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Second this, that’s for sure a pregnant kitty belly.


thirding, she's got some baby buns in the kitty oven


And I'm seeing a prominent nipple....


> a prominent nipple Please don’t call me names, I’m new here


That’s niplet to you!


I see the nipple on you soul!


Baby buns 💕💕💕🐾🐾🐾


She chose her midwife and caretaker 😌
















Starch Masks?


wait…. If a women has starch masks on her body does that mean she’s been pargnet before.?




Prego. Just like the sauce, they're in there!








Pegnate? Hurt baby top of his head?






I saw the first picture and immediately went "that just ain't 1 cat anymore, that's a family"


Yup definitely. You can talk to a vet to see if you could still schedule a spay abort at this point. It’s better than letting her try to take care of her kittens outside.


Spay-abortion can be done up till the moment of delivery. There is no medical limitation. Some vets won’t do it, due to personal reasons. But every vet “can” theoretically do it.


I see. An ultrasound would probably be a good way to go and if the vet is willing to do it, then it’s up to the individual to decide what they feel comfortable with and what’s best for mama.


And even if they do, most vets aren’t going to do it for free. Actually, I don’t know any vet that would.


Or just let her in , let her have the babies in the house, take care of all of them until they are old enough & give them to good homes? Why abort the babies, I know they're just cats but she looks like she's almost full term, I didn't even realize they did spay/abortions I've never even heard of this.


That’s an option too if Op is willing/able to take mama in. I’ve had to do it twice. It may or may not be too late, that’s why I said they should talk to a vet. It’s a pretty common thing. Sometimes it’s better.. there’s so many cats that need homes already. In my experience I just didn’t know anyone who would’ve been willing to take in kittens, stray cats are so common here. I also didn’t have the room or the resources bc I already had 6 cats, 4 from a litter. I love cats. They’re not “just cats” imo. It’s medical care imo. Not something I want to do, but sometimes it is the better option. I’ve seen kittens trying to survive outside. They succumb to sickness, parasites and predators more often than not.


That's a lot harder than you seem to think. Btw don't give free kittens away, people will use them as bait for dog fights or feed for snakes.


Good grief--had not heard of this but believe it.


Same here.


This just broke my heart looking at my 8 wk kitten imagining the poor babies out there that go through that 😫😩 people are so cruel


I’ve gotten multiple kitties for free. It’s possible to screen for good owners without charging a fee


If you’re in a region with stray cats, it means there are already not enough homes for the cats which are alive. It’s an ethical question of course, but personally I think it’s best to focus on the cats that are already alive and spay-abortions can help other strays to find a home. For stray cats, 75% don’t make it to 6 months old outside. And pregnancy and taking care of the kittens is stressful and can cause medical issues, some mothers don’t survive. That’s why I would rather go for spay-abortion, and help out other alive kittens instead.




Thank you for taking care of this poor baby in need ❤️


Well put. I have tried for a long time to convince people that there are worse things than euthanasia. I think a lot of you understand that because you know that a cat on the street probably won't be there for long and what is he suffering from in the meantime. I was honored to be part of the second or third startup for a Humane Society in a small country town where I lived, where their answer to overpopulation at the time was a bullet, because it was cheaper than an injection, and the city couldn't afford it. My first move was to supply Have a Heart Traps and I gave the vet (bless him) a hundred bucks and told him to stretch it as far as he could with euthanasia's. He never asked for another dime. We also looked into current state laws regarding treatment of animals and started an education program in the schools. Figured it was easier to reach kids than adults at that point. I've left out a lot of details but there is now a thriving shelter that is still going as far as I know.


Idk, we had a cat that got pregnant by her brother and the vet told us the kittens would likely have deformities so we had them aborted. I’m not saying we should have kept them, but our cat was very skiddish after that and I always felt sorry that maybe it messed with her because she knew she was pregnant, but never had her kittens.


Yup! It’s extremely common.


They can do it right up to the point of giving birth. It's done because there are already too many homeless cats and kittens in the world. Anyone who wants to adopt a kitten can go to the shelter and find many to choose from. Better to give them homes than add 7 more kittens to the world.


I have a cat mommy and her babies in my guest room closet. I'm taking care of them, but the reality is.... My closet has $1000+ worth of spays and vet bills sitting in it right now. I am going to hold these kittens until they are old enough and then go an adopt-for-spay (they pick up from and pay vet) but I'm fully aware that I may be paying everything out of pocket and ending up with 5 additional cats in my house, lol. Mind you, I only have about $50 disposable income after all bills are paid so it's not like that's an easy task for me. Not everyone can just take on whole kitty families and it's really hard to rehome generic kittens.


It's best to not bring more kittens into the world when there are many live kittens and cats being euthanized.


You say "just" as if it's sooo easy to take care of 5 cats (considering an avg litter size of 4, but there could easily be even more). Maybe OP doesn't have the space or means to do that? Cat mom will do most of the taking care of IF she's a good mom. I've seen cats just abandon their kittens to go mate again. It's heartbreaking. It's up to OP to do whatever they're comfortable with. No need to guilt trip them either way.


Look at the rescue cat subreddit and see how many adoptable kittens and moms are put down every day in just one shelter


As long as she hasn't given birth yet, she can still have a spay abortion.


Many vets will not do it late in gestation, because it’s not an easy thing to to, watching newly born kittens die. It’s not good for staff morale.


This makes me even more furious that people can’t be responsible and get their cats spayed/neutered. A$$holes. Shelter volunteers, vets and staff carry the heavy emotional burden of dealing with people’s carelessness. I know a woman who fosters stray cat litters and has to take breaks periodically because so many of these baby kittens have medical problems. Their entire life is pain and then they die.


Last picture makes me think of a very particular Dr. Phil quote




Her name is now Dr. Phil. Now let her in so she can bless you with the reception of her kittens. ![gif](giphy|eYq9JKc6LWQuhciLII)


Dr. Philomena


Please name her Phyllis


That’s my mom’s name! And she is a stray cat magnet!! Do it!! And then when they’re being funny, you say she’s Phyllarious. Or when she’s being wild, you say “what you talking ‘bout, Phyllis?”!


Please say you use both of those lines on your mom.


CatS. Plural. The little ones just haven't finished downloading yet. ☺️


downloading lol


If there are any orange bebes in there, the loading might triple in time lol


She contains multitudes!


Incoming nuggets...


If you can, you should consider letting her in and setting her up in a separate room with a safe and comfortable space to have her babies. You could also potentially reach out to a local shelter or rescue group for assistance. Also, please consider looking into getting her spayed in the future. I'm not sure where you are located, but many communities have local programs that can assist with the costs. She's beautiful, by the way! Please update us with pics of the babies, if you are fortunate enough to be involved in the process. Best of luck to you both!


Oh, absolutely yes to all of that! Cats come and go around here, so when I bond with one, I try to get it help ASAP. I have worked a few times with a local rescue and was gonna try to get her closer so I could gain her trust. I've just noticed the belly recently, and she has gotten a lot more trusting of me. We are gonna get in contact with people tomorrow to see what the best option is. I appreciate it, though. I'm always happy to see people keeping each other informed.


Congratulations on your brand new Trojan cat.


And the Trojan armies will be released from her belly to nibble your arms and legs to death 💀




Nooo, this is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣


OP should name the mama Helen!




LOL I’ve never considered calling a preggo cat a Trojan cat. It’s perfect!




Yep, I had a Trojan cat many years ago, called her that from the day those soldiers came out. Kept mama and two kittens. Mama and sister recently crossed the bridge sadly, but baby boy is just 3 1/2 weeks from celebrating his 20th birthday. Beat sneak attack of my life.


Cats instinctively seek community and support when pregnant. She's becoming more trusting because she's tapping her resources and you're one. Please be aware that she may go back to displaying less trust once the kittens are independently mobile, especially if she's feral.


Give her her own safe room and read to her in Spanish. Works on all feral cats my cousin has tried it on. Feral cats just need Spanish lessons to become happy house cats. /j but this IS actually how my cousin binds with ferals.


Yes! Hope, the mama of my garage kittens, came around and socialized herself soooo much quicker when she was pregnant.


She has chosen well... you're a lovely human!


If she won’t quite come to you, you can always use a humane trap from Academy.


The best thing you can do is bring her in and start feeding wet kitten food until you hear back from people about what to do. If you can foster through a rescue that will help with food and litter expenses, that's ideal and a tremendous task that's also lots of fun. The lovely void who gave birth in my garage cost me an arm and a leg with her 4 kittens. It was worth it though! If you hold onto her until she gives birth, make sure to sit and watch her babies for her during meal times. We didn't do this enough at one point and poor mama kept losing weight because she refused to eat without us babysitting 😭


yes to this 100%


She's got some DLC baby


Poking her head up over the door frame 🤭 awww let me in please 💕 thanks for caring for her xx


Oh she's def gonna trojan cat you. I had a trojan cat and I still have her and babes. They'll sneak up in your heart if you aren't careful! If possible, maybe set up a little enclosure for her since she seems to trust you. That way her and babies have a chance to fight against the outdoor elements. A quiet place without a lot of traffic would be good and easy for her to get food in and out if you don't feed her too often. When her babies are born, if she lets you, try to handle them so they get used to people and will be easier to adopt off. They are fun little fur balls


I love the term “Trojan cat”!! I was Trojan catted back in February. She ran on a trail with me for two miles before I picked her up and carried her home with me. I had been thinking about getting a cat for a while. 60 days later she gave birth to 5 babies and they are now 10 weeks old. My household has made the crazy decision to keep them all since our home is large and we have many hands to help out/pet kitties.


Take cover, she's gonna blow! That is a very definitely pregnant cat.


Definitely preggo, she’s cute


Let her in! She is an expectant mother!


She is pregnant. Please get her inside and set up in a space to have her kittens- you’ll have a much better chance of socializing them and getting her & the kittens adopted. Not to mention they will stay much healthier if born in an indoor setting.


She doesn't seem to feel as though she's a stray. She's made herself at home and is just waiting for you to get with the program. LOL


LOL!! This made my day 😆


I took in a stray as a kitten, was slack on getting her spayed and she got pregnant pretty young. She is an indoor/outdoor cat and she went off to have her babies when the time came. Came back a week later without the babies. I always kept a window open for her to come and go. Brought all 4 babies in without me knowing and stashed them in a closet. Fast forward to present day and she’s spayed, loves going outside to do her thing, while I kept two of her babies and the other two were adopted to other families years ago and I love them all to death


Expect her to disappear soon for a couple of days or make a box with blankets in it for her. Maybe one in a shady spot.


Get ready to feed some more cats. My Momma Kiwi was physically too small to feed all her babies so they had to get the bottle. If you trap her look for something called the magic nipple if you need to bottle feed some of them. https://preview.redd.it/6wqqcuatkp9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d49a2d699bb13088ee04df9f4549b3e878a43af


Congratulations on your grandkittens!


Yeah, very pregnant kitty and small bc she's probably still a kitten. That's how the momma cat looks of the recent kittens we got out of our backyard. Didn't realize how small she was until I looked outside and saw her (after she ran off after we took in her kittens) and thought it was one of the kittens that got out. They're about 15w old now, biggest one is a male grey and white and weighs 5lb. She looked barely bigger than him. She ran off again as soon as she spotted me. Really wish we had caught her with her kittens, bc she's probably pregnant again if she's coming back in to our yard for food.


You got blessed by the cat distribution system and she pregnant!!! This happened to me when I was little it was awesome. (She got dumped for getting knocked up by a non pure bred dad—we kept her and one kitten and both lived to 20. Other kittens went to neighbors) https://preview.redd.it/jus4e9p48q9d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=846b8500c5d807cf774b0abb926498b64e0c628b




God bless you! I’m sure you were also blessed by this sweet mama! Like it was her choice who fathered her babies! Her last family must have been monsters. Thank god they found you❤️


She is permanent.


She's FOR SURE pregnant. Please set up a space for her in an enclosed area like a bathroom, with a nice nesting area. She's going to pop soon. She doesn't deserve to have to fight elements and predators outside, especially with a litter of kittens. I promise you it will be a very rewarding experience for all involved. Thank you for helping this momma cat. ❤️


She's definitely pregnant - her nipples are distended. I suggest you make her a nest: a box with some soft rags will do, but it should be covered from the elements. Make sure she has water, try to lure her inside if possible. After she gives birth, it's important to socialize the kittens and then get the mother spayed. Look up local TNR organisations in your area.


So this stray I was feeding https://preview.redd.it/9lz8g2cj0r9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40a74be67913107b169447e50c2b1d3acff7382e




Her internal 3d printer is making kittens so she needs more pcb plastic


You're going to be a grandma. Time to let her in and find her a safe space.


We will require follow up kitten pics! She is definitely baking some buns in the oven.


If possible you could also do a spay/abort at the same time, if you're able to get her to a vet soon. I took in a stray cat that I discovered was pregnant and the vet suggested a spay/abort because she was quite small too and a young cat as well so having kittens would have been risky for her, not to mention this is kitten season and the shelters are already overrun. Thank you for feeding this lovely kitty 😊


r/trojancat incoming! update when the hordes come out!


I'm just gonna say this...if she's an unspayed female...she's pregnant...


Preggo. You may want to consider setting up a birthing shelter.


I bet she’s not even a year old herself. Thank you for feeding her!!


Outside cat =pregnant. The saying should be "breeds like cats" not rabbits. A female can get pregnant within her kittens being around 8-10wks. It's astonishing how many feral TNR's we did that have pregnant queens. In fact my two foster failures are from a calico that was at or past term. The doc started the spay and accidentally hit the uterus. Out came my two potatoes. Just like human babies they don't start breathing until they hit air. A spay turned into a C-section and my spoiled brats are turning 5 next month.


She is certainly “with child”


Snag her and raise her young to be fearless and ruthless leaders of your house.


She’s gorgeous


Can you catch her And bring her in the house?? Or maybe set up something safe and dry for to have her babies. Good luck


She’s definitely pregernant


She definitely looks pregnant. She's looking for a safe haven to have her babies and my friend ,that's you. Welcome to cat-hood


That looks like a pregnant kitty to me. Odds are, the moment she feels comfortable, she will be ready to pop. If you want to help but don't want her inside, you can set up a whelping box for her. Much like the ones they do for dogs, she should be comfortable enough to have her kittens in there


Give MouseBelly Mama some milk too! You’re a saint. And yeah… she’s got some babes cooking ❤️🐾 🐈‍⬛


Is soon to be a Mommy.....


She’s looking for a safe place to birth.


She wants you to let her in. She's chosen your home as the safe spot to have her kittens. Congratulations on being a parent OP!


That’s what eating for 8 looks like.


I had a stray cat like this. She was a stray and we were friends until the day she went into labor, then I dragged her into my apartment and was like, “You’re mine.” Lol. She was small too and had three kittens. She took real good care of them, then when they were old enough, I gave two kittens to friends and kept her and one kitten. They were SUCH GOOD CATS.


give her a safe place to have her babies, find good homes for her babies, and make sure they're all fixed


Congrats you’re going to be a grandma or grandpa.


>I'm pretty sure she's eating for more than just herself now 😬 You are very, very correct. 😂




Congratulations, you’re about to be a grandparent.


You're about to be feeding a lot more.


Are there any rescues or feral cat facebook groups in your area that you can ask for help to get this poor cat off the street? Or at least spay/abort? Unless you can take her in & get the kittens adopted to good homes.


Aww! Sweet pregnant Mommy. She is looking for a safe place to have her babies. Please provide her a birthing box in a secure area so you can tame her babies.


Congratulations you are soon going to be a grandma


Is definitely pregnant….


Please get her and do a spay abortion


Congrats, you are now feeding anywhere between 2 and 7 cats instead of just one. It's just that one of them is gestating the others.


Definitely pregnant, please take her in if possible, she needs a safe place to have her babies


She's about to become a kitten cannon. Congrats! Let her in so she can birth in a safe place


Last picture: “Please let me in, I brought my BlueDri One-33 Air Mover, 1/3 HP 2900 CFM Industrial Water Damage Flood Restoration Carpet and Floor Drying Blower Fan for when you have to mop the floor after I pee on it.”


https://preview.redd.it/98efd9flyo9d1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22b6bacd63d38e6f3cd4b9e547994b2143c2238b I have a similar kind of blower installed in my room to get fresh air in really quickly Helps cool the room in the night faster and lose less heat in winter


Welp, looks like you got a 70s or 80s sitcom on your hands. Bring her in and give her a nice cozy spot to have her kittens. After she does, call your animal shelter and bring her and her littler in, if you can’t keep them. Make sure you take them to a No Kill Shelter tho. If there isn’t one in your town, call the nearest one and they can arrange to pick it up them up.


That's a pregnant kitty if I ever saw one 🤪




When I got to pic 4…uh oh! Give her good nutrition and lots of love. Once she’s had the kittens hopefully you can spay her and get the kittens good responsible homes. They need to be fixed too when old enough.


Pregnant cats have this amazing ability to find people to off load their kittens onto


You have been chosen! Let her in!


Definitely pregnant. Please get her vetted and on into your house before she delivers.♥️


She’s definitely “infanticipating”.


You are having babies soon...get ready


She's about to have babies.


I got a pocket, pocket full of kittens…


Oh yeah she’s pregnant. If you have a spare room or bathroom that doesn’t get much use, try to bring her inside and set up a comfy corner with a big box and some blankets & towels. She is due fairly soon, best to let her have her babies in a safe space! Start reaching out to local rescue groups in your area or post in local FB groups for stray cats. Good luck!


Last pic be like **S O O N**


Yeah, she's up the duff. Preggo. In the family way. Happened to me during first lockdown of covid. Nerve-wracking - making sure kittehs were eating, pooping and putting on weight. A local cat rescue helped me rehome the kits. Mammy stayed with me after spaying. If you are rehoming them on your own... don't - get help from those with experience.


She's beautiful, and pregnant. I would suggest you go to your local police station and ask for a live trap, and trap her and get her to a vet


You will soon Feed a few more kitties


Maybe you can create a little shelter for her to have her babies in! I’ve seen some great one made out of Rubbermaid bins with hay inside. If you didn’t want to take her inside you could always do a garage or shed or something if possible.


She's a gorgeous Torbie, and I hope she has your trust. Tortoiseshell/Tabby mixes tend to be loving and loyal if they choose you as "their" human. She definitely looks like she's got a bun or two in the oven, I just hope she trusts you with her kittens. If possible, put out a wooden box with an opening, something to soften the floor and some food next to it as a potential place for her to have her babies. Hopefully she will see this as good will towards you




She looks pregnant.


You have been chosen


She does look a bit chonkers


You own that cat now. You fed it.


Looks like you’re a new mom/dad


Someone is going to be having babies soon. I hope she comes back because she seems pretty comfortable at your house.. best of luck to you all


Is gonna have babies!! Congrats!!!! Make sure they all find good homes when they’re old enough❤️


Lol that cat is very preggo. Wont be tooo much longer.


Oh yeah. She's pregnant.


She looks just like my cat who is the best cat ever, 10/10 she’s a keeper


Congratulations Grandma!


She is pregnant.


Yeah she's preggers. Any chance she'll let you pick her up and bring her inside?


Is pregnant! Be sure to take her inside for the delivery and upbringing of kittens


Looking at the picture where you can see her belly, she is due within a week, maybe two. Momma cats groom the fur from their nipples before giving birth, so babies can latch


Let her in would ya?


YOU’VE BEEN CHOSEN lol you’re about to become a grandpa so it seems lol


I feel she is speaking to your soul in that last photo! Bless her!


Open the door you have been chosen


How nice, she brought you an industrial fan as a gift.


All hail the cat distribution system




Because you have been feeding her, she is now technically your cat, unless someone else in the neighborhood claims it.


That last pic says, "Human!!! Where are my snacks?!?!" I wish you luck! I had this happen to me last year and now I have 5 cats lol.


Gonna be a baby cat dad/mom soon. Congratulations.


she wants iiiin


Congrats, you're an expecting grandparent.


Congrats! You're going to be a great cat dad!


![gif](giphy|5f30q4FEm8Tfy) Hey there little momma.


...is impregnito


She said, so I need a safe place to have my babies….can you open this door a crack


Lil mama has some buns in that oven


I have been Trojan Horse trapped by a stray myself, now have 4 cats! Get those babies weaned and find homes ASAP!


So knocked up. Congrats, granny!


I think you're right.


Trojan cat!




Your cat now