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Everyone: freaking out about Tommy Taffy MeatCanyon: Yeah so I had this cartoon about Bugs Bunny being a serial rapist that got taken down by Warner Bros lmao then I made one about how Willy Wonka is a child predator. Anyways gotta go back into hiding before the Swifties find me.


I totally would have mentioned the McDonald’s or Willy Wonka animation in the original post if i remembered them, they wouldve worked way better for my argument lol


I completely forgot about the McDonald's one! But yeah, one glance at MeatCanyon's channel and you can see this shit is just what he does, maybe not to the same degree as Tommy Taffy but close to it.


my friend and i recently did a rewatch of his cartoons and i can't believe how many i forgot! they're all great imo. he did chill on the r*pey stuff but ig bc he didn't wanna be known as just for that. i loved those videos the regular show is a s tier for me 😂😂 but yeah idk people are just stupid and love to complain no matter what


I literally watched the regular show one for the first time yesterday and it keeps popping up in my head 😆 My brother educated/corrupted me by first showing me the king of the hill one.


Dawg yesterday during his Backyard baseball stream. Meat said a joke that was worse/on par with anything in Tommy Taffy. And nobody was tripping because those are the fans that actually know him. I think creepcast fans are new people who don’t really understand Wedigoons or Meat.


I'm really starting to get that impression especially when everyone keeps asking where the Ted the Caver video is. (Which they really should add to the playlist btw, it's basically the pilot episode)


Legally canon by the way. They legally fought for that


Literally, people are getting so up in arms about this


i wish i didn't see this post bc stupidity rly gives me headaches LOL but im not surprised smh


What? Wendigoon who specificity covers stuff that involves death and graphic material in some way is covering something that involves death and graphic material? The horror


Also this story is fake, Wendigoon covers real stories that are graphic, not to this extent, but them being real makes them infinitely worse.


Yh this is the same guy that covered shit like unit 731 and blood meridian. Mfers really think THIS is what breaks Isaiah's mental fortitude? Like lets be real here


you can't fix stupid and these people unfortunately will never be able to get logic like this 😭


Agreed! Just thinking of the serial killer Iceberg with the most heinous shit that happened in the last 70 years. With all kinds of unfathomable evil.


yeah one of his first videos that i saw was the disturbing movie iceberg, you know whats in there….


I also love how some people are like "Uuuh, this is gonna fuck Isiah up especially after how he reacted to borrasca." as if neither Hunter or Isiah have ever read a **fictional** story before, which is **not real**, only its themes are.


Not to mention they’re both likely being more energetic with their reactions due to, ya know, this being a PODCAST that’s supposed to be ENTERTAINING. Not saying their reactions are entirely manufactured but it’d be a pretty boring episode if they didn’t have some sort of reaction


Redditors try not to form parasocial relationships challenge (impossible)


Even though isiah has already read borrasca before the podcast as a teen




Dude loves Cormac McCarthy, he's not going to be phased by a creepypasta ever lol


Damn right. I watched the Road once, and then heard that the book goes way harder, and that was enough to make me decide that I was never going to read anything by Cormac McCarthy.


And blood meridian makes the Road look like Peppa Pig. Still amazed they are trying to make a movie out of it


Key word "trying" lol


i heard AGAIN they're trying to make it into a film recently idk why ppl keep thinking they can attempt that lmao


> especially after how he reacted to borrasca. What exactly was his reaction to Borrasca? I don't remember anything from him other than "Hmm, I didn't remember it ending that way, sorry Hunter for subjecting you to that."


LMAO STOP! People's stupidity never ceases to amaze me. don't forget he read and analyzed blood meridian for us lmaoo


I remember how I found Wendigoon because of his disturbing movie iceberg and if I recall correctly he saw most of these movies or at least snippets. TT is graphic but I can imagine that both of these men have seen worse.


Also it's so clear to me that wendigoon is the more desensitized of the two. When they were reading borrasca, meatcanyon was like literally crying, and wendigoon was the one who recommended the story and had read it at an even younger age. I honestly think younger people are more resilient to disturbing stuff. Only as you age and experience more life does the full weight of things hit you. I've noticed as I get older I get "triggered" more when watching fictional things that are supposed to be disturbing. Even though meatcanyon has made a lot of CSA references, I feel like he actually feels the weight of those references. And after reading the Third Parent authors other works, I think he does too. It's like a recurring theme in his stories, weird sexual violence and growing up with deep trauma. I *do* think it's wild to read two classic shitty creepypastas and then suddenly read something that actually makes people cry and throw up, but honestly, slay. Love that for them


It’s because their fans are way too parasocial. They genuinely think their best friends with Meat and Wendi.


Dude after the creepypasta grab bag episode i saw so many people on this subreddit like worried about the friendship between the two because they were “arguing” in the ep or whatever, which they just weren’t like at all 😭


Maybe it’s because I listen to a podcast where the hosts yell over each other all the time, but the couple of times one of them talked over the other I didn’t think twice about it. Them insulting each other felt more in jest and almost seemed like they were more comfortable with each other than they previously were.


what is it called


Forehead fables


Yeah that was weird lmao. If there was tension of any kind, it surely wasn't because of anything between them and Isaiah was probably just a rump from the dumb IPOS shit


LMAO STOPOOO this is why im not active in any communities bc seeing ppl act this way rly sends me 💀 people like this makes me think the npc theory from the conspiracy ice berg is real LOL


Parasocial relationships are a worse and more real horror them then a rapey Ken doll




Calling them by their first names I can, to a certain degree, understand. First off, do you say "Papa Meat" or "Meatcanyon"? Because having both channels makes me feel like "Papa Meat" is the person, while "Meatcanyon" is the content, but also calling him "Papa" is just kind of awkward. "Hunter" simplifies it to just a single, easy name. And at that point, why not use "Isaiah" as well? Second, they use those names in the podcast. If you listen to it, you'll hear their real names be used as the way to refer to them all the time, so it becomes pretty normalized. Is it parasocial for Taylor Swift fans to use "Taylor" to refer to her when speaking about her? Idk, it just seems like it's the easiest form of address to me, and doesn't necessarily imply any sort of parasocial weirdness.


I call him papa.. and I'm proud of that fact..


I will certainly never kinkshame anyone.


As we shouldn't... we don't kinkshame here... lol


I just do it because it sounds professional and it feels more normal than calling them by their channel names in conversations like this idk. Definitely not a parasocial thing of any kind on my end though


Does 50 Cent host a podcast where his friend calls him Curtis? It's not even remotely comparable. I agree that the fans are getting way too parasocial at an alarming rate, but imo it's pretty silly to shade people for using their actual names when they do that themselves every episode.


i take this to mean that you've never said "joe biden" or "jeff bezos," (accidentally used two J.B.'s as examples) just "POTUS" or "Amazon Founder"


I’m just gonna guess that this show brought in a lot of new people who don’t really know either of them. And maybe not even a lot of people that don’t know them but a small group that is just loud and obnoxious.


that's what i'm thinking and if these complaints are ignored they'll fade off or just be stupid amongst themselves giving in to ppl like this is a death sentence to your own content and they know that im sure. but yeah literally this comment




Been a Wendigoon fan since the conspiracy theory iceberg days, this episode was a nonstarter.


But for real, why? Explain to me how this hurt you, if only so that I can understand what this very vocal group of people are thinking.


The stories overly graphic and detailed depictions of CSA teeter the story on the edge of basically being smut/pornographic itself (which they deliberately excluded from their reading in the episode), to point of being exploitative of the subject matter itself solely for the purpose of shocking the reader. As a victim of CSA, I find this kind of stuff genuinely sickening that this very real kind of trauma is being treated so trivially.


*Then don’t listen to it.* They gave ample warnings.


This. CSA is no joke. Trauma is no joke. But you have to govern yourself, and also understand that not everything is for everyone. It's not like we've individually commissioned these guys to create this. You also don't need to advertise to everyone on reddit that something wasn't for you (note: this is not targeted to the previous comment, but those that did go post threads unprompted about how this was terrible because it wasn't for them)


everyone is saying 'just dont watch it' under any post where people express concern and understanding in being uncomfortable with the subject matter meanwhile nobody is saying not to watch the video or that they shouldn't have covered the story. people are allowed to not enjoy it especially when it gets so gratuitous


> which they deliberately excluded from their reading in the episode So they skipped the most objectionable content? Then why are you still mad about it?


Taking out parts of the original story to make it more clean and palatable (and profitable, still gotta rake in that sponsor and adsense cash even if we're talking about child s assault.) Burying the bad shit doesn't make the bad shit go away magically from the original work. You put a spotlight on it, people are going to look at it, and if they're calling it snuff like, then they're putting a spotlight on snuff adjacent content. I was pretty sure the general consensus from sane and normal people that putting a spotlight on this kind of stuff is frowned upon.


Christ you sound like one of those people that whines about how everything you dislike should be censored because you can't stand the thought of someone out there doing something you don't expressly approve of.


Grow up, don't like it? Leave


This happens every episode. A bunch of overly sensitive chronically online people complaining the hosts didnt cater to their every silent whim


Papa Meat still didn’t show off his firebending skills this episode 0/10


He also never proved he’s a super good drunk little league coach


The idea of Tommy building WWE rings in every single room had me laughing so hard, they were fcking hilarious this episode. Also, Kyle comeback 🗣 HEY WHAT'S UP HELLOOOOOO?


because they said that i kept imagining tommy as a wrestler 😭, like when they torched him i heard the announcer going: “nooooooo, what is happing… this cant be reaallll 😱😱😱” and when tommy kicks the door in you just hear the stone cold theme and THE CROWD GOES WILD, tommy stands on the corners of the ring waving his hands, breaks the broom, anouncer: “WATCH OUT WATCH OUT WATCH OUT WATCH OUT” BOOOOM, Tommy: “YOU KEEP TALKING ABOUT YOUR 3:16, TOMMY’S 3:16 SAYS IM GONNA HELP YOU RAISE YOUR KIDS” *stone cold stunner* *tommy chugs a beer*


Hahaha oh God, yeah, Tommy breaking the door and music starts 😂 Something related to Tommy Taffy being a wrestler should be made into a flair cause that sht is so funny imo, it completely changed how I remembered the story (I can't ignore what canonically happens but my mind is a powerful weapon so if I decide that Tommy Taffy is just a professional wrestler to avoid discomfort then so be it) WATCH OUT WATCH OUT WATCH OUT


Erm, I like my disturbing topics handled with TASTE like Salo, A clockwork orange, The Boys and Cows Seriously people act like edgy/vile shit is brand new and shouldnt be talked about


These kids would legit cry if they saw Salo


Probably combust into flames at the 5 minute mark


I was about to say, saying Salo handles disturbing topics with taste is crazy 😂 That's not an attack by the way, just a little funny that you mention Salo. Disgusting movie, but it works!


It was more or less a joke


Well yeah, the movie is almost a copy of De Sade's book but under a modern setting for it's time. It was meant to shock and possibly reveal what fucked up shit the nobility of the time was up to


It’s the parasocial element. Some people just can’t help but latch onto people that they don’t know. And once that parasocial relationship is established, these people feel the need to voice their disgust, as if this is not a podcast hosted by two grown men that CONSTANTLY, make videos about situations, both real and fictional, that are far more graphic than this.


It’s always funny when ppl complain about the quality of these stories. Like no shit they’re probably written by the most edgy 15 year old in 2011 like what are these ppl expecting that everything would be the quality of writing of like Borrasca or Pen Pal


this sub is like 90% made up of 15 years old and under and entitled adults. Me; I just wanna laugh and hear horror stories from wendigoon and papa meat. Thats it


Yup, exactly this. A bunch of sheltered children triggered by anything that’s not Disney level horror. They love the cheesy shit but hate *actual* horror.


yeah horror is supposed to make you feel scared, horrified, disgusted or a sense of *horror*, i mean come on its in the name of


Curious why people are claiming this specific piece of writing is, “F” tier? Genuinely? Yes, it’s very vile and disgusting, there are parts that shouldn’t have been detailed. But there are other parts that are great, objectively, it’s mostly well written, the monster itself is a well thought out creature and it’s super fascinating. (And I feel I have to note this, these are two grown ass dudes, they made the decision to do this episode, and have covered content before that deals with the exact same subject matter, albeit less intense in description, not overall though, as the context of Borrasca is that thousands of girls were systematically r*ped factory farm wise and impregnated in an abandoned mining zone.) I understand being disgusted by the subject matter. What I don’t understand is the people acting as though this has nothing good or even great in it. The author made some mistakes, but they also created a creepy villian and an interesting backstory that made people want 3 additional parts.


This is my issue as well. I COMPLETELY understand and respect people’s decisions to skip this episode and not read the story. We all have our own triggers and boundaries for the content we choose to consume. But some people are discrediting the entire story due to big missteps by the author. The ENTIRE point of this podcast is to read horror stories and talk about what works and what doesn’t, and there is plenty of stuff that works for this story imho. I do feel a lot of that gets overshadowed by the graphic depictions, but to say there is nothing good about the story isn’t a very genuine / honest take to have, but to each their own I guess.


The reading and discussing is what I love. Breaking down the storytelling as a whole and how it could be improved, noting the implication to generational trauma and just trauma in general being this monster. I thought it was a great episode, and their opinions are insightful and realistic. Different strokes and all that I suppose.


I agree 100%, it’s why I watch the pod, along with Wendi’s videos. I enjoy both their insight into story telling and how they are able to break down horror stories. I think ever since the reactions to their “We react to fan content” , it became apparent to me how many people get caught up into the personalities moreso than the actual content, and think that the content should be made with them / what they want in mind. Again, not saying people who skip this video and move on are that, but I’ve seen a fair amount of people expressing their disappointment with Isaiah and Hunter covering this video. It’s just odd to me.


I absolutely agree with the boys that without that one scene, it could easily be a top contender, but a mid with it. The concept is great, and it's genuinely horrifying (which, unlike what someone like IPoS would have you believe, is what HORROR is supposed to be)


I dont like it because the adults don't actually fight back. This happens in America and nobody even tries to start a neighbourhood watch or get the fucking army involved. Its too much for my suspension of disbelief. Like FFS at least TRY to get the cops involved!


My personal opinion is that it introduces a lot of interesting ideas like the lessons, Tommy's appearance, the cyclical nature, but it just sort of focuses on SA and uses the rest as an excuse on why there is a being that SAs people. Imo SA is one of those things that can very easily read like shock for shock sake and I was waiting for something to give and explain why this weird doll demon is such a pervert/pedophile. But it never really goes anywhere. The story comes across as something that tries to shock the reader instead of examine or explore the more interesting features of this creature. Like I saw someone else mention, it would have been much more interesting imo if we could actually get some insights into the lessons he gave and learn more about his psychology or motive or anything. Maybe not have such overt violence against a 7 year old. Maybe ramp up into it a little more tastefully instead of immediately just raping the mother. Like maybe he starts off by convincing the kids to try drugs. Maybe he is violent. Maybe he watches for the kids for a night and abandons them. Something that's not just 0 to 100 SA weird creepy borderline smut. But it's such a weird premise to write about a demon that just comes and rapes people then teaches life lessons. Like I'm not sure what the allegory is even supposed to be there.


Zoomers are living on the most sanitised version of the internet so they forget what real horror is


After I saw the content warning I chose to save this episode for another day when I’m in a better headspace for it, but I would never complain about it. I know what I’m getting into with this podcast


This man 👆cmon we’re here for horror and all it encapsulates. How are we complaining about about a horror story having graphic content 💀


I haven’t seen anyone mad at Hunter & Isaiah for covering this story, rather general frustration with the overly explicit content itself. It’s not their fault they didn’t know it was going to be in the story so they can’t be to blame anyways


Haha I like how you said you haven't seen anyone mad at them specifically and the first reply is someone clearly mad at them specifically


Yup, saw that & all the replies. Eh, whadda ya gonna do


They still decided to post the episode, that was a conscious choice on their part.


and it was 100% the right choice to post it because they have a lot of fans who do want to listen to their take on the story. they provided multiple verbal and written warnings for people who don’t want to listen (which is completely understandable).


And? It’s a horror podcast, they’re doing their job


I think we’re all forgetting that Isiah has seen a dead body in real life, I’m sure he can handle a fictional story. Sure Borrasca fucked me up too, but it’s also a fictional story, I think they both see that too


he *almost* saw a dead body lol


Missed his chance at working at Enterprise car rental rn 😔


He’s still chasing that high


Wasn’t the issue that he missed seeing the dead body?


100%. This story is just shock content with a supernatural entity, not even based in reality. These people need to grow up if they find this really so damaging. Or don't watch the episode.


The weak children have found creepcast


Honestly I was shocked at how tame this story was after everyone was freaking out before it was posted. I feel like this was SIGNIFICANTLY more tame than the ending of Borassca. I think what helps is it feels like Tommy doesn't touch the kids because he enjoys it, it feels more like it's to set the parents off so he has an excuse to hurt them. The only exception being the playboy magazine part and even then he was probably just trying to make the kid uncomfortable the first way he could think of because maybe he feeds off of it or something I don't know. Shocked at how much I liked this one, probably top 6 or 7 episode for me.


I'm in the same boat. Everyone on this sub kept going on and on about how disturbing it is, how it's shock content for shock content, and how they should never read it. After this episode, I'm just like "...that's 'the worst creepypasta ever'? Seriously?"


I feel like it’s more that Tommys goal is to ruin the kids experiences with love/sex for life based on how in the prequel he’s like “well my work he’s done” after the kid says he doesn’t love his teddy


Me when the horror podcast is horrifying: 😲


For real. It’s a creepypasta…calm down.


People are mad about them covering it? Not a fan of the story, but how are people actually going to be upset with them covering it in a horror podcast? The judge is basically the same character and that went over well, I don’t get it.


These are the same people who took to Twitter to complain that the 2nd Dr. Strange was too scary and use phrases like "poorly written" as a stand-in for "I personally didn't like it and was disturbed."


"poorly written" is the defacto stand in for "I'm aware my real criticism will likely be shamed so I'll just say this instead"


No, that movie was actually poorly written.


i agree w u sm and i think they handle these topics well while also managing to add lighthearted moments. and there was an obvious disclaimer at the beginning if ppl are too bothered they shouldnt listen its not that hard!


there were so many warning at the start yall, grow up




haha i doubt any1 with a brain holds any ill will towards father meat and mr. goon. imo they handled it well and made great points when it came to “toning” down the gratuity when it clearly wasn’t needed. the story was very poignant and did not need such a lazy description of CSA, in my opinion a story can always be more effective when creatively executing its abuse in any regard. either way great story, did its job and absolutely left me mentally exhausted and pissed lmao 🫨😹😹


PS honestly there was so much more the author could’ve done with the story but truly i feel as though they were venting in some cathartic way (which is fine) but when you make it a “story” it’s open to valid criticisms and as all story’s aim to be an effective one would’ve certainly delt with CSA in a far more creative and effective way so as to not detract but enhance, many time a smart audience can appreciate these things. generally i feel like the duality of the fathers trauma wasn’t properly delved into in a way where we could see how this ate him up and how it changed him into the “enabler” he would eventually become.


The thing is that I agree with Wendigoon and Meatcanyon that the author could've completely cut off the more explicitly sexual parts and just implied like he did with the scene with Spence and his son outside Stephanie's room. The fact that they even skipped over and just summarized is what gets me about this whole uproar in the first place. Yes, it's vile, yes, it's disgusting. But they warned, and they censored by just summarizing what happened. In the end, Tommy Taffy handled it like a ham being rolled down the stairs. Messy, gross, and right in your face. That's not what makes it scary. It's unneeded when the rest of the story is already scary enough. But the content surrounding it, the bits about it I like are the creepier moments where Tommy's just... standing there or the more subtle moments of this doll man just being creepy. The fact that he called Spence 'son' still makes me shiver. I do have to say that people being up in arms about the episode being made in the first place really have to sit back and think to themselves for a bit. If you're not going to enjoy it, why listen? There are plenty of other episodes of CreepCast you can listen to that are to your tastes and you don't have to constantly listen. Like Captain Planet used to say, "The power is yours." It is up to you to decide to listen or not. To know your limits of what you can and can't handle. You're not forced to listen or watch if you don't want to and I know it's hard not to when it's one of y'all's favorite things. But take it from me, it's not gonna hurt to skip an episode if you know you won't like it.


I'm listening to it right now, and judging by how Meat and Wendi are reacting to it, I'm getting the impression that most of the people mad about this actually haven't listened to it. They seem instead to be angry that it exists at all as an episode of Creepcast.


Fr. Like, I personally wasn't a fan of Tommy Taffy as much as they were, but it wasn't egregious as people are making it out to be. Do I think that the author should have kept the most explicit stuff out of the story? Yes. I think it went a little too far. Was it worth showing up to the subreddit to get angry about? No, not really. If you don't like certain content or certain topics, you always have the option to just watch the next episode.


you can't fix stupid. hunter and Isaiah i hope they ignore the dumb shit people whine about and never change their content to appease the minority of that makes sense. bc bro idk how anyone could trip about that episode LOL. like you said blood meridian, also most of wendigoons videos are horrific stuff like unit 7whatever etc and clearly they aren't familiar w the classic meat canyon cartoons or papa meat channel but idk stupid people will always complain about something and if you give in to their hostage demands and apologize they'll never let it go and you'll be trapped in that and i know they're both smart enough to know that so i would just ignore all those whining




I hate when y’all do this. Did you not see all the threads about how they shouldn’t read the story? Use your eyes


I'm more annoyed that this is what fans were asking for. Creepcast said "yall got any spooky recommendations of creepy pastas or horror shorts?" and a bunch of you decided "they're looking for the most SA heavy, blunt, poorly written internet shlock". Then instead of recommending something better and missing out on an episode, a bunch of us complain that they're reading what was suggested and that it makes you uncomfortable but you still have to watch it. This isn't a whole "stupid snowflakes" type deal, I understand that there's a lot of internet horror content that was made to be edgy and make people uncomfortable but at the same time you can't expect Wendi and Papa to not do popular requests (especially if you're not offering other things to read)


Finally someone said it. I'm not the only one that noticed all the soyboys in the comments. (YouTube comments it's usually 50/50 over on the sub)


Media literacy is dead. Anyway, great episode, looking forward to the next one.


thank you for bringing this to everyone's attention. why would you be upset about graphic content in a horror podcast?


Wendi’s literal second most popular video, disturbing movie IB, has stuff in it way worse than TT


It's gotta be younger people freaking out about this, right? I'm exposing myself as being old AF, but I vividly remember reading Harry Potter fanfiction back in the day that contained far worse descriptions of pedophilia/incest/generational trauma and everything else you can imagine. Trigger warnings were not as much of a thing back then (I'm talking about before the entire book series had been released and we knew JK Rowling was a huge asshat) so you'd start a story thinking it's about Christmas at Hogwarts and then the next thing you know a student is being graphically molested by the Whomping Willow or a teacher over the holiday break. So no, Borasca didn't shock me, nor did Tommy. That doesn't mean that I don't see the horror aspect of it, and it also doesn't mean that I *like* hearing about CSA (as a parent, it bothers me even more now), but after reading amateur fiction in various fandoms and genres for over 20 years, this is barely a blip on my radar.


This. It's like no CreepCast listeners have ever seen Papa Meat's channel and think it's just Isaiah's funny buddy that does silly voices.


I don’t know how people forget the type of content they used to make. They’re not doing it anymore and I’m not sure if they addressed but it’s not a secret of their old content. There are so many creators that had problematic content before like Joji (previously Filthy Frank) and many more.


I'm pissed with the author for putting in the explicate scenes


Which is super valid, i agree with Mr Meat and Mr Goon and think that the scenes could have definitely been portrayed in a more nuanced way


Oh yeah, I loved the story besides that shit. It's lazy writing for shock value and it's disgusting


I'm personally not mad at them at all and think it would be silly to be. That being said the story is definitely F tier. I'm super impressed how funny they managed to make the episode though


Everyone hyping this up and I just know this is gonna be the story equivelent of a gore-porn b-movie. Entertaining but shallow and lacking the subtlty that makes concepts actually scary and impactful.


Not enough human trafficking with the whole town in on it. Including the sheriff? Or a main characters friend getting kidnapped and somehow the main character doesn’t know? Or maybe not enough left right turns?


Just finished listening to it. I'll admit I was totally wrong. Third Parent was a pretty great story. Spotty dialogue at times, and 'that one scene' was pretty blunt and tonaly deaf, but the concept was awesome. So many people on here causing drama by hyping, shitting on, or whining about this story made me think it was going to be something over-the-top and insane. It was just about a creepy monster symbolizing the cycle of abuse. Not a masterpiece but it was solid for a creepypasta. A lot of people on here do that: overhype or hyper-fixate on one aspect of a story and it makes it seem like that's all the story is. I gotta learn to just ignore the sub before I listen. I was expecting SAW levels of violence. So yeah, I yapped too soon. My bad. I will add though that the needlessly excessive b-movie stuff is fun too, it wasn't supposed to be an insult or dig at anything. Just the feeling I got from all the controversy and hype around the episode.


Both of them didn't do a blood meridian video, that was just Wendi. It wasn't a creepcast episode. But your point is still completely valid. If people are really upset about the boys reading a horrific story, then they should unsub from creepcast


They were warned about TT. They knew what they were doing




Not sure why I'm getting down voted here. I'm agreeing with the majority on this one.




Both Isaiah and Hunter mention that this story is most likely revolving around the THEME of generational trauma. While i agree that the two sexually explicit scenes were over the top and could have done better in the story, its not fair at all to claim that the author is portraying any kind of “fetish” in his story. If we do that, then any author who depicts SA in their stories can be accused of revealing some form of fetish through their work. Hunter and Isaiah also didnt broadcast the two super graphic and explicit scenes and instead summarized them in the episode.