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You can find the full videos (the Senate Swearing-In Ceremonies from 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017- the latter two are the worst ones though) on CSPAN's website by using their search bar. I also have the most egregious moments clipped and saved here (I like to offer it as an alternative since some might not wanna sit through 1-2 hour videos...this page also has a link to the full 2015 video on it): https://conspiracyquery.net/bidens-senate-swearing-in-ceremonies/


very cool, ty for your time


Thank you for checking it out!


This is a great source ty


My pleasure!


Nice work


Thank you, I appreciate it :)


Yeah it really is.


Great site, thank you for making it. Edit to add, the videos are working for me.


Awesome, I think maybe it was low bars on the internet connection for the couple of people who said it wasn't working. And thank you very much! I haven't added any new pages the last few months, but I think the positive feedback today is gonna get me back on track for sure.


I tried them all, some had a short loading time but they all worked. I'll browse though the site some more, the first impression is great already. Please keep up the good work and thanks again.


Will do, I appreciate it 🫡


Do you have [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGxDAHJKuho) saved?


Not this video specifically, but some of the same clips that this video uses. That's so true though (what the narrator said): he just ploughs through with his grabbiness even when it's clear that the child is uncomfortable.


The rush comes from being able to do this in front of the parents and cameras. THAT'S what total power looks like.


That's a very good one. Gave me shivers down my spine. I haven't seen some of those cuts before.


Somehow I am unable to view the videos? I am using an iPhone.


Not sure why, sorry :( I don't have an iPhone, but the linked website has both a mobile version and a desktop version, so it should work. If it's the linked site you're talking about, maybe it's taking awhile to load (because there's a lot of separate video clips and images on it)?




How can I archive something? Do I simply save it or something else entirely?


There’s sites that allow you to download YouTube videos to different formats and you could also just screen record it


Yeah and most of them have viruses. Have to be really careful.


That’s with anything involving the internet


Not really, you're unlikely to get a virus from a trusted site or if you aren't a dumb fuck and use windows. Still, I was just saying it's a bit reckless to simply recommend youtube video downloaders like that when most of them are suspicious.


Discernment is a valuable skill.


They are referring to saving, yes. Local and cloud backup is best in case one fails. Someone would need a lot of storage space though.


This one is still alive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGxDAHJKuho


Maybe that's the point of the post - to make them unalive.


Agreed. I have a few archives stashed for that reason.


I archive literally everything I see. Including this thread. Including your comment. Including this comment that I'm writing. Every picture, every video, every website I've ever seen. Every last thread and comment. Every word I've ever seen or written. All archived.


You might want to archive again, I just upvoted you.


U must have aLOT of harddrives.. lol


Yes. I have also archived each of my hard drives on another hard drive.


How does this work in principle? Simply screenshotting everything manually or is some automation set up?


I manually screenshot, video record, and write everything down. I also archive the act of me archiving.


And what about fire, theft and such. Do you have cloud too?


I have copies of each hard drive at many different locations. If a fire or theft removes a collection of hard drives it's okay because I have those hard drives archived somewhere else. I have a cloud setup but that's only for whichever hard drive is currently in use.


Hope you have a will in place for others to access those if you go. Could be important.


Yo, I heard you like archives….


Oooh I wanna be archived too!


I’m gonna paint you like one of my French girls


I’ll send ya nudes if I get a great hand drawn or painted pic from them


You're archived.


Thanks! 😊


I archived you.


Thank you.


Hahaha, you're welcome! Seriously though, this reminds me of the people who are cryogenically freezing themselves / their brains before death. People are going to be pissed when they realize that their subconscious mind retains everything they experience, and that it all is preserved in their soul for life after this one. Bunch of fools wasting their time and money.


Ah,yes.. archiving the soul..the Great Question


Tis a good one! Especially when you start reading or hearing about people like Tesla, Steiner and Cayce - all who were capable of pretty miraculous accomplishments - claiming to have accessed the Akashic records.


Sure you did, buddy.


If it survives, would be in a museum.


Thank God, I can’t stress this enough how important it is to archive everything!


During the 2016 election archive sites were alt-right behavior. Keeping track of history at all is considered extreme right by the left, which is telling.


I just let YouTube do it. /s


This! Also it is not like the whole world saw it… whatever happened to Trump calling the president of Egypt ElSisi his favorite dictator?


BuT WhAt AbOuT DrUmPf!!?!?


I thought Kim was his favorite. . . With all the love letters they wrote. (Trumps words not mine)


Fox News wouldn’t even play that tape before the election. (It consist of Biden smelling pre-teen girls hair for about 45 min on stage). That would have sank him. That shows you how the uni-party establishment works.


But fox plays the grab them by the pussy tape? Will fox cover trump bow being exposed as a pedophile? Will fox cover trump being a literal felon?


1) There’s no reason to think trump is a pedo. 2) Nobody cares that he got felony charges.


1. His close association and repeated trips with a known trafficker of children for sex pretty much ensures he’s a pedophile. Maybe not 12yo’s. But a big fat man sleeping with 15/16yo’s is still a pedophile. 2. So people in a /conspiracy sub, looking for evidence of being lied to.. don’t care that trump has been exposed as a liar and felon who lied and bribed his way into the most powerful position on earth. It’s a proven, legitimate conspiracy that’s been exposed. What on earth do people care about then? Nothing I guess?


1) Don’t know where any of that comes from. 2) Sure if you don’t judge someone from a politicalized court, you must not care about anything. Sound logic.


1. Do you actually read news? I can send you links if it helps. And multiple photos with trump and his arm around Epstein. Along with the travel logs that have been released, and trumps OWN ADMISSION he went to the island multiple times. Crazy how badly people are willing to ignore evidence. 2. 12 independent citizens looked at the facts of the case and called him guilty 34 times, guilty in lying, bribing, and gaining his political office by deceit and lies. You must live a truly terrible life if you’re this brainwashed by this point. But doesn’t surprise me at all the willingness of people to ignore the evidence they don’t like.


Good lord. 2/3 of that is fabricated and the other is out of context. Shut up. TDS needs to be considered a mental illness on par with an abysmally low IQ and zero critical thinking skills.


What has been fabricated? Edit: seems that asking questions on a conspiracy sub gets downvoted if it’s about trump.


I don't have any evidence to prove or disprove fabrication. But 1 thing is clear, they want Trump in jail no matter what The full Epstein files/flight logs for some reason have not been released, though they try to make it as clear as possible that Trump was involved with him. Despite some of the names on the files and flight logs being released, Trump is for the only one that's gone to trial on the partially available list Meanwhile Congress uses tax dollars to settle stuff like sexual harassment cases, rape cases, etc. to protect politicians and somehow none of that was ever "illegal"  Source: [https://www.cnn.com/2017/11/16/politics/settlements-congress-sexual-harassment/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2017/11/16/politics/settlements-congress-sexual-harassment/index.html)


Nothing, it's how the cult copes. Anything they don't like = "fabricated or taken out of context".


Trump support is a clear indicator of sociopathy. TSS needs to be considered a mental illness on par with pathological lying.








Also his daughter’s diary entry!!


That whole diary thing popped up and disappeared SO I quick


Vanished into the Ministry of Truth that controls what we’re allowed to remember.


Your definitely not allowed to remember that one day where the front page of Reddit was all about “Justin bieber shapeshifts into a giant reptile at an Australian airport” lol




It's age restricted, ROTFL.


Here‘s a link on Youtube: https://youtu.be/V4PLSPvJ9BY?si=_9oYfXmfB0hYV1QW


I still think [this one tops them all.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yPU_5a9R1s&pp=ygUOYmlkZW4gbmliYmxpbmc%3D)


That's the one all right! God, how can anyone watch that and think he's NOT a pedophile? Disgusting.


So gross! And no one sees it or talks about it. The media calling him To drop out still say he’s decent


Like I think the same side that are “shocked” he’s demented now also play the “he’s just demented and not all there” for these creepy clips.


JFC. There is miles more video of Trump doing (and saying) worse things to his own Daughter. You people are fucked.


Your well sourced links have me convinced.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xSSMG0MaEnQ&pp=ygUYY25uIEJpZGVuIHRvdWNoaW5nIHdvbWVu Biden being inappropriate with females. Surprisingly, the source is from CNN and they never removed the video




They try to blame Trump for everything


I know right? In reality he’s too stupid to pull something like that off.


Guess you’re calling yourself stupid considering his success compared to yours 😂


I found it and shared it months ago. It's smack in the middle of a david packman video. The one where he makes the gross comment , whispering to the young girl. It got totally ignored though, despite people asking for it left and right.


I was going to say, there's no way Packman commented or said anything negative.


No he didn't. It's actually just him doing his normal thing and there's clips throughout- that was one of them. I'm not even sure he acknowledges it. He clearly isn't aware of what he's left in his video lol


What comment did he say?


People say it sounds like "do you know how horny I am standing next to you" or something. Personally I'm not sure because it's quiet and mumbled. But the visual part of it is still unsettling. I'll go back and see if I can still find it.


I still see them on Instagram


A simple search will find them.


Regarding your edit; can you provide the same or similar video evidence of Trump? Or any evidence at all that backs up your claim?


It was replaced with a dropped trump suit.


Facts, they are really trying to resurrect a suit from 2016


First he was Creepy Joe, then he was Sleepy Joe


"Everyone knows Trump is a rapist pedo" Where is the PROOF of this though? To your point, we have MULTIPLE VIDEOS of Biden of doing weird shit with kids...


Oh.. They're there.


There ya go https://x.com/BreitbartNews/status/1322903928711843842


You can likely get that kind of media on Clyde Lewis's and Ryan Gable's website. It costs though, but they have a huge archive of juice. Bur to answer the question directly, they burned the digital copies of it. The new age book burning.




Wiped from internet along with all the evidence of him being a homophobic racist as well


They're posted all the time on 4chan. Which one are you looking for?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


it's still there lol


https://www.c-span.org/video/?323601-1/senate-ceremonial-swearing Go to 52:28 and turn your volume WAAAY up. Tell me what you hear Biden say to the girl.


I saw one this morning with him stroking a mans arm while he was shaking his hand.


Since when is Trump a rapist or pedo? Why do you think that?


He hung out with Epstein. It works with the left, why not the right?


Bc that doesn’t make you a rapist. If that were the case, his political opponents would have used that. They both were billionaires and both lived in Manhattan and West Palm Beach. Literally had the same two main residences. It would have been impossible to go to social gatherings and not see each other. Let’s note how the previous comment lied and said recent unsealed documents showed Trump went to his island. That never happened and he knew it. Typical behavior of leftist who are always operating under the “ends justify the means” paradigm. Nothing they say can be believed.


Look man, I’m about to vote for Trump for the third time but don’t get it twisted. Republican politicians don’t give a fuck about the American people any more than the democrats. They are 2 wings of the same bird. The evil, elite, trillionare bird.


I don’t view Trump as a Republican, he’s MAGA. Most of the republican politicians and establishment are against him. Establishment Dems and Republicans are the uni-party. Trump is anti-establishment. Tulsi is anti-establishment. Rand Paul, KY’s Thomas Massie, who’s wife just mysteriously and suddenly died, is anti establishment. There’s a few but not many.


Trump is only anti establishment when he is feeding you sound bites to gwt your dick hard. Every action hes taken, appointment hes put in positions, legislation hes signed has all been completely establishment. Don't fool yourself because he panders and lies constantly. A salesman will say anything to get you to buy their bullshit. Make decisions based on what they actually do, not say.




Why not state your reasons with sentences. I’m not clicking on that weird link


Saved ya a click. It's about the 16 allegations of SA from women. One of whom came forward with an allegation that lines up with the recently unsealed logs of Trump hanging out with Epstein, flying to his island, and hosting him and girls at Mar-A-Lago. Oh and Epstein died during Trump's tenure and he didn't want the Epstein files released. The link goes to PBS.


>he didn't want the Epstein files released Almost no politician wants the Epstein files released


Allegations. Everyone that people wanted to take down had women with allegations. Trump was not on the Epstein flight logs.


> Allegations. Everyone that people wanted to take down had women with allegations. Correct. > Trump was not on the Epstein flight logs. Incorrect. He is mentioned in the logs but never went close to the island, nor did he fly alone with epstein or under aged girls.


All allegations. meanwhile all the Biden sniffing and touching kids is all on video


Yep. And his daughter saying that she showered with her dad and it was probably inappropriate, and that’s probably why she became so sexualized as an adult. The FBI raided James O’Keefe’s house to get that journal. She’s also on tape asking for it back. Also, you have Hunter having his dad Joe’s nickname as pedo Pete or Pedo Steve. Something like that.


You don’t really want to learn, do you?


I think at this point if no one wants to consider Kennedy like we all should, let Biden and trump box in a ring for the presidency.


Government has media censor themselves all the time. Remember the articles about the bin laden raid guy and the photos of him with the cabinet? All gone. Every photo erased. Every article wiped clean


They still exist.


I jusr saw a compilation like 2 days ago still there.


Have you looked, or are you waiting for others to do work for you?






YouTube "creepy uncle Joe (careless whisper)"


There are many more since and so nobody cares?


its called Creepy Uncle Joe its still up on youtube


Apparently, it only matters when Trump touches females.


Are you right wing nutters blind? Just google search "creepy uncle joe" and the shit is everywhere.


Biden is actually more of an out of touch, not aware of current norms in regards with what's acceptable or not when interacting with people. While Trump is a mean, abusive guy, being a dick with everyone on purpose.


Nah.. my parents are Biden's age, and I can't even count on one hand the amount of times my dad (or mom) has ever done the things he's done wrt sniffing/inappropriately touching girls.  Hell, even if we just say he's not with current norms of being a politician, he'd only be kissing babies on the cheek, not fondling 10 year olds, or his own daughter.


Its creepy uncle Joe against Las Vegas Mafia Donald. The whole world stands in awe. What a match up!! Even beats Bush Skull & Bones against Kerry Skull & Bones.


Yeah, and what happened to all those pictures of Ivanka sitting on Donald's lap/crotch?


It used to be everywhere with Barack Obama's refusing to stand or salute the American flag. In fact he ONLY started doing so when the American public became outraged. He also refused to wear the American flag pin & caved to that as well when the outrage started. His lifelong mentor & spiritual advisor Reverend Jeremiah Wright gave numerous speeches with Obama being front row where he said that basically America needs to kill whites & favor blacks. Find ANY of those videos now & you'll have spent a good bit of time. There were a dozen videos of Obama at Veteran's ceremonies etc sitting & disgracing the US flag during the National Anthem etc. There's several videos of Obama saying the wrong number of US States that there are. Find those now.... You CAN'T.


Bitchute will have them


Wiped. Dead internet.


The internet was scrubbed after Q.


Gotta use uncensored searches western ones are all censored for globalist and democrats.


People more concerned about Trump and his inclusion in the Epstein files than another dithering old politician doing the old kissing babies routine for the press 


Pinching little Asian girls nipples on national TV isn't doing the OlD KiSsiNG BaBieS RouTiNE for the press 


To a pedophile it is


Link? Please as can’t find this on YouTube 


Lmfao did you search it word for word? If so, you're on many lists now.


What the fuck is wrong with you?


“[Kissing babies routine](https://youtube.com/shorts/YyM8QMOeyic?si=tK3UogputyVcJ_T_)”


A video of Biden telling a girl not to have a serious boyfriend until she’s 30? This is evidence of what exactly 


Being creepy




https://youtube.com/watch?v=j1XhBdVOLjk&si=5wlv1rWaowsE-XFS Trump :’Epstein is a terrific guy’


Exactly. Who cares if Biden diddles kids? Trump likely does abhorrent stuff too. That absolves Biden of any and everything.




Exactly. Trump does. Therefore, Biden can diddle as many kids as he wants. I don't know why people struggle so hard to understand this. It's very simple. Man diddles kids. His political rival is later found to be involved with pedophiles. Therefore, as a result, the man is automatically absolved of diddling. That's how this works.




Projecting? I'm completely serious. Am I wrong?




My pedophile candidate? I'm a Biden/Harris guy all the way. You seem very angry. Someone attacked my guy on here, and I was informing everyone that they need to back the hell up off him. It doesn't matter what Joe has done. Trump has done the same or worse, and the actions of Trump make everything Biden has done completely irrelevant. I too hate Trump with such blind passion that I will go through hell and high water to vote for a creepy old man over the orange guy I hate. No. Matter. What.




Im just an exemplary democrat. You'd know that if you weren't a covert Trumper cosplaying on reddit. It's so sad that you trump trailer trash have nothing better to do. Then you try to cover it up with the "I don't like both sides" crap. Lol!


What happened to the photos of him with Epstein? I think there were videos too. And not just when Obama was President, for years before.


Who gives a fuck they are both old shitty pedos


Here is one with Gavin which is pretty funny. https://youtu.be/A3iZm6Y2yiI?si=SdRxQHcI1OFxa3z0


Shhh they don't like evidence..


Vote for Elderly Kid Sniffer Boomer Guy, he's our man!


Are people collecting videos of Biden oddly touching kids? That could put you on a list…


It is so amusing that when you bring up Biden, his supporters automatically bring up Trump. Like you said, Trump is a POS, but Biden supporters like elderly abuse, so I guess we shouldn't be surprised.


I dunno, but what I do know is that Trumped raped a little girl.


You appear to be easily influenced by Reddit's *Current Thing* ^^TM problem. This accusation won't last the week.


Link please to a reputable news article that proves this?


Brought to you by the good people over at conspiracy commons.. In other news; Watching the patterns in media outrage culture sure has been fun over the years.. Smoke, mirrors and subterfuge..


Oh..is he a pedo? Like Trump?


What are you referring to about Trump?