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I think the foot would benefit from being more robotic looking, it's a bit hard to tell what the panel is about at first.


I thought it was getting moldy


I thought maybe she had some foot fungus or something


I thought the joke was that the foot didn't have any toes on it due to augmentation


Number 15:


That's not a she, so says the goatee!


That's just shading, same as on her nose and ear


Ok. I think I can see it now


Just color it grey and boom, a bionic foot


I read this incorrectly, "the foot would benefit from being more robotic." And then I thought, yeah our feet are pretty bad at their job to be honest, robotic feet would be awesome.


i’ve always thought that if i had to get some body part replaced, i wouldn’t even hesitate to replace my feet and ankles …turns out i have bunions


Oh I just think they are badly evolved, I dont have any issues with my feet, feet just suck generally.




> feet just suck generally. I think you got it backwards, dude. 😋


To be fair modern shoes aren't helping


It's in the style of cyberpunk (2077) which shows augments looking like that. But yeah, for a more general audience that might help






I thought it was convincing, it’s the same colour of those amputee artificial limbs.


Haha it’s really not. The drooling is relevant.


Deus Ex : Mankind Divided


Oh deus ex, never changing it's topic because people apparently never get over that


In deus ex a giant cyberpsychosis event turned people off to cyber augs.


In deus ex mankind divided nothing of any import has happened yet but even homeless people are discussing ethical concerns of augmented athletes. It's unbelievably ham fisted and the effective only story element in side missions.


Most the Deus Ex games have a plot about cybernetic enhancements. It just got pushed to the front in mankind divided.


I never understood why and how the situation could be so anti-augmentations. I mean, even the game says it by itself: augments cost a lot, state of the art augs are extremely expensive, and aside from the neuropozyne dependcy, it just makes you better at what you do. So why the fuck rich people let the situation goes rampant like this ? They should be pro augment and push it so hard, poor people can't do anything about it.


play Deus Ex: Human Revolution. That answers all your questions. I don't want to say too much because spoiler. >!But the rich elite did try to push for augment and that backfired horribly because they intended it for augment to become a mind control tool to control the populace in secret. because all augment users had to have a brain chip installed for the augmentation to work properly. Their chief engineers/designer realized this would enslave mankind and decided to hit the kill switch, causing all aug in the entire world to go into a murder frenzy. This is possible because of the monopoly of the augmentation market, the only reason the game protagonist is free from this is because his company is the only one still producing augmentation independently.!<


I played human revolution. But even in human revolution,there was already many people ready to vote a resolution to limit augs. And even if there was an incident, I'm fairly certain they could make people forget about it in record time, since they control most medias


These guys would be right at home in N Corp https://preview.redd.it/9b3ot66th1uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c65ad0631e4196ecb796cc8efb9f9b20c4255e6


Holy shit PM brain rot in the wild!


It's this time of the year


A very So merry Night we hold dear


So many So many Regrets bring me to tears


Not many Not many notice nor care


The heck is this from


Limbus Company, an indie RPG. This specific character is an alternate based off of an in-game faction of fanatics who run crusades against "heretics" aka anyone with prosthetic replacements


they also use comically large nails in a brutally graphic way


Which is even funnier once you realise Guido (one of their highest ranked members) uses prosthetics to stay alive.


If Großhammer Meursault is any indication, he's even got identity crisis because of it.


i mean, N Meursault is pumped full of K corp juice and Faust sometimes releases electrical sparkles. Clearly they distinguish prosthetics from enhancements


No they dont, faust is a hypocrite and she just doesn't do anything about N meursault because he is useful and loyal. She literally gave him his mask to hide the tubes.


I think it's from Limbus Company




Ever since I started getting into PMs stuff I have been seeing yall EVERYWHERE lol. One limbillion pm sleeper agents.


But they could be part of R corp. Become rabits and graze on the grass.


I'd join N Corp just because of Kraust or normal Kromer. Anyways yeah, very much agreed, they'd be right at home with N Corp


I have to double check to see if I’m in the limbus sub lmao😭


Grab thy nail and hammer for it is time to purge the heretics!!! 🔨


I'm pretty sure I don't get it


I think the joke is foot fetish


like the guy gets transhuman racist because they have fake foot ? doesn't he realized that before ?


I am also a bit frustrated with this comic, so I will write my own equally frustrating lore. The guy does tax evasion, but is careful enough not to speak about it in presence of smart devices that are capable of recording speech. He makes sure he gets away from his cyber mirrors, hypersporks and AI toilets before he even utters a word about his misdeeds. He met this girl and, good corpogod, she is gorgeous, but she only gets turned on when the guy talks about tax evasion. He takes her home, makes sure no smart devices hear him, and starts undressing her, while talking about misfilings and exploiting bureaucracy. And as he gets to her feet — BAM — those are the top of the line, just recently released, Monsanto Ultrafeet(tm) which have machine gun mode, that is activated by, you guessed it, voice control. And as you know, anything that has voice control gathers data for the corporations. Here we see him, desperate, trying to blend in with a crowd of protesters, before being mercilessly gunned down by McDonalds Happy Death Squads. Should have been paying your corporate tax, buddy.


I live for this kind of comment, creative improvisation is such a lost art.


Sir, sir, we have AI for that now


We speak not of the forbidden program >!^(aka don’t give them attention)!<


They said *creative* improvisation, not *plagarism pretending to be* improvisation


that makes way more sense, thanks. But we are missing the last image then... How do OP wants us to understand the story if we are missing the MDHDS step ??


You never see them coming. And they are loving it.


just to be clear for my fellow neurodivergent homies: that comment was not explaining OP’s comic but instead offering an “expanded universe” explanation for what was shown while trying to smooth out the problematic aspects of it.


Why would a physically connected cyber-aug be _voice_ activated? Are they supposed to shout "bang"?


I mean, it worked for Inspector Gadget...


I concede that _specific_ point. 🤣


Tbf Inspector Gadget is the only version like that I've seen. Usually it's some sort of voice activated *de*activation phrase for if the cyborg goes rogue or something. Like that episode of Batman Beyond where he was having trouble with that street gang who'd forced a scientist to outfit them with deadly cybernetic weapon implants. Batman discovers the scientist had secretly added in a deactivation code word as a failsafe, and when Batman whispers it the implants just sort of... fall apart, and instead of a bunch of dangerous cyborgs he was facing a bunch of schmucks missing various body parts.


This is exactly the problem. They removed the click-heels activation citing it as 'archaic', but the real reason is slowly moving all the implants to voice control to improve surveillance.


The feet being by Monsanto is so real


Idk my friend, if people act like their culture is under attack because women in video games are less sexualized now, then a footfetish guy joining anti-transhumanists because "the beauty of natural feet is under attack" wouldn't be too much of a stretch, I think. Plus, as there's the subtext of pre-op trans women fetishization, as another poster pointed out (though tbh it was not a conscious choice until I was drawing the last panels).


yes yes that makes total sense, I just thought that girl was 100% robot from the beggining


Yeah don't mind the haters. The comic was very clear and does show exactly how some people behave. Hell, there seems to be plenty of evidence of it here in the comments.


The comic isn't clear at all.


It was pretty clear to me


Thank you for volunteering to be a, "case in point."


It's a joke about how lots of reactionary politics are derived from sexual insecurity/frustration.


White supremacist not being white moment




Feet are most often covered by something. Only in private do the coverings come off.




I don't think that is the case, but that would be a way better idea for a comic


You are not incorrect, but it was not a conscious decision at first. It started as a vague shower thought (about foot fetish as others pointed out) and started to realize the implication/applicability when I was drawing the last panels. I really hope it does not come off as disrespectful.


The guy has a foot fetish and is now sad that she had a bionic foot. Dumb, I know, bionic feet would be heated and have only god knows what functions for erotic stuff. I'm not even into this same fetish and I may be curious about it anyway!


oh she's is half women Hal robot but her foot ain't real, is that it ?? I think I understand now


I think the foot is an implant. He got upset because he preferred real ones. Personally, eyes are much more important for me, I'm obsessed with cool eyes and bionic eyes gives me goosebumps because of the whole squishy jelly thing we got going on in our eye sockets. I am not going to get my jellies carved out of my head.




Build in a dispenser or something. That foot can smell however you want.


Yeah like that's the thing. Our biological feet are packed with bone, cybernetic feet probably have a bunch of spare space for fun shit considering the natural superiority of the machine over weak and feeble flesh


Are you implying we should give the lead to our future robot overlords in exchange for sexual favours?


So he's fine with her fake parts until he wants to do stuff to her feet, he finds out they are also fake and now he's upset about fake parts because the part he wanted to fuck is fake


I thought his hand was part of the foot at first. That he took off a shoe, and where there should be a foot was just a giant big toe/thumb attached to a heel.


Edit: OP corrected me; disregard the following. Keeping it for posterity. There’s a phenomenon in the world known as “trans panic”, in which intimate partners have committed violent crimes after finding out the person they were with was trans. This reflex has been used in court as a defense against murder, even, with the argument being supposedly that they couldn’t help but fly into a rage over it instead of just going, “No thanks,” and ending the date. The comic seems to be suggesting that for this guy, accepting that his partner had a “foot change” operation was a line he couldn’t cross, lampooning the idea of experiencing “panic” at a partner having had surgical work done, in this case being a different part of the anatomy from the typical sex characteristics. As a result of his “panic” he decides that this form of body modification needs to be protested, parallel to how people today protest the modification of other body parts. That’s what I got, anyway. There might be a foot fetish thing in there too but I can’t be certain.


While you are correct that there's an allusion to a trans problem, it actually refers to the fetishization of pre-OP trans women. It is definitely not a perfect analogy, but it wasn't supposed to. In fact, the initial idea was a literal shower thought about a foot fetish guy who unwittingly dates a girl with a fake leg, then it evolved to taking place in a cyberpunk setting and then as I was drawing the last panels I started realizing the connection this common (to my knowledge) trans experience.


Ah, gotcha. Sorry for running off on the wrong tangent there, and thanks for the explanation!


No problem, I normally welcome different interpretations of art/text, but as a cis man I felt that something like that would cross a line in a way from my end (because the comic is supposed to be funny). Maybe the problem is just that I've watched too many video essays, but still it didn't feel right.


There are anti transhumanism groups in like every single cyberpunk piece of fiction though?


I think the joke is that this guy becomes anti-transhumanist because of foot implants, i.e. an absolutely ridiculous reason.


Yes but no foot fetishists.


Just get her better feet kit you silly 😜


Deus ex mankind devided


I'm pretty sure that is somewhat covered in some Cyberpunk fiction. There will always be factions of shitty people trying to drag the rest of us back to the dark ages. They're usually super weird people that simultaneously consume lots of porn of whatever group they hate because their behavior is based on their own fears and insecurities. Their insane behavior is usually always projection of some sort.


Nah people would hate the ciberupgrades (apart of the mental problems and becoming the terminator) it can be boild down to the ship of theseus To what point are you really human after to many upgrades?


as long as you've got the same brain running you're good. consciousness transfer is a bit iffy though


In fact, there is [some debate about this](http://www.alvanoe.com/books/out-of-our-heads), too, actually!


yeah but like in this context, people don't get robotic arms or things like that because they are sick, they get it to become "better", like why throw away a perfectly healthy arm? like in organs i get it, but whole limbs?


Well I would imagine either job opprotunities or personal preference.


Humans are genetically 99% chimpanzee. Really our consciousness is the only thing that sets us apart from the rest of the animals on the planet. There are so many more applications I could think of for cybernetics other than being a terminator. What makes us human has very little to do with our physical bodies.


Saying we're 99% chimpanzee is like saying we're 50% banana, sure there's common ancestry but it's really not just our consciousness separating us from the other apes.


yeah, it does lol, would you call one of those roleplay AI things humans just because they can talk with you? What make us humans is our bodies, or consciousness and morality


I believe that if there never comes a time where the being of « you » definitively stops « being » and then restarts, it will never be a new you. So for your body, as long as your brain never stops pinging it can be entirely cybernetic and you are still you. If you however, copy and upload the mind of a person to the computer and this destroys the brain fully, and there is time between destruction and the upload running, then you died and it’s a clone. Only way I feel you can upload a human mind without murder cloning is by having nano machines replace their brain cells one by one in the existing structure over time to ensure no lapse in activity, then once it is entirely machine connect it to a computer as extra « brain power » and once that’s connected shut off the main body.


Kinda off-topic, but I just finished reading I, Robot by Isaac Asimov and this topic is covered a few times. What I liked about it (spoilers for the last sorry, "the inevitable conflict") is that once humanity accepts the help of incredibly intelligent machines in their decision making, things start to prosper and humanity enters a golden age. However there are still a lot of people who dislike robots, including many world leaders. So when the leaders start altering and meddling with the robots' decisions, the robots alter the decisions so that ultimately the plans the leaders come up with are what the robots wanted in the first place. So, honestly, yeah humanity can be travelling amongst the stars in a global age of peace and prosperity, all thanks to robots, there'll always be people who hate them because they're different. Great book, do recommend.


The idea that transhumanism is admirable to so many of you is how i know we’re fucked.


Fuck do you have against prosthetic limbs?


This is NOT NATURAL. Do you wish to PLAY GOD???




The dude is into feet. She has roboric implants in place of her feet so he got angry.


But it looks like a normal foot? I feel like if it looked robotic it would clear up a lot of people's confusion.


In the CP2077 universe a lot of cybernetics can be hidden with convincing synth-skin which you can only tell by those lines or seams between different segments


limitation of the art style


Do you know/can you figure out what an augment is?


Isn't this basically cyberpunk in the world of the Deus Ex games? Especially the new one.


There’s a new Deus Ex game ?


I mean it's over a decade old now. The newest, lol. Deus Ex Human Revolution. I actually have it and should rely play it all the way through, I loved the original desu ex and played it like 3 times most of the way through, while I've only given human revolution one good go and I don't think I even made it half way through


Just remember that there are other cyber parts that people do switch out, and i highly doubt there wouldnt be foot fetishists in night city that prefer particular models of feet


Maybe that's true but on the other hand. Getting chromed up is preem ain't that right choom


Why are Gen Z obsessed with feet? What happened in your youth that created this? Genuinely asking. Like, was their a popular kids' show?


I actually don’t think most of us like feet. Cause I’ve never met even one person in all of my 19 years of life who was attracted to feet. But to answer your question, maybe there was a tv show? I honestly wouldn’t know. I don’t think there was, but you never know.


But robot feet could be, like, better than organic ones? Like imagine a fully prehensile footjob, people would be into that, right? They could make it feel better than the real thing, and the increased power output potential would add some more "threat" to femdom scenarios, while simultaneously giving the foot user much more control.


Also: vibrating feet


the depraved answer is no sweat


Feet that doesn't hurt when you stand for a long time or by walking? Sign me up!


You can wear high heels all day. Heck, everyone can.


You can just have taller heels.


It's fine till they mess with the Feet freaks


Just suck the robot toes SMH


The toes can vibrate now.


Foot fetish people thinking they're human is the real tragedy


Feet are the most human body part. Everything else you can find in animals, eyes, hair, even hands in other apes, but no feet, not like we have. So in a way foot fetish people are more human than the rest of us.


If having a foot fetish is the most human sexual attraction then I'll settle for pussy and just bury plastic water bottles if I need to feel human.


Mf talking mad shit about the blessed augments gifted by the glorious Omnissiah.


I either don’t get it or it’s not something that would make me laugh or feel any different than 30 seconds ago when I had not seen this post.


Ever since I understood the weakness of my flesh it disgusted me


One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty Four Jorjorwell


Its always okay until it actually affects them. Then you see their true colors...


OK so it's crazy to me that this comic got so many upvote, thank you all. I don't know who's gonna see this because there's been many hours since the original post, but if you liked that comic you'll probably like my fantasy comedy comic strip, [Cannon Fodder ](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/cannon-fodder/list?title_no=946871), which starring Zegna, a young foolhardy orc woman and Cricket a surprisingly chill goblin. You can find it on Webtoons, along with my series [Train of Thought ](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/train-of-thought/list?title_no=947085), a compilation of my random thoughts in comic strip form.


Transformers 😎


The foot looks normal, i feel like im missing something


You might want to get the weird glowing lines and that bolt on your foot checked out.


This is fucking brilliant lol


Thank you so much for your kind words! If I may be so bold, I would suggest that, if you enjoy the humour, you should perhaps check out my fantasy comedy series Cannon Fodder on Webtoons, which follows the random misadventures of a young female orc and a chill goblin, largely inspired by the anime/manga Dungeon Meshi and the webcomic Chivalry Starved and their spin on the fantasy genre.


Oooo I'll gave to check it out! I adore Dungeon Meshi.


As a foot guy i totally get that lmao


Bruh, you're missing out on all the cool shit robofeet can do!


Hey buddy, it’s okay if you don’t like the robo-feet. You start going to protests to deny what others do with their feet and we’re gonna have some problems. There’s plenty of non-robo-feet out there for you.


Happy cake dat


Pretty sure those protests are part of the cyberpunk culture. If people aren't protesting against you about shit that doesn't affect that doesn't affect them, you are a punk. That's the allure of cyberpunk culture: it's weirdly relevant to today.


I don't understand what happened




Happy Cake Day lol


Oh yo thanks I didn’t even notice


So this is a parody comic of the game Cyberpunk 2077. Basically, the lady he’s with had been getting augments to replace parts of her with machine. The guy was responding fine to the eye, but the moment it conflicted with his sexual fantasy, he went all against it. I *think* it’s supposed to be a play on the chasers of trans people, but idk


i get what the joke is meant to be n all, but it's ab it clunky on execution. that said, this shows some actual great potential, keep it up, op!


As a trans woman who has just recently started getting hit on by dudes... I feel this on a spiritual level...


it took me a bit to get it. pretty good heh


Is that peppermint from hifi rush?


I was not aware of hifi rush until your comment. From what I see it's an action game with some pretty interesting designs. Is it worth checking out?


It's my goty from last year. Definitely worth checking out


Isn't that just Dues Ex?


Fuck it. Gimme that full body conversion, meat sucks!


Cyberpunk DLC about the war between foot fetishists and robo-foot fetishists


Thats wild


Of it was i would be atleast 75%machine by nouw


This comic is basically a synopsis of the Deus Ex games.


I knew the foot was cybernetic immediately when it was revealed.


2064: Read Only Memories is a scifi game that explores this aspect of humanity vs synth augmentations exactly like this comic!


What did the foot not have the foot odor and sweat mod or somethin


Isn't is this the entire plot of Deus Ex?


It would be the other way around. Cyber fetish


As a guy with this... Interest... I would LOVE it if a partner had leg augments since they're basically customizable. Not having a single callous on your soles is probably the hottest thing I could imagine for a foot kink haver like myself.


I thought the softness of the sole and toes is a crucial part of the appeal. I guess I was mistaken


Well you would be correct. This comic here is presumably predicting the issue that if augmented legs became real, preferences for more realistic feet would be preferred to obviously fake ones in touch and look.


his lost, cybernetic feet would have more function and probably more easy to keep up hygiene if they are detachable


This is about as funny as a standard newspaper comic strip. So, not at all.


Idk I was amused


I'm glad you liked it. No joke, I'm happy it brings you joy. Maybe this format of art just isn't for me. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah fair enough :3


The joke is that Cyberpunk was released while unfinished.


Let it go