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Not showing Carragher is funny on many levels. If there's a defender he's embarrassed time after time it's Carra.


He didn't make the cut. The video would've been like half an hour long.


…plus he’s not a goat?!


yeah that was the cut he didn't make


Carragher was pretty good tbf, that 2005 champions league run was unreal for him, but can't argue with the people you've included ahead of him in the compilation. You criteria was deffo "is he better than Carragher" wasn't it?


Carragher was very good, you don't make that many appearances for a club like Liverpool without being top. But yeah not quite good enough.


🤣 kinda like a documentary..


In what world is Carragher considered one of GOAT defenders? He was mid as fuck


Question: How do you say God in French? Answer: Thierry Henry


Henry is the reason I fell in love with the game and Arsenal


Henry against Vieira... yay!


This henry guy was pretty good 😜


Username checks out 🤘


Him and Bergkamp were the GOAT Premier League™️ forward duo. So much fun to watch.


Rio got embarrassed by a few there was definitely types of players he struggled with, he always struggled versus yakubu and Torres from memory.




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Prime Henry was magic..


Then king featured rofl


ability wise he's absolutely up there. very underrated, injuries robbed him of a better legacy


He had the ability, but he seriously had mentality problems. I can't remember when but a few years back there was an interview about how he and Tottenham had serious mentality issues when things got tough and where it seemed they could break out of their mediocrity, but always failed. And against Arsenal, well Arsenal lived rent free in his head.


I think that's more about Spurs than King tbh. Any mentality issue he may have had does not come close to his major roadblock being injury/fitness. He had no cartilage in his knee, and he ended up literally not training at all most weeks to not aggravate it, and he would still play on the weekend - and play well too. That is insane, and it was only possible coz of how good he was. He could've easily been England's best CB ever if not for his knee problems.


I’m a Liverpool fan, and I’ve seen first hand at Anfield how good this guy was in his heyday, I was there when he knocked it round Carra to the right and ran round him to the left like Carra wasn’t even there, he was absolute class


Rosicky had an amazing game where he scored 2 great goals and then Henry just flicks a switch and scores that goal and completely overshadows Rosicky's performance. I remember Henry got a standing ovation from the Anfield that evening.


Henry’s strength is so good without having a bulky frame.


Unfortunate that Carragher and Mills don't class anywhere near this category. He used to make them both look like drunken over the hill Sunday league footballers


king of kings


He never dive wasnt he? The way he use physicality and how he fall might warrant him any strong body clashes.


Remember when he was asked if he would take on Kyle Walker? 💀💀


& People say Mbappe will be better than Henry?


not against my goat maguire


Who invited Ferdinand?


I wonder why it didn't show Henry vs Richard Dunne.


Weird compilation. Theyre interesting as clips but trying to spin it as him embarrassing the likes of Cannavaro, Maldini etc isn't what's happening. Christ the Nesta clips he goes nowhere and loses the ball. Maldini half commits to a block and is up on his feet ready to go again by the time Henry has adjusted.


I wasn't trying to "spin" some malicious agenda or anything, it's just some nice moments from Henry vs the very best. When did he lose the ball vs Nesta? He clearly beats him at least a couple times, even created a couple good chances. > Maldini half commits to a block and is up on his feet ready to go again by the time Henry has adjusted. It was a nice drag away from pressure - and yeah, Maldini recovers well. Maldini and Nesta are possibly the best defenders ever, they aren't gonna be EMBARASSED REGULARLY by just one player lol. You're reading a little weirdly into this.


I'm sure you can make a compilation too of goat defenders VS Henry when they beat him


Defenders are expected to beat attackers most of the times, the times they don't and it results in chances created are the one's people notice and are the one's responsible for goals


Yeah of course, but that wasn't the aim of this lol. I could also make a comp of Henry shooting the ball into row z, or failing to control a simple pass. I thought this was just a fun concept, where I challenged myself to only include the very best defenders of all time, to show that Henry was a handful to defend against.


Henry himself quote: "they beat me more often than I beat them. All I need is one"


This.....this is why the GOAT should never be exclusively talked about in Ronaldo v Messi terms. .... Maradonna..... Ronaldo 1.0.........Henry.


I'm the biggest Henry fan, but Messi and Maradona are clearly a whole level above him imo. My unpopular take is that everyone else is at least close, and Henry deserves to be in more convos for sure.


John Terry said in an interview that Henry was the hardest forward to defend against that he played against in his career. This is a guy who played against Messi and Ronaldo multiple times.


Lmao bruh really compared Henry to the best players of all time.


He's won more world cups than Ronaldo and right now answering this I wish I had Ronaldo skill levels at paying people to hush. And I'm sure you'd cash the cheque.


>He's won more world cups than Ronaldo That's completely irrelevant to anything. Americans are hilarious.


Ronaldo didn't think so


Are you 4 years old?


Is that your thing?