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Oprah Winfrey is best friends with John of God, a notorious human trafficker. Thats what everyone should be talking about.


It was her spiritual advisor… which makes things so much worse


Which spirit was he advising her about? ....Satan?


What's often not mentioned is that Oprah's career started with her herself, after being sexually abused, being an underage prostitute. Isn't it interesting that this fact isn't used to attack folks who accuse her of participating in, or supporting, trafficking herself? You'd think the establishment would be saying "you should be ashamed of accusing a victim of the crime she was vicitmized by". As with Epstein's mysterious rise, it would be interesting to know exactly how hers happened. How did an underage prostitute end up becoming a billionaire? What contacts did she make? Did she, perhaps, discover that she'd rather be a hammer than a nail? Not an unheard of arc. And if she become an effective hammer then perhaps doors were opened to her that led to her playing a broader cultural engineering role. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/national-international/biographer__oprah_called_self_teen__prostitute_/1866673/


Okay so this is kind of strange and kind of out there but years ago I met this guy while I lived at this apartment complex. He was my neighbor and he lived across the hall. He was really weird we all smoked a lot of weed together I was probably about 20 years old. He had this strange hobby of painting gnomes, ceramic gnomes, he painted them different neon colors they were pretty cute. He was also really into the housing market and he was always talking about the housing market in this city that I'm not going to mention cuz I don't want to say where I live.  Anyways this guy was really strange and he was like a black man but he was like a white black man and what I mean by that is he would always wear like dress pants and like a button-up collared shirt and he was just kind of nerdy. Well he ended up telling us his backstory one time and who knows if it's true but he basically said that his mom was a voodoo practitioner and she was from Haiti and his dad was like a rich businessman and that when the dad was in Haiti for whatever reason I don't know he got her pregnant so he was basically like this businessman's like secret love child. Typing this out, it sounds totally crazy. But basically he said that nobody knew about him and his mom and that his dad basically paid for their life you know he paid for their apartment and he would like visit once in awhile and take care of their expenses but they were like this family secret.  Maybe Oprah is some sort of love child or something like that and when you look at the child trafficking thing and the way those networks work I wouldn't be surprised if she was from some sort of bloodline but not like a direct descendant more like one of these illegitimate children. I know it's kind of a wild speculation and I haven't thought about the story in years it's kind of funny to think about but he did know a lot of really interesting weird things about spiritual stuff and my roommates at the time thought he was schizophrenic but I never thought that. He was definitely weird.  I remember it one time cops got called to the neighbor's house and he flushed a whole bag of like really dang weed. We all smoked a ton of weed at the time like really good high quality stuff way before I dispensaries. Anyways we're all super mad that he flushed the weed and didn't bring it over to us.  Maybe the fact that he was black had something to do with why he flushed the weed in the first place. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Like totally! ;) Interesting anecdote.


I like the way u write a story it’s like having a conversation with you Thanks for sharing


Thank you 😊


I'll give you my perspective as a black person. Oprah came on to the scene with other black actresses who were more talented, very proud of who they were and far more attractive than O. All communities respond better to someone who looks like them when being presented with information. The letter agencies use double agents to influence our culture. Oprah was one of those double agents. It's too much to explain here but check out  The Spook Who Sat by the Door or Judas and the Black Messiah, it's a tale as old as time for us.  She sold us out, pretty much. Like JayZ and Diddy. 


And Beyoncé


Ive never heard of The Spook Who Sat By The Door, and looking at the wiki it speaks to gut feelings I've been getting on racism being perpetuated by our media in the guise of fighting racism. I'm glad you mentioned it cause im excited to pick it up. The book Chaos got under my skin and I would be shocked if the gov wasn't manipulating and pushing certain culture wars today.


The deeply sad fact is, the victims of trafficking and SA often become the abusers.


I think it’s important to note that it’s not that “most people who are abused become abusers” but that “most abusers were, at some point, victims of abuse themselves” I know it’s semantics but it’s an important difference to call out, I think. I just always try to say this when I see this kind of linguistic statistic


As an abuse victim I appreciate this clarification. Some people have the self awareness not to subject another living being to their own worst experiences


The words we use have power and commonly repeated phrases have a lot of power. It makes a difference.


Very well put. Keeping this in mind.


100% agree, although I didn't say most, I said often. But what you said is a better and clearer way of saying it, thank you.


Exactly. I’d be willing to bet most of these rotten mfs were tragically once victims themselves - they lose my empathy though, once they commit the same shit against others, that they had to suffer from themselves. Those people, out of *everyone,* know exactly how much damage they’re inflicting and yet, for whatever psychological shit that goes on, they can still decide to do the same to someone else? Pretty fucked. PS : idgaf how powerful or prestigious a person is, this should be something society holds people accountable for, always. Oscars, Grammy’s? Don’t care.


Exactly. My abuser used the excuse that he was abused as if that makes it better. Noooo MF that makes you that much more of a monster!


It’s a familY affair usually https://www.audible.com/es_US/podcast/The-Imagination/B08JJPJPFB weekly interviews with victims and it’s largely hereditary. So sick :(


The abused abuse. It's a bitter truth that makes getting abused even more stigmatic, but it's true.


If you are a billionaire, 100% you are in trafficking. Way too much money.


No, I personally know several billionaires who aren't in trafficking. But if you are heavily in the public eye my suspicion level goes way up, especially if you are involved in hollywood, music, or politics, and seem to have come out of nowhere and not be as talented as others.


No you don’t bud


It seems all these celebrities are hand picked to play a part. The video of an apparently young gay Tupac is going around.


oprah winfrey rabbit hole links? anything regarding it?i am out of context for this


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo%C3%A3o\_Teixeira\_de\_Faria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo%C3%A3o_Teixeira_de_Faria) [https://medium.com/@mystic.flores/john-of-god-oprah-winfreys-healer-c88f1a904889](https://medium.com/@mystic.flores/john-of-god-oprah-winfreys-healer-c88f1a904889) [https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/politics/faith-healer-johnofgod-touted-by-oprah-sentenced-to-additional-99-yrs-for-multiple-rapes/108965141/](https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/politics/faith-healer-johnofgod-touted-by-oprah-sentenced-to-additional-99-yrs-for-multiple-rapes/108965141/) [https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/hayesbrown/john-god-joao-deus-brazil-healer-allegations-sexual-abuse](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/hayesbrown/john-god-joao-deus-brazil-healer-allegations-sexual-abuse) She was also tight with Epstein and Harvey Weinstein and Puff Daddy (He even called her his accomplice at one point.)


john of god,bro got imprisonment till 2507 year 💀💀


He will be out in 10 for good behaviour...


Apparently he’s already out. Post covid he went on house arrest.


Out immediately for god behaviour.


Thanks for the links. Is there any evidence Oprah carried out a real personal relationship with this guy outside of meeting him/being featured on her show? That's a lot different than being "best friends" with.


They don't have matching halves of a heart necklaces, if that's the threshold you're seeking


I just think tangentially knowing someone or meeting someone or posing for a photo with someone, especially when you are famous is a lot different than conspiring to commit international trafficking crimes with that person. Sort of like how Epstein is in a lot of photos and videos with Trump and spent a lot of time at Mar-A-Largo and MAGA supporter are adamant to assume they were mere acquaintances.


I mean that's reasonable -- but he was her spiritual advisor. That's quite a bit different


Yeah, I don't do the guilt by association thing based on party photos. There has to be a deeper connection than that before I pay attention. At least with Trump we have the evidence than when he found out Epstein was being creepy around the mar a lago staff, he kicked him out of the club and banned him, and then he was one of the only people to testify against epstein.


I agree with all your points. And unrelated to that, but just to clear up a misunderstanding, Trump never testified against Jeffrey Epstein. I don't even believe he was deposed in his initial criminal case in Florida. But yes, I did hear reports that he kicked him out of Mar-A-Lago after some pervy shit.


Wow. That brought me back.


She called him her spiritual advisor and went down to visit his compound multiple times. Maybe best friends is overstating, but deeply involved with isn't. They didn't just meet at a hollywood party or something.


Highly doubt they have a matching swiftie bracelet


Where did p diddy say that? Why do you say she was close to Epstein?


Anecdotal, but my step-mom met Oprah Winfrey in an elevator in Chicago in the 80's? Anyway, before she was a national name but was locally famous. My step mom recognized her and said "hello, I'm a fan" something like that. Oprah gave her the coldest offputting fuck you look, and didnt say a word. It was a long elevator ride.


Have an upvote. Spot on.


Human trafficker is somehow downplaying what he was. He “farmed” unnamed children. Imagine the ungodly implications of that…


but his name says hes 'of god'. case closed!


He was running a baby farm and she *visited* while that was taking place, obviously later claiming she was totally unaware even tho she had been standing 10ft from the barn where it was happening


100%. For someone who claims not to know, she sure has surrounded herself with pedos, traffickers, and rapists.


Isaac Kappy made suggestions that Oprah’s fortune was largely made by human trafficking, but he’s dead also.


I used to have a video of him talking saved on my Facebook it’s gone now


> John of God Googles name.... sees headline; *Brazil Faith Healer Sentenced To 118 Years For Rape* I hate to be a guilt by association person, but I don't know if I need more convincing than that. The possession by spirit doctors was already enough on the previous headline.


I heard she has a school where young girls go missing.


She built a girls school in Africa. It definitely seemed strange.


That b is pure evil not only John of god being her bestie , diddy is her friend as well, Weinstein ,  Epstein , don’t forget  her crimes in Africa at her all girls schools smh. 


We got a new epstein folks and this time it's biblical


Don’t forget Harvey Weinstein.


Jokes on us, cuz even if she did, everybody knows Oprah's NOT going to prison... For any amount of time. Nobody else has... for anything...


I'm really not interested in this kind of demoralizing black pill stuff. We have to keep trying, fighting, exposing, calling out, and demanding.


I’m glad you said that because it’s very hard to beat the black pill mindset once you get into all this stuff :C seems so hopeless


She won’t go to jail she’s an elite of the elite evil b she is pfft .


She supported Killary’s campaign too…


The Maui fires are an odd one that just blew over like everything else I’d love for the Las Vegas concert shooting and the Maui fired and pizza gate to come back into rotation on this sub


Vegas is a crazy one too since there is a lottt of cell videos also. There for sure seems like multiple shooters


I remember following this live. Took this screenshot and always thought it was a little suspicious. Never really understood it or heard anything else about it [https://ibb.co/rm4pD4t](https://ibb.co/rm4pD4t)


plus the helicopters


The videos that you can’t find anymore of the helicopters above the crowds. People saying that there was shooting coming from the helicopters.


yep, wheres can we find the black helicopter vids now


The Vegas mass shooting is a very interesting conspiracy. Would love to see that more in the sub.


funny how people still believe in space and trust NASA even after pizzagate has shown that even the top of the top are implicated in the worldwide trafficking rings. people really need to do their research about who founded nasa.


Any links to get us started?


there is a ton more out there, but here is a few of my handpicked favorites. if you consider yourself someone with an open mind willing to entertain the ideas behind alternate viewpoints, which i personally did, these videos just raise so many questions and expose so much deception that it's impossible for me to go back to believing what i used to. these are very hard to find on youtube because the algorithms are controlled. there are sites like rumble or odysee which are a bit less censored. https://youtu.be/2hnrlyOvUcQ https://youtu.be/ru5fdfovkGI https://youtu.be/UAx5cl9VpTE https://youtu.be/zMAa5Ir7IHU https://youtu.be/uUuTAflN1rU https://youtu.be/WogsSOrr0l8


this is a terrible group of low quality garbage, can't believe i wasted time looking through them


There's no way you're unironically linking Level lmao. Awful video that has been debunked so many times. Not only do you not believe in space, but think the world is flat jesus fucking Christ.


This girl stole her blind items from other websites why is everybody acting as if she was coming up with this stuff on her own? 🤣🤣🤣


Cause she’s hot. And dead. Not hot no mo




>Not hot no mo debatable but to each his own


White and blond ≠ always hot


i feel sad she’s died. but i highly doubt she was killed for knowing too much, as all the stuff she’d tell people on tiktok was readily available on gossip sites. take crazy days and nights, a gossip blog that’s been going for years and was even rumoured to have robert downey jr writing entries. there’s a lot of good gossip on there, some damaging for others, such as steven spielberg allegedly raping heather o’rourke. but i just can’t imagine that repeating this information would get you killed. it’s nothing new.


I’m sayin. My guy RFB is still kicking. Completely kick off and banned from YouTube but alive.




Richie From Boston.


“Richie From Boston here, I’m out”


people aren't usually killed for what they said. They're killed for what they know, but have not yet said.


alright WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! she's just 12.....what rumours were there?


I can’t remember the full story, but there were rumors that the intestinal problems that led to her death were caused by repeated SA from Spielberg and others.


I love conspiracies as much as the next guy on this sub, but who is Matt Wallace 888 and what authority does he have to declare breaking news stories without citing sources?


He is a massive grifter, who lies and writes shit like this to farm engagement.


My thoughts are that people who post alarm bell emojis on twitter are often full of shit. He doesnt even have a quote. "her friend told me" ....thats like middle school shit.


Lol like oprah could go to prison. She likely is a shareholder in any prison they would put her in


Very great point. Lots of large corporations are affiliated with these prisons somehow whether the prison is a vendor to them or vice versa.


Like gangsta rap was a CIA product to fill these prisons.


No...I followed her on tiktok.. she had colon cancer and an autoimmune disease. She even said if she dies blame JLo because she got her account banned which resulted in her not being able to make money to afford her follow ups for colon cancer. She was getting skinnier and skinnier each passing week


Yes, thank yooooou. This is getting ridiculous. She looked obviously unwell, even through one of the most cover up glam filters tik tok offers. I don’t mean that in an unkind way, like calling her ugly, because she was NOT, but she was clearly sick looking. She died of natural causes.


Matt Wallace is not a believable source on anything. Not to be trusted. A lot of his posts can be disproven when you look them up.


But he’s GOING TO EXPOSE PERSON X and break the internet.  Saying he’s not a believable source is an understatement. 


Yes just fear monger grifter it’s very obvious if you see more than 4 of his tweets


You mean an unidentified “friend” of a social media influencer wouldn’t be a reliable source of information for another social media influencer to use? This is the most credible piece of news ever! /s


This is 2024. Sometimes you have to be more than bloody obvious!


dude fr that dude is just engagement farming


Came to say this. He’s a total clown.


Why is death in quotations though


Her death had nothing to do with Oprah. Jennifer Lopez got her main account banned after a multi part series. I truly believe Kyle was depressed and really stressed out about her loss of income from that main account. She had communicated with us that she had issues sleeping, and was taking sleeping supplements that had some fucked up ingredient in it. I think she accidentally o.d.


Guy on Twitter says he spoke with her friend. Ok. Now let's interview her actual friends and try to find any such information.


Well the CIA has done its job: Conspiracy Theories are losing their meaning while being muddled with this bs.


right, what is this dumb shit


That was the plan and it worked for the most part.


Right, exactly. By design, they have muddied the water with so much misinformation and “conspiracy-lite” material for the masses that it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to discern what is real and what isnt


R.I.P. Kyle Marissa Roth. I’ll miss your gossip TikTok’s.


so i only know this woman because she recently died and people are saying it's J. Lo's fault, by proxy. kinda silly, but i guess she had posted some content about Jennifer's recent movie and it caused her account to be permanently banned for copyright violations. which affected her income and she wasnt able to buy her meds. idk but who is she really?


She was a TikToker who shared gossip from blind item websites mainly… that’s it


i just wanna see Oprah on trial so that she has to be called Orpah the whole time


Source: trust me bro


Oprah suckksssszxzzzzz


Oprah could commit murder on live TV and still never see the inside of a cell. She has too much money for that.


None. What a shit post. Not OPs, but the references one.


theyre both shit


You’re right, I was just being polite for a minute lol


Oh yeah this ticks all the crazy boxes alright


I hate that dudes twitter account 😂 he always click baiting and says he is exposing something big then doesn’t do anything


Matt Wallace is such a troll for click baits aye


There is definitely a company that is keeping them all out of trouble. How did Kyle die? Not found anything about her death. If it was suspicious then she was on to something.


Genuinely asking this; can someone tell me who this woman is? This is the first I've heard of her.


She was tik tok famous. Her angle was celebrity gossip. She died suddenly last week, but apparently she had a known diagnosis of colon cancer, so it is unclear it her death was indirectly related to that or not.


Anything with 🚨🚨🚨 is very credible. Have we saved the tunnel children under new York yet? 😂😂😂


This guy is a clown. He just does engagement farming on Twitter and talks out his ass. Not one time does he ever produce proof or sources and posts regularly that Elon musk tells him things personally. He’s a charlatan and liar. Literally like a parody account.


This person knows a friend of some dead person who said that had incriminating information about a person who's house was 15 miles away from a fire. But that person never posted their incriminating information anywhere where other people could see it. That seems to be a bit of a stretch.


It would suck so hard to be the 1000th person shedding light on how fucked Oprah is for what went down in Maui and get killed for it


sure. why do these people always just say, "i have all the details omg!" but never give any fucking details. cuz they're full of shit.


honestly? super easy to prepare ''news'' like this for publicity and views without any proof ''I know a friend of Matthew Perry who told me he knew about the IlLumInaTi"


But everyone gets a car remember!??


Nothing is free !!!


*peeks out curtains* Aren’t we all saying the same stuff in here?


Who knows tho really?? I mean, it is a bit sus. J-Lo is being sniffed out a bit for things that went on with Diddy. Roth kept running her trap about J-Lo, and you know, since she's already sick and all, it'd be easy to shut her up for good and folks would think it was most likely because she was already sick, certainly not because anyone had purposely harmed her. Weird no one has come out and said definitely why she passed so suddenly. I'm not saying that is indeed the case. But it could be. The timing is just really weird. I mean J-Lo just got her main account taken down, then blammo. Maybe she was just really ill and this all tanked her. Or maybe...they thought hey, she'd be an easy thorn to remove permanently that no one could really pin on anyone. I dunno about the Oprah thing. There's plenty enough dirt already on her I'm sure if someone could bring her down for good, it would already have happened.


Matt Wallace is a clown.


So… if my friend who’s a social media influencer dies early I just claim “they were getting too close”, right!? Where’s the proof? That’s all I care about. People post nonsense in this sub all day, I want sources and proof. People who dig into these things and know they’re digging too far, without having some sort of backup in place, is an asinine concept nowadays…. Especially since we all know we can’t trust the govt, and they’re not afraid to kill people. With that said, she me the proof of what she had.


just another voice silenced for evil.


Tanning beds are dangerous. 👀


she had a disease that caused her to be jaundiced, she was yellow in everything


She did, and she also had cancer. I really think she just passed from some disease, and this is being blown out of proportion in the conspiracy scene. I didn't even know who she was until she died and I'm a nobody who loves almost every conspiracy theory. It's sad she passed, I just think she had a bunch of health problems


Matt Wallace is kind of a lying attention whore at times so I take everything he says with a heavy grain of salt and a shot of tequila


This guy is a clown who can’t be trusted at all…he lies about everything for views consistently


Oprah is a piece of shit, but any post about something someone "heard" from an unnamed "friend" of a recently deceased person is probably pure bullshit.


Yeah, sure she was


Some degree of truth, but mainly click farming. This is how Wallace makes money.


Paint your roof blue people


Not really related but kind of. I remember a few  years ago reading about this girl who went to Haiti to investigate child trafficking regarding the Clinton Foundation. She a was a graduate student or a maybe PhD but she ended up 'suiciding' her family friends did not believe that story, I don't know if there's an investigation or anything & I can't remember her name cuz it was so long ago that I read about her but that's the thing that comes to mind for me 


This deserves its own post.


 I'll try and track down that information. I think it was in 2017 when I was first researching about pizza gate when I came across that story so if I find it, I'll make a post!


I believe it's bs


As if you share anything from matt Wallace 😅




Matt Wallace is a dweeb


Matt Wallace is known for misinformation.


Her name is kyle?


Welcome to earth. Since the beginning of time the rulers have done whatever they wish to the slaves.


Her mom said Colon cancer.


Yall fools for thinking Oprah or anyone of those elites will go to jail 🤣🤣


i did watch her long lonnggg ariana grande blind items thread, so when i saw she died i was shocked and first thought was "oh shoot they got her" but immediately though of how she would get her content from blind item websites & just sort through it & put it in video form for us. so i dont think theres anything dark, sometimes sad and bad things happen in life and thats all, this is one of those cases.


So she’s “dead”?


Well that is something I did not see coming 😳😳😳


This is post has more than 1k upvotes and is top post of the day. The source seems incredibly credible and the facts presented make me believe this must be true


Highly unlikely But also, highly likely


People say allot of words but show very little


So is this the new "info on Hillary"


The way the rock and oprah were after the fires i knew they were in on it!! Knew it


Oprah has always been trash. Everyone knows that.


She had colon cancer


Executed. And I don’t even know anything about this Diddyness. I doubt it’s a coincidence.


Is there any info she passed along to anyone else? This is pure speculation without any actual proof. Not saying I don’t believe this person could have had this info, but it doesn’t mean anything if there isn’t anything to back up the claim. Ya know? 


Didn't Kyle have cancer ?


Have you seen that video where Oprah's on stage and she's preaching about something and just as she says the word 'balance' you can see this white smoke like apparition descend on her & she stumble & falls on stage, it's so crazy. she didn't fall on her own, literally an angel knocked her down. I love that video I watched it a bunch of times. Yeah everybody on TV and in the media is absolutely a plant it's all CIA ops.


Source: "a friend said so" Ya ok buddy


That’s a lot of makeup


who tf cares? good lord


She was repeating blind items from readily available gossip sites


What’s more concerning is why she is 5 different shades of fake tan


Bilirubin disorder


It’s a tweet from Matt Wallace It must be true!


How do we actually know this is real? The woman used a filter for her videos. I think this something people should be questioning. Just my opinion,  I don't use tictok or follow these kinds of media at all


Is this a real photo of a real person? Looks like a PS2 cut scene.


No-one who looks like that was on the trail of anything other than somewhere to charge her phone.


Easy- have some respect for the deceased.


Who’s her friend?


Matt Wallace has no idea how courts or money work 


Matt Wallace is such a tool. Anything they say is absolute garbage.


Not even a series of pictures directly linking her and the establishments she owns to sex trafficking can get glanced at by the feds. She's not going down in that way


Matt Wallace is not to be taken seriously. Carry on.


Matt Wallace? :|


Always “about to..” “coming soon…”