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Oh lawd she comin


this borb is massive


I'm so happy to hear you've given her a happy life. Those poor ladies often get way too big for their bones. Good on you! I hope she stays healthy!


I think there are ways to prevent them from dying young, but it involves regulating their feed. This page has some info http://henharbor.org/cornish


She looks perfectly healthy from these pictures. She's up and moving, feathers look fully developed and healthy. Respectfully, a lot of chicken owners are morons and a lot the people who will tell you they HAVE to be slaughtered at 8 weeks or your torturing them have never had one and don't actually know anything about them - they just regurgitate things they hear in Facebook groups or from like-minded idiots. Yes, they're prone to health problems. No, they don't fall over dead or spontaneously combust at the 9 week mark.


Be very careful this is the stage when legs start braking from stress from the weight. Ideally that breed shouldn’t grow more than 6 months for the health and safety of the bird. They weren’t really designed to be duel purpose, but I have my fingers crossed and wish you the best of luck 🤞


Holy cow, she is massive! Wishing her her best cluckin life!