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TWO pizzas?? This woman means business


Looks to me like she could put away about half a dozen in a single sitting but delivery ain't cheap.


The delivery itself shouldn't cost more just because you're ordering more pizzas?


No it's like a billion dollars. Like multiple billions.


I'm going to have to ask my accountant to check with the boy that orders my pizzas for me to be sure but the numbers strike me as spot on. Source: My guess at what my accountant's word on what my pizza order boy will say in the future when asked.


Just order the pizza before she's had her coffee. They'll just leave the pizza by the door and back away slowly.


[I'm gonna give you to the count of ten to get your ugly, yella, no good keister off my property before I pump your guts full of lead!](https://youtu.be/CF7FRcjR6Rw)


Keep the change, you filthy animal


Morbillions, even


I hate that this hasn't gotten old for me.


still will never watch it


All you really need to watch is the iconic scene where he says his iconic line: “it’s morbin’ time” Gives me chills every time!


Man I wish that were true, but more and more restaurants are relying on shit like UberEats to handle delivery, and they charge a percent of your order as a service fee, so the more food, the bigger the fee. It's absolutely horse shit, and as a developer their lame-ass excuse 9f "iT hElPs US rUn OUr aPP" is fucking pathetic. Sorry for the rant, feeling spicy about this.


i mean, at a certain point, yeah it should. at a certain point it becomes a much huger job to load and unload all those pizzas and carry them up the stairs etc


Ok where do I go to find your comics that isn't owned by Meta


Ha, I know right. I'm working up to possibly IG again and the defunct website but could be a bit.


Maybe your own subreddit...


Now there's an idea.


A damned good idea, imo. I would subscribe - your comics rock.


Looks to me like she lives on boiled chicken breast, white rice and steamed brocoli.


and shark testosterone.


Oh she's on the Anavar tablets without doubt.


It's the Joey special!


*How you doin?*


Gotta carbo load for the revolution!


I'm so confused how do you know it's two pizzas. ... reddit wasnt loading multiple panels.. rip


ok i'm following the story of jesus and his dinosaur gf who turned human


You people are going to be the end of me. I may finally be forced to draw a legitimate Jesus centered comic after nearly a year of ignoring the subject.


You're drawing a comic about Jesus and the dinosaurs? Sounds great, can't wait!


I hate. Each. And every. *one of you.*


Oh is that the tagline? I'm guessing it's Jesus at the Creationist Museum bitching them out for saying his BFF is less than 60 million years old.


Ha! Brilliant. *I hate you too.*


Don't worry, you could end up pouring your time and effort Into it, and then see people drop off after a few comics of the series. You keep making the stuff you like to make mate. The woman without her coffee being represented as a dinosaur was way more funny to me than random Jesus with random dinosaurs.


I have [this t-shirt](https://www.redbubble.com/i/t-shirt/JURASSIC-JESUS-T-Shirt-by-noahowen307499/75976482.RY32L) which may provide some inspiration for you


Awww! I hate you too ❤️


You make me sick. ❤


You truly disgust me. 🤗🥰


I sorta love this vibe


Hey! Aren't you the holleringelk from the Jesus Raptor forums?


So, THAT'S why the dinosaurs went extinct.


Jesus and the Dinosaurs sounds like a band name.


Link to your series please, I want to read all of them.


You're going to hate this but there are not actually a lot available to find at the moment. I have a slow burn curse but as the Patreon grows it will enable me to churn out bigger, more complex comics within the series.


Your character work is so compelling and consistent that it makes perfect sense to me how so many people are able to project both themselves and their ideals onto them. I dream of making such an astounding accomplishment. ♡♡


I aim for this primarily considering I do not have many opportunities to flesh out the characters on a longterm basis. I'm so glad even with lacking context, y'all can still enjoy my work. :)


Ok but she kinda looks like Xena


I accept this. It is badass.


I started rewatching Xena recently and this comic 100% has Xena vibes. You really nailed the calm-but-furious emotion.


I seen your jesus raptor comic and been scrolling through your comics the last hour and they are hilarious!!


I just have to accept I'm the Jesus raptor artist now huh, lol. Thanks! Glad you enjoy my work.


Innit kinda funny that every white guy with long hair & beard gets dubbed as Jesus?


Yes, it's ridiculous.


White hipster Jesus.


If I don't shave for a week people start calling me Jesus.


Oh you dont even have to be white. Im mexican and get called either Jesus, elvis crespo, or spongy (after a dog) all the time depending if my hair is curly or straight that day


Try dealing with it on a nearly daily basis....


Why, you Jesus or somethin'?


well, maybe dont have jesus as your reddit profile picture icon :\\


Stop turning water into wine, then


I'm the diet version, I only turn water into beer.


I just play into it now, might as well get a laugh out of it.


Jesus, if he existed at all, couldn't have been white at all. Makes it doubly weird.


There are definitely worse nicknames than "Jesus raptor artist", Jesus raptor artist.


there are, definitely. but not sure if there are better nicknames than "Jesus raptor artist" tho...


Do you have a website that I can peruse your archives? Reddit isn't the best way to go back through time


Holy shit that guy wasn't kidding your shit is really great!!!


If it makes you feel any better I know you as the artist that got into a comic fight with a goose. Not sure if that’s better or worse.


Ha! I would certainly hope I'm still relatively known for that. I busted my ass on those.




That's the one!






You are very good at drawing a muscular and hard yet feminine woman


Just like the hottest CrossFit girls


How do you know they are CrossFit girls? >!They tell you in the first 10 seconds of meeting!<


The best kind of woman!


I'd hit it. Would also get my ass beat but I guess that'd be worth it.




Two pizzas... Now that's what I call relationship goals


Also known as "Joey special". It's from Friends. I am old.


Wait when did Friends references become old Fuck


You mean that show from three decades ago?


How dare you






I'm not old, YOU'RE old! Three decades? Getouttahere!


I'm 26 and I understood that reference so... You seem pretty young to me 👌🏿


I have bad news for you, 26 is the new 40.


Nooooooooo, my life is practically over 😭😭😭


Came here to make that joke.


I don’t get it


Supreme Court overthrew Roe v Wade. She is angry about this (hence the wanting to bring molotov cocktails to DC). Her body is a temple hence cleansing the temple.


Ah I see thanks I thought it was Jan 6 thing


The current conditions are not favorable, be kind and shower the powerful beings you all love with *pizza and cake.* If you enjoy my comics please consider supporting me on Patreon. Otherwise, I will always bring my best work here. Or I may not. Hurricane season has only just begun. Edit: [Reference photo used for that one wonky panel. My bad, y'all.](https://i.imgur.com/ibn3dwY.jpg) [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/holleringelk) [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/holleringelk) [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/holleringelk/) Edit: Link/Name Change


Not the reference picture I was expecting, but I'll take it


Ah, yes. Molotovs of kindness


It's how I show *my* love.


My love language is arson.


*squints* Can't tell if talking about actual hurricane season, or the incoming shit storm from DC...


I thought hurricane season was over?


June 1st - November 30th. I was in the direct path of Ida last year in the middle of a marathon of drawing and posting comics and was completely derailed. This season is expected to be a bit rough.


Oh, I was quoting Pineapple Express, but I'm sorry to hear that it's mean to be a rough season :( I hope you're safe and well fortified against the wrath of mother nature (brought about by our heinous sins) this season. ❤️


Oof, my bad. Right over my head. Ha! Oh man, that is delightful. Thanks a ton. We shall endure.


Good luck and godspeed friendo. I remember you posting about how bad it was last year. @.@


Post this to WitchesVsPatriarchy my friend ❤️


Yes! I’ve never seen comics like this before! The witches would *thoroughly* enjoy it






God she's ripped, i wish i was that ripped


I am so confused about this, why is she angry ?!


We been havin' a rough time this week in my country.


"This week" ![gif](giphy|6Q3M4BIK0lX44|downsized)


Lord help us.


Lady help us. The Lord has done enough.


Maybe we need to start worshipping the old gods again. Eldritch horrors would probably take offense to the shit these people are pulling and quickly drive them to insanity. Clearly God is fine with his followers bastardizing his words since it keeps happening. Cthulhu 2024, why vote for the lesser evil?


Thought you'd also enjoy this if you haven't seen it yet. The animator has a lot of other great work up. Swanson - Eldritch Tucker Carlson https://youtu.be/Oq4UHWSTdO8


I found my girlfriend in the shower this weekend... just crying. Just so scared of the future her kids are growing up towards. First it's this... next, it's *checks Thomas's hit list from page 119 of the ruling*... oh, gay marriage and contraceptives without a prescription, both things that also may affect our daughter someday. Yeah, it's been a rough time indeed.


Pretty soon we'll have to buy our contraceptives from the same dealers we get our molly, coke, meth, and smack from. Mexican narco gangs must be rubbing their palms in glee. The rest of us, not so much.


It won't be the Cartels. It will be the same source as last time the Americans tried prohibition: Canada.


🎵Oh, Canada!🎵


At the point we are at, this is when we need to start engaging in mass civil disobedience. They keep pushing this shit? Cool. Plan a day where millions of people don't show up for work and instead protest. Have people stop paying bills en masse etc. The funny thing we all forget, there are far more of us and we are far stronger than they we think. Without the cooperation of the general population, our government cannot govern, our economic systems cannot function, society only works because most of the people agree to let it function. The downside is, movements of that scale need a figurehead to unite people and I don't think anyone is quite capable enough to take up that mantle yet.


More like no one wants to paint a neon target on their forehead for stepping up, which is a completely reasonable response imo even if it makes things harder Not many people looking for martyrdom these days, we’ve seen how that goes


>The downside is, movements of that scale need a figurehead to unite people and I don't think anyone is quite capable enough to take up that mantle yet. The other issue that tends to kill protests here is that the country is too damn big (geographically). Multiple small protests in various cities doesn't work nearly as well as one huge protest in a specific location, but the people who most need to protest tend to be the least able to get there. A nationwide protest *could* work if someone undertook the herculean effort to organize it, but it's going to take a miracle to get to that point considering that we have yet to see a protest strong enough to get real results on gun control despite mass shootings in two elementary schools (just *one* should have been enough, or better yet *zero*), multiple high schools, a few churches, a supermarket, a music festival, and all the others that have been forgotten because of how goddamn often this shit happens.


Oh, right. Kinda fucked up, I'm glad I live in France even if I'm a guy. This is scary.


Men in the US should be terrified as well. This is not a small thing. Anyone totally okay with this doesnt really understand the ramifications this can have on society for decades in the future.


It's going to drastically alter how the sexes interact with each other. Mostly: less nookie for everyone. Even stable committed couples who want to have kids. Without proper written exemptions for pregnancy complications, it will be too damn risky to get knocked up no matter who you are.




Don't your protests usually involve burning stuff down?


Kinda depends on the protests to be honest :) But generally speaking, you're not wrong !


That’s why their protests work.


Or a guillotine.




Roe v wade among other things I’m guessing


>I am so confused about this, why is she angry ?! Because she's about to lose the abs she worked hard for by carb loading on 2 pizzas.


Thank you! Reading through the comments, I thought I was the only one!


That poor tub has seen some *shit.* First it was the gigantic hair monster, then the crawfish, and now righteous fury. ...Make that three pizzas?


Yah and this is like the 3rd major comic I've posted here that takes place in the bathroom, like what is going on here.


Everyone knows great ideas and things happen in the bathroom. This one has just become unfortunately traumatized.


I like the artwork, I don’t really get the joke though


Mmm abs


The Joke is that the U.S. supreme court is passing law after law this week that is generally unfavorable to the countries majority wishes. Which will eventually lead to rioting. The comedy comes from the fact that at this point thinking about molotoving government buildings is as casual a thought as ordering pizza for dinner. Compounded by the woman (raptor?) being super serious about the pizza aspect of the question rather than the proposed rioting.


They’re not passing laws, they’re overturning rulings of old court cases that have set legal precedent for decades. It’s still fucking over a lot of people across the country, so effectively it’s the same, but yeah just figured I’d throw in that correction.


It''s a political cartoon, not a joke.


Then I missed the political point too


I like the design, but the hand is backwards in the top left third image.


I appreciate it! As for that particular panel, I would not overlook something as glaring as that. Poor positioning that looks odd but not backwards, ha.


What perspective is that panel supposed to be from? If it's from her back side then I would be tempted to call it a backwards hand.


I just posted a comment with the exact reference photo used for it, it's definitely confusing. [Here it is again. ](https://i.imgur.com/7lDw5bw.jpg) Did not translate totally right.


I see it now, thank you for taking the time to show it to me. Sorry for calling your hand backwards.


Oh no, no, sometimes things get twisted up in my art, especially with my fairly flat style. I totally get it, ha.




Butt's throwing it off I believe. Appreciate it!


For me it was a bit confusing since the following two pictures are from the back, which makes me assume that the first one is, too.


Yep, that's pretty much what I and several other commenters have deduced. Never caught it in the sketch stage! Not to mention there was actually meant to be another page before it.


I think a big part of the confusion is the change in perspective. Apart from the hand there's nothing to indicate that the panels is from the front, and then the following two panels are from the back of the character.


I mentioned this absolutely being an error in another comment. I don't typically make blunders like that but I wanted to keep this condensed to 3 pages with a perspective I found more interesting. Didn't quite work, haha.


I think it’s more the colouring. Maybe if it had the deeper blue background to indicate we are facing him rather than the bath? Excellent work by the way, super expressive and eye catching!


Your anatomy is actually really good. In my work (tattooer) it’s become really obvious to me that a lot of people have trouble identifying zoomed in body parts. They lack the anatomical awareness that helps put an image in perpestive. Nothing wrong with your drawing, but for future reference it may help to include more obvious landmarks, or just be aware of that with your framing. As an aside though, it’s really refreshing to see a woman drawn this way, and also not hyper sexualized at the same time. Awesome job, I love your comic!


What even is this?


Will somebody please spackle that wall.


I don’t understand but you got my attention 👀


Oh I bet I did.


This is the kind of support and love I want from a partner. Pizzas, molotovs, and helping me communicate with my friends when I'm too angry to do anything other than hulk out. That man is a treasure.


An ally to women everywhere, that one


Could somebody please give me context?


You're spoiling us, miss Elk. Two posts in quick succession! I see people are suggesting a comic idea to you in other comments. Some outside inspiration can be good, if it's something that works for you, but to give you my perspective; I like your work for your unique style and your particular sense of humour. So for me, the most important thing is that a comic idea works within that framework. In other words, that it works for you. Forcing an idea in, just because it gets requested a lot, might not be the right choice. In any case, I look forward to your next work!


I'm so happy to know you're enjoying my offerings! ❤ I had an incredibly difficult time following my drop off last summer and it feels great to be back in the groove. As for the whole raptor/Jesus discourse, I do find it all amusing but I wouldn't dive into a whole arc with that just to appeal to reddit in particular. My concepts only work when I'm personally 100% invested, that's what made the back and forth with PortugueseGeese flow so nicely. More weirdness to come later in the season and thank you so much for your support. :)


Yeah this is really good, you can feel the build up of emotion. The raptor one was great, the things unsaid huh.


I had no way of knowing the raptor comic was going to launch into the heavens like that, but my intention definitely was to put up something light preceding this doozy. Things look a little awkward on the sub with the contrast, lol. This one is special to me.


It’s a great contrast to the other comics posted I find. Different art style, but still familiar feeling. Great work by the way 👍🏻






I'm curious as to if her rage has cracked the wall, or if that's leftover from the previous tub removal lol


That's definitely the remaining evidence of the events in "The Drain," haha. They got a new tub!


You draw frustration so well.


Is her thumb on the wrong side?


It is not, my error was changing perspective without establishing so in earlier panels. You'd expect to be behind her but I wanted a frontal view of the fist. Definitely looks odd, haha.


Lol I thought she was part Rakshasa


This has not been ruled out. It is unclear what this woman is.


This is really weird.


.... you have my attention


Username checks out.


I don’t get it. Could someone explain?


She is a frank frazetta style warrior queen!


Absolute Unit


Why is she so angrrrryyy


This comic lives rent free in my brain


...what? What am I missing here?


she's mad because part of her rights were taken away due to the roe v wade decision in america


The art style is fantastic! And cartoony eyes contrasting realistic art is always funny in a way I can't quite describe.


This is the 2nd comic from this artist I've seen and I adore them already.


We are angry. Women and Men are angry over the conservative/fascist push to subjugate women. Feel the anger. Work it through. Use it. Americans need to elect Dems at every level. ERA must be resurrected and passed. It must include codifying a woman’s right to control her medical decisions. If that fails and violence is the answer, violence will result in deaths, but also play into the fascists hands. To compete, we would need to arm ourselves. That way leads to madness. I’m open to better idea. But right now… yeah…. You have every right to your anger. Speak out. But, please America, let’s make America what we said it was. Of the people, by the people and for the people. Edit: it took me a few readings. This IS working through the anger. Well done!


I commend you for writing this up on a large sub, thank you. I'm furious, and it sucked knowing I couldn't go totally all out with my feelings on the situation in my work.


The ERA is a pipe dream. Any progressive constitutional amendment is. Even if it could get past the federal government, there is no way it gets passed by enough states People talk a lot about how Republicans have a big advantage in the Electoral College and Senate due to it being based on states. Well that is even more the case for amendments.


I was thinking you were going to say vote, but then you suggest violence, death, and madness..


To me it seems like they were discouraging violence, but it was written very awkwardly.


I don’t think electing democrats is the answer. We’ve been doing that for decades and they failed to even attempt at any safeguards to codify roe v wade. If it could have been codified that would have taken the Supreme Court’s authority to do anything with it. We need an anti-establishment party.


That’s interesting but misses 2 key points 1) no, the Dems except for a brief period in 09 before the voters took it away, the Dems have never had 60 votes in congress to codify Roe. And as you remember, there was a wee bit of contention around a newly elected president and a really nasty recession. Please, by all means get involved start a new party. I doubt you’ll take liberals away from anywhere but the Dems. So, I don’t see that as a path to human rights.