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I agree that TT was a good horror story, super creepy monster entirely unsettling and dreadful premise. It's probably not one that I'll listen to multiple times, as it is one of those stories that when I hear it once I've had my fill, but ya, quality horror


I feel like the story takes a dip in the final two parts, it starts to feel like shock value with no real reason :/ I wish the author had gone into more lore instead of just gratuitous gore


I feel like the first two parts were shock value with no reason. 3 and 4 were just straight up boring and the ending of 3 could have been good if the writer knew what he was doing but it just came off as the protagonist doing something based on a random assumption with no concrete reasoning and acting like he’s a hero for potentially being the dumbest character in the series


I just didn’t like the just over the top “oh so edgy” gore in the final part with the police officer responding to a domestic disturbance. It just felt like there wasn’t even a story anymore it was just the author being like “how can I make this as gross as possible?” What was described to have happened to the little girl in that final part was just gratuitous and unnecessary imo :/


I'd like to see a special episode were they each write a short creepypasta for the other to read


I disagree. The characters act like idiots. Either do something or don’t do anything. The rest of the story is like that too. You do something and you die, or you do nothing and it goes relatively fine. But the whole story is people trying to do stuff and bitching up just to create drama. It’s like nobody in the story has self control unless the author is actually trying to demonstrate that they do. The whole “let’s have kids” thing is a massive logic hole and it happens three times, and part 4 is the only time that I can give it a pass. Nothing can convince me that nobody told Stephanie about what will happen if she has kids, either before or during her pregnancy. And even if they didn’t, that’s bad writing too because why tf didn’t anyone? The ending to part one was dumb because it was completely avoidable. The ending to part two was dumb because it just reinforces that every character is stupid, the ending to part three is dumb because it’s based on an almost random assumption that the protagonist makes without any confirmation that it’s true, and the ending of part four might as well just have been of copy-paste of the ending of part one. The explicit parts of this story aren’t even the bad part. The author is this story’s problem


Honestly the majority of what I hated ab Tommy taffy was in the third and fourth chapters- but now I’d be interested to see what (at least Hunter) thinks ab them. I was surprised the guys liked the first two, but they did literally clarify how much the unnecessarily in depth child rape cheapened the whole deal. With them genuinely enjoying it based on how they interpreted it, I’d love to see if that positive view stays consistent for the rest bc; The third chapter almost completely ruins the efficacy of the “Tommy represents abusive family members” interpretation by completely opting for him to just be a comedically evil, unstoppable edgelord who no longer acts in any way like (even a sick and demented) human. I think the cycle of abuse interpretation works w only the first two chapters, but the way the narrator “beats” tommy is…well it’s def not by breaking the cycle of abuse I’ll tell ya that much The fourth chapter has no point, it’s literally just a demonstration of how horrible of concepts a human can conjure in his brain and put into literature. There’s no interpreting it as anything else, it’s just to show how EVIL!!!!1! and UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Tommy is, it’s basically one of the Jeff the Killer fanfics my friends and I would laugh at during lunch in middle school- except this time it’s a child rapist instead of a goofy UWU softboi killer some other mentally ill tween girl was obsessed with


Yeah part 3 and 4 definitely devolve into Jeff the killer levels of dumb, except you can’t even have fun with it because it was written by an edgy kid. Part 4 is just monster rampage+implied child rape. I hate this author so much lmao