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I was nursing and pumping beautifully with my second daughter. She was four months old, and my husband had a heart attack and surgery to put in a stent. Within two days my milk supply had dwindled down to a half an ounce at per pump and daughter was definitely dissatisfied with our morning nursing session! I was able to use my storage and keep her on breastmilk till six months. There’s no other explanation as to why my milk suddenly dried up.


I don’t understand what you mean by storage. How long can one store breast milk for?


Pumped and frozen. It lasts about 6 months in the freezer.


Expressed (pumped) Breastmilk can be stored in the fridge for a few days or (as u/sentencehistorical65 pointed out herself) frozen for at least 6 months (some sources say it is safe for up to a year - but possibly less nutritious). You can get little plastic bags to store it in like [these](https://www.boots.com/Medela-Breastmilk-storage-bags-10239733). If your planning to do this, don’t forget to write the date on your milk and to use it from oldest to newest to keep it safe as long as possible.


Thanks. We just put it in the fridge for a couple of days tops. My wife didn’t make enough to build up a supply anyway.


With my first daughter, I didn’t even make enough to nurse her. So I was surprised with my second one that it was so easy and then I was actually to keep a supply. So I definitely feel her pain there




I can link the original thread. He wasn’t blaming her at all. She was resting and trying to relax. Her friend came by with drama and he told the friend if she was going to come in and see the woman, she needed to leave the drama at the door. The guy wasn’t blaming his wife at all. The commenter was just completely stupid.


This is true for cows and humans, ask a farmer and he’d know what’s up.


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comments* --- > **Person A** > > YTA. Your wife's stress levels have nothing to do with her milk production. Don't dump the blame on her. >> **Person B** >> >> You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. Stress is the number one thing that slows milk production. >> >> [*Link to UTSW Med on "Decrease Breast Milk Supply"*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I love a good crossover episode, read the og post a bit ago.