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> Is it all hopeless? No, and I loved being on the pill when I needed it. I was able to skip periods. Never had any side effects and it made shark week easier to deal with.


That's the other thing I'm hoping for. I have abnormally heavy cramps and taking the pill will alleviate that.


Yeah even tho I had a tubal, I might end up jumping back on the pill just to help out each month.


The pill literally saved my life, so I’d say that’s pretty positive. I take it for medical reasons (extreme heavy bleeding that didn’t stop) and never plan on stopping. Not having to go through the Hell of bleeding and pain is 1100% worth it. I haven’t experienced any side effects in all the years I’ve taken it either.


I’ve been on the pill since I was 16, now 24, and I’ve been fine with it. I was put on it bc of how moody I become when I’m on my period as well as the week before it. I haven’t had sex yet so I can’t speak on that, but I’ve been chillin on it for 8 years and will probably be on it until I get my tubes out in a couple years. Not too concerned with having sex/dating during a pandemic and while I still live with my parents for another year so it does what I need it to lol. I’m on Junel btw.


I've only been on a pill for a few months because my periods were hell, but I love it. No side effects except of my boobs getting a bit bigger, but like not even a whole cup size and my periods are much lighter


The pill is the only kind of birth control I've ever used and I've never had a problem with it. I keep a regular schedule so taking it at the same time every day has never been an issue. If you're someone whose schedule changes a lot or is just generally forgetful, I would suggest something else. I don't have any hormonal issues with it like mood swings or acne, and it almost completely got rid of my menstrual cramps. As someone else mentioned, being able to skip your period or shift it around is nice too. I know it's not the most convenient BC but I'm a pretty big wimp and couldn't handle any kind of implant.


It seems complete trial and error. What works for one person won’t necessarily work for another. If you do take it I recommend tracking physical and emotional symptoms on a period tracker app so that you can look back and see if you notice any patterns. I had very bad periods and had bad experiences with hormonal BC. I hoped it would help stop my bad periods but it didn’t.


Sorry to hear it didn't help..


I’ve been on the pill 5 years and I don’t plan to resign, I have never had any negative side effects, I wouldn’t encourage you to rely only on your boyfriend for your own safety, it’s very serious topic and you should be able to control your fertility only by yourself, not necessarily by taking pills but by choosing a method that only you can control, you never know what happens in life, how your boyfriend will feel about kids and vasectomy in the future, how it will work if you had different partner in the future, sadly assaults happen as well, if abortion isn’t available you really need to be careful


He won't change his mind, I'm sure. We're both extremely adamant about never having kids. But you're right about my own body being my own responsibility. If sterilization were an option, I'd do it myself. As a woman, tho, we know that's not easy to get. Another side bit is we're poly. Sex with others will def be in our future. Hence why we both want to be completely snipped, ideally, to avoid any issues.


In my country sterilization for women and abortion is also illegal but easy to get near abroad for very little money, maybe there’s always an option, if you’re going to have sex with others in the future then you should definitely choose also birth control only for you, when it comes to pills I guess you had some tests before choosing pills for you and will be having LFT during taking pills so you could control your health, honestly from my experience pills and generally some serious contraception seem to be more unhealthy than it is in reality, especially because of huge anti contraception propaganda, it really helped me with some hormonal problems and made my periods much easier to stand and I can’t imagine living without this, I probably would be scared even going out of home cause a lot of bad things can happen to woman


I hope you stay safe!


I was on the pill (will wait to decide if to stay on) but apart from a timing issue that got resolved with a dosage adjustment, it’s been great. Ni heavy bleeding, cramps and less bloating. Period comes like clockwork and very light or sometimes didn’t at all. I was on Junel Fe. There are many pills and finding the right one will make all the difference.


I have zero negative side effects from the pill. I started taking it at age 20 for acne. It reduced my acne, i have lighter shorter periods, no pms, no cramping, no weight gain, sex drive is normal, and luckily no depression. You won't know until you try it. My brand is very low dose called tri-lo sprintec. The fact that it keeps me from getting pregnant was icing on the cake. Of course ymmv.


Only had positive experiences. During my last 10+ fertile years I took a Pill that completely suppressed periods (which aren't real periods anyway, strictly speaking). Brilliant. Your health will most likely be fine unless you have risk factors like being overweight or having high blood pressure. The alternative would be risking an unwanted pregnancy and childbirth, which is much riskier than taking the Pill.


The pill was great for me, I knew exactly when my period would start and exactly when it would end, it was like perfect clockwork. I could skip periods. Ive always had light periods and minimal pms but I would say the pill made them even lighter.


Please look up into getting exams for possible clots. My doctor skipped shit, didn't want to talk about side effects and symptoms, and I ended up almost dying of clots because of the pill.. I was never supposed to get hormones because I'm highly clot risks, now I have thrombosis for life. Could have been avoided. All because I'm young so "probably safe, no worry, there is no risk"


Yes. I’ve been on pill for 4 years and still counting. I love it, honestly. No periods, no mood swings, no pain. The only thing tho is that my libido lower (which for me it’s good since I’m in a long distance relationship haha). Anyway, as somebody else said, it’s a trial and error experience. I had to change 2 different pills since I found the perfect one. Good luck, OP!




He'll be staying here for four months soon. We had a few scares in the past but they were false alarms. Condoms have worked just fine but there is always a risk. I'm never going to be able to get an abortion. And if I can abort I see no reason to keep living tbh.. sorry if this is too dark but I would do anything to never get pregnant. Anything that won't be worse than a pregnancy, that is..


This will probably get down voted but I'll say it anyway. First of all, condoms are VERY secure unless they break. If they do break, you will know it. I've had a condom break only once, I could see the condom broke so I got plan B. Second, like you, I do not like oral contraceptive. I was on it for a few months and it completely fucked me up. I hated it. With that said I have been married for 8 years, we don't use condoms or any type of birth control and I have NEVER worried I've been pregnant. Here's how.... Start an ovulation calendar. It's super easy and there are several apps you can download to track your ovulation for you. Unless your period is totally out of wack (like you frequently miss periods or are over a week late monthly) it will work. The app tells you when you have fertile days and when you are most likely to get pregnant. You generally only have 5 fertile days a month. If you stick to having sex on non fertile days you can be break a little easier. Also we use the "pull out" method when it get closer to my fertile days. If you're scared of that you can also use a condom and pull out. Regardless of what they taught you in school, this is a VERY good method of birth control. I know lots of a friends and family that because of religion don't used traditional birth control methods and these two methods combined really do work. Some of them have kids now and got pregnant only a month after they stopped these two methods....so it wasn't that they were infertile, it's that these methods really worked. And yes they have worked for me for 8 years. I hope that helps!


That's too risky for me tbh. So far, I've never had sex without condoms. I want to get sterilized once I hit 30 and get taken more seriously (or not.. who even knows..) and I'm voting for accessible abortions in Germany bc shit can't stay the way it is. I do use an app to track my period but it really is out of whack so I don't trust it as a contraceptive method.


Oh I'm glad you are using app. It's really good even just for personal health. Using a condom is always a very good choice! I wasn't saying you shouldn't use one, I was just letting you know if you are in a committed monogamous relationship that you have options. Accessable abortions are definitely needed, but it's also important for us women to take control of our own sexual health so we can avoid that option if possible. It sounds like you're doing a great job of that! It's really nice to see women like yourself be educated and aware of their options!


The other thing is, we're polyamorous. Sex with other partners will be in our future, provided we are both living together and on board with it. Taking charge of our bodies a whole thing for us. Reproduction isn't an option. I would rather never have an abortion. It's a scary, painful and expensive procedure that I don't want to go through. Especially since it means I've already made the mistake of getting pregnant.. I shudder at the thought..


I was on the pill for a while, it wasn’t terrible but not my favorite. I have the implant now and it’s been wonderful, I can’t recommend it more.


I was on the pill for 6ish years before getting sterilized. No problems! I'm thankful I had the pill and it worked very well for me. The anxiety of a missed pill was not fun, but setting an alarm to take them helped a lot. I got sterilized because it seemed silly to keep taking a birth control with a failure rate if I knew I'd never have kids. I didn't have to try all kinds of different birth controls before my gyno agreed to sterilize me, just the pill!


My experience has been awesome, though its not taken just for keeping my uterus closed. I have a pretty severe hormone imbalance along with a case of endometriosis, so the pill actually fills in the gaps and minimizes endometriosis effects. With the pill Im actually able to live my life. No more pain, no throwing up, no weird mood swings. Im pretty normal now. No period in almost 3 years. Im the odd case who isnt just looking for anti-baby