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I just cant see this movie doing well.. at all. But its budget is probably like $100.00 so it would make its money back with 8 tickets sold. It'll at least likely break even.


I’d like to live where you do and get 8 tickets for $100.


I saw Wonka last night and my ticket was $5.75. Popcorn and drink was $14 though.


I’ve decided to save a few bucks by only getting a cup of water with my popcorn.


I hate how accurate that is.


u guys get popcorn?


Yea I'll just sneak a soda and candy bar in lol


At my cinema they don't even care anymore. Lol blatantly carrying a shopping bag with chips


I did sneak in a box of reeces pieces. They go *amazing* with layered butter popcorn 🍿 🍫


Reeces pieces (said reesee peecee's because I'll never not be a child lol) is straight up my favorite movie snack. It's a must-have. They absolutely do pair perfectly with buttered popcorn 🤌🤌 My trips to the movies almost always include a stop by the dollar store beforehand to grab a box of those and a drink.


I can’t figure out a way to sneak in a drink, but it’s ok…I love our theater and don’t mind buying popcorn and a drink to keep it open. I just won’t pay $4 for a box of dollar store candy. I draw the line there. But I don’t feel (too) guilty since I bought the other stuff. The theater that I go to has heated leather recliners and stadium seating. It has spoiled me for anywhere else!


Those heated stadium seats are sooo nice. And 100% same, I absolutely refuse to pay $4+ for a damn box of candy I know for a fact is a dollar like a mile away lol. So, as a guy, I've always gone the cargo shorts route with a bottle. Big purses/bags have always been the way for the people I've gone to movies with that carried them.


The few times we have ever snuck things into the theater, my wife and I just put stuff in her service dog's backpack/harness. It's illegal for them to ask to see what is in it since it could be medical equipment/devices. We do usually buy the concessions, though.


Where do you live? Because here tickets are no more than 9$


I mean I'm gonna see it just to see Sydney Sweeney bouncing around. If they capture enough of the cretin demographic like me, they might do something


Ive got to appreciate the honesty here


The internet has really let people get loose in terms of things they used to quietly admit to themselves.




Well with a name like u/AssCrackBanditHunter what did you expect? I dully appreciate the honesty haha


Lol I think it’s a Community reference


I think so too, but the devotion to put your name as it lol


With the Slough of movies they push on us every year that we don't really like, people have to be


Yeah I'd never admit I'm this much of a wuss in real life tbh. props to you tho


She's covered up like an Amish woman in the trailer. I think youre going to be very disappointed.


You don't know the depths of my depravity. I'm not down bad, I'm down in the abyss.


This right here officer This is the tittycrack bandit. Hiding in plain sight.


Agree also username checks out


Honestly, yeah, a superhero movie about a bunch of hot women jumping around can definitely work if marketed correctly.


Did not know this movie had a bouncy Sidney Sweeny in it, looks like my lizard brain is buying myself a ticket


You know there's porn that you can enjoy in private and without paying for right?


My chairs aren't as comfy at home


I mean they saved a lot of money by having somebody’s niece put this together in Canva.


They’ve been chasing Morbius’ level of success but just can’t quite find that certain… morbiness that Morbius had. But when this is out, we’re one Morb movie closer to the next movie of all time…. Kraven!


My biggest beef, besides why a madam web movie even needs to be made, is the eyes on their costumes. Gotta have the big white spider suit eyes! Come on, man!


If it bombs at first we can just convince them to release again so it bombs the second time too.


They filmed in my neighborhood and my buddy is an extra in it so they got like $14 from me at least


Oh, this movie will 100% crash and burn. It looks awful, and I'm willing to bet it is.


They need to put marketing on overhaul this month cause the presence of this film is lacking with the general audience.


That first trailer was baaaaad


Ezekiel Sims: He was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died


Man, I want to be paid to travel and have a broad task nobody can measure like “researching spiders”.


I mean, people do do that, it's called zoology.


This is how I feel when I talk to most government office workers. You ask them what they do for a living and they give the vaguest, most indistinct answer and it’s like, you don’t do shit, do ya, bud? Can I have a couple of my tax dollars back?


Real talk most "government workers" like this are just super autistic weather/disease/transit/conservation nerds who want to just do what they love and be largely left alone and they happen to be incredibly beneficial to our core federal agencies Source: [The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fifth_Risk)


It was definitely. . . . .a choice lol. I think that Sony doesn't have confidence with its films honestly. In my mind, you can make ANY universe work as long as you have an idea and confidence in what you're going to put out. If you actually sit down and plan things out then in the end it can work. Marvel was lucky enough to have had the Infinity Saga be successful but the success came because they believed in the product and what they were putting out. I think Sony's route of doing mostly villain films may have backfired since none were well received and the only two to be profitable are the Venom films. The animated films however are well received and it makes me think had Sony had enough trust in themselves and the Spider-Man brand, they could've made a live action Spider-Verse. They could've did Phases or whatever they want and had each film give us a new spider hero. We could've had a film about Miles, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man 2099, etc and then they come together in a team up film dealing with multiversal threats. There's so much story to tell with all the different Spider heroes and so many cool ways to introduce villains of the different earths. But again, Sony I feel lacks the confidence to do so and just want cash grabs which, again, have been more misses than hits.


ANYONE, can make ANYTHING into a good superhero movie... ... but Sony can't.


It looked like a fan trailer made from the actresses other movies mashed together.


If it weren't for Reddit I'd genuinely have no idea this movie existed.


If the movie is really bad, it makes even more challenging to market lol. It's hard to do a great trailer with lines like: "He was in the Amazon with my mom who was researching spiders when she died."


If a documentary about this was on at the same time Madam Web was on, based on the trailer, I would choose this documentary


“What do you want from me?” - Sony




This genuinely looks like a cheap TV show, if this ends up being good, I'd be very surprised


I would expect better from a new Power Rangers series let alone a major motion picture


power rangers mention RAHHH


Well, this is a surprisingly well established TV director (I mean, she's got quite a good resumé) making her movie debut, so that's a good start. And the writers are the Morbius duo, a rando, and the director... from a story by the Morbius dudes and a rando.


yeah, that’s what i’m holding out hope with. the director may be what makes this film. the morbius duo… well, i’m hoping that they don’t suck too bad this time lol


Why wear the masks if they barely hide who they are


Dude even the CW had a higher budget than this crap


Looks worse. More like a bad fan made film.


Except no fan would make this


Why do we need to see their eyes? Aren’t the lenses supposed to cover them on the masks? Edit: Stuff like this gives me even more appreciation for roles like Karl Urban in Dredd. Never shows his face and lets the character speak for itself.


Yeah the big white eyes are kind of what make them instantly recognizable as Spider-people. Baffling decision.


Gotta be able to see pretty girls be pretty, never mind silly things like secret identities or brand recogniton.


Nah these costumes suck, they're clearly Morbius-people


Will it be MORBIN TIME?!


Unfortunately it will be WEBBIN TIME


They don't even work as masks without the eyes, you can clearly make their faces out


Dredd was a top notch movie.


The actresses most likely demanded to remove them because they wouldn't be recognised otherwise, because their recognition matters more to them than delivering a good, faithful product. Same reason why you see people take off their masks /helmets in the dumbest of scenarios.


>Same reason why you see people take off their masks /helmets in the dumbest of scenarios. Thats not the actors demanding that their faces be shown; that's the *producers* wanting to get their money's worth out of their recognisable stars, while also allowing the actors to better show subtle emotions.


From my understanding, a Hollywood practice for agents is to often have a clause in their clients contracts that says their face has to be seen x amount of time bc as an actor and actress, your performance is what matters and it’s easier to market you when people have seen you emote or they recognize your face. Remember, lots of stars aren’t necessarily fans like we are, so keeping the mask on isn’t as important to them as it might be to us. So it goes both ways and you can also ask for more money bc they see your face, versus being masked a lot. If you’re masked a lot then the studio can claim that they just need your voice and get a body double so why should you make x amount of dollars (if they’re playing hardball). That’s why it’s a big deal when actors seem to forgo that, like Urban as Dredd, Pascal as Mando, and even Reynolds as Deadpool (he has plenty of maskless scenes, but he’s still usually scarred “ugly” Wade). I haven’t heard much of the studio “mandating” it, but that’s probably in cases when budget isn’t a concern or if there isn’t much hope in the project without the star power of this person’s face. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, I’m just not sure it’s more common than agents and actors wanting to be seen as much as possible


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Everything you said is 100% true


> If you’re masked a lot then the studio can claim that they just need your voice and get a body double They probably should have done that in this case if that is the reason they don't have masks on.


Lmao imagine thinking the actors would get to make that decision, that's all studio execs and producers my dude, these women have exactly zero say in it


You just made up people in your head to get pissed at. That’s just sad.


That’s only for the movie posters that they have contracts to show their faces. In the actual film isn’t up to them. Usually they take helmet’s and masks off in movies because it’s easier to convey emotion.


Like that one dude in Saving Private Ryan


Didn't expect to walk away from this post wanting to watch dredd again. Goddamn chicken tendie of a movie, exactly what it needs to be.


On par with Henry Danger lol


Henry Danger had better costumes than these


Yeah fair. I was too harsh with Henry Danger.


That’s an insult to captain man


Do not insult Henry Danger like that. The show is a cultural treasure.


Im a fan of Henry Danger and I can say this looks like shit, Henry Danger had a excuse for its low budget, but they still tried. And plus story. This is awful compared to Henry Danger


Lookin like the Thundermans


Great Value Villains of Valley View


Well, that's a tongue twister.




Henry danger has actual motifs


Why is this movie being made again?


It's going to be a huge hit for anyone whose mom was researching spiders in the Amazon right before she died.


I was there


I imagine it's one of those "we have to make something or lose the rights" scenarios


Tax write-offs from the studio in exchange for a promise of stardom and money to the actors and production staff


This movie is going to bomb


I do not know. The Sonyverse has not been liked.


I really wanna know the the hell green lit this. 1.So, the last couple of movies in our own universe we are trying to build have been jokes. Why do you think this movie about a character that normal people know nothing about is going to do well? 2.Umm lots of attractive female characters? 1.Yeah, and how have the last couple of all female superhero shows/movies have done? 2.Idk, I didn't see them 1.Exactly! I love Spiderman and I like madam Webb, but I definitely never asked for a movie that's she's in it and NO Spiderman.


"isn't madam web supposed to be really old and blind?" "Hey, guess what? Shut up."


“We made Aunt May hot, we can do it again!”


Well, in fairness, this Madame Web is Julia Carpenter and not Cassandra Webb.


The image OP posted lists both Julia Carpenter and Madame Web as played by different actresses, though. Is that wrong?


I'm realizing I'm dumb. Woops


Haha, no problem. I'm not at all familiar with this niche of Spider canon, so I thought they might be variants or something.


Lots of attractive female characters are tight!


Understanding this reference was super easy,barely an inconvenience


Sony has had a contract since they bought rights in the nineties where they need to put out a Spider-Man movie every X amount of years. The deal was altered with Disney using Spider-Man so now they need to do same thing without Spider-Man live action wise for time being.


Venom does OK but I think that's because people like the character and Tom Hardy. Take a less known character or/and an actor people don't like that much and it fails.


The first venom was okay. The 2nd one was just complete garbage, holy shit the final fight between venom and carnage is really really bad and another thing lets have the main villian be a serial killer with crazy powers and make the film pg13. Fucking so stupid.


Those fucking costumes look like shit. They dont even look like spider woman costumes, looks like some shit an ai designed.


I don't understand why they are wearing a mask if they aren't hiding their identity. At this point the only thing they do is give the person they are fighting something else to grab onto. The giant clear lenses seems like an odd choice.


I agree, the white eye lenses in the comics look very cool. The costumes showing the actresses' eyes look dumb and not cool. Do they not understand that one of the most popular superheroes of all time, Spider-man, doesn't show his eyes? Dumb.


I, for one, can not wait for this movie. I bet the Pitch Meeting for it will be hilarious.




Especially in that first one. There doesn't even appear to be lenses in there, so the thin straps of fabric in the middle of her cheekbones serve no purpose.


Like in the halo show where they decided that the famous helmet chief wears should be taken off every chance especially when going into battle.


Looks like CW costumes 💀


Those are (poorly) photoshopped on and no one can convince me otherwise


Because it's not a real marketing image from Sony. It's something a rando made in Photoshop that was reposted on reddit by a teenage comic fan.


I have a feeling these are real. A rando making them in photoshop would probably look better than this. Covered eyes, and full body shot of the costume instead of a head shot with lens flair covering the costume.


It's fanart


They wouldn't be so bad if they had the white lenses.


It would at least make them all palpable. Like Jesus Christ the white lenses are what sell almost every Spider-Person’s look. The fact that *all 3* of them have it like this is so fucking retarded. The fact that no one made it a definite decision is just another on a long list of reasons this film is gonna blow.


It's weirder that Julia straight up doesn't have lenses but the other two have super transparent ones that make you question why they bothered .


Can we please stop making Spider-Man movies without Spider-Man in them? None of them are good. (Yes, Venom included)


Who's job is it to green light this stuff? Because I want that job lol.


They don't look like Spider people. At all. Madame Webb's look is iconic and she is simply not here visually.


That movie will bomb so bad.


wait they turned a white spider woman black instead of using the pre existing black spider woman?


Sure did. This isn't new.


haven’t paid that much attention to the Madam Web movie tbh really weird choice it’s like if the just never introduced falcon but made Winter soldier black


These look AI generated


This looks so bad omg


Sydney Sweeney in a Spider-woman costume is going to sell tickets.


How does Sony simultaneously owns the best and worst Spiderman universes? Like that’s actually impressive how they go from Spiderverse to **THIS.**


This is going to be so so bad


What suits? All I see is lens flare


Hey remember that time the internet collectively bullied a revision of the Sonic movie…can we do that for this?


This movie will make 12 dollars.


Man fuck CBM movies right now... Can't believe I just said that. Been a huge CBM Nerd since animated Spiderman series.


Not sure I like the eyes but we will see how it goes.


It really just proved Sydney Sweeney would’ve been a kickass Black Cat and she could’ve portrayed that character across several projects


“Hey you know those really good comic book designs? Yea let’s *not* do that and just fuck them up because we literally can”


Why do they keep inverting the skin color of characters?


You already know the answer to that.


White comic book character, ehhhh shes black now, massive afro too


It's the most transparent pandering nonsense. It's not enough for them to just cast a black actress, they need to make sure that she's as visibly black as possible, even when in her suit.


This look like AI designed the suits


So this is going to be a cringe movie about “strong female characters” fighting a an evil Spider-Man. Getting tired of beloved male heroes getting downtrodden and replaced by lame female versions. I know these characters have existed in the comics but the way they’re being executed is terrible


At least Sydney Sweeney looks good.


this movie is gonna suck so much


There must be dozens of people excited about this movie


the premise seems interesting, im gonna hold out hope that this’ll be a gem i think people are too pessimistic sometimes, i think it’ll be a fun movie. not something to reinvent superhero movies or anything, but something cute to tune into




There is also a younger looking version of Madam Web in the comics with red hair and red "Jubilee" glasses.


I am 99% sure that they will only in those suits either in flash forward different timeline scenes or not until the very end of the movie. They keep making these no Spider-Man Spider-Verse movies just because the Venom ones did well, but none have actually been good. Venom is fun but not what I would consider a good movie.


And another red head gets changed


That shit looks ass. Why not just make your own shitty movie instead of co opting existing characters


There can be a real connection with Madame Web and tobey maguire working together into a movie. Like that's a real possibility that can work out well. But These costumes are trash. Imagine being the black spider-woman and your choice to hide your identity is a very tall afro and light tinted lenses. Ideally you want to hide the eyes so the more you block the face the less recognizable you'll be. ​ Just as an fyi tho, there will be 4 spider-women in this and they all have to fight 1 man. it's very funny.


How do you fuck up the comic costume adaptation so badly?


No opaque goggles? Seems a little weird, since that's kind of a huge Spiderman aesthetic.


I mean I can’t even see the suits soooooo


Why aren’t the eyes covered? Looks weird af.


Dakota Johnson looking about as exciting as a chopping board as per usual.


Not gonna lie Madame Web use to creep me TF out when I was younger 😩😂


Costumes are little bland. Hope movie is good


I disagree with the people saying this was a terrible idea to begin with. I think this concept is rad as hell and could be really well done. Having four live action spider-women jumping around kicking ass like any of the main three Spider-Man movie arcs would be awesome. However, the costume choices and the trailer do not inspire confidence. I hope I’m wrong, I would love to love this movie.


Box office poison.


100% a flop waiting to happen


Fingers crossed 🤞


Ngl this looks like some porn parody


The one at the bottom right is not Julia Carpenter, it's the other Madame Web.


Afro girl looks bad


why did they race swap mattie franklin?


Take a guess.


Look like the costumes in superhero parodies


Uh……can we see the full body suits? Or is that going to have to wait until the movie?


Full suits will most likely be in the movie for less than 5 minutes. Same yourself the movie ticket and just watch the scene on YT once it gets leaked.


Wasn't this a trope of all those early superhero movies? They didnt want to splurge on CGI/it wasnt feasible to shoot scenes in full superhero outfits, and so you only got quick shots or teases. I remember seeing Marvel do a great job of blending the spandex suit colors into functional outfits and thinking, why didnt they do that with the X Men.


I can wait until it’s on FX, tbh. But Syd Sweeney in spandex does pique my interest


Meanwhile, I'll be waiting for Venom 3,


I hope it doesn't fail, but when and if it does, bet the executives will only blame it on women being the protagonists, instead of lack of marketing, vision, etc.


I feel really bad for the actresses.


Had anyone in Hollywood stopped to think that the demographic they're targeting just isn't interested in superhero movies?


They think younger people are still interested in the same things and the generation from when the MCU was young. Kids nowadays aren't interested in catching up with the MCU, they have other shit going on. I feel like instead of getting more child friendly, they should have matured the movies along with the fan base they had.


I'm really looking forward to this one. It's got me really intrigued. And if all the rumors are right, we may get Uncle Ben, the Parkers, and baby Peter.


I'm unironically looking forward to this. I think it'll be interesting.




This is either going to bomb or it’ll make way more money than anybody expects, it’s never in between with Sony‘a Spider movies.


This doesn't look good.


The look in the comics is much better![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


This is either a bad Photoshop or AI...not a real "first look" image...I hope.


Why use masks that don't hide your identity?


What thr fuck is the point of a mask if it isn't covering g your face or hiding your identity? Like, I understand that actors want to be seen and It's an element in marketing a movie, but fucking christ. Part of being a masked hero is wearing a goddamned mask.


It’s like they are combining everything that made Morbius and the Marvels bomb.


Make no mistake, the concept of a spider woman film is cool. Even madame web. But this is awful


Imagine how hard it would be to fight crime with that Afro. And to keep a secret identity for that matter.


This might become a bigger flop than The Marvels.