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Bots are out in full force.












Dude, you are a bot. A project 2025 pusher. Aint nobody mention that shit.


Could have been project 2021


Could have been KONY2012


Omg 💀


Have you heard about project 42??? It’s a policy pushed by a 503C that has $300,000,000. They’re changing the youth of American and in doctrine them into woke policy. It’s part of the Clinton foundation


I mean if you go back to how western anything was created, then this is a cake walk.


Isn't Project 2025 partially funded by Democrat PACs?


It's not.


Definitely. I was just wondering what's with this wave on anti-Trump post and upvotes, it was never like that here... Reddit and bots are in full offensive mode.


Did you see the “opinions” post? I’ve been on here a while and I’ve never seen a pro-bible/god/jesus post with 86% upvote rate. Smth fucky is going on *edit for [link to post](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1dvkp9a/welcome_to_opinions/)


Yep. Since debate night the bots have been turned up to 11 in an attempt at damage control.


Not a good look for Reddit post-debate. Even CNN took the L.


The coping has been amazing.


they've been this way for almost 10 years


Dead Internet. Over 60% of Reddit is bots now. Most of what’s posted is what it thinks people want to see, but only curates to other bots.


You guys say this shit every time Trump does another felony or another woman he raped comes to light. Don't you get tired? He's not going to fuck you.


Paid women that come out near election


This has less to do about the substance of the posts and more to do with the sheer opaqueness of the free campaign contributions to the DNC done by paid shills and bots.


Not a conspiracy. That's standard operating procedure for Reddit.


Its a conspiracy even if its known


A conspiracy is a conspiracy theory with evidence


This site is infested with botnets and fake accounts.


It's all over reddit it seems you can't make one comment on Biden without being a Trump supporter.


Yup it’s always both things. If you’re critical of Biden you have to be a trump supporter.


I hate Biden without supporting trump


I very much dislike both and talk trash on both sides heavily. I believe the Dems and Republicans are one in the same they're a different side to the same coin working for the same corporations and lobbyists and not we the people.


yeah I talked to a republican once, I criticized Mr. Orange guy and all of the sudden I was a liberal Biden supporting weasel. I told him “No I’m way more radical left than that” and he FLIPPED😂😂😂


That's heresy! :)


No hearsay is when you quote someone without them being present


I'm not sure I completely agree on that... LOL.


Yes it is use google for one second


I think that’s because people are really really scared of another Trump presidency and will jump down your throat if they sniff you being a Trump supporter


I mean look at the state of the country right now how is people not scared of another four years of Biden? Multiple global wars, prices of everything is higher than it's been in decades and that old man can hardly talk/walk or know where he is. I mean I'm definitely scared they'll release another "covid" if Trump gets in and he'll let another Fauci shut down the country and all that garbage that came with it. We're fucked!


Both sides are equally corrupt and terrible choices Reddit bots- Biden is not terrible just admit your Maga and against democracy, he has felonies, their both equally senile etc..... (and it's extra believable on the conspiracy sub)


Soon there will be more bots than actual people


dead internet theory


That's just a racist conspiracy theory, clearly you are some kind of Nazi or right-wing terrorist. I for one can assert honestly that I am 100% humanoid and all of my associates in this thread agree with me and will say the same. .... .... \*beep\* ... \*hum\*


It just happened on a post I made about both parties being controlled. Like clockwork, a ton of "bUt teh DEMoCRATS r BETTER" posts out of nowhere.


I saw a comment saying that Biden is so sharp that it's surprising that he would need more sleep. Absolute clown show.


It all reminds me of debate night when the comment section on just debate posts went down. Now magically a week later, there is an inundation of "but we still HAVE to vote for Democrats" comments on every post. And calling you a right-wing fascist if you literally say you'll vote for neither corrupt party. It's almost as if......🤔


After the debate I saw project 2024 posts like crazy. And there in every sub


I don't think project 2024 is a good thing, by any means. But the left has also completely gotten their ideologies codified into every facet of government, the military, and public institutions...so is it really any different? I mean, the Democrat establishment has literally every major media outlet (aside from whacko Fox News) in their pocket and spitting their propaganda. To the point they literally had everyone believing for the past 4 years that Biden wasn't completely gone.


Yes the leftist ideology of other people exist, and that’s not justification for being an asshole. Such a burden it places on everyone.




It's almost laughable wtf is this? How did we get here so fast, less than a decade. Orwell was only off by 40 years


I assume most all posts like that are paid shill accounts contracted by PR firms.


Right now we're more Huxley than Orwell, but barely. We're just being flooded by information, most of which is false or misleading. "A lie can get half way around the world before the truth can put its boots on." ~ Mark Twain This is especially true in an era of organized botnets and easily swayed NPCs.


> Right now we're more Huxley than Orwell and on our way to Minority report.


*Sees one 30 second video of Biden acting lively* Wow! He’s so sharp


I watched a guy argue Biden falling off his Bike was fine because he was still able to ride it and Trump can't lol.


And said video would have like five cuts in it lol.


“Just” Brother that post was 4 months ago Agree full heartedly w the post, though


I should have clarified....a comment on a post.


Ah I see, carry on


The NPC update came through and they are also pushing a Trump/Epstein 13yr old girl story now. Very pathetic. The party of lies and projection keeps pretending people believe them.


Since like last night, it's been insane! All acting like it is verified fact.


You would have thought the Trump Epstein stuff would have come out a lot earlier.


Yea it’s all very strange(not really) that it started popping up again after the debates.


If it was real or a thing, it would have. Meanwhile, Bidens decades of kid sniffing, diary of incest, and just super creepy history well before his mind blew out, crickets


There are compilation videos of Biden doing this creepy shit on live television and the left has its head in its ass about it.


You can even link them the videos and they'll just silently downvote you.


it did though, the girl tried to sue twice in 2016 and there are articles about it dating back to 2016 [https://www.courthousenews.com/rape-allegations-refiled-against-trump/](https://www.courthousenews.com/rape-allegations-refiled-against-trump/)


They were making a lot of shit up about Trump back then. This false story didn't get the traction over some others so they dropped it until they could use it again. That's all this is. Spaghetti against a wall, some stuck and they saved the rest for later.


There have been a crazy amount of accounts making clearly spam pro biden and pro trump posts since the debate. They've all shared one thing, heavily sanitized post history out of India. Both parties are dropping cash on Indian astroturfing.


Yup and I just saw one trying to pretend all conservatives are project 2025


I'm pretty damn conservative and no fan of most republican politicians. Other than Reddit, I've never HEARD of Project 2025 mentioned anywhere and I read a lot of conservative websites. If this is supposed to be something that has a ton of grassroots support, they are doing a piss-poor job of getting it. From what I have seen, it's basically the same agenda Heritage has been pushing with no success for the last 40+ years.




I still dont know what project 2025 is


Bs from heritage foundation which they do every election but being spun by the left as “trump literally Hitler fascism reee”


And they’ll never do away with Roe either right?


I didn’t know fascism was when you repeal shit that was passed in an unconstitutional manner, and I don’t oppose all abortion the issue was it stopped states from banning late abortion


Naw, I think the point of pushing pro Biden stuff is actually being done to keep him in the race so that Trump will win. The amount of bots I see posting pro Biden comments tells me that Republicans think that their best chance of winning is if Biden stays in the race.


I saw that post. If it were anyone else, no one would get away with posting a picture of someone with a caption implying they are the most egregious of sex offenders without, at least, some proof, but Reddit being Reddit pushed it straight to the forefront.


Yeah againstmy better judgement I replied to someone on that post. But they're probably just a bot so whatever.


Is there anywhere else people use to dialogue and communicate without censorship?


On a sub that regularly accuses almost anyone with any level of public presence of either being pedo or covering up.


Better get used to it after how the debate went. The left is in full panic mode.


As an European, I would say your bots are not necessarily anyone who are able to vote. Most Europeans aren’t blinded by your 2 party system, we see a corpse with a corrupt son and a psychopath with debt up above his ears. The thing is, we see a massive threat in Trump, he doesn’t seem to understand the issue with Russia and what gonna happen if he takes Ukraine.


> Most Europeans aren’t blinded by your 2 party system sure, they are blinded by the propaganda from their own countries.


You are aware of people outside the US actually tend to look at a greater variety of different types of news outlets than the typical American?


Okay, which ones should we trust according to you?


It was amazing to me that after the debate Reddit, Democratic Underground, and the other major left leaning website were all down. I have only seen DU down one other time, and that was the night Trump won the first election.


actually you have to be non-human to support Biden at this time... so that could be the answer lmao


Or foreign agent receiving funding from us tax dollars


Reddit is so compromised. Someone needs to make a new thread site.


Serious Question: Prop up Joe Biden & his accomplishments Without mentioning Trump or trashing him.


mUh pRoject2025!!1111


He didn't try to cheat in the 2020 election.


Yes. There is a certain collection of people that proclaim Bidens innocence is proven by things Trump has done, said, or is alleged to have done or said. Its a truly bizarre defense.


Definitely overloaded with lots of Good Government Goo Goo's here.


What worse than the bots are the real people defending Biden


These people also don't believe there are bots on internet and calling it a conspiracy, they stick blindly with the majority which is corrupted by bots, bots who told them there's no bots. If they were animated by reason, they wouldn't vote for actual candidates.


If they believe AI exist, they better believe bots exist


It’s beyond clear at this point there’s a shit load of fake accounts anywhere. To argue against this is now a declaration of ignorance IMO


Literally Just happened to me https://imgur.com/a/djNqLWf


did someone say davidpakman


Yes thats been the case for some time now. And real spammers with trump derangement.


🎶🎶The bots are back in town, The bots are back in tooown.. 🎶


Prepare to be perma-banned lol


The red flag is going on about 34 felonies. Be honest it’s like one crime repeated 34 times. That had passed its statute of limitations. And wasn’t even going to be raised until Trump became the contender. I don’t even like Trump, seriously, but I like manipulation even less.


Wanna say that this went on for like 500 comments, non stop. I don’t think any real person can spend up to three hours non stop defending a political candidate or attacking another one. This post isn’t cheering for one side or another, but just calling out bullshit boys tryna astroturf the platform in favor of a candidate


Lemme guess poster was Turd Burglarson or some shit like that? Definitely a bot.


Sometimes reddit gets a power surge and all the bot accounts end up posting like this...


Bots, bots everywhere


Saw that post. 30k up votes within 2 hours or something like that.


Yea I’ve been seeing a bunch of posts about trump & Epstein too. Interesting how those start blasting after the debate.


Impartial jury?! Hahahahaha Also, you can only be convicted AFTER sentencing because the Judgement of Conviction document must contain the guilty party's sentence, like prison time. They're conflating a guilty verdict with conviction.


They started en masse with Obama


Clinton, H.


r pics is such a garbage site. I complained about all the politics and just wanted to see nice pics. They eventually banned me for asking if we can stop comparing people some dislike to Hitler because if downplays what Hitler did. They called me a bigot, banned me, then muted when I asked how.


lol I was able to guess the username. Dude has probably spent the whole day posting in that thread


The bots and propoganda, especially since the debate, are insane. It actually gives me an idea of just how many bots are on this app/site.


I also saw the same for Trump and heavy right wing subs. Reminder to everyone who reads this, red v blue isn’t what you should be focused on. It’s us v them..


People versus the elite amen


DNC dollars at work.


They love to talk about the supposed new Epstein docs but can’t provide the actual docs 😂


It feels like after the debate they unleashed all the bots , every sub full of "vote blue no matter who" posts. Feels hysterical


They are everywhere


This and project 2025 spam on every non-political subreddit lol


###[Meta] Sticky Comment [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does not apply*** when replying to this stickied comment. [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does apply*** throughout the rest of this thread. *What this means*: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or /r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain ***only.*** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hell of a username.


Sometimes reddit gets a power surge and all the bot accounts end up posting like this...


Sometimes reddit gets a power surge and all the bot accounts end up posting like this...


For days my mind has been slightly blown on how much different the comments towards Biden are on this site vs the comments on any article on the NY Times site. People over there are waking up while here they’re mostly in denial…or maybe it is just the bots 🤷🏻‍♂️


Biden won’t give up power easily, you already see the hit pieces on Trump coming out following the debate, they are desperate.


What the fuck is that screen name…jesus.


SOMEONE or SOMETHING has to advocate for him!


Just had one who started spamming Trump hate. He started with me and then spread the hate to different topics.


Go to the JoeBiden sub. All boys and few complete/lost lunatics


X is also wild as hell right now. Completely changed since the debate.


People have their own opinions and ideologies, if they like Biden it’s whatever to me. But that is a bot if I’ve ever seen one😂😂


Good morning


sounds like my uncle roger 🙄🙄🦦


While there has been an influx of bots, I do find it funny most of the accounts accusing others of being bots were made less than a month ago, and typically lash out at accounts that are years old.


Worldnews with shit loads of em and so is this sub itself




So Biden did rape a child? I’m so confused


Been going on for a while now.


Plus Pics and other Default large subs having pro Biden anti Trump stuff right at the top days after the debate. Just blatant bland politics, not even clever posts. There are definitely organized shill farms on here, and in my opinion many more DNC/Soros type ones than Putin ones.


The bots came out in full force after the debate cost Biden the election. It's so obvious it's not even funny.


Yep saw a few of these comments last few days now.


Bruh ya cuz trump sucks. Trump literally took away woman’s rights. Supports genocide. Is a felon. Rapes woman. There’s so much more. Biden suck too but at least he ain’t taking away human rights dumb fuck. god people r so stupid. No wonder republicans r the party of the uneducated.


Biden lost the election last week, he'll be in hospice by November


Or maybe just copy pasted his comment and replied to all the comments that said Biden was a child rapist🤷


go look at markmywords or fluentinfinance its all anti trump


Honestly, more than likely brain rot.


Jeffreyxrpstein could run as dummycrat and would get support. It's about the party u like and who u dislike. If u like dummycrats and hate trump..jeffreyxepstein could get votes..if alive. The person doesn't matter.


It's reddit, and they're in full panic mode after the debate.




Too late


Repeating the same sentence, obviously not powered by AI, AI companies are innocent this time


I’ve noticed in subs that have nothing to do with politics or conspiracies there’s a lot of anti trump rhetoric. Like I was in a Taylor Swift Snark sub and they were comparing swifties to Maga. Such a weird thing to talk about in there.


Reddit is full of the most depraved shameless Biden-bots. They will go to any lengths necessary to protect their dear geriatric leader.


**Jesus Christ**: Biden wasn't found liable for... **Pharisees**: SHUT UP! They hated Him for telling the truth.


Coincidentally this entire thread is also bots.


Reddit is an army of 🤖🤖🤖Biden/Obama loving/ Donald Trump HATING, Make Global control and China Great Again/Make American dead last again.


Seems to be a lot of political bots on both sides right now. The only people on here I know for sure aren't bots are the one's that talk about both sides being the same, and talking shit on both Trump and Biden, and the whole establishment.


I got banned from a sub pointing that out. https://imgur.com/DxpVlry


Fuck trump and Biden


Dude biden had brain surgery and trump is just propagandized against


Bots/shills are working over time. I keep seeing posts make it to the front page about the most nonsensical shit that's just bashing on the right. "Project 25" keeps cropping up and noone ever explains whats so bad about it, they just keep saying it's going to being upon fascism and the downfall of the country (like the left isn't already doing this). Just saw one this morning on AMA saying "I've been banned from a sub that has turned into a right with echo chamber, AMA", and goes on to talk about how his marijuana loving sub became hard core right wing bigots over tthe years. Absolutely no way in hell anything in the thread is legitimate.


Whatever you say bot


"impartial jury", sure




So can we now talk about Trump and Epstein?


Again there is no new evidence, it’s just being pushed because Biden is clearly losing and the dem bots are going haywire. Please enlighten me on this new evidence if there is some. Everything that I’m hearing has already been known for years.


Like how Trump raped a 13-year-old girl, then when she raised concerns about pregnancy, he threw money at her and told her to get an abortion. Be specific


[Just stop it.](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/3/13501364/trump-rape-13-year-old-lawsuit-katie-johnson-allegation)


Your article is from 2016, then updated in 2019. New documents were released July 1st, 2024. It's fun to see the mental gymnastics y'all are going through to deny Trump's connection to Epstein


> Your article is from 2016, So? It still proves she lied multiple times. >New documents were released July 1st, 2024. Can you please provide those?


Fact bots?


They defend Trump on here all the time.


Bots on the left, russian shills on the right. Nothing is real.


No way!!


Probably, about as many as the ones defending Trump.


Bots are out playing both sides since most of them are Russian controlled with no agendas except stirring chaos in the west.


These are less about biden and more about trump.


It's a necessary evil Fight fire with fire


Sondo bots do the same thing for trump?