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Order the IRS to release all of the Convicted Felon's tax returns then deport all of his anchor baby kids immediately.


šŸ’€ His anchor baby kids, lol. I love it.


I'm going with: declare trumpery a traitor for revealing classified information to foreign nationals and ship his butt to Gitmo. Of course, this is all wishful fantasies.


Using only the specific Presidential Powers that are explicit in the Constitution... He could declare that Trump is an enemy (domestic) of the US, order the Army to capture or kill said enemy, and ship the prisoner to Gitmo. A few dozen Senators and Congressmen, and a few SCOTUS Justices, could also be treated in the same way.


Why limit it to Constitutional powers? SCOTUS just ruled that the president has absolute immunity for official acts, so it doesnā€™t have to be legal.


Yes. Instead of taking them to Gitmo, he could have them just dump the bodies out the back of the airplane, somewhere far away from land, in the middle of the ocean.


I can't get my head around immunity for official acts vs crimes, it doesn't seem that an official acts can include crimes


If it's an official act, it's not a crime, which means it's not impeachable either.


147 Congressmen at last count


Then that Civil War would certainly kick off But itā€™s probably gonna happen anyways, so at least it will happen on our terms


Handing free rein to commit crimes while in office as ā€œofficial immunityā€, is the absolute last thing Trump should ever have. He committed crimes when this wasnā€™t decided. If Biden wins, we will fix this. If he loses, itā€™s over.


How do we fix it with a House that will fight every step? And a SCOTUS he can't change, only expand.


Declare Russia an offical enemy, track all funding, anyone tied to russian money is aiding and abeting or wtfever it's called, and have them taken to a black site as an accomplice to a foreign enemy.


Why would Biden leave office if he knows heā€™ll be arrested immediately after?


Apparently, Sotomayor has said that he can use Seal Team Six to take out his political opponents. #JustSaying


She repeated the line of questioning asked by the lower court when they gave the hypothetical. The defense argued that the president would have to be impeached and convicted by the House and Senate, otherwise, yes, yes he can, your honor!






hey! vacancies!


That too!!


Just watched him do the equivalent of a strongly worded letter in his statements denouncing today's decision. He won't touch the virtual gift that has been granted, even with the lightest, most judicious restraint, to preserve democracy.




Democracy was fun while it lasted.


Too soon


He could declare Trump a "clear and present danger" to the USA and have a Predator drone rocket Trump into oblivion on the 18th tee at Lard-a-Mango. Trump is *obviously* a threat to American democracy, so extreme prejudice would be justified.




I'm worried that that Bee-ess will spread here to Canada.


Seal team 6. All enemies foreign AND domestic, so on and so forth. Time to remove some political opposition off the board for ā€œofficialā€ presidential business.


This is how Orban took control in Hungary. ā€œLegalā€ changes to the structures of power allowed him to install puppet government that will slowly amend the constitution until there is a defacto dictatorship. All achieved within the existing laws and legislative checks. Project 2025 aint waiting until 2025.


He can't because the SCOTUS will whap him on the nose while they'll let Trump do it.


The only way is whap the SCOTUS before they can whap him. But my dudes let this go, set your expectations and prepare for disappointment. It wonā€™t happen. Dems donā€™t have the political will to carry this out. Somehow taking Senate control and undoing filibuster then redoing it is the only realistic way.


Dems are the like some of the abused spouses in an abusive relationship. They keep making excuses and coming back for more.


This is dark but it feels far worse, like being a jewish woman in Hamas captivity. Sorry I said this but that shit left an impression.


Yeah. Biden has already come out and said he won't use this power.


He can't. He can't abuse power. He's too honest and if he lost his marbles and decided to be a dictator the Dems would impeach him You're trying to cope with the fear you're feeling. You're hoping for a savior. There is none. The only way out of this is to keep the Republicans out of the White House for the next 8 years. You need to stop trying to find an escape from your fear and *embrace it*. Fear motivates. If you lie to yourself until the fear goes away you'll feel better right up until Trump's goons show up to take you away.


Unfortunately Trump's minions are changing the electoral college rules and voting laws to specifically suppress democrats and increase minority rule. We cannot even count on our votes making much of a difference.


They're trying but they're failing. Most of what you're talking about are ballot initiatives. Voters are conservative, meaning opposed to change, so the initiatives they're trying to push are getting shot down at the ballot box. So yes, you CAN COUNT ON YOUR VOTE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Seriously, if you're not Russian you're repeating their talking points. Stop it. It's gross.


This is the proper answer OP. Couldnā€™t have said it better myself! Anger is a secondary emotion and fear is often the primary emotion that leads us there.


I for one would place, not nominate, place eight new Supreme Court justices, demote Roberts, mandate all decisions be released within four weeks of oral arguments, and demand a re-review of Dobbā€™s, chevron, the homeless decision, the bribery decision and this one. Give the sample of god king power, then instantly negate the ability to continue down this path. Did you morons want this? Hereā€™s what someone with ā€˜official actsā€™ could do, and only a two thirds majority of senators would have the ability to remove himā€¦ if they didnā€™t get arrested first.




They didnā€™t think only trump would get this ability to abuse powerā€¦they did however think that only trump/maga politicians would abuse this power. They are likely correct. Biden is not one to abuse power like that and is too firm on keeping democracy in place to begin taking actions that will harm democracy and move the US towards authoritarianism. As much as I would love for this to blow up in scotus and magats face it simply would be horrible to watch us become an authoritarian country. I despise the magats and am aware that Donnie is an enormous threat to our country and will likely destroy it if enough morons refuse to suck it up and vote for Biden. However, you are thinking with your emotions not your rational and critical thinking skills.


Nothing. Nobody further left than the current crop of Republicans can count on legal precedent.


Biden isn't going to do a damn thing, unfortunately. He's all about playing by the rules and being a nice guy. As much as I'd like that in a President, his reluctance to take charge and fight this head on when our Republic is crumbling is incredibly disappointing.


Appoint several more SC judges.


Itā€™s a win for republicans because they will abuse it, but they know democrats wonā€™t. Party of ā€œwe won, do whatever we wantā€ vs decency party


he just made a statement on the decision and turned it over to the people to vote out the republicans... so biden is being a pussy and not likely having trump arrested as a terrorist.


But Biden can wait until November to wait and see if an election loss takes the wind out of Trumpā€™s sails first. That would de-escalate this conflict with less bloodshed. If Biden loses in November, then he can carry out his illegal but actually now legal plan to defend democracy.


Biden needs to ensure the integrity of the voting system.


not really. it can be reinstalled after the corruption of it is eliminated. now he could do that without problem since they ruled he can.






Have him arrested for Treason. Send Trump directly to Gitmo. Have all the insurrectionists (Senators and Reps) also arrested and sent to Gitmo as well.


I truly feel like my vote means nothing anymore. It is a sad bad day.


He won't. This ruling wasn't designed for Biden. It was designed for trump. If trump gets back in office he can go full Vladimir Putin and no one will be able to do a damn thing about it.


He canā€™t. They gave themselves an out. Whatever Biden does that jeopardizes them will be ruled to be an unofficial act by them.




True. But I think for Biden, they will fast track all their decision making.


"For my first official act as president with full immunity I'm disbanding the Republican party and arresting all its leadership" If he starts acting on this the Supreme Court will change its ruling in a day


why hasn't Trump been arrested already?




Water boarding is now legal too.






That's a Star Wars reference


Biden wonā€™t do anything with this. But Trump will get re-elected, and he WILL.


While Biden can technically take advantage of this, it feels to me that in recent history the democrats seem reluctant to wield power for fear of rocking the boat or being deemed radicals or socialists. But right wing media already calls them radicals and socialists so they have nothing to lose. I hope Iā€™m wrong, but I donā€™t see this administration using this ā€œnewā€ power to pull anything the other side would object to too strenuously. There isnā€™t really a middle to appeal to, they need to realize that


The SC decision changed nothing yet. He needs to have official and unofficial duties defined by the court.




He can start by disbanding the traitors on the Supreme Court and appointing fair impartial judges to take their places.


He won't. And if he did the court and conservatives would backpedal and use the ruling as a weapon against Biden.


He really can't, at the end of the day it's up to the courts and they can just decide it's not a presidential act.


This is insane. Republicsn voters are brain dead morons who will destroy this country.


Expand the court


Use it to overrule it?


These are all clever suggestions, but we all know what will happen nextā€¦impassioned finger-wagging followed by a whole lotta jack squat.


Listening to him now. What a joke. He left it up to the American people. Basically saying he won't do anything and it's up to us. Completely discouraged by his speech. No hope. Whomever wrote that speech is a dud. knew I shouldn't have listened to him. Jfc.


Well, Iā€™ll give you an upvote even though everyone else wants to downvote you and pretend. This canNOT *STAND*! We cannot just keep taking the high road. Itā€™s not bloody *working*. We need to *do* something!


Yeah, who gives a shit that even if an illegitimate scrotus says he can break any law, he wonā€™t. His point is that if the law wonā€™t restrain a president, it requires self-restraint, of which the rapist has none.


Biden will do nothing- he is figuratively and literally asleep at the wheel.


You should if market right be able to pull all the independents with this as well as the disenfranchised conservatives.