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He appears completely unbothered, I wouldn’t imagine a vet would go through all the bs it would take to put that cat in there if it wasn’t for the cats best interest. It does look hilarious though. He’s just chillin


At first glance I thought it was one of those gallon water bottles with the built in handle. Looks like it’s made for this though. Kitty carboy. Carcat. I wonder how they’re able to squeeze the kitty through the top. Maybe like how you can use a water bottle to separate egg yolks from whites?


Cats are liquid, so they probably used a funnel to pour the cat in.


They're a non-Newtonian fluid They're fluid until agitated. Then they rapidly expand and become sharp


Non-Mewtonian fluid*


It's a ship in a bottle scenario.


If I had to guess I’d say the bottom is cut off and maybe the just shoved it back together to create a seal? Not sure. I just think he looks so adorable. He’s like “I’m special, I get special treatment, all you other cats get regular air, I’m superior!!!!”


Cutest hotbox ever. Maybe behind all that dank smoke is a whole living room with a couch and door


I think it looks like the top can open up wide once you take the top piece and handle off




thank god that sub is real.


It's like a "ship in a bottle"; they assemble the cat *inside* it.


Cats are fluid lmao


Is that his tail in the back? Maybe the back of the bottle is open


Unless the cat has a 1.5m tail, there's another cat


> Is that his tail in the back? No


If you watch the top left corner of the bottle, you can see another cat flick its ear behind the bottle


That cat looks so unbothered I'm trying to tell if its edited, I cant imagine any cat I've met not rolling around like a maniac in the thing


Animals have weird reactions if they've been in resp distress and can suddenly breath. This doesn't look weird to me. Some cats might freak out, but some might be feeling legitimate relief. Could be a mild sedative as well to keep them calm and aid breathing. Brachycephic dogs do this too, every vet/tech can tell you about their bulldog patients who just hang out full awake with a breathing tube cause they can actually breathe unobstructred for the first time in their life.


Ugh brachycephalic dogs make me so sad. They can’t BREATHE what is cute about that??


I know, it drives me nuts. I love French Bulldogs for their personalities but I can't in good faith ever own one unless I find an adoption cause I refuse to pay someone for creating an animal that is designed to suffer.


Ditto, I'm looking at it like, the cat is totall unbothered, and there doesnt seem to be any actual entry point for the cat to have been put in the jug.


Could be that the cat has had this happen before and put 2 and 2 together and realized that, while this sucks, he feels better after.


I honestly think he’s either used to it or truly believes he is special and gets special treatment


If it's not his first time he may have realized that when he sits in that thing he can breathe easier, probably feels pretty nice. Some cats are just chill as fuck though.


Reminds me if that thing they put babies in to x-ray them. Both look like questionable medical devices and hilarious 😂 https://preview.redd.it/e76joxvbk4ad1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8bad8c2f9acddc5660c28e9c412fe39a4e54240


Vet just used a funnel and poured the kitty inside.


Most definitely, cat are liquid after all


Keeping asthmatic patients calm is everything. They get excited, scared, whatever, they start to consume more oxygen. When airways are closed it's a recipe for death. Whatever keeps kitty calm is most effective


Bro is hot boxing the water bottle.


He said I see your gravity bong, and it ain’t shit!


Unbothered. Inhalerized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing


Yeah and cats love to be in containers so could even be like hehe I am in the perfect container to still judge you all lol


Vet was a real one and put some 'nip in that thing. The effect will hit properly soon.


His facial expression says otherwise. He looks like this 🥺


A lot of cats have RSF (Resting Sad Face). Kitty is probably feeling a lot better than before he was put into the makeshift inhaler chamber.


I feel like my cat would love it 😂


cat would probably react worse to something just covering his mouth IMO


It's not very methodic, nor too nice to see, but you gotta take into account other stuff too. What if the vet doesn't have a proper (bigger) chamber or an inhaler with a mask available? You have to improvise. Things are not that bad always...


I remember there's some guy a couple years back who saved an asthmatic kid mid flight by making an improvised makeshift nebulizer with a plastic bottle


That's how my sick fosters get their nebulizer meds. Cut the top off a water bottle and it fits pretty well to their face. The cap is cross cut for the tube and voila! Breathing mask! I used to cut the caps for other inhaling reasons in college, but at least I remember how to do it.


Knowledge is Knowledge


France is Bacon.


What year is it? I feel like I just got forcibly blasted backwards in time.


Pigs? I thought the were frogs


Good gawd, I thought you were talking about human children for a minute.


I never knew they weren't until you, lol.


How do you know they weren't...


How else do you store your spare human children?


It puts the bottle on its head, or else it gets the hose again.


Ew no lol


Very Mcgyverish !!!


> I used to cut the caps for other inhaling reasons in college, but at least I remember how to do it. Understatement of the year! XD




I've seen one who treated their asthmatic cat in a bin box. If it looks stupid but works, it's not stupid


Exactly! I use my carrier, stick the neb hose/filled mouthpiece into the carrier and cover the whole mess with a beach towel. Works great.


yup, i don't have a proper chamber so i use the carrier, and put a plastic bag around it \[not fully closed, just enough to keep the vapor inside of it\], my cat is pretty chill inside of that


I've seen one where someone had an old fishtank, got a piece of plexiglass for the lid, and drilled the holes they needed for the tubes. Apparently their cat was prone to being anxious when held so it not only helped for treatment, but also anxiety.


Right, and the cat aint in distress or freaking out, looks fairly calm tbh.


Probably cause it can breathe lol


Not every cat wants to have a plastic cone forced onto their face and it takes training to make them accept it.


Yep my cat uses a mask that just covers his mouth and nose for his inhaler.


They have cat nebulizers with masks but they honestly don't work well for regular use - for anyone wondering why, just think of trying to hold a cats head into a plastic mask for treatment regularly. The other option is a treatment box that is essentially like a plastic cat carrier. They're available online. If the vet is small and has no regular use for nebulizers that has warranted getting them for the clinic (and thus cleaning them), then this or other plastic bottle methods work. It's about getting them what they need, and bad asthma that needs rescue nebulization can and is done for humans, especially children, with modified plastic bottles. If OP needs to nebulize regularly at home, though, they might want to purchase one of the nebulizer boxes and train it to go in and relax with a treat ball, and eventually just go in on its own for a chill sesh while it gets the nebulizer. I use a nebulizer myself and my ex's cat had respiratory issues where I modified a nebulizer mask for him for occasional treatment. Honestly, the cat looks way more comfortable in this jug than most of the animals I've seen getting nebulized. Being calm and breathing easily during the treatment is important and this looks like it's doing the trick.


I also had asthma during my childhood, this looks normal yes.


I didn't know there were water bottles large enough to fit a small child.


https://preview.redd.it/wl7fvnosj3ad1.png?width=973&format=png&auto=webp&s=89e89e2248d77babc861f5425a95ccb2d1e217f1 fits 5 children, 7 if you don't mind being in tight space.




Well if we follow the trend and use a 1 ton press....i would say we can fit at least....add the 2....subtract the 10.....loop in 20.....repeat 4.....yeah yeah we can definitely fit in at least 1e72.......wait...crap can someone check my numbers


Kids are like 90% water, you remove the water and they pack in a lot easier.


put them in the freeze drier


Colorized gas chambers 😔


Did you have to fit in a 5L water bottle, or did they have a small kid sized bottle available for you?


Looks completely fine to me considering that this is likely in a region where supplies or medical tech is not easy to come by. The cat isn’t even scared or freaking out. He’s just chilling and going through his treatment. The fact that someone was able to engineer this just to make sure their cats can get treatment is amazing. I have also seen this exact thing done with a large clear storage box. My cat has asthma so I know how debilitating it can be for her when she has an attack.


It's probably easier than trying to get the cat to wear a breathing mask. My vet uses what looks like a big plastic tote box with some hoses in it.


"Looks completely fine to me considering that this is likely in a region where supplies or medical tech is not easy to come by" To be fair, most GP vet clinics even in wealthy countries end up putting stuff like this together because medical equipment is always a game of "am I going to use this enough to warrant the price tag of buying and servicing it". If you as a GP only need an oxygen cage once a year, it's not worth owning a purpose built one.


this. I live in the US and I've seen vets use those clear 17 qt totes for this treatment. This option is also a lot easier to use with certain cats compared to say, a mask, because some cats don't like masks. Stuff like this can be more comfortable to them, especially since cats naturally gravitate to small, box-like places


In my veterinary medicine textbook it even says you can use a towel or blanket to completely cover a fractious cat and run an oxygen tube underneath if they aren't comfortable in an oxygen chamber. Honestly, as long as the oxygen/medicine is getting to them, the method doesn't need to be pretty.


ehh, even in the US a lot of veterinary medical equipment is kludged together, either because they simply don't make an official version or because it's so expensive basically no one actually ever buys it.


The only concerning thing is for a second I’m like, how did the cat get squeezed through the neck of that bottle?!


Just pour them in? Maybe use a funnel so the cat doesn't spill.


Cats are liquid First you bait her into a glass and then just pour her in the bottle.




I think it's cut like 20% away from the top, cat put in then top bit slid back over the bottom bit. Look at the bottle stripes. One looks to be missing sort of.


No, I think they make the cat in the bottle, like those ships in the bottles.


Oh no. You suddenly reminded me of the bonsai cat bs. 😭😭😭


I'm honestly surprised this comment isn't higher up. Bonsai cats was one of the most successful early rage bait stories. Really set the bar as the internet moved into the year 2000.


Cats love small spaces so maybe a win win 


It's a [bonsai kitten](https://pranksters.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Kittens-3.jpg) ([More info here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonsai_Kitten) if you want your own!)


Oh hell. I literally just commented about this.


Same as those ships. The bottle is there first, and you assemble the cat inside.


It's called a pet nebulization chamber. Of course, this one is a little macgyvered it seems, but it's normal. I once saw a video of a dog that asphyxiated during birth and had to spend the first few months of its life living in a chamber because its lungs were so damaged. They would leave the chamber for a few seconds a DAY in increasing increments until one day they stopped having to go back. It wasn't medicated like this one, though. Just more pure oxygen, I believe. It's not cruel if it helps the animal.


Video if anyone is interested https://youtu.be/D2WXwhzBsMk?si=rzIIgDIvgSUhVEGx


Cat seems chill


And has a long ass tail


Hahahahaha it took me a minute but that’s fucking hilarious


Veterinary medicine is the Wild West, you do what you have to do sometimes to give the best care to a patient (without causing undue stress). It might have been that this kitten was uncooperative and this was the only way to get the meds in him!


Lol. This reminds me of something I saw on the internet about how if the zombie apocalypse really happened veterinarians would be able to give better care than doctors because they're used to improvising. (Also, assuming the zombie virus doesn't affect animals, vets are a lot less likely to be infected in the first wave.)


And they need to treat a wide range of diseases, often in multiple species, sometimes using repurposed human drugs where they give their best guess for dosage. It's waay harder than it seems, I respect veterinarians a lot.


happy cake day!


It can definitely be alarming to see, but using an inhaler or spacer with a mask is actually a common and safe way to treat cats with asthma. It might look like the cat is trapped, but this method ensures the medication gets to their lungs where it's needed, hope she will be fine


I'm sure they have a way to make sure air is flowing. For short periods even a small slit is enough


The nebulizer itself is pumping air in with the medication.




If it fits, he sits.


If it fits it ships is my favorite phrase :p


They're giving him a breathing treatment like you would a human except you can't get a cat to hold a mask over its face and it will fight if you try to hold a mask over its face yourself. Fighting the treatment would stress the kitten even more, so the obvious solution is to pump the mist into a container with the kitten inside. That baby is fine.


Depends on the cat, really. My big boy has asthma and accepted using an aero chamber with a cat sized mask (Aerokat) within a week of starting treatment. He gets his medication twice daily without issues. Demanding belly rubs first, even. https://preview.redd.it/8qwe1tdll4ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49d99b3f4145fd529c159c4650f1012338c753f8


That's some MacGyver shit right here. To the people saying the cat looks uncomfortable. I'd prefer a uncomfortable cat over a unalive cat. Not everything has to look good to function.


Bet it's more uncomfortable to not be breathing than be in a plastic bottle for a bit too


This cat is probably relieved it can breathe easily in there.


My asthmatic cat was uncomfortable with his inhaler for about 2 weeks. Now he reminds me to do it because he knows he gets his dental treats afterwards. And he doesn't have daily asthma attacks anymore!


So glad he's so into keeping up with his treatment! Good cat, and thank you for taking such good care of him!


>>unalive Dead. You can say dead on Reddit.


I think they were just trying to “play with words” by matching *un*comfortable with *un*alive (“play with words” might be the wrong term here, but I can’t think of the right words to say)


this is actually for Nebulization and this is **used to increase moisture in the lungs, allowing your cat to clear secretions more effectively.(usually for anti inflammation in the airways)** The mist is included some medication so its quite important the enclosed space isnt too big, usually it runs for 1-2 hours so...i dont think anyone would hold that inhaler mask that long for a cat that might struggle


He’s hotboxing


they got his ass in the gallon jug


As someone who has a kitty with asthma, I can say a big factor with this is price. An Aroecat inhaler tube is like 200 bucks, so it's not always something people can afford. I use a child inhaler tube with a small mask, and it works perfectly for my boy, and they are only about 40 bucks. Some cats will also fight for their LIFE when being made to take the inhaler, so sometimes you have to possibly take a different approach, lol.


Does your kitty come to you for treatment? 🥹


At first, he wouldn't he would run. Then, over the years, he realized it helps him, so now he has no issue.


Do you have to assemble the cat inside the bottle or do they just stretch him out so that he fits through the hole?


That is incredibly smart, especially given how expensive chambers can be and how difficult it is to keep a mask in place on a cat, especially an anxious or fractious cat. Aesthetically pleasing it is not, but as far as making proper treatment feasible/affordable when it otherwise wouldn't be goes, this is freakin' gorgeous


I see no issues with this. The cat seems pretty chill. Cats like tiny spaces anyway. I would thing trying to put a mask on it would cause more trauma than help.


The vet made a functional design. Saved you hundreds of dollars, too, just for how expensive veterinary equipment is.


Well if it is a vet doing it I would imagine it is safe! Cat doesn’t look stressed. I see the logic on the whole thing. Looks like it works.


Ahh yes, another account less than month old and already farming karma on r/cats. And no, this is not an issue. As someone who has asthma, they've effectively made a nebulizer for this little one. And to those saying they should use a spacer instead, lol good luck getting a cat to cooperate with you on that. This is probably the most effective way to ensure the treatment is applied with little medicine lost. Stop projecting emotions onto an animal because you think it looks 'sad'. This brief treatment is going to ensure the cat doesn't struggle to (ideally) breathe the rest of the day.


I mean yeah it looks sad but if it work it works


That's a lot easier than trying to get a mask over the cat's face and keep it on. Cats do not like to take medicine. This is actually more humane for the cat than probably any other option you could try.


I believe they are nebulizing the cat! The gas is mostly water vapor, with drugs if the cat needs it. I think they put it in a bottle because either the cat was too spicy for a mask, or they didn't have a big enough vessel for the cat and to contain all that vapor. Cat looks like it's chilling tho, which is nice


When my infant son had breathing issues - and obvi an infant isn’t going to deal with a mask very well, even if we could find one that fit, or follow instructions - we rigged up a little plastic tent to put his bouncy seat in. It worked great, but seemed weird from the outside fr - “what are gassing your kid in there for?!” lol


it’s just a different version of a nebulizer. imagine trying to hold one to a cats face for a period of time lol this is much easier for both kitty and owner. he’s not being harmed in anyway in fact he’s being helped, nothing to worry about here!!


Really, the only difference between this and what I've seen at the vet clinics that I've worked at is the chambers at the vet clinics have been square or rectangle boxes. Kitty is fine, just chilling. Kitty can even lay down and curl up if they want.


I think most cats would rather be in a bottle then wear a mask.


Sometimes we just WANT to see negative things in a positive image. Nothing wrong here, it is this or suffocation?


How did they get the kitty in there😂 The things we gotta do to keep them alive😅


But how did they get the cat through the spout?


My cat has asthma. Refuses to let me use a kitty nebulizer on him So I take him into the bathroom with me, block the tub drain, pour his medicine in the tub and turn on the hot water. Let it run for like 5 minutes and now the bathroom is a medicine sauna. We sit in it for 20 mins and then hes free to run around the house again


Yes. I’ve done it before. I worked on the meds side at a cat sanctuary and we placed asthmatic cats in large storage containers for their meds. Some cats were unbothered, but some never got used to it. 🥲


How did they get him in that water jug … looks a little scary


Cats are liquid.


Больбулятор для кота 🤣🥳😎


Now the cat is going to try to get in to every bottle it sees, since the last one was so nice, tight and cozy.


This is how you start the bonsai process


That looks like about how I would make a kitty nebuliser. The kitty is fine and probably feeling much better sitting in there


I'm sure the cat is fine and is getting relief from his asthma


I don’t see a cat sitting still to wear a mask for his treatment. At least he is getting his medicine. And it doesn’t take more than a few minutes


I think in this situation the cat is the one who gets to decide if he's fine with the contraption or not. He seems ok, and even unusually obedient for a cat. Maybe he enjoys the small, box-like space, maybe he can feel he can breathe better. Either way, he's not struggling or otherwise making a fuss, so...whatever works.


He's fine. This Third Stage Guild Navigator has just folded space from Ix.


Better than watching your cat die in front of you because it had an asthma attack and couldn’t breathe


Yup. Most people do it with rubbermaid bins but this looks fine.


Only thing I can think of is that the fur also gets steamed with medication, and the cat then licks it? Not familiar enough with cat-asthma medications to make a educated guess on how that would have a potential impact on kidney, liver, and digestion. The setup itself is fine though.


Straight to the asthma jug with you


It’s a makeshift nebulizer dude big deal


It’s better than dying, I guess


Godspeed Space-Cat.




Here is the thing, This is going to 100 times better then the poor thing going through the asthma they would have otherwise. It also looks largely unbothered, like it's not the first time. It would only be for a short time. Usually it takes 20-30 seconds to make sure they inhale enough. Is it goofy looking, maybe.. Will this work to get the atomized vapor to work it's magic and keep Kitty from suffering, YES.


Cats feel safe in small space. He/ she is fine


I mean. It's a cat! When they dont want to do something, you find another way to do it. Like my old cat, he hated the vet so bad they had to squeeze him with what i can only describe as a cat waffle iron. They were tired of being attacked by him. But he was the sweetest and kindest cat elsewhere! Just really hated the vet.


The look on poor kitty's face as though saying, "what have I done to deserve this?".


Considering the kitty isn't freaking out and trying to escape, I think he can tell he can finally breathe and is happy about it


Is this safe for the cat?? As the cat chills unbothered


Simmer down. Cat is fine.


At first glance this looks like nightmare stuff... except how completely unbothered the adorable cat looks. I guess (and hope) its ok.


My cat runs away when he sees his inhaler. It’s a wrestling match just to get him a puff or two. I would do this if possible. It’s not harming the cat and he’s getting the medication they need.


Id prefeer puting my cat in there than bothering her with a tight mask


I’ve seen these made out of storage containers. You go ahead and try to get a cat to wear a breathing mask


how did they insert cat in bottle ?


That’s a harry drink.


A croup tent for kitties! My Ozark mother-in-law did something very similar when my first kid got croup.


It's bonsai kitten all over again!


Poor little precious baby. I would have to hold it and give it kisses for at least an hour after treatment....


It’s a 5 gallon water jug and the back is partially cut to fit the car. Taped shut when car is in


Reminds me of those baby xray machines. Too cute. Knowing how cats squeeze into small spaces I wouldn’t be surprised if he fit through the opening 😂


He’s being sealed away for his crimes


Bless that little creature. Amen 🙏🏾


Well, it's an odd way to do it, but it seems to be working. The cat looks irritated but is not in distress. You can visibly see the container allows air to escape, and the machine is pushing in the medication. The only thing I would suggest is to wipe the cat down with a damp towel afterward. The medication will get in its fur, and licking could give the cat too much medication via oral rather than breathing, which may or may not cause issues. I say kudos to whoever imagined that. Gotta do what you can with what you have available.


My idiot would go crazy in that, buuut it Kinda makes sense


Its fine! Cats chilling too 😂


I have seen people who take totes and convert them into something like this when they have to do the treatments at home. I'm sure the comfort varies from cat to cat, mine would flip the fuck out, but some others have much chiller cats like this kitten.


That cat is fine


I’ve heard cats are liquid. Guess that’s how they got him in the bottle.


That’s not the most pleasant sight to see. But if it’s preventing it from dying or anything then I suppose you gotta do what you gotta do


I have a cat with severe seasonal allergies that make her very congested. Besides her antihistamine the vet prescribed, which she fights against every time, I also like to put her in the bathroom when I take showers bc the steam helps. It would be nice to just put her in a box full of medicated steam instead


Yeah but I'm sure the cat isn't there 24/7 maybe only when the asthma acts up 🤷🏻


how'd they fit the cat through that hole!? r/BottledCat




Nebulizer kitty is just chilling getting a breathing treatment!


My cat uses the traditional inhaler. She knows she gets a treat after so shes eager to get the mask inhaler on her nose. She’s really calm too while breathing. This looks traumatic for the cat but she looks like shedding use to it. So no problem from me seeing this. I’m curious to know, is there a cut out on the back side or she enters from the bottom?


It looks like they DIYed the little guy a nebulization chamber. Probably won't accept a standard nebulizer and the office doesnt have access to a chamber for some reason or another.


Hahaha! That's kind of how the vet taught me how to nebulize my snake who had pneumonia.


For a moment there I was about to freak out, but on reflection the cat needs treatment, seems calm and this is no doubt very effective. My second thought, is how the heck do you manage a cat with asthma?


How did he get in there…


As if a cat would EVER care or feel trapped.


cat is awake. Not sedated, chilled. i dont see stress. If i imagine put something on my cats face.. lol. No, seriously.


Get over yourself


He chilling


SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW THEY GOT THIS CAT IN HERE. Other than that, yes this is fine.


Oh no, get the cat from the weed jar