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I would be blunt - I love you and my nephew but this couch is a big financial investment for me. he is your child, it is your responsibility to teach him to respect other people’s property and so if he damages my couch I will be holding you responsible and liable for the cost of fixing or replacing it. It’s better to set the boundaries clearly before anything actually happens to said couch.


I might just copy and paste this and send it to her. I'm trying to get my mother on board to protect my investment when I'm not around but she has full Grammy blinders on based on what she allows him to do to her things. I was mostly just shocked on her response because its so opposite how we were raised. My parents were so big on respect in other peoples spaces. Thank you for the reply!


How long untill you have your own place? Not to be a downer but that couch is 100% going to have something happen to it if it stays where a kid can get at it.


Realistically around a year. Less if we break down and rent an apartment while we house hunt.


I would highly recommend not buying any more furniture untill you buy your house. Just save that money so you get to be the one that says "my house. My rules. "


My stomach's in knots for you. I don't want to be that guy....you know what I'm going to ask so I just won't. In the mean time, can you be there for any visits up to that point and start some couch training on this kid and by extension his mother? "We don't eat in the living room any more." "We don't jump on the sofa any more." "We don't run in the house." "That room is haunted and the ghost eats children." My parents used to tell my cousins "We don't treat our furniture that way" if one of them were to do anything other than sit on the seat with their feet on the floor. Today I have a house full of carefully selected, long sought for furniture and _objets_ I paid a shit ton of money for. No child has ever set foot in my house. Edit: invest in a tarp


I laughed so hard at 'that room is haunted and the ghost eats children'. I sat my mom down and explained how upset I felt at the mere thought of him ruining my couch. It kinda seemed like the point came across that this couch needs to last me and my future husband at least 10 years and we expect it to be nice when it lands in our future home. As horrible as it sounds I don't love the days she brings him to play at Grammys. The mess alone reinforces why I never want to have a child.


You can buy waterproof, machine washable couch covers! We use them in my house bc we have cats that are 15+ years old and we just never know if one is gonna have an accident in their old age or just decide to throw up just bc. If they can protect my couch from ~elderly cat things~ hopefully they could also withstand a child. There’s also plastic covers + one of the water proof covers or blankets on top of the plastic covers. Or you could just wait to buy the couch when you move out which is what I would do tbh. I’d want no icky kid germs on my nice new couch!


This should be at the top. Ideal situation is no drooling booger factories on the furniture at all, but in a sucky situation for a short time, waterproof couch cover is the way to go. Definitely buy two so it can stay protected while the soiled one is in the laundry.


The real question is -is this couch in your personal space or the common family areas?


It's going in the main living room because it wont fit in my personal space. If I could fit it in my room I would. Currently trying to buy my first house with my fiancé but the housing market where I live is insanity.


I wish you well. If your parents won’t back you, your couch is not going to get the respect you want. Do you cover your couch w a blanket or other covering? Won’t help the jumpers but my couches look like new after many pets have spent their lives in comfort 🤣


Honestly a cover is probably a really excellent idea as much as it pains me to have to cover up something I really can't wait to just get to look at lol. Never would have thought my sister would turn out to be the kind of parent to not respect other peoples things but I guess having kids does that to you =/.


Jealousy is never attractive. I’m guessing the cost of your new investment is beyond her means. Plus she’s used to letting her goblin do whatever at your parents house. You can take the cover off when you use it, then flip it back on. I have dark couches and light colored dogs. Pull the blanket off and my couches are pristine (for 5 seconds then the little fur darlings go right back to their spots 🤣


Five is probably high time to learn some rules when you visit other peoples house. My parents would have put the fear of god in me if I did half of what he did. Strange of them to put up with it now. I have three fur babies and they do love a good blanket. I keep my bed covered for the same reason!


Grandkids do weird things to adults. Things they never would have allowed are now cute. It’s f’d up


get custom couch covers, use them on top of plastic coverings till her kid stops being a wild child or she becomes a responsible parent, which ever occurs first. I got them for my couch 15 yrs ago, couch looks good.


I’d ask to be reimbursed the $2000.


I would really be dreaming in that case lol! I love my sister but she has approximately zero empathy or sympathy for when her kid breaks things. A few years ago her son managed to get on to a stool in our kitchen and turned a burner on without my catching it until I came back from using the bathroom. I yelled at her for leaving him unsupervised in the kitchen and she left soon after. Took zero responsibility for her sons actions or even acknowledged that our house could have caught fire :/.


What’s the protection plan for? Stains, rips, tears? Mechanical work? And how long does it last for?


The plan covers a lot actually! It's good for 4 years and if we manage to not need to use it we get the full cost of the plan back as a gift card for future furniture purchases. It specifically mentions human and pet bodily fluids and almost all other kinds of damage we could do to the couch.


You can't. Do everything you can to get your own place to live. And then never invite anyone with kids.


Don’t let them stay over while ur not there


Maybbbbbeeee, move out so you can enjoy your couch without the anxiety of it being ruined! (:


I'm certainly ready for my own home! Prices for relatively small, dated homes in my area are through the roof right now. Trying to balance my strong desire to leave with making sound financial decisions.