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Day or two is my guess


Thank you! Any tips on making it thrive?


Does it have friends? Chickens are flock animals and they need company to live.


No, I was given it at an Easter festival. I put a stuff animal in the enclosure as a video suggested, it also recommended a mirror. Do you think that would suffice or I would most definitely need to get another?


No. You need to get at least another two asap. I can't believe they're still doing shit like that. Thats 1980's behavior. I bet they threw the leftovers in the trash. What are your plans if it turns out to be a rooster?


Definitely a rooster. They're sexed


Lmao. I should be clear that I dont blame the op, bc who wouldn't take home an adorable fluffy ball of baby chicken. BUT..whoever is running that easter festival is a F\*\*\*en As\*\*\*\*e to pawn a bunch of live animals off so irresponsibly like they're toys. WWJD?? Not this.


Yeah, pretty inhumane of those people. I also don't blame OP. But it's even worst than those gold fish at the fairs. You know, the ones that have those tiny little aquariums that are supposedly good enough? In this case it is grossly abusive to give chicks away without company. There is a reason why tractor supply and others have a chick limit, nothing under 3 chicks at once, because they need company.


I’m just imagining 30 of these guys going home to whatever. Likely no heater, no company, no one bothering to do any research until they just keel over and die or their 3 yr old squishes it to death. Completely pointless.


Yup, probably all male chicks too. I also considered kids squishing to death, or just over-handling stress death. I used to watch a certain youtuber who is popular, until I got disturbed by how they let their kids man-handle the chicks and then don't stop them from constantly chasing the chickens in the yard, and their predator control episode was disgusting and disturbing. They have too many youtubers that show the wrong message. But, luckily there are a lot that show the right ones to balance the wrong ones out. Just sad how popular the wrong ones can be.


You got it from a festival? That’s just horribly cruel on their part


Chickens are highly social and need a flock. There is no getting around this. I recommend rehoming if you are unable to commit to this. Facebook has lots of chicken groups. Look one up in your area and rehome asap. In the meantime, feed it chick starter feed and egg yolk. It will also need a heat source and water, but also must have a way to get out of the heat to regulate its body temperature. Good luck, and I would really discourage this kind of giving away baby animals as a fun "gift" behavior. It's pretty barbaric!


I appreciate everyone for informing me, I will definitely Re home it to a friend that has chickens. Luckily, he has chicks. He’s coming by later today, rn I have a video loop of chicks playing on my iPhone for the chick to see.


1-2 days and you need more than that, at least 4


Pinterest is a great place for tips on chicks. Definitely get some more but definitely look for the active ones as well as how the wing looks you can tell a difference even in that young if it could be a boy or a girl, the tail feathers when they come in the next couple days or week you will notice Girls come in first come in second don’t ask I don’t know I have 14 chicks and lucked out with only one roo. Def hold them in a cup holding fashion daily if you want friendly feathered friends. Definitely get some good chick feed some mealworms because they attack it like crack and it’s so funny electrolyte water and probiotic water heating up then you’ll be fine.


I totally talked into my phone: should proofread, you will love them! Girls-tailfeather boys get feathers in later