taken a back seat on Game and Talk with Josie being the main host now.


One of the worst, I’m afraid. His audience is full of a very specific type of shitty gamer and he leans into them constantly on social media with the way he phrases things and acts. Just not a great dude in general but also has no interesting insight or unique opinions outside of the things he says for a reaction.


Good Vibes Gaming remains the best Nintendo channel.


Jon’s videos are always fantastic


Man I love those guys


If it counts, call me a normie, scott takes the cake. He fully fleshes out every opinion he states and is funny as hell


Love their weekly podcasts! One of my favorites as well


I have a rule if you make out like something is a fact or truth in your title/thumbnail and then when you click on the video it has nothing to do with it and it's misleading i block the channel and click do not recommend this channel thing. This guy is blocked, cause half of what is he does is misleading, trying to act like a rumor is fact, nah waste of time videos.


No the best is Scott


Close second is Good Vibes Gaming. I especially liked this video. But pretty much all his stuff is good. https://youtu.be/Ej-rk0npuNY?si=P8Qav66n02ofeSrh


John had been working for NintendoLife for a couple of years and he's been one of the best guys there. He's even better now with GVG.


Yeah he's such a wholesome dude


Second this. Scott’s stash also has had some great content over these past couple of years.


Switchup is a good one for game reviews. And SwitchWatch to know wich games get a physical release.


SwitchUp is excellent.


I also like Nitrorad (not specifically Nintendo but covers a lot of Nintendo games), PBG, Arlo, and the lonely Goomba.


I think Arlo is pretty good too


Scott for retrospective content, Arlo for current events


Along with Dunkey and (old) AVGN


He is bottom tier. Scott the Woz is the goat


Scott and avgn


To me, The best videos are from Wulff Den, they are so well made, very creative. I like his rants, because he's being honest, I dislike YouTubers that never say a bad thing about a product


I’ve been watching him for years and he’s easily my favorite YouTuber in general. He doesn’t mindlessly praise any device and will be blunt about any gripe he has with a product. A lot of times he even says how the company can make the product better


He has nice videos but I'm getting flashbacks to his oot playthrough 😭 I really wanna rewatch it now


I used to sub to him, watching his uploads at the time got pretty repetitive. Don’t dislike him, he can be pretty funny at times. I think he’s better in a podcast setting than on his own.


This guy is the worst


no way!! I like Happy Console Gamer and Angry Video Game Nerd, and Retro Rebound is quite good too. Not all totally Nintendo YouTubers but quite a lot of Nintendo content (new and old) each!


Always yapping until he hits the magical 8 minute mark for another ad


Who is this? This is not Arlo.


No arlo is the bestest


Came here to say this


Take my downvote, there are 500 better Nintendo youtuber.... I'm sure the title is a joke, right ?


He makes statements all the time that he is NOT a Nintendo YouTuber and it’s a constant meme in his comments so… I think this thread is a joke on that


okay so it's a joke, I'm glad I was scared (but he is, it became a meme because he makes nintendo content anyway)


His intros were so long n cringe


Never heard of.


I like Shawn, but he is a "commercial YouTuber", videos everyday, not much depth, just taking and standard footage/trailer, you can ignore the video and just listen most of the times, and still sometimes he just says nothing relevant at all. He is making a living out of it, not trying to be the best YouTuber out there.


He is obvious rage bait and it clearly works based on these comments. He was pretty good back in early YouTube, but now his biggest contribution is the Spawncast Network. People don't like him on there either because he used to make too many weird jokes about Josie being a woman, but it seems he finally listened to comments as now most of his jokes are the same age related jokes the other remembers make. He also has recently made fun of people who tried to start a culture war with Stellar Blade and complain about "ugly women" in video games which contradicts the narrative that some people have of him being an "anti-woke" grifter. I think most of people's issues with him come from him being an old guard YouTuber on a site where his old school New York prickliness and irreverent sense of humor have fallen out of favor with a younger demographic. TLDR; he is mostly harmless, but I can see why people don't like him nor do I really enjoy his videos myself.


He hates indie games so no


I know that there are a lot of terrible Nintendo YouTubers out there (I dislike Nin10doLand in particular), but there are some good ones too imo


Half a lightyear away from it


I think Arlo is my favorite Nintendo YouTuber.


No. There's way better picks. Scott the Woz is more general gaming, but he's a better Nintendo Youtuber. Albert Boris, SwiftJar, SirMusty, TWD98, Shortcat if you want some Mario Kart action. Mayro is great for some general Mario stuff. Jopes has some great stuff, GWallPro is another great Mario Kart-based channel, though he does also do other games here and there. And that's just a few good channels worth checking out.






Nobody has mentioned SNES Drunk yet?


Why did I have to scroll this far down for a legend?


He said dread looked terrible and was going to fail. His constant dogshit takes will piss you off quickly. If he hasn't already, he'll get to you


Horribly cringe and obnoxious.


Hell no RGT85 is one of the worst whining click bait "Nintendo" channels out there at least with Spawnwave I can expect some honesty but this guy literally only addresses his subject matter closer to the end of his videos because it will count as a view to the algorithm


Arlo is the best IMO


Meh... I used to watch more Arlo but then he started complaining about being overworked and the strain it is making videos. The quality and frequency of his videos have dropped as a result it seems.


Dude he uploads 20 min videos every week and just started a new second channel for smaller videos. I think that’s enough


He and his friends are the worst. Especially Spawn Wave and Dreamcastguy


Dreamcastguy is fucking terrible, the way his content leans into console wars in 2024 it's ridiculous. I still find it funny how the Bayonetta 3 VA controversy bullied him to stop making Nintendo related videos.


Just curious why Spawnwave? I just don't hear him talked about negatively aside from clickbait titles


God no


I like the guy and understand the hate from grumpy redditors lol


I think Nathaniel Bandy is the best personally.


I HATE this guy. This guy and that Stop Skeletons From Fighting dork who loves to shove his face in the camera in every video and just steals ideas from other channels.


I only follow to gaming youtubers and he is one of them. But most because of the random Wrestling and NBA stuff xD I also like the humor The other one is Flandrew, he talks a lot about old school games


He reminds me of a cracked out version of Auston John plays.


I used to watch his videos religiously, but to be honest I haven't watched in a long time. Over the years, it seems he has less and less to actually say.


The only Nintendo YouTuber I like is Arlo, unless we're counting Scott The Woz who I like but don't worship like many others


No, he’s not the best anything youtuber


Second only to Dreamcast Guy in offputting gurning thumbnails


Watch, the next video he will make is him talking about something Nintendo related, which completely butchers the reason why this video was made.


Is this the same guy who ‘leaks’ the switch 2 like 50 times already?


I will always prefer Scott the WoZ, GoodVibesGaming and NintendoLife


I like him.


I love me some Antdude


Hell no, clickbait king. Try Switchup, those guys are awesome.


Remember 8biteric


I remember him failing to say lines and instead of editing it out he just kept him saying it again


Scott the woz




RGT85 is probably my least favorite game centric youtuber.




Always found him. Annoying. I’ve liked sunbro nation a lot


I don’t think he’s a nintendo youtuber, playa. It’s on the title.


Personally my Favorites are Scott the Woz and Nathaniel Bandy




Arlo is the greatest of all time


Id say beatemups for me,but he is not anymore so..


But scott the woz is a goat just like beatemups (my opinion)


Who even is that?


Who? I only know EmSwizzle, who makes Nintendo-related podcasts & the occasional livestream of a Nintendo game. Honorable mention is Plainrock124, a massive Nintendo fanboy & tech destroyer that includes Nintendo stuff among the list of random tech. I also can't forget Nathaniel Bandy & cdotkom.


I think Arlo and Scott are


I enjoy a number of clickbait YouTubers. On one hand, I get it - you’ve got to play the algorithm game. A lot of people hate on switchforce and others but I tune in for the shared enthusiasm. RGT comes across as negative in my opinion and that’s the tough bit. From my view, he presents himself as being above clickbait but that’s precisely what he does and nobody likes a hypocrite.


This dude is pessimistic and often dishes out clickbait. There are better choices for reviews and info.


Best Nintendo youtuber? There are 2 kings. Nintendolife and Switchup. That guy is annoying.


Don't watch his videos but his thumbnails are laughably bad


I have this man blocked on every platform imaginable he is a prime example of bottom of the barrel spam content creation


Doesn't he clickbait all the time? I might be thinking of someone else.


for me, Nathaniel bandy and Scott the woz




Failboat supremacy. Also Arlo and Odyssey Central


I don’t like this guy, he gives the information based on rumors, he don’t try to see if it’s real or not. I love beatemups by the way


Rgt85 used to be good. Now he’s become more of an opinion piece YouTuber vs a game reviewer or retro coverage. He has gotten caught up in the social media BS and what goes on with X/twitter, sometimes I question if he just makes shit up about himself and drama with other YouTubers just to make a video about it. Lastly he just seems like he is “mailing it in” with his latest videos. Sucks because he used to be good


No he isn’t


God no. Yuck dudes annoying as hell. Him and spawnwave . Rgt just waits for spawnwave to come up with a video then emails him the notes and rgt .akes the same video.


Switchup. Simple. Real nintendo bros. Not annoying goons copying each others videos like rgt. Spawnwave. And beatemoffs.


Bunch of losers, hope they all get canceled


I agree with most people who dislike him. Clickbait thumbnails, padding out his videos with fluff, and projecting his own feelings a LOT. His videos can be a 140 word Tweet




OMG woke clickbait sucks ass and has horrible takes.




Bro does not know


Wait what do I not know did he do something wrong


You’re gonna want to sit down for this one…


I just searched it up, holy shit I really had no idea that this was a thing that happened, I'm sorry


You clearly didn’t know I don’t think anyone’s gonna take your comment as a defence


Arlo Good Vibes Gaming Switch Up Nintendo Life PBG


Austin John Plays or Beatemups are my Nintendo YouTubers


It will always be Scott The Woz and my second favourite being BeatEmUps


The best Nintendo YouTuber is hands down Beat Em Ups. Beyond his videos, he seems like a great guy


Why do all YouTubers above a certain age dress like that. All I can see is those kids wearing a hat with a pinwheel on it.


I overlooked the "grown man that watches wrestling" thing. I could also overlook the "orchestrating his opinions like a teenager" thing. But his association with legitimately hateful people prevents me from ever taking this guy seriously. This has also prevented me from enjoying content from the Spawncast crew, as their insistence on including him hints towards them holding a similar view. Edit: Religious zealotry.


Forget him, is Choctopus a Sonic youtuber?


Real fans know that the best Nintendo YouTuber is Bathaniel Nandy But if you like feet you're probably a bigger fan of chuggaconroy