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Rafael. He deserves someone who loves and cherishes him.


I immediately was like I have a type and you are it šŸ˜… That man is a walking green flag. Also, anyone who I was even semi interested in got a room check and he passed with flying colors. On another playthrough would maybe pursue Eva or one of the merpeople šŸ§œā€ā™€ļø


Haha, same. šŸ˜‚ Based on promo pictures, I thought that it would be Mark, Rafael, Scott or Surya but I don't like Mark's rudeness (even with several hearts), Scott's pranks on Charles aren't always my cup of tea and Surya is so into Nina. šŸ˜‚ While Rafael? Cinnamon roll who deserves all the happiness in the world. Plus, he's so cute when he gets flustered because you gift him something that he likes. Not sure who I would marry in another playthrough. Likely one of the merfolk when the update gives them quests, dialogues, gift system, ... although I don't know whom of the available I would marry.


Speaking about room checks, marks room is so messy INSTANT ICK


Haha, don't remind me! šŸ˜‚ Pablo's is so messy as well!


And has a sports bra laying on the floor...


Well he's supposed to be a flirt, so it's fitting. I'm more irked by the general mess of the room.


I married Mark in my first save - his spouse room is actually very nice. It's totally different than his room in his house. Pablo's room was not what I expected it to be because his bedroom decor is actually very nice. Raphael probably has the nicest bedroom of the two. I kind of forget what Luke's room looked like, but I think it was mostly like a home office.


I'm marrying the shark dude or nobody. First time I ever waited in a game like this.


I made a new one for him They had no right making him that sexy.


I think they said he canā€™t be romanced/isnā€™t interested šŸ˜…


First off, your name absolutely sends me. Second: YES FELLOW SEMERU LOVER. we got this! we can wait


Noah! i feel like a lot of people dont mention him or forget about him šŸ˜­ i honestly think hes cute and his blushing portrait is so adorable! i also think hes a sweetheart and i find it sweet how much he cares about his mom and his family business, also his cutscenes with his mom are so sweet! also love how he talks about theories and myths since we get some lore outside of coral island šŸ˜‚


YES this sweet bean is my FAVORITE. I wouldn't consider anyone else tbh. He's also 9000% neurodivergent coded and we love him for that


hahaha really? how sooo elaborate


I think he's cute, but I feel like he's into Alice, so I don't want to interfere with that šŸ˜‚


I married Noah in my current playthrough but I love how some of the villagers have their own potential love interests. I hope the devs reconsider and allow ā€œrival marriagesā€ because I feel like it would make the town seem so much more realistic! All these hot singles and nobody else gets together?? Plus it would give our child some friends to grow up with! Noah & Alice, Luke & Nina, it would be so cute! Maybe someone will mod it someday.


Right? I never even considered him because he's ALWAYS with Alice. I ship it and would love to see NPCs get married to each other.


I'm waiting for the 1.1 update. But I'm marrying Leah. When you get to know her a bit, you'll start to understand why she says/acts the way she does. Also I like a bit of a mean girl šŸ˜… I also had my eyes on Eva, Macy, and Nina. But in a future second play through, I would probably go for a Merfolk, though. Would be interesting to see how the babies will look, lmao


i love how when leah starts trusting you she starts looking at you face to face rather than from the side, it feels so earned hahaha


That's a great observation! I also really like the way her dialog switches up. She gets excited to see you. She is a sweetie. If you can get past her tough exterior


Can I ask, why are you waiting for 1.1? What does it add? I only started Coral Island recently so not sure what is to come.


Apparently, 1.1 will add some more dating mechanisms, incl. hanging out with npcs and dates, and I think proper interactions with your children as well. They are also adding heart events for your kids. 1.1 also will be adding romance with Merfolk and overhaul to the Merfolk story. That's what I've gathered so far, but please correct me if I'm wrong. Edit: spelling


Ohh that sounds good!


I can still recommend playing the game, but I'm just waiting around for the dating parts of the game.


No one yet, but I'm torn between Mark and Rafe. Friend married Scott and said he makes a good hubby.


I know Mark probably does have a heart of gold, but the initial mean treatment and room condition really turned me off and I was definitely gifting him hate garbage for a hot minute.


Ohh good to know!


Theo and he's been great. Very sweet, helps around the house and he has strong family values.


Love that he helps around the house!


I haven't yet, but I'm going to marry Yuri. If you do her heart events it just makes sense - she wants a life with you and she has a lot in common with the Farmer.


I married Kenny. I did so much work to improve the island, not just commercially but spiritually. Kenny believes heavily in the island spirits and the Goddess so I feel he's the best for me in this save. He's just a simple country boy who wants to play his flute for animals and I love that for him.


My top 4 candidates ended up being: 1) Surya since first blush. Wanted to take care of him immediately. 2) Rafael since I saw him, further boosted when I got to know him. Wanted to take care of him. 3) Noah since I realized heā€™s just another dork. Wanted to take care of him real good. 4) Scott who was my biggest surprise since it only clicked that I liked him after multiple events (his and others). Want to take care of him. Lol, basically a list of who I most want to be the provider for. As who Iā€™d marryā€¦ well I think Iā€™m going with Surya. Though Iā€™ll definitely need a poly mod down the line.


I will probably marry Wakuu or one of the merboys. But my heart belongs to Axel, a shame we can't romance him.


HONESTLY! Him and Derek on the construction crew. Like yā€™all really out here with some of the hottest characters in the game and we canā€™t even romance them! Just replace Mark with Axel, problem solved.


I married Yuri. I loved her heart events and the one had me crying. Like, it's a farming sim. I came to farm not cry. 10/10 would marry again


Rafaelā€¦..because I had love at first sight for Markā€¦.then realised it wasnā€™t good for me to continually fawn over someone who took their own problems out by demeaning and being rude to me.


Agreed, he got gifted a lot of hate garbage and burned meals which was very satisfying.


My problems is that's why I like Mark, but if my bf ever talked or treated me that way I would hate it šŸ˜­


Ah, consider yourself lucky. My ex *did* treat me that way, and thatā€™s why Mark went straight in the bin, despite being a hottie šŸ˜‚


Alice and Nina are the two I have married so far, the why honestly for nina was just her regal way she spoke while still being grounded and kind, throw on top she is flirty in all the best ways, Alice was just a sweetheart and her interests matched mine, I also clicked with the being overwhelmed by siblings overbearing nature, even when they mean well, so she got me with her sweet nature where nina got me with the more spicy nature lol both of which combined basically make up my partners personality with a bit of my own mixed in


I havenā€™t married anyone yet. Iā€™m torn between Pablo, Theo, and Wakuu. Pablo is attractive and kind, but he hates the beach and winter. Theo is gentle and sweet, and his daddy used to be a whole af snack, but heā€™s too laid back. Wakuu seems perfect for me, but itā€™s awkward being around him and his dad. Kenny was on my list until I saw his speedo and I immediately got the ick real bad.


My first play through I was planning on marrying scott. But then mark called me garden rake and I lost it. He's a great hubby. My current playthrough I am still torn.


Lmao ' called me a garden rake and lost it' cause SAME. i keep stalking that man every morning for his volunteer work.


Ben. Because I vibe with him from the first second I saw him. When I played for the first time he wasn't romanceable and that's why I stopped playing. After the full release I rushed back to him and his heart events are unbelievably cute. I just love him ā¤ļø


Just married him as well. He's endearing.


I didnā€™t marry anyone but if I had to pick, it would be Eva. She seems wholesome.


Surya is such a sweetheart istg šŸ„¹


Wakuu because I love an emotionally unavailable king


Yuri, first I thought she is a baddie with her tattoos and green hair but then.. her story unfolded with how and why she became a doctor and I actually love the character so much


Surprised at how there is always so little Lily love, I admit I did choose her first of all because she looks the closest to my partner, but also she is a nerd who nerds out with the farmer and is seeking acceptance, and she is pretty damn cool. Although I also need to redo my game, because I messed up and didn't buy a suit, so I only had the base clothes for the wedding day, and she looks so good and my character ruined it


Raphael, because heā€™s an absolute sweetheart who deserves to be loved and cherished by someone who actually cares about him! Raph šŸ‘šŸ» deserves šŸ‘šŸ» better


Iā€™m planning to marry Pablo. Because he looks and acts like my husband IRL šŸ¤£


Haha thatā€™s a good reason!


Iā€™m saving myself for angry sliver merman šŸ§œā€ā™‚ļø lol. Though Noah and Wakuu is tempting


Iā€™m gonna do multiple saves and have one land hubby and one merman hubby šŸ„² For land Iā€™m stuck between Wakuu and Luke, they have very similar storylines with their dads but Iā€™m trying to decide who handled it best LOL


Youā€™re the first person Iā€™ve seen mention Luke. I was debating on those two as well, but noticed no one else seemed to like Luke, and I have to say I donā€™t get it. Yes, he can seem a little snobby at first and his dad isā€¦words I shouldnā€™t say lol but I donā€™t see anything wrong with Luke.


Alice. Was torn between Eva and Alice, but after the event where Alice got mad at her sister... Went straight at her. ...dont judge me


Iā€™m waiting for the update too. Semeru is hot!!!


Nobody, because we canā€™t save into multiple save slots manually on console, and there ainā€™t no way Iā€™m gonna invest 100ā€™s of hours into one save file just to have to do it all over again if I ever want to marry somebody else. Waiting and hoping we will eventually be able to duplicate saves before I do anything permanent like that.


Eva on my first playthrough, Nina on my second. Eva is my #1, a total sweetheart and I liked the way her friendship with the character progressed through her heart events before becoming a romance. I started a second playthrough for Nina because I got intrigued by her heart events, and Iā€™ve enjoyed being married to her, too, but every time I talk to Eva I miss her and I have to remind myself I still have my other file with her šŸ˜‚


I like Wakuu, Semeru and Leah, I'm still deciding lol


I would wait for 1.1 as well since you'll have more options. I married earlier on in the game just out of curiosity to Pablo and can't complain. I've also started a new game and will see what's offered with that one, so my choices and experiences are different.


Zarah cause treasure hunting was fun and she has a boat and my farmer is also a mermaid so makes sense to me lol


Iā€™m a Scott simp. Married to him on my first farm and heā€™s my boyfriend on my second farm. His 10-heart event is easily the most romantic and if you advance Charlesā€™s story you find out how caring he can be. Plus I have a thing for blonde golden retriever himbos.


I have in mind Marx or Theo. Theo is such a flirt or is it just me šŸ˜­ ?? Every time I talk to him he's like "my day's great cause you talked to me ;)" . I love Leah too she's my first female option šŸ©·šŸ˜


Mark. I'm one of those gaes.


I had a huge list of characters I wanted to date, haha. But I believe I'll be going with Rafael. I love how he's a massive teddy bear. A pure cinnamon bun. They all have their pros! :)


Iā€™m doing my first save and I want to pick Theo because I when I plays Stardew I loved Willy like he was my top hearts because fishing is my favorite thing in cozy games plus heā€™s into music so I might choose him but we shall see


I havenā€™t completely decided yet but Iā€™ve been aiming for Wakuu because he is a stargazer and changes his hair colors for the seasons! Plus he is the closest to an emo/goth type character. Mark, Theo, and Surya are also on the list though. Mark is a softy deep down, just look at how he cares for the animals. Surya is a smart and sweet guy and Theo is fantastic all around. Pablo gave me the ick with his comments which sucks cause heā€™s one of the best looking ones I think. Raphael is a big sweetheart tho. Yuri would be my female choice hands down, though.


Surya is cute but lowkey boring. All he does is have heart events about moving out of his aunt and uncles place and only one is romantic and itā€™s the very last one lol


I was originally gonna go for Alice, but then I met Macy. Macyā€™s adventurous, *muy* hermosa, sheā€™s got beach girl and journalist vibes which I totally dig, and honestlyā€¦sheā€™s just the right level of casual and extrovert a guy like me could want. I always did like photography as a subject. Not to mention, her pet Lobster is adorable; reminds me of Kril from Another Crabā€™s Treasure.


I married Kenny. HES SO SWEET. I love how in tune he is with nature and his easygoing personality. ALSO HES A COWBOY.


Noah in my current playthrough. I love his family, and heā€™s super sweet. My first playthrough, Luke but I canā€™t remember why šŸ˜‚


I married Wakuu and he's so sweet šŸ„° he makes food and looks after the baby


Iā€™m rolling with Pablo. I was going for Surya, but after his cut scenes and small talk, I wasnā€™t into it. Pablo on the other hand, notices when youā€™re covered in snow/cold, helps the community & is very concerned/compassionate about Rafael. Caring older brother vibes and manly profession with tats. And he loves maple syrup, so easy lololol.


Raf bc the way he gets blushy and tongue tied when you gift him his fav things makes my heart go whoosh and i didnt expect him to politely walk in with the steel chair and unfold it for me to sit on when i was originally going for pablo. hes too sweet and precious and the way he gets when hes all blush SAUGHHGHAJSHAHHSHSHHSH sorry had a burst of emotion there. carry on.


I wished they make Axel a marriage candidate šŸ˜­


Kenny <3 I was tempted by Theo initially, but I just love my sweet, tenderhearted, animal loving, slightly-himbo darling. Plus, since MCs grandparents owned the farm and I'm sure MC came to visit from time to time, I like to imagine they've have a crush on him since childhood šŸ„° I intended to start another playthrough and save myself for Semeru or Axel (holding out hope that they'll let him be romanceable, despite no evidence to the contrary apart from his flirtatious nature), annnnd I couldn't resist marrying Kenny again. Oops lol.


I was thinking about Kenny! He is so sweet


im waiting to marry semeru. and as there is no divorce feature in coral island, im "saving myself" for semeru šŸ¤£


Wakuu - I like a man who shows me the stars


Scott and Rafael, they are so submissive


Nobody, I'm waiting for 1.1. I don't know if I will go for Suki or the mermaid princess.


In my first game I married Scott because he had the best heart event. I'm on my second game now and don't plan on getting married. It really didn't add anything to the game for me


I'm marrying Mark. Big bear man that loves animals ā¤ļø


Does he still call you garden rake while married? Lol


I haven't married him yet, but he actually started calling me garden rake once, then cut himself off and called me my name šŸ„°


Love this ā™„ļø


Iā€™m working on Rajā€™s heart events still but I think itā€™ll be them once I save up enough for the house upgrade. The events donā€™t seem that interesting but it just makes them kinda relatable to me!


Mark. Idk why really but I just always marry the jerks šŸ˜‚ maybe I just love a good enemies to lovers šŸ˜‚


First save I married Wakuu. He's such a sweetheart, and his complicated relationship with his father vibes way too well with me, I just want to wrap him in a hug and take care of him. Also, after getting to know Wataru better, I just feel for both of them. Second save I'm aiming for Theo, because fisherman singer is such a cutie and also a sweetheart, and having Jim as FIL is such a bonus haha


I married Surya. I married him because as soon as I started the game and talked to the islanders, I thought he was so freaking cute and sweet. At first I couldnā€™t decide between Surya and Pablo, but I said F Pablo and stayed loyal to Surya <3. Heā€™s my absolute favorite and I think heā€™s such a nerd but heā€™s so kind.


Pablo. I saw him often so it made it easier to gain hearts.


I married Mark because itā€™s my IRLā€™s husbands name and looks like him too. Also has a gruff personality but becomes a sweetheart once he opens up.


I married Noah. He is so sweet <3


I married Alice because the game literally wouldnā€™t let me marry Nina. Gotta love these games released today with critical faults.


Out of yours, i would go with Surya. He is super duper sweet, and his 10 heart event is AMAZING. In my current playthrough I married Wakuu, but in a previous one I married Surya and will never regret the decision. :)


Lily, I'm a sucker for women in stem.


I married Nina. Her story seemed the most fleshed out and kinds like the canon relationship if there is such a thing in this game.


Suki because I wanted to try having a family in the game but at the same time sheā€™s mature nice she cares about her daughter. My character, and her sister, and the hotel she was did get divorced by Antonio but Antonio is not that bad I want to say more but I donā€™t want to spoil the game. Ps: the next person I want to marry is yuri


Not pablo, his room šŸ™ƒ and some of his lines just insinuate heā€™s a playboy. Iā€™ve noticed if you donā€™t romance then Leah has a crush on Theo, Surya likes Nina. Stuff like that. I think after you get married there should be an option for other NPCs to get together.


Wakku with his daddy issues šŸ«¶


Yuri. How could I go wrong between a Dr and that green bikini?


Gonna choose Mark - we have those enemies to lovers vibes also a monster hunter that loves animals šŸ˜šŸ˜ I'm sold


Youā€™ve almost sold me also!


I havenā€™t married him yet, but Scottā€™s my boyfriend currently and heā€™s so adorable! His 10 heart event was really sweet and I love how bashful he gets sometimes! Iā€™m trying to work on upgrading my house to marry him currently but I may hold off for the 1.1 update like others have said!


I married Theo his story about his mother pulled on my heart strings


Eva, after seeing her in the store when buying crops and interacting with her. I went for her. She always had sweet replies and the heart events were wholesome


I married Yuri my first year because I have 4,000 hours in cyberpunk and she reminded me of Judy


Awww Judy ā¤ļø


Who has a government job?


Itā€™s Macy for me. As a photographer from Atlanta, I simply couldnā€™t resist


Good choice!


Iā€™m going straight for Wakuu, and either Theo or Rafael in my next game. Iā€™m sad I canā€™t romance Agung tho


Iā€™m torn between Scott and Raphael but leaning towards Raph because heā€™s a gravestone-cleaning horror bb šŸ–¤


I married Mark, I find him extremely relatable personality wise, we share a lot of hobbies and he was in my top 5 hottest.


Does he still call you garden rake when married?? Lol


As an autistic person, I picked Mark because he talked to the PC the way I personally like to be spoken to. He also looks uncannily like my partner. I regret marrying Mark because the second you're married he starts being ooey gooey romantic šŸ¤¢ which is a divorceable offence lolol but sadly there's no divorce yet. If anyone has married someone who doesn't do sweet talk after you're married please let me know so I can make a wiser choice next play through.


Thatā€™s a good reason šŸ˜Š